Title |
Keywords |
Tutorial: Twos Complement Numbers | twos-complement, ones-complement, number | |
Talk: Three Cool Namespaces | regex, regular expression, XML, serialie, serialization, crypto, cryptography, hash, hashing, encrypt, decrypt, encryption, decryption | |
Tutorial: Introduction to MCI | MCI, Multi-Media Control Interface, multimedia, audio, video |  |
HowTo: VBUG UK 2003 Talk: VB .NET and XML | XML, serialize, deserialize, serialization | |
HowTo: VBUG UK 2003 Talk: GDI+ | GDI, GDI+, graphics, drawing | |
HowTo: VBUG UK 2003 Talk: Algorithms in VB .NET | algorithms, shortest path, collection, HashTable, lists | |
Tutorial: ASCII Codes | ASCII, codes, characters | |
Tutorial: Subclassing | subclassing, WindowProc, event processing | |
Tutorial: HTML Character Codes | HTML, codes, character codes | |
Tutorial: Using Floating Point Numbers | floating point, single, double, number | |
Tutorial: Screen Scraping | screen scraping, mainframe, AS400, legacy systems | |
Tutorial: Size Forms to Fit the Screen | sizing, resizing, forms, fit screen |   |
Tutorial: Blocking Events | events, blocking | |
Tutorial: Map Coloring | map coloring, four color, map, five color | |
Tutorial: Dynamic Databases | database, dynamic, price |  |
Tutorial: Drawing Platonic Solids | Platonic solids, polyhedron, polytope, solid, tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron, hexahedron |  |
Title |
Keywords |
Talk: Three Cool Namespaces | regex, regular expression, XML, serialie, serialization, crypto, cryptography, hash, hashing, encrypt, decrypt, encryption, decryption | |
HowTo: VBUG UK 2003 Talk: VB .NET and XML | XML, serialize, deserialize, serialization | |
Title |
Keywords |
Talk: Three Cool Namespaces | regex, regular expression, XML, serialie, serialization, crypto, cryptography, hash, hashing, encrypt, decrypt, encryption, decryption | |
HowTo: VBUG UK 2003 Talk: Algorithms in VB .NET | algorithms, shortest path, collection, HashTable, lists | |