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TitleConvert colors that are mostly red, green, or blue into a new color
DescriptionThis example shows how to convert colors that are mostly red, green, or blue into a new color in Visual Basic 6.
Keywordsmostly color, color, SetDIBits, GetDIBits
CategoriesGraphics, API
Subroutine TransformImage uses the GetDIBits API function to quickly load the image's bit data into an array of bytes. For each pixel, the program determines whether the pixel is mostly red, green, or blue. Then if the color matches the target color (e.g. we're searching for mostly red pixels), the program converts the pixel to a new color. For example, this would let you convert all mostly green colors to black.

When it has checked all of the pixels, the program uses SetDIBits to copy the transformed pixel data into an output PictureBox.

Private Sub TransformImage(ByVal from_picture As _
    PictureBox, ByVal to_picture As PictureBox, ByVal _
    to_color As OLE_COLOR, ByVal target_mostly As _
Dim bitmap_info As BITMAPINFO
Dim pixels() As Byte
Dim bytes_per_scanLine As Integer
Dim pad_per_scanLine As Integer
Dim X As Integer
Dim Y As Integer
Dim pixel_mostly As MostlyEnum
Dim to_red As Byte
Dim to_green As Byte
Dim to_blue As Byte

    ' Prepare the bitmap description.
    With bitmap_info.bmiHeader
        .biSize = 40
        .biWidth = from_picture.ScaleWidth
        ' Use negative height to scan top-down.
        .biHeight = -from_picture.ScaleHeight
        .biPlanes = 1
        .biBitCount = 32
        .biCompression = BI_RGB
        bytes_per_scanLine = ((((.biWidth * .biBitCount) + _
            31) \ 32) * 4)
        pad_per_scanLine = bytes_per_scanLine - (((.biWidth _
            * .biBitCount) + 7) \ 8)
        .biSizeImage = bytes_per_scanLine * Abs(.biHeight)
    End With

    ' Load the bitmap's data.
    ReDim pixels(1 To 4, 1 To from_picture.ScaleWidth, 1 To _
    GetDIBits from_picture.hdc, from_picture.Image, _
        0, from_picture.ScaleHeight, pixels(1, 1, 1), _
        bitmap_info, DIB_RGB_COLORS

    ' Get to_color's red, green, and blue components.
    UnRGB to_color, to_red, to_green, to_blue

    ' Modify the pixels.
    For Y = 1 To from_picture.ScaleHeight
        For X = 1 To from_picture.ScaleWidth
            ' See if this pixel is mostly
            ' red, green, or blue.
            If pixels(pixR, X, Y) > pixels(pixG, X, Y) And _
               pixels(pixR, X, Y) > pixels(pixB, X, Y) _
                pixel_mostly = mostly_Red
            ElseIf pixels(pixG, X, Y) > pixels(pixR, X, Y) _
                And _
                   pixels(pixG, X, Y) > pixels(pixB, X, Y) _
                pixel_mostly = mostly_Green
            ElseIf pixels(pixB, X, Y) > pixels(pixR, X, Y) _
                And _
                   pixels(pixB, X, Y) > pixels(pixG, X, Y) _
                pixel_mostly = mostly_Blue
                pixel_mostly = mostly_Tied
            End If

            ' See if this is the target color.
            If pixel_mostly = target_mostly Then
                pixels(pixR, X, Y) = to_red
                pixels(pixG, X, Y) = to_green
                pixels(pixB, X, Y) = to_blue
            End If
        Next X
    Next Y

    ' Display the result.
    SetDIBits to_picture.hdc, to_picture.Image, _
        0, to_picture.ScaleHeight, pixels(1, 1, 1), _
        bitmap_info, DIB_RGB_COLORS
    to_picture.Picture = to_picture.Image
End Sub
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