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High Color Systems
Most computers these days can display millions of colors. To save memory, however, many are set up to display only 256 at one time. Computers use palettes to keep track of the 256 colors available.

The message "This monitor does not support palettes" probably means one of two things. First, you may have an older computer that can display fewer than 256 colors at one time. In that case many of the more advanced programs that use colors and smooth gray shades will not work on your computer.

Second, and more likely, you have your system set to display "high color." In that case your computer can display a different color for every pixel on the screen at once so it does not need to use palettes. Converting the programs for high color is not hard.

First comment out all of the code that deals with palettes. That includes the test with GetDeviceCaps. It also includes calls to GetPalette, GetSystemPalette, SetPalette, and ResizePalette. In most programs these occur in the same subroutine and you can simply comment out the call to the routine. You should also remove the &H2000000 added to color values.

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