Part One: Work Environment |
This may seem like a strange place to begin, but work environment can make a huge difference
in the amount and quality of code a developer writes.
- 1. Programming Philosophy
- In bug prevention, attitude is everything. This chapter describes the proper mindset
for preventing and removing bugs quickly and easily.
- 2. Work Habits
- This chapter discusses more specific techniques that can make bug management easier.
Little things, like keeping a list of bugs you have encountered, can make identifying and
fixing similar bugs easier in the future.
This part of the book discusses specific Visual Basic coding style conventions you can use
to make code easier to read and maintain.
- 3. Variables
- This chapter describes methods for declaring and using variables to minimize the chances of introducing bugs.
- 4. Constants and Enums
- Constants and enumerated values are important resources for reducing bug counts.
This chapter explains how to use them to make code more readable and maintainable.
- 5. Exposing Bugs
- Many programming practices considered safe actually hide bugs. This chapter shows how
to write code that exposes bugs instead of hiding them.
- 6. Being Obvious
- Program code should not be mysterious to programmers who read it. This chapter explains
ways you can write code that is obvious to others.
- Comments help bridge the gap between a program written for a computer to execute and humans
trying to understand the code. This chapter shows how to use comments to help readers understand
the code so they do not add bugs to it later.
- 8. Gotchas
- This chapter describes some bugs that are common in Visual Basic programs and tells how to
avoid them. Some are rather subtle and can waste a lot of your time if you have never seen them
before. They have certainly wasted a lot of my time.
Part Three deals mostly with development issues at a higher level than Part Two does.
These include application and subroutine design issues, and optimization.
- 9. Design
- Design decisions can have a large impact on the bugginess and maintainability of an
application. This chapter gives some tips on designing maintainable applications.
- 10. Encapsulation
- This chapter explains how to use variables, classes, subroutines, and other programming
devices to encapsulate complex functionality and make it more bugproof.
- 11. Optimization
- Optimization and bugproofing are often contradictory goals. Optimizing code often makes
it harder to understand. On the other hand, bugproofing requires that the code be as easy to
understand as possible. This chapter explains how and when to optimize while keeping the
program reasonably bugproof.
Part Four: Error Handling |
The chapters in Part 4 explain how to handle unexpected situations such as running out of disk
space and the user entering invalid data. They show how to build error handlers that allow a
program to continue execution even when the unforeseen occurs.
- 12. Error Handling Fundamentals
- This chapter describes Visual Basic's error handling mechanism: the family of
On Error statements. A program can use On Error statements to prepare for almost any eventuality.
[Note that Visual Basic.NET introduces a new Try Catch Finally error handling
syntax that is not covered in this book.]
- 13. Standard Error Handlers
- Many programs perform the same sorts of actions when they encounter errors.
For example, they might log error information to a file to help developers find the
bug later. This chapter describes several standard error handlers you can use to log
errors for later analysis.
Part Five: Post-Coding Activities |
The chapters in this part of the book discuss some extremely important activities developers
should perform after writing code.
- 14. Testing
- Many programmers consider testing to be a necessary evil that occurs at the end of a project.
In fact, testing must occur during all stages of the project. This chapter describes testing habits
and techniques you can use to prevent unwanted surprises from ambushing the project in its final stages.
- 15. Profiling
- The code profiler that comes with the Professional and Enterprise editions of Visual Basic allows
you to generate coverage and performance statistics for an application. Using these statistics,
you can identify code that needs optimization or that may contain bugs. This chapter describes the
profiler and explains how to use it to look for bugs.
- 16. Debugging Habits
- Just as good habits can make coding and testing easier and more effective, good debugging habits
can help you find and fix bugs more effectively. This chapter describes debugging habits that will
help you make your debugging sessions more productive.
- Appendix A
- This appendix contains an explanation of the self-test code presented in each chapter.
It describes the bad points demonstrated by example programs and provides an improved implementation.
These programs are available electronically
- Appendix B
- This appendix contains blank header comments you can use as templates in your programs.
These templates are described in Chapter 7, "Comments," and are available electronically