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TitleSolve a system of equations with Gaussian elimination in VB .NET
DescriptionThis example shows how to solve a system of equations with Gaussian elimination in VB .NET.
Keywordssolve, equations, system of equations, Gaussian elimination, VB.NET
The system of equations is of the form:

    A1*x1 + B1*x2 + ... + N1*xn = c1
    A2*x1 + B2*x2 + ... + N2*xn = c2
    Am*x1 + Bm*x2 + ... + Nm*xn = cm = 0

For example:

    9 * x1 + 4 * x2 = 7
    4 * x1 + 3 * x2 = 8

You can write these equations as a matrix multiplied by a vector of variables x1, x2, ..., xn, equals a vector of constants c1, c2, ..., cn.

    | A1  B1  ...  N1 |   | x1 |   | c1 |
    | A2  B2  ...  N2 |   | x2 |   | c2 |
    |         ...     | * |... | = |... |
    | Am  Bm  ...  Nm |   | xm |   | cm |

Subroutine LoadArray loads data from text boxes into an augmented matrix that includes the constants:

    | A1  B1  ...  N1  c1 |
    | A2  B2  ...  N2  c2 |
    |         ...         |
    | Am  Bm  ...  Nm  cm |
' Load the augmented array.
' Column num_cols + 1 holds the result values.
' Column num_cols + 2 will hold the variables' final values.
Private Function LoadArray(ByRef num_rows As Integer, ByRef _
    num_cols As Integer) As Double(,)
    Dim value_rows() As String
    Dim coef_rows() As String
    Dim one_row() As String
    Dim arr(,) As Double

    ' Build the augmented matrix.
    value_rows = Split(txtValues.Text, vbCrLf)
    coef_rows = Split(txtCoefficients.Text, vbCrLf)
    one_row = Split(coef_rows(0), " ")
    num_rows = coef_rows.GetUpperBound(0) + 1
    num_cols = one_row.GetUpperBound(0) + 1
    ReDim arr(num_rows - 1, num_cols + 1)
    For r As Integer = 0 To num_rows - 1
        one_row = Split(coef_rows(r), " ")
        For c As Integer = 0 To num_cols - 1
            arr(r, c) = CDbl(one_row(c))
        Next c
        arr(r, num_cols) = CDbl(value_rows(r))
    Next r

    Return arr
End Function
When you click the Solve button, the program uses row operations to zero out leading terms in each row. For example, to zero out the leading term in the second row, the program multiplies each entry in the first row by -A2/A1 and adds the result to the second row. Multiplying A1 by -A2/A1 gives -A2, which cancels out the value in the first column of row 2. The program makes similar substitutions to zero out the first element in the other rows.

Next the program uses row 2 to zero out the second column in rows 3 and later. It continues in this way until it can no longer zero out rows. Ideally at that point, the final row has the form | 0 0 ... Km Lm |. This represents the equation 0*x1 + 0*x2 + ... + Km*xm = Lm so it is easy to solve for xm. The program plugs that value into the second-to-last row to calculate x(m-1) and continues "backsolving" up the list until it has a value for every variable.

Private Sub cmdSolve_Click(ByVal eventSender As _
    System.Object, ByVal eventArgs As System.EventArgs) _
    Handles cmdSolve.Click
    Const TINY As Double = 0.00001
    Dim num_rows As Integer
    Dim num_cols As Integer
    Dim tmp As Double
    Dim factor As Double
    Dim arr(,) As Double
    Dim orig_arr(,) As Double
    Dim txt As String

    ' Build the augmented matrix.
    arr = LoadArray(num_rows, num_cols)
    orig_arr = LoadArray(num_rows, num_cols)
    ' Display the initial array.

    ' Start solving.
    For r As Integer = 0 To num_rows - 2
        ' Zero out all entries in column r after this row.
        ' See if this row has a non-zero entry in column r.
        If Abs(arr(r, r)) < TINY Then
            ' Not a non-zero value. Try to swap with a
            ' later row.
            For r2 As Integer = r + 1 To num_rows - 1
                If Abs(arr(r2, r)) > TINY Then
                    ' This row will work. Swap them.
                    For c As Integer = 0 To num_cols
                        tmp = arr(r, c)
                        arr(r, c) = arr(r2, c)
                        arr(r2, c) = tmp
                    Next c
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next r2
        End If

        ' If this row has a non-zero entry in column r,
        ' skip this column.
        If Abs(arr(r, r)) > TINY Then
            ' Zero out this column in later rows.
            For r2 As Integer = r + 1 To num_rows - 1
                factor = -arr(r2, r) / arr(r, r)
                For c As Integer = r To num_cols
                    arr(r2, c) = arr(r2, c) + factor * _
                        arr(r, c)
                Next c
            Next r2
        End If
    Next r

    ' Display the upper-triangular array.

    ' See if we have a solution.
    If arr(num_rows - 1, num_cols - 1) = 0 Then
        ' We have no solution.
        txt = "No solution"
        ' Back solve.
        For r As Integer = num_rows - 1 To 0 Step -1
            tmp = arr(r, num_cols)
            For r2 As Integer = r + 1 To num_rows - 1
                tmp -= arr(r, r2) * arr(r2, num_cols + 1)
            Next r2
            arr(r, num_cols + 1) = tmp / arr(r, r)
        Next r

        ' Display the results.
        txt = "    Values"
        For r As Integer = 0 To num_rows - 1
            txt &= vbCrLf & "x" & r.ToString & " = " & _
                arr(r, num_cols + 1).ToString
        Next r

        ' Verify.
        txt &= vbCrLf & "    Check:"
        For r As Integer = 0 To num_rows - 1
            tmp = 0
            For c As Integer = 0 To num_cols - 1
                tmp += orig_arr(r, c) * arr(c, num_cols + 1)
            Next c
            txt &= vbCrLf & tmp.ToString
        Next r

        txt = txt.Substring(vbCrLf.Length + 1)
    End If

    txtResults.Text = txt
End Sub
For more information on Gaussian Elimination, see the article Gaussian Elimination by Eric W. Weisstein at MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.
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