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TitleMake extension methods to convert file sizes into strings giving sizes in KB, MB, etc. in Visual Basic .NET
DescriptionThis example shows how to make extension methods to convert file sizes into strings giving sizes in KB, MB, etc. in Visual Basic .NET.
KeywordsListBox, TextBox, set tabs, tabs, tab stops, set tab stops, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET
CategoriesSoftware Engineering, Files and Directories

This example defines two extension methods for converting a file size in bytes into a value ending with an appropriate size such as KB, MB, or GB.

The first method uses the StrFormatByteSize API function.

<System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("shlwapi", _
    CharSet:=CharSet.Auto)> _
Private Function StrFormatByteSize(ByVal fileSize As Long, _
    ByVal buffer As StringBuilder, ByVal bufferSize As _
    Integer) As Long
End Function

' Return a file size created by the StrFormatByteSize API
' function.
<Extension()> _
Public Function ToFileSizeApi(ByVal file_size As Long) As _
    Dim sb As New StringBuilder(20)
    StrFormatByteSize(file_size, sb, 20)
    Return sb.ToString()
End Function
This gives the same result that Windows Explorer does for a file. Unfortunately the StrFormatByteSize API function uses long integers to store byte values so it can only handle up to 2,147,483,647 bytes or a bit less than 2 GB. Modern computers often work with values greater than 2 GB and in some cases more than 1 TB (1 terabyte = 1024 gigabytes).

The following extension method uses the Double data type to overcome this restriction.

' Return a string describing the value as a file size.
' For example, 1.23 MB.
<Extension()> _
Public Function ToFileSize(ByVal value As Double) As String
    Dim suffixes As String() = {"bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", _
        "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"}
    For i As Integer = 0 To suffixes.Length - 1
        If (value <= (Math.Pow(1024, i + 1))) Then
            Return ThreeNonZeroDigits(value / Math.Pow(1024, _
                i)) & " " & suffixes(i)
        End If
    Next i

    Return ThreeNonZeroDigits(value / Math.Pow(1024, _
        suffixes.Length - 1)) & _
        " " & suffixes(suffixes.Length - 1)
End Function

' Return the value formatted to include at most three
' non-zero digits and at most two digits after the
' decimal point. Examples:
'         1
'       123
'        12.3
'         1.23
'         0.12
Private Function ThreeNonZeroDigits(ByVal value As Double) _
    As String
    If (value >= 100) Then
        ' No digits after the decimal.
        Return value.ToString("0,0")
    ElseIf (value >= 10) Then
        ' One digit after the decimal.
        Return value.ToString("0.0")
        ' Two digits after the decimal.
        Return value.ToString("0.00")
    End If
End Function
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