Thanks to Jack Schitt.
In 2003 (possibly in other versions as well, and possibly as
far back as vb6 [That's true. Rod]) long sections of comments can be inserted in code,
similar to the /* blah blah blah */ convention used in C, C++, and C#.
This is done using the conditinal compiling directive #If.
#If False Then
Everything here will be ignored by the compiler and
(as tested in VB .Net 2003) the IDE
#End If
The #If and #End If must be on their own line, but obviously
everything in between is ignored by the compiler (though the syntax
highlighter still colors keywords)
It should also be noted that in VB .Net 2003, code outline and
intellisence are disabled in conditional compilation sections that
currently evalutate to false or not compiled.
[Intellisense still works in VB 6. Rod]