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TitleBind a DataGrid to a DataSet at run time in VB .NET
DescriptionThis example shows how to bind a DataGrid to a DataSet at run time in VB .NET.
KeywordsADO.NET, database, DataGrid, DataSet, bind
CategoriesDatabase, Controls
When the program starts, it composes a connect string and uses it to creates two OleDbAdapters, one to load the Addresses table and one to load the TestScores table. It then uses the adapters' Fill methods to load data into a DataSet. It sets the DataGrid's DataSource property to the DataSet and the DataGrid automatically displays the data.
Private m_da_Addresses As OleDbDataAdapter
Private m_da_TestScores As OleDbDataAdapter
Private m_DataSet As DataSet

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal _
    e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    Const SELECT_ADDRESSES As String = "SELECT * FROM " & _
    Const SELECT_TEST_SCORES As String = "SELECT * FROM " & _

    ' Get the database file name.
    Dim db_name As String = Application.StartupPath
    db_name = db_name.Substring(0, db_name.LastIndexOf("\"))
    db_name &= "\Contacts.mdb"

    ' Compose the connection string.
    Dim connect_string As String = _
          "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
          "Data Source=" & db_name & ";" & _
          "Persist Security Info=False"

    ' Create a DataAdapter to load the Addresses table.
    m_da_Addresses = New OleDbDataAdapter(SELECT_ADDRESSES, _

    ' Create a DataAdapter to load the Addresses table.
    m_da_TestScores = New _
        OleDbDataAdapter(SELECT_TEST_SCORES, connect_string)

    ' Create and fill the DataSet.
    m_DataSet = New DataSet
    m_da_Addresses.Fill(m_DataSet, "Addresses")
    m_da_TestScores.Fill(m_DataSet, "TestScores")

    ' Bind the DataGrid to the DataSet.
    dgContacts.DataSource = m_DataSet
End Sub
When the program is ending, it makes an OleDbCommandBuilder object for the adapters. The adapters will use the command builder to make SQL insert, update, and delete commands as necessary to save any changes to the database.

The program then uses the adapters' Update methods to save any changes to the data.

' Save changes to the data.
Private Sub Form1_Closing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e _
    As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles _
    ' Use a CommandBuilder to make the INSERT,
    ' UPDATE, and DELETE commands as needed.
    Dim command_builder As New _

    ' Update the database.
        m_da_Addresses.Update(m_DataSet, "Addresses")
        m_da_TestScores.Update(m_DataSet, "TestScores")
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try
End Sub
For information on database programming in VB .NET, see my book Visual Basic .NET Database Programming.
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