Title | Make a loop that times out after a certain period |
Description | This example shows how to make a loop that times out after a certain period in Visual Basic 6. |
Keywords | timeout, loop |
Categories | Software Engineering, Miscellany |
When you click the FindFile button, the program looks for a specified file. If the program does not find the file, it sleeps for half a second and tries again. If it has not found the file after 5 seconds, the program gives up.
Private Sub cmdFindFile_Click()
Dim file_name As String
Dim found_name As String
Dim got_file As Boolean
Dim start_time As Date
Dim secs As Single
prgFindFile.Min = 0
prgFindFile.Max = 5
prgFindFile.Value = 0
prgFindFile.Visible = True
' Record the start time.
start_time = Now
' Look for the file.
file_name = txtFile.Text
got_file = False
' See if the file is present.
On Error Resume Next
found_name = Dir$(file_name)
got_file = (Err.Number = 0) _
And (Len(found_name) > 0)
On Error GoTo 0
' See if we have the file.
If got_file Then Exit Do
' We did not find the file.
' Get the elapsed time.
secs = DateDiff("s", start_time, Now)
Debug.Print secs
' If elapsed time > 5 seconds, give up.
If secs > 5 Then Exit Do
' Display progress.
If prgFindFile.Value <> secs Then
prgFindFile.Value = secs
End If
' Sleep for 1/5 second before trying again.
Sleep 500
prgFindFile.Visible = False
' See if we found the file.
If got_file Then
' We found the file. Process it.
MsgBox "Found the file."
' We did not find the file.
MsgBox "Did not find the file."
End If
End Sub