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Visual Basic 2010 Programmer's Reference
Stephens' Visual Basic Programming 24-Hour Trainer
Stephens' C# Programming with Visual Studio 2010 24-Hour Trainer
Beginning Database Design Solutions
WPF Programmer's Reference
Visual Basic 2010 Programmer's Reference

Title Keywords  
HowTo: Add delegates to combine lists of methods in Visual Basic .NETdelegate, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Flush click events to prevent the user from clicking a button while its code is still running in Visual Basic .NETsyntax, API, threading, threads, BackgroundWorker, controls, events, flush events, flush mouse events, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Get an object's reference count in Visual Basic 6reference count, get reference count, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Get mother board serial numbers and CPU IDs in Visual Basic 6serial number, cpu, cpu id, WMI, Windows Management Instrumentation, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Get mother board serial numbers and CPU IDs in Visual Basic .NETserial number, cpu, cpu id, WMI, Windows Management Instrumentation, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use My.Computer.Info to display operating system and memory information in Visual Basic .NETMy.Computer.Info, operating system, memory, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
Tip: Downgrade Visual Basic 2008 projects to Visual Basic 2005split, Visual Basic .NET 
HowTo: Display the number of days, minutes, hours, and seconds until an event in Visual Basic .NETcountdown, timer, VB.NET, days, minutes, hours, secondsDownload
HowTo: Use the VBA library to round to a specific number of decimal placesVBA, round, decimal placesDownload
HowTo: Randomly change the desktop background in Visual Basic 6backer, desktop, background, Registry, default editor, wallpaper, wastebasket, recycle, ShellExecute, SHFileOperation, RegOpenKeyEx, RegSetValueExA, wallpaper style, centered, tiled, stretchedDownload
HowTo: Randomly change the desktop background in Visual Basic 2005backer, desktop, background, Registry, default editor, wallpaper, wastebasket, recycle, ShellExecute, SHFileOperation, RegOpenKeyEx, RegSetValueExA, wallpaper style, centered, tiled, stretchedDownload
HowTo: Use the VoiceText library to read numbers to the user in Visual Basic 6voice, audio, VoiceText, read numbersDownload
HowTo: Determine the default button when displaying a MsgBox in Visual Basic 6MsgBox, message box, messagebox, default buttonDownload
HowTo: Determine the default button when displaying a MessageBox in Visual Basic 2005MsgBox, message box, MessageBox, MessageBox.Show, default buttonDownload
HowTo: Get day, month, date, time, and number format information for the computer's locale in Visual Basic 2005day, month, date, time, number, percent, format, locale, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Copy the text contents of any messagebox (Visual Basic 6 example)Messagebox, message box, copy message boxDownload
HowTo: Copy the text contents of any messagebox (Visual Basic .NET example)Messagebox, message box, copy message box, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Compress the folders within a folder into a Zip file in Visual Basic 2005Zip, compress, folder, compress folder, compressed folder, compression, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Compress a folder into a Zip file in Visual Basic 2005Zip, compress, folder, compress folder, compressed folder, compression, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Use the System.IO.Compression namespace to compress and decompress files in GZip format in Visual Basic 2005compress, decompress, compression, GZip, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Use WMI to make a folder compress its contents to save space in Visual Basic 2005compress, folder, compress folder, compressed folder, compression, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Give a class a Clone method in Visual Basic .NETclass, clone, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Determine whether a year is a leap year with Visual Basic 2005leap year, year, datesDownload
HowTo: Use Crystal Reports to build a PDF file in Visual Basic 2005Crystal Reports, PDF file, report, VB.NET, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Round numbers to a given number of digits without using banker's rounding (version 2) in Visual Basic 2005round, banker's rounding, digits, Math.Round, VB 2005Download
HowTo: Determine whether a year is a leap year with Visual Basic 6leap year, year, datesDownload
HowTo: Round numbers to a given number of digits without using banker's rounding in Visual Basic 2005round, banker's rounding, digits, VB 2005Download
HowTo: Play a tone with a specific frequency in Visual Basic .NETsound, tone, frequency, noise, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a button that creates more buttons when clicked in Visual Basic .NETbutton, replicating button, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a button that creates more buttons when clicked in Visual Basic 6button, replicating button, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Make buttons jump randomly around the screen in Visual Basic 6button, jump, random, game, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Make buttons jump randomly around the screen in Visual Basic .NETbutton, jump, random, game, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Keep track of checked ListBox selections as the user selects and deselects them in Visual Basic 6ListBox, selection, track selection, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: List distinct messages received by a form in Visual Basic 6WndProc, messages, list messages, WindowProc, subclass, VB6Download
HowTo: Run control panel applets in Visual Basic 2005control panel, applet, control panel applet, VB 2005Download
HowTo: Convert Up and Down arrow keys to Tab and Shift-Tab for easy navigation in Visual Basic .NETTab, Tab key, up arrow, down arrow, navigationDownload
HowTo: Convert Enter and Escape keys to Tab and Shift-Tab for easy navigation in Visual Basic .NETTab, Enter, Escape, Tab key, Enter key, Escape key, dialogDownload
HowTo: Make a cricket temperature calculator in Visual Basic 6cricket, temperature, chirps, silly, gameDownload
HowTo: Make a cricket temperature calculator in Visual Basic .NETcricket, temperature, chirps, silly, game, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Prevent the user from renaming an executable in Visual Basic 6rename, prevent rename, executable, executeDownload
HowTo: Prevent the user from renaming an executable in Visual Basic .NETrename, prevent rename, executable, execute, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Highlight the TextBox that has focus by changing its BackColorhighlight, focus, GotFocus, LostFocus, TextBoxDownload
HowTo: Replace unprintable characters with spaces in Visual Basic .NETcharacter, ASCII, replace, regular expressions, regex, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Prevent the user from closing a UserForm by clicking the X buttonUserForm, close, X button, disable X button, VBA, ExcelDownload
HowTo: Simulate Alt-Tab in Visual Basic 6Alt-Tab, simulate, Visual Basic 6, keyboard, keybd_eventDownload
HowTo: Use VBA code to make buttons that jump to the first row beginning with specific lettersVBA, Excel, hyperlink, letter, indexDownload
HowTo: Use VBA code to make hyperlinks that jump to the first row beginning with specific lettersVBA, Excel, hyperlink, letter, indexDownload
HowTo: Use VBA code to scroll an Excel worksheet's pane to a particular columnExcel, scroll, column, worksheet, workbookDownload
HowTo: Make a Visual Basic .NET library that returns a picture to a Visual Basic 6 programlibrary, VB.NET, VB 6, Visual Basic 6, picture, DLLDownload
HowTo: Tell whether the Shift key is pressed during a mouse click in Visual Basic .NETmouse, MouseClick, Shift, click, mouse click, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Display samples of the SystemFonts in Visual Basic .NETSystemFonts, system fonts, font, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Convert the text the user is typing in a TextBox to Proper Case in Visual Basic .NETTextBox, convert, proper case, StrConv, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Convert the text the user is typing in a TextBox to Proper CaseTextBox, convert, proper case, StrConvDownload
HowTo: Make a silly program that tracks the mouse's current position with a pair of eyes in Visual Basic .NETeyes, mouse, mouse cursor, current position, track, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Print text on an odd piece of paperprint, paper, unusual paperDownload
Who is Rod Stephens?Rod Stephens, author 
HowTo: Tip: Use LCase$ and UCase$ instead of the CharLower and CharUpper API functionsCharLower, CharUpper, case, LCase, UCaseDownload
HowTo: Capture the image of a Web pageWeb page, image, capture, Internet ExplorerDownload
HowTo: Use a .NET system DLL in a Visual Basic 6 programVB .NET, DLL, System DLL, WebClient, downloadFileDownload
HowTo: Generate a schedule for a round robin tournament in VB .NETround robin, tournament, scheduleDownload
HowTo: Generate a schedule for pool play on a single court with fairly distributed restspool, scheduleDownload
HowTo: Make a loop that times out after a certain periodtimeout, loopDownload
HowTo: Remove hyperlinks from a Word file in VB .NETWord, Microsoft Word, Office, Microsoft Office, hyperlink, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Remove personal information from a Word file in VB .NETWord, Microsoft Word, Office, Microsoft Office, personal information, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Read, write, and delete document variables in a Word document in VB .NETWord, Microsoft Word, Office, Microsoft Office, variable, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Remove hyperlinks from a Word fileWord, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Office, hyperlinkDownload
HowTo: Remove personal information from a Word fileWord, Microsoft Word, Office, Microsoft Office, personal informationDownload
HowTo: Read, write, and delete document variables in a Word documentWord, Microsoft Word, Office, Microsoft Office, variableDownload
HowTo: Make a very cool JavaScript clockclock, JavaScript 
HowTo: Use the Conditional attribute to make a method non-callable in VB.NETReDim, arrayDownload
HowTo: Redimension multiple arrays in a single statement in VB.NETReDim, arrayDownload
Talk: What's New in VB 2005VSA, Visual Studio for Applications 
HowTo: Create a class with a parameterized propertyclass, property, parameterDownload
HowTo: Make a financial calculatorfinancial calculator, mortgage, present value, future valueDownload
Talk: VSA Scripting in .NETVSA, Visual Studio for Applications 
HowTo: Get the computer's DNS name in VB .NETDNS, name, computer name, host nameDownload
HowTo: Get the computer's NetBIOS name in VB .NETNetBIOS, name, NetBIOS name, computer name, host nameDownload
HowTo: Make a strange reflection of a buttonbutton, strange, stupid code trickDownload
HowTo: See how many items are in the recycle bin and delete themrecycle bin, wastebasket, waste basketDownload
VB 6 Easter EggVB 6 Easter Egg, VB 6, Easter Egg 
HowTo: Copy memory quickly using MemCopy (RtlMoveMemory) in VB .NETRtlMoveMemory, copy memory, MemCopy, CopyMemory, array, memoryDownload
HowTo: Use the RtlMoveMemory (CopyMemory) API function to copy memory between 2-D arrays in VB .NETRtlMoveMemory, copy memory, MemCopy, CopyMemory, array, memoryDownload
HowTo: Determine whether an array of strings contains an item in a clever wayarray contains, array, containsDownload
HowTo: Encode and decode text to and from the BinHex and Base64 encodingsencode, decode, binhex, hex, base64, base 64Download
HowTo: Calculate arctangents in all four quadrantsarctan, Atn, atan, arc tangent, mathDownload
HowTo: Make a decimal/hex/binary lookup table for the numbers 0 through 255decimal, hex, binary, lookup, hexadecimalDownload
HowTo: Detect when the user presses arrow keys (could be used for a game)arrow keys, detect keys, keysDownload
HowTo: Build a calculator with a European flavorcalculator, euro, poundDownload
Report: Visual Basic World Tour (Whidbey)VS 2005, Whidbey, Visual Basic World Tour, Visual Studio 2005 
HowTo: Find combinations of mathematical symbols that make an equation truecombination, symbol, mathematics, equationDownload
HowTo: Make an animated lottery number generatorlotto, random number, animationDownload
HowTo: Lock the computer and trap the mouse so the user cannot move it outside of the formlock computer, screen saver, mouse, trap mouseDownload
HowTo: Lock the computer so the user cannot use other programslock computer, screen saverDownload
HowTo: Validate a credit card numbercredit card, Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover, EnRoute, JCB, Diners Club, Carte BlancheDownload
Talk: RSSRSS, Really Simple Syndication 
HowTo: Collate emails holding survey entriescollate, collate email, survey, emailDownload
HowTo: Count the number of Mondays in a monthMonday, month, count MondaysDownload
HowTo: Copy memory extremely quicklyRtlMoveMemory, copy memory, MemCopy, CopyMemory, array, memoryDownload
HowTo: Determine whether the program is running in the IDE or as a compiled executable by using Debug.Printrun mode, IDE, executable, Debug.PrintDownload
HowTo: Determine whether the program is running in the IDE or as a compiled executable by using Debug.Assertrun mode, IDE, executable, Debug.AssertDownload
HowTo: Use the RtlMoveMemory (CopyMemory) API function to copy memory from a 2-D array to a 1-D arrayRtlMoveMemory, copy memory, CopyMemory, array, memoryDownload
Tip: Install fontsinstall font, font 
HowTo: Open and close the CD driveCD ROM, CD drive, open drive, open CDDownload
Who is Rod Stephens?Rod Stephens, author 
Colorado PicturesColorado pictures, mountains, flowers 
HowTo: Allow the user to enter "super user" mode by entering a passwordsuper user, passwordDownload
HowTo: Make a program compile and run another programcompile, run, make and runDownload
HowTo: Magnify the area under the mousemouse, magnifyDownload
Tip: Use Yahoo and Google resourcesresources, Yahoo, Google 
HowTo: Make a cursor file with a hotspotcursor, hotspotDownload
HowTo: Fill a ComboBox with a list of countriescountry, countriesDownload
HowTo: Get the caption of the window that currently has focusfocus window, caption, titleDownload
HowTo: Get a control's imagecontrol image, clipboard, PrintFormDownload
Tip: Learn when a Web page was last modifiedmodified, last modified, Web page, JavaScript 
HowTo: Convert numbers between Roman and ArabicRoman numerals, Arabic numeralsDownload
HowTo: Convert VB6 projects to VB5 projects easilyVB6 to VB5, convert, versionDownload
HowTo: Display "balloon" help when the mouse is over a buttonballoon, help, popupDownload
Tip: Dell offers cheap computer recycling and donationrecycling, recycle, donate, donation 


Title Keywords  
Online Articles by Rod StephensOnline Articles, Online, Rod Stephens, articles, tips, tricks 
DevX Articles by Rod StephensDevX Articles, DevX, Rod Stephens, articles, tips, tricks 

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