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TitleGet the system bitmaps for minimizing, restoring, ComboBox arrows, etc.
DescriptionThis example shows how to get the system bitmaps for minimizing, restoring, ComboBox arrows, etc. in Visual Basic 6. The program uses the LoadBitmapNumber API function to load the system bitmaps into an ImageList control. It then displays the images in an ImageCombo control.
Keywordsbitmap, image, system bitmap, system image
CategoriesWindows, Graphics
When the program loads, it calls the LoadSystemImages subroutine to load the system images into an ImageList control and then calls subroutine DisplaySystemImages to display the images in an ImageCombo control.

Subroutine LoadSystemImages uses the LoadBitmapNumber API function to load the system bitmaps into the ImageList.

Subroutine DisplaySystemImages adds the images to an ImageCombo control.

Private Sub Form_Load()
    LoadSystemImages ImageList1
    DisplaySystemImages ImageList1, ImageCombo1
End Sub

Private Sub LoadSystemImages(ByVal iml As ImageList)
Dim mem_dc As Long
Dim mem_bm As Long
Dim orig_bm As Long
Dim wid As Long
Dim hgt As Long
Dim bitmap_number As Long
Dim bm As BITMAP

    ' Create the device context.
    mem_dc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc)

    ' Create the bitmaps.
    picHidden.AutoRedraw = True
    For bitmap_number = OBM_FIRST To OBM_LAST
        ' Load the bitmap.
        mem_bm = LoadBitmapNumber(ByVal 0&, bitmap_number)

        ' Make the device context use the bitmap.
        orig_bm = SelectObject(mem_dc, mem_bm)

        ' Get the bitmap's size.
        APIGetObject mem_bm, Len(bm), bm

        ' Copy the device context into the PictureBox.
        picHidden.Line (0, 0)-Step(picHidden.ScaleWidth, _
            picHidden.ScaleHeight), picHidden.BackColor, BF
        BitBlt picHidden.hdc, _
            0, 0, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, _
            mem_dc, 0, 0, vbSrcCopy
        SelectObject mem_dc, orig_bm
        DeleteObject mem_bm

        picHidden.Picture = picHidden.Image

        ' Copy the picture into the ImageList.
        iml.ListImages.Add , "#" & bitmap_number, _
    Next bitmap_number

    ' Delete the bitmap and dc.
    DeleteDC mem_dc
End Sub

Private Sub DisplaySystemImages(ByVal iml As ImageList, _
    ByVal icb As ImageCombo)
Dim bitmap_number As Long

    Set icb.ImageList = iml
    For bitmap_number = 1 To iml.ListImages.Count
        icb.ComboItems.Add , , _
            m_BitmapNames(bitmap_number), bitmap_number
    Next bitmap_number
End Sub
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