Title | Use Zlib and DIBs to save and restore compressed pictures in a database without using temporary files |
Keywords | DIB, picture, image, database, SetDIBits, GetDIBits, Zlib, compress |
Categories | Database, Graphics |
The following code saves a compressed picture into the database. SaveDibToDb initializes a BITMAPINFO structure and uses GetDIBits to get the bitmap's pixel information in DIB (device-independent bitmap) format. It copies the BITMAPINFO data into a byte array and uses AppendChunk to save the data.
The routine then calls subroutine CompressPixels to compress the pixel data and store it in the byte array. Note that this is lossless compression so the compressed data will generally take up more space than a lossy scheme such as JPEG. The subroutine then uses AppendChunk again to save the compressed data.
Subroutine CompressPixels copys the three-dimensional pixel byte data into a one-dimensional byte array. It then uses the Zlib function compress to compress the data. It resizes the compressed array to remove any unused space and returns the result.
Using the Zlib function compress2 allows the program to pick a specific compression level. The compress function uses a default level of 6. Raising the level to 9 may produce some improvement although it may also greatly increase time.
' Save the picture into the database as a DIB.
Private Sub SaveDibToDb(rs As ADODB.Recordset)
Dim bytes_per_scanLine As Integer
Dim wid As Long
Dim hgt As Long
Dim bitmap_info As BITMAPINFO
Dim pixels() As Byte
Dim buffer() As Byte
' Prepare the bitmap description.
wid = picPerson.ScaleWidth
hgt = picPerson.ScaleHeight
With bitmap_info.bmiHeader
.biSize = 40
.biWidth = wid
' Use negative height to scan top-down.
.biHeight = -hgt
.biPlanes = 1
.biBitCount = 32
.biCompression = BI_RGB
bytes_per_scanLine = ((((.biWidth * .biBitCount) + _
31) \ 32) * 4)
.biSizeImage = bytes_per_scanLine * hgt
End With
' Load the bitmap's data.
ReDim pixels(1 To 4, 1 To wid, 1 To hgt)
GetDIBits picPerson.hdc, picPerson.Image, _
0, hgt, pixels(1, 1, 1), _
bitmap_info, DIB_RGB_COLORS
' Save the BITMAPINFO.
ReDim buffer(0 To Len(bitmap_info.bmiHeader) - 1)
CopyMemory buffer(0), bitmap_info.bmiHeader, _
rs!Picture.AppendChunk buffer
' Save the pixels.
buffer = CompressPixels(pixels)
rs!Picture.AppendChunk buffer
End Sub
' Compress the pixel array into an array of bytes.
Private Function CompressPixels(pixels() As Byte) As Byte()
Dim wid As Integer
Dim hgt As Integer
Dim uncompressed_size As Long
Dim uncompressed_bytes() As Byte
Dim compressed_size As Long
Dim compressed_bytes() As Byte
' Copy the pixels into a one-dimensional byte array.
wid = UBound(pixels, 2)
hgt = UBound(pixels, 3)
uncompressed_size = 4& * wid * hgt
ReDim uncompressed_bytes(0 To uncompressed_size - 1)
CopyMemory uncompressed_bytes(0), pixels(1, 1, 1), _
' Compress.
' Allocate the smallest allowed compression
' buffer (1% larger than the uncompressed data
' plus 12 bytes).
compressed_size = 1.01 * uncompressed_size + 12
ReDim compressed_bytes(0 To compressed_size - 1)
' Compress the bytes.
Select Case compress( _
compressed_bytes(0), compressed_size, _
uncompressed_bytes(0), uncompressed_size)
MsgBox "Insufficient memory", vbExclamation, _
"Compression Error"
Exit Function
MsgBox "Buffer too small", vbExclamation, _
"Compression Error"
Exit Function
' Else Z_OK.
End Select
' Shrink the compressed buffer to fit.
ReDim Preserve compressed_bytes(0 To compressed_size - _
' Return the resulting bytes.
CompressPixels = compressed_bytes
' Uncomment to see how much compression you get.
' Debug.Print "Compressed: " & uncompressed_size & " -->
' "; compressed_size
End Function
The following code loads a compressed picture from the database. Subroutine LoadDibFromDb uses GetChunk to load the picture's BITMAPINFO structure. It uses the picture's width and height stores in this structure to retrieve the compressed pixel data.
The routine calls function UncompressPixels to expand the one-dimensional byte arrary of compressed pixel data into a three-dimensional pixel data array. Finally it uses SetDIBits to display the picture.
Function UncompressPixels takes as input a bitmap's dimensions and a one-dimensional array of compressed pixel data. It allocates room for the uncompressed data and calls the Zlib function uncompress to restore the data. It finishes by copying the data into a three-dimensional pixel array.
' Load the DIB from the database.
Private Sub LoadDibFromDb(rs As ADODB.Recordset)
Dim bytes_per_scanLine As Integer
Dim wid As Long
Dim hgt As Long
Dim bitmap_info As BITMAPINFO
Dim pixels() As Byte
Dim buffer() As Byte
buffer = rs!Picture.GetChunk(Len(bitmap_info.bmiHeader))
CopyMemory bitmap_info.bmiHeader, buffer(0), _
' Get the compressed pixel data.
wid = bitmap_info.bmiHeader.biWidth
hgt = Abs(bitmap_info.bmiHeader.biHeight)
buffer = rs!Picture.GetChunk(4 * wid * hgt)
' Uncompress the pixels.
pixels = UncompressPixels(wid, hgt, buffer)
' Size the PictureBox.
picPerson.Move picPerson.Left, picPerson.Top, wid, hgt
' Display the results.
SetDIBits picPerson.hdc, picPerson.Image, _
0, hgt, pixels(1, 1, 1), _
bitmap_info, DIB_RGB_COLORS
picPerson.Picture = picPerson.Image
End Sub
' Uncompress the bytes into a pixel array.
Private Function UncompressPixels(ByVal wid As Integer, _
ByVal hgt As Integer, compressed_bytes() As Byte) As _
Dim compressed_size As Long
Dim uncompressed_size As Long
Dim uncompressed_bytes() As Byte
Dim pixels() As Byte
' Get the compressed size.
compressed_size = UBound(compressed_bytes) - _
LBound(compressed_bytes) + 1
' Uncompress.
' Allocate room for the uncompressed file.
' Note that this routine needs to know
' the original file's uncompressed size.
uncompressed_size = 4& * wid * hgt
ReDim uncompressed_bytes(0 To uncompressed_size - 1)
' Decompress the bytes.
Select Case uncompress( _
uncompressed_bytes(0), uncompressed_size, _
compressed_bytes(0), compressed_size)
MsgBox "Insufficient memory", vbExclamation, _
"Compression Error"
Exit Function
MsgBox "Buffer too small", vbExclamation, _
"Compression Error"
Exit Function
MsgBox "Input file corrupted", vbExclamation, _
"Compression Error"
Exit Function
' Else Z_OK.
End Select
' Copy the bytes into a pixel array.
ReDim pixels(1 To 4, 1 To wid, 1 To hgt)
CopyMemory pixels(1, 1, 1), uncompressed_bytes(0), _
' Return the resulting pixels.
UncompressPixels = pixels
End Function
See my book Visual Basic Graphics Programming for more information on graphics programming in Visual Basic.