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TitleResize controls to fit a resizing form
Keywordsresize, controls, fit
CategoriesTips and Tricks, Controls
When the program starts, the Form_Load event handler calls subroutine SaveSizes. This routine saves each control's size and position in an array of the ControlPositionType user-defined type (UDT). Notice how the code handles Line controls specially because they have X1, Y1, X2, and Y2 properties instead of the usual Left, Top, Width, and Height properties.

When the form is resized, the Form_Resize event handler calls subroutine ResizeControls. This routine loops through each of the controls scaling their size and position properties appropriately for the form's new size.

Private Type ControlPositionType
    Left As Single
    Top As Single
    Width As Single
    Height As Single
    FontSize As Single
End Type

Private m_ControlPositions() As ControlPositionType
Private m_FormWid As Single
Private m_FormHgt As Single

' Save the form's and controls' dimensions.
Private Sub SaveSizes()
Dim i As Integer
Dim ctl As Control

    ' Save the controls' positions and sizes.
    ReDim m_ControlPositions(1 To Controls.Count)
    i = 1
    For Each ctl In Controls
        With m_ControlPositions(i)
            If TypeOf ctl Is Line Then
                .Left = ctl.X1
                .Top = ctl.Y1
                .Width = ctl.X2 - ctl.X1
                .Height = ctl.Y2 - ctl.Y1
                .Left = ctl.Left
                .Top = ctl.Top
                .Width = ctl.Width
                .Height = ctl.Height
                On Error Resume Next
                .FontSize = ctl.Font.Size
                On Error GoTo 0
            End If
        End With
        i = i + 1
    Next ctl

    ' Save the form's size.
    m_FormWid = ScaleWidth
    m_FormHgt = ScaleHeight
End Sub

' Arrange the controls for the new size.
Private Sub ResizeControls()
Dim i As Integer
Dim ctl As Control
Dim x_scale As Single
Dim y_scale As Single

    ' Don't bother if we are minimized.
    If WindowState = vbMinimized Then Exit Sub

    ' Get the form's current scale factors.
    x_scale = ScaleWidth / m_FormWid
    y_scale = ScaleHeight / m_FormHgt

    ' Position the controls.
    i = 1
    For Each ctl In Controls
        With m_ControlPositions(i)
            If TypeOf ctl Is Line Then
                ctl.X1 = x_scale * .Left
                ctl.Y1 = y_scale * .Top
                ctl.X2 = ctl.X1 + x_scale * .Width
                ctl.Y2 = ctl.Y1 + y_scale * .Height
                ctl.Left = x_scale * .Left
                ctl.Top = y_scale * .Top
                ctl.Width = x_scale * .Width
                If Not (TypeOf ctl Is ComboBox) Then
                    ' Cannot change height of ComboBoxes.
                    ctl.Height = y_scale * .Height
                End If
                On Error Resume Next
                ctl.Font.Size = y_scale * .FontSize
                On Error GoTo 0
            End If
        End With
        i = i + 1
    Next ctl
End Sub
Note that this example does not scale controls within other controls. For example, if you place a TextBox inside a PictureBox, the TextBox's position and dimensions are relative to the PictureBox not the form. This example does not handle this case.

This example also does not stretch pictures.

For a more complete example, see the Stretchable control in my book Custom Controls Library.

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