Title | Draw a Sierpinski gasket (fractal) |
Description | This example shows how to draw a Sierpinski gasket (fractal) in Visual Basic 6. |
Keywords | Sierpinski gasket, fractal, random |
Categories | Graphics |
The program defines three corner points and picks a random corner to use as a starting point. It the repeatedly picks a new random corner and moves halfway from the current point to this corner, and plots the resulting point. When this process repeats enough times, the program draws a Sierpinski gasket.
If you resize the program, it clears, defines new corner points, and starts over. If you cover and expose the form, the program draws the same Sierpinski gasket.
Private LastX As Single
Private LastY As Single
Private CornerX(0 To 2) As Single
Private CornerY(0 To 2) As Single
' Draw the Sierpinski gasket.
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Integer
' Pick the next corner.
i = Int(Rnd * 3)
' Move halfway from the current point
' to the new corner.
LastX = (LastX + CornerX(i)) / 2
LastY = (LastY + CornerY(i)) / 2
Me.PSet (LastX, LastY)
' Check for events.
End Sub
' Define the corner points.
Private Sub Form_Resize()
Const R As Single = 60
Dim i As Integer
' Clear.
' Define the corners.
CornerX(0) = R + 10
CornerY(0) = Me.ScaleHeight - R - 10
CornerX(1) = Me.ScaleWidth / 2
CornerY(1) = R + 10
CornerX(2) = Me.ScaleWidth - R - 10
CornerY(2) = Me.ScaleHeight - R - 10
' Draw the corners.
For i = 0 To 2
Me.Circle (CornerX(i), CornerY(i)), R
Next i
' Pick a starting point.
i = Int(Rnd * 3)
LastX = CornerX(i)
LastY = CornerY(i)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub
For more information on drawing fractals and other graphics, see my book Visual Basic Graphics Programming.