The XML tools provided by VB .NET allow you to easily serialize and deserialize objects.
In this example, Toby shows how to do something
similar using VB 6.
First, select the Project menu's References command. Select the Typelib Information entry
and click OK. Now you can use the TLI functions to get typelib information about objects
defined by the program.
The following code loops through an object's members and builds an XML serialization
representing the object. Note that this routine does not need to know what fields the object contains.
It uses TLI objects and routines to figure that out.
Private Function myXMLProperties(ByVal Object As Object, _
Optional XMLString As String = "", Optional ByVal _
AsAttributes = True, Optional ByVal OmitProperties As _
String = "XMLProperties") As String
Dim tTLI As TLIApplication
Dim tMem As MemberInfo
Dim tDom As DOMDocument
Dim tNode As IXMLDOMNode
Dim tInvoke As InvokeKinds
Dim tOmit As String
Dim tName As String 'used as lower case....
Dim tString As String
Set tTLI = New TLIApplication
Set tDom = New DOMDocument
If Len(XMLString) Then
'... if string given, then we are letting new property
' values from xmlstring
tInvoke = VbLet
tDom.loadXML (XMLString)
'... else we are getting existing property values
tInvoke = VbGet
tDom.appendChild tDom.createNode(NODE_ELEMENT, _
TypeName(Object), "")
End If
tOmit = "," & LCase(OmitProperties) & ","
'... handle each get or let member from object
For Each tMem In _
tName = LCase(tMem.Name)
' Debug.Print tName, tMem.InvokeKind
'... get or let and not omitted property
' for example object etc...
If tMem.InvokeKind = tInvoke And InStr(tOmit, "," & _
tName & ",") = 0 _
And tMem.Parameters.Count = 0 Then
' If tMem.ReturnType.VarType = VT_DISPATCH Then
' '.. do nothing or do it recursive
' ElseIf tMem.ReturnType.VarType = VT_ARRAY Then
' '.. do nothing or do it somehow else
' End If
On Error Resume Next 'could be object or
' something else that can't handle
If tInvoke = VbGet Then
'... put data to XML-node
If AsAttributes Then
Set tNode = tDom.createAttribute(tName)
tNode.Text = CallByName(Object, tMem.Name, _
tDom.documentElement.Attributes.setNamedItem _
Set tNode = tDom.createElement(tName)
tNode.Text = CallByName(Object, tMem.Name, _
tDom.documentElement.appendChild tNode
End If
'... get data from XML-node
If AsAttributes Then
CallByName Object, tMem.Name, VbLet, _
CallByName Object, tMem.Name, VbLet, _
End If
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End If
myXMLProperties = tDom.xml
End Function