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  Discussion: What VB Versions Do You Use?  

In the January 24, 2003 VB Helper newsletter I asked:

What versions of Visual Basic are you using?

I received enough responses that I feel the answers are statistically signifcant, at least for this newsletter's subscribers. Out of approximately 3950 subscribers, 111 replied. Note that some people use more than one version of Visual Basic so the numbers don't add up to 111.

Here are the overall results.

Version Number Percent
(of 111)
VB 2 1 1
VB 3 2 2
VB 4 1 1
VB 5 11 10
VB 6 100 90
VB .NET (soon) 7 6
VB .NET (for work) 7 6
VB .NET (learning/play) 17 15
VB .NET (work + learning) 24 22

Note that these numbers may be slightly skewed because the newsletter covers far more material for Visual Basic 6 and earlier versions than it does for VB .NET. On the other hand, I have not noticed a lot of people dropping out of the list because they are exclusively using VB .NET. Since most people using VB .NET are moving from previous versions, this subscriber list should be reasonably representative of the Visual Basic developer community. Still, take the results with a grain of salt.


These are comments people added in their replies.
The bulk of my programming is done in VB6, although I have to maintain a couple of legacy apps written in VB3. The only reason they haven't been re-written in VB6 is 'they work' (and I don't have the time). By the way, a couple of clients using these apps are still using Windows 3.1!

I'm keen to make a start with VB.Net, but again, finding the time is my greatest challenge.

Still using VB6. I took a look at .NET and found nothing to impel a change.
Currently using VB 6. Really dread having to learn a new language!
With regard to your poll on VB version usage, I am still using VB6 Professional, I did think about "Upgrading" to the .NET version, but I only use the software for my own entertainment and the cost is too great, I am quite happy to carry on with the trusted VB6.
Well I'm still using visual basic 6 and I've the plan to get visual net but I prefer now visual basic 6
I'm using VB6 for anything I want to get produced in less than an Ice Age, but have also installed VS.Net on my machine and am slowly, very slowly, picking my way through the early stages of DotNet. I love the improvements and refinements that have come with VB.Net, but I still find myself running back for the cover of VB6 when things get tough !
I am still running VB 6 and am of the mind if I go to .NET if will be using C#, but my employer is suggesting I make the plunge to Java. It is so hard to walk away from all my current source only to have to recreate it, or write scripts to translate it all to a new syntax, test every function, create the documentation,and return to the bottom of the learning curve. I have too much work to do as it is....
Right now, I'm using VB6 for most of my programs, and I expect I will keep using it for all my quick 'n dirty work -- hooray for the stop-edit-go feature!

I've started learning VB.Net (and the more I use it, the more I can do with it), and I'd dearly like to find an assignment where I can use it soon.

I'm still with VB6 and intend to stay with it. Reason: I use VB to develop scientific-applications, and do nothing associated with the WWW so I see no reason to upgrade to VB.NET. I don't want to pay the high costs of time and money to "advance" to something I don't need.

Although you didn't ask, I'll add this little item for general information. I think VB is wonderful to use ... in the sense of its Software Development Interface. I really must say, however, that I dislike the Basic language, itself, intensely. The language that was the answer to all my prayers is C, and if Microsoft had created a VB-like environment with C as the core language, I would be sublimely happy. (And incidentally, since I do virtually 100% scientific applications, I've found the additional "features" of C++ to be of no value to me. For my work, Structures are a boon and Classes an unnecessary encumbrance.)

Can not afford VB.Net (Microsoft being the money machine that they are. ;>)
Currently, I have VB6 and VB.net. Am quite comfortable with VB6. I find VB.net very confusing and even frustrating.
VB6. Installed VB.net at home and have "played" a little but since we really can't forsee a business case for migrating our two large "fat-client" applications, we will not use it for the foreseeable future.
In my case, as an independent consultant out of work, my expertise has been VB5/6, specializing in finding memory leaks and doing refactoring work. I'm now focused on learning .Net. I wrote an involved utility in C#/ADO.Net and found it very easy to pick up (I originally learned to program in C, but never advanced to C++). I have both of your .Net books (database and XML) as references, plus a few more good books I've found. I'm now studying ASP.Net and finding it not hard at all, and during this learning all the code has been in VB.Net. I'm going to a [course] the last week of January for "Essential ASP.Net", which, I believe, covers both C# and VB.Net.

The bottom line is this. I want to be equally proficient in C#, VB.Net, ADO.Net and ASP.Net and only work in .Net starting February. It is my understanding that this year the .Net programmer's rates will start to rise, so it's time to get to it and become a .Netter.

[One person requesting anonymity said I could paraphrase his response. This person works in a harsh industrial environment where computers only last 6-12 months. They buy refurbished machine in bulk and swap them out when they die. They use Windows 3.1 because it is very stable and they can quickly swap a machine out and get it back on the LAN. Because Windows 3.1 is a 16-bit operating system, they must use VB 4 and earlier versions. In fact they currently run programs written in VB 2, VB 3, and VB 5. They have some development in VB 5, VB 6, VB .NET (mostly learning), and Java.

An interesting side note: They tried using hardened military-specification computers which cost a lot more but they only lasted 25-50% longer.

What an interesting environment! -- Rod]

vb6, with .net beta installed (and do not like) biggest problem is changing code while debugging restarts from the beginning. will continue to use vb6 with not move to net in the future.
I'am using VB 5 and am very satisfied with it. I'm not planning to migrate to VB .NET
Using VB6. No intention of upgrading as its only a hobby.
Mainly VB6 and Access for new projects

Still supporting and minor updates with VB4

Access very cost-effective for jobs with only a small number of installations, and for prototyping

Will start looking seriously at .Net in 1-2 years, after the first few versions

6 and not currently planning on moving to .net.
I Use VB6. Probably will stay with it for sometime to come.
I'm using VB 6.0. I fact I use it because it's pretty easy and there are many sites with help and code (I'm a new "programmer").
Thank you for keeping me on your email list. I am currently using VB6. The company I work for is slowly migrating to VB.net, but do not see a major change for at least the first half of this year.
Dot Net. Been using it for 6 months now and it rocks!
We currently use VB6 - however we are going across to .Net but felt it better to go for C# than VB.Net. It'll be interesting to see whether this is a common trend. Personally - I miss VB.
We'll I'm using VB6. It gets the job done, it's robust, reliable, and I know how to use it to solve problems. I don't see the need to rebrake ground that has already been cultivated.
I'm mainly using VB6 and 5 and trying vb.net.

Shortly after installing .net I came across my old vbdos discs and couldn't resist installing it as well. vbdos has a calculator example, which I converted to vb5 and 6 and used the upgrade wizard to upgrade it from vb6 to .net. It was interesting to see how the exe file grew and how much slower the start up was. The initial start up on .net was irritatingly slow for something like this. VBdos by far the fastest.

I have noted the comments from ms about how much faster development is with .net. I can see this is the case for asp.net applications, but for window form apps I can't see it is faster. It would be interesting to learn other peoples experience.


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