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TitleCopy a directory, its subdirectories, and the files it holds
Keywordscopy directory, hierarchy, xcopy
CategoriesFiles and Directories, Utilities
Use the FindFirstFile, FindNextFile, and FindClose API functions. Use MkDir to create directories and FileCopy to copy files.
' Copy all files below this directory. Return the
' number of files copied.
Private Function CopyFiles(ByVal from_dir As String, ByVal _
    to_dir As String) As Long
Dim files_copied As Long
Dim dirs As Collection
Dim fname As String
Dim search_handle As Long
Dim file_data As WIN32_FIND_DATA
Dim i As Integer

    Set dirs = New Collection

    ' Get the first file.
    search_handle = FindFirstFile( _
        from_dir & "*.*", file_data)
    If search_handle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE Then
        ' Get the rest of the files.
            ' Get the file name.
            fname = file_data.cFileName
            fname = Left$(fname, InStr(fname, Chr$(0)) - 1)

            ' Skip the files "." and "..".
            If fname <> "." And fname <> ".." Then
                files_copied = files_copied + 1

                ' See if the file is a directory.
                If file_data.dwFileAttributes And _
                    DDL_DIRECTORY Then
                    ' This is a directory.
                    ' Make the new directory.
                    MkDir to_dir & fname

                    ' Save the directory name so
                    ' we can search it later.
                    dirs.Add fname
                    ' This is not a directory.
                    ' Copy the file.
                    FileCopy from_dir & fname, to_dir & _
                End If
            End If

            ' Get the next file.
            If FindNextFile(search_handle, file_data) = 0 _
                Then Exit Do

        ' Close the file search hanlde.
        FindClose search_handle
    End If

    ' Search subdirectories.
    For i = 1 To dirs.Count
        fname = dirs(i)
        files_copied = files_copied + CopyFiles(from_dir & _
            fname & "\", to_dir & fname & "\")
    Next i

    CopyFiles = files_copied
End Function

' Copy from_file to to_file. If from_file is a
' directory, copy it and its files, creating to_file
' if necessary.
Private Function XCopyFile(ByVal from_file As String, ByVal _
    to_file As String) As Long
Dim files_copied As Long

    ' See if from_file is a directory.
    If GetAttr(from_file) And vbDirectory Then
        ' This is a directory.
        If Right$(from_file, 1) <> "\" Then from_file = _
            from_file & "\"
        If Right$(to_file, 1) <> "\" Then to_file = to_file _
            & "\"

        ' Create to_file if necessary.
        On Error Resume Next
        MkDir to_file
        If Err.Number = 0 Then files_copied = 1
        On Error GoTo 0

        ' Copy the files in the directory.
        files_copied = files_copied + CopyFiles(from_file, _
        ' This is not a directory.
        ' Copy the file.
        FileCopy from_file, to_file

        files_copied = 1
    End If

    XCopyFile = files_copied
End Function
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