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What's New in Edition 2

Most of the book has been rewritten and expanded. All of the programs have been rewritten and many have been added so the CD-ROM now contains more than 400 examples.

Perhaps the most important change is in how the book handles color. The first edition assumed you were using 8-bit color which allows you to display 256 colors at one time. Recent versions of Visual Basic have made it harder and harder to take full advantage of this color mode. At the same time, memory and graphic hardware prices have dropped so more and more people are using higher color models.

For these reasons, the second edition assumes you are using a higher color mode. All of the programs that use color assume you are using more than 256 colors.

The 24-bit color model is particularly useful. The way the system stores color information in a 24-bit image makes loading the bitmap data quite fast.

Some other new features:

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What's New in Edition 2

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