DevX Articles by Rod Stephens |
This page provides summaries and links to articles I have written for the DevX Web site. Most include source code in both Visual Basic 2005 and C#.
Four Heuristic Solutions to the Traveling Salesperson Problem
January 30, 2007
The Traveling Salesperson Problem doesn't have a realistic single best solution, but you can use heuristics to find good solutions and possibly enjoy big savings on fuel costs.
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Master .NET's Text Tricks
January 1, 2007
Learn how to use the Graphics object's methods to draw text in different fonts-clipped, wrapped, aligned, stretched, and rotated in all sorts of ways.
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Breathe New Life into Old Controls with ExtenderProviders
December 1, 2006
Learn how ExtenderProviders let you add new properties and behaviors to existing controls and components. This article shows how to make extenders to add extra information to existing controls, display status information and instructions, validate required fields, and check that fields are within required bounds.
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Colorful Algorithms: Solving Map-coloring and Related Problems
October 27, 2006
It has been proven that you can always color a map with four colors in such as way that no two adjacent regions have the same color. Unfortunately doing so can be both difficult and time consuming-but it's not too hard to color a map with five colors. This article shows how to quickly color a map with five colors. It includes a simple map editor that lets you try out the algorithm.
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Beautify Your UIs with Perfect Pen and Brush Control
October 18, 2006
Spice up your interfaces by taking full advantage of the Pen and Brush classes capabilities in the .NET Framework. Learn to create dashed and striped lines, control line joins, make custom end caps, and use brushes to create interesting patterns and colorful gradients.
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Decorate Your Code with Astonishing Attributes
September 13, 2006
Attributes provide extra information about your code that allows tools such as Visual Studio to make using your code easier. For example, they tell the Properties window how to display and edit properties and they let you fine-tune XML serialization. This article shows how to use attributes to make your code easier to use.
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