Rod Stephens
$49.99, 712 pages, 2000
Wiley Computer Publishing
ISBN 0-471-35599-2
Paperback with CD
The definitive guide to graphics programming in Visual Basic. This book combines theory with
400+ example programs to show how you can add powerful graphics to your Visual Basic applications.
Top billing in Amazon.com
Recommends, Computers & Internet Programming, 11/97.
jrmzb@ibm.net from Monterrey, Mexico,
Amazon.com rating = 10
Simply the BEST!!!!
This graphics book shows the implementation of all sort of image processing, image syntesis,
ray trace, fractal,etc. in a very easy manner, the algorithm implementation is elegant and
shows the magic and beauty of the mathematics involved. Reading how the analytic geometry,
matrix operations, calculus, etc. are applied in a real life task is just GREAT!!.
I think universities must show the students the application of all those arid mathematical
concepts to motivate them. A book we all MUST have.
Your book is extremely clear, not a bit pedantic, and the examples demonstrate some powerful
methods, without obscuring the basic principles involved. After studying your book, it is
easy to generalize the concepts, and conceive of different ways of using the techniques you
have explained. It is much more fun to work from a book where you are led to the brink of
the generalizing principles, as opposed to starting with the general case and having to
work towards the specific. It's been a long time since I've seen a computer related book
as good as this one.
-- David Reiser
Your book is not only well written, but the examples are excellent,
and allowed me to learn far more about VB than the manuals (or
lack of them) that came with the environment.
-- Sam Marrocco
BTW, the B-Spline examples from your Graphics Programming book saved
the day on a recent project. - Thanks!!
-- Richard By
The more I read in your book the more I like it.
-- Revis Ayers