Rod Stephens
$39.99, 448 pages, 1998
Wiley Computer Publishing
ISBN 0-471-24268-3
Paperback with CD
This is the second edition to the popular book Visual Basic Algorithms. This edition uses classes, references, and collections to make some algorithms easier to understand. It also includes a completely new chapter on object-oriented algorithms.
The CD-ROM includes 89 updated example programs stored in Visual Basic 4 format. You can use them in Visual Basic 4, 5, or 6. It also includes the source code from 62 example programs from the first edition stored in Visual Basic 3 format. You can use these programs in Visual Basic 3, 4, 5, or 6. A total of 151 example programs demonstrating the algorithms described in the book.
The only guide to algorithms in Visual Basic. This book uses clear, plain English, and a multitude of example programs, to help you add powerful algorithms to your Visual Basic programs. The algorithms are provided ready-to-run in a convenient library.
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Library of Computer and Information Sciences featured selection.
Visual Basic Algorithms
contains a wealth of knowledge that is tailored specifically for the
Visual Basic community, and the book's structure and design make the
information easily accessible.
Visual Basic Algorithms
belongs on the bookshelf of every Visual Basic developer.
-- Bill Chaisson, VB Tech Journal
I was thrilled to read your book Visual Basic Algorithms.
It is so hard to find useful information written in a manner
that someone without C background can understand.
-- Don Putz
It will pay for itself in the time you save the first day you use it.
-- "Q" Johnson
Super book. Bought it two years ago, and use it every day!
-- Norm LaBine
I've used your "balanced tree" code from "Ready to Run Visual Basic
Algorithms" in a C++ program and WHEW! That baby just sizzles! Searching
tens of thousands of nodes is instantaneous! Great stuff!
-- Gary Knouse