Ready-to-Run Visual Basic Code Library: Updates |
- December 11, 2005
- Jianwei Li
found a bug in program 162, DirSize, that prevents it from working properly when compiled into an executable. (It's similar to the bug found on July 28, 1999 and described below.)
Click here to download a corrected version.
- August 11, 2001
- Charlie Rose
noticed that the encoded result from program Cipher does not depend on the key's first
character. In other words, if you encode some text using the password Fish, someone
can decide the text using the password Fish, Xish, or $ish.
The problem is the shift1, shift2, and value variables used to convert the password
into a numeric value all start at 0. The mathematics of the algorithm that does the
conversion makes these zeros cancel out the effect of the password's first letter.
Initializing shift1 and shift2 to different non-zero values fixes this.
' Initialize the shift values to different
' non-zero values.
shift1 = 3
shift2 = 17 |
Click here to download the complete Cipher project.
- September 30, 2000
- Henry J. Boitel
noticed that program Stretch crashes when you shrink it as small as possible without minimizing it.
PaintPicture does not like it when picVisible.ScaleHeight = 0. To protect the code, add this test at
the beginning of the picVisible_Resize event handler:
' Make sure the picture has a non-zero size.
If picVisible.ScaleWidth < 1 Or _
picVisible.ScaleHeight < 1 Then Exit Sub |
- February 24, 2000
Glen Stephan noticed that the GetDiskFreeSpace API
function used by program 165 may have problems in Windows 98. GetDiskFreeSpaceEx seems to work.
Click here to download an example program that uses GetDiskFreeSpaceEx.
- July 28, 1999
- Wolfgang Pilch
found a bug in program 161, Search2, that prevents it from working properly when compiled into an executable.
Click here to download a corrected version.
- May 15, 1999
- Barry Traver
found a bug that makes the Maze and MazeCls programs not reset the start time when you run the maze twice.
That means your times get longer and longer. I have posted the revised code.
Click here to download a corrected version.
Ready-to-Run Visual Basic Code Library: Updates |