Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Write data into an Excel workbook in Visual Basic 6 | Microsoft Office, Office, Excel, Microsoft Excel, write to Excel, color cell, format cell, color Excel cell, format Excel cell |  |
HowTo: Read data from an Excel workbook in Visual Basic 6 | Microsoft Office, Office, Excel, Microsoft Excel, read from Excel, cell color, cell format, Excel cell color, Excel cell format |  |
HowTo: Write data into an Excel workbook in Visual Basic .NET | Microsoft Office, Office, Excel, Microsoft Excel, write to Excel, color cell, format cell, color Excel cell, format Excel cell |  |
HowTo: Read data from an Excel workbook in Visual Basic .NET | Microsoft Office, Office, Excel, Microsoft Excel, read from Excel, cell color, cell format, Excel cell color, Excel cell format |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to pick random elements from the currently selected cells in an Excel workbook | VBA, Visual Basic for Applications, random, pick random, Excel, pick random cells, Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use VBA to compare two lists in Excel and highlight the cells in the second that are not in the first | Excel, VBA, compare lists, compare, lists |  |
HowTo: Use code to make a chart in Excel from the current selection in VBA | Excel, Office, chart, VBA, graph, Visual Basic for Applications |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to make a pie chart in Excel | Excel, VBA, pie chart, Microsoft Office |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code in Excel to import a CSV file and use it to make a line graph | Excel, VBA, Visual Basic for Applications, import, CSV, comma separated value, line graph, chart |  |
Bug: Mouse Wheel in ListBox Crashes Excel | Mouse Wheel, ListBox, Excel | |
HowTo: Make VBA code call a worksheet function | VBA, excel, worksheet function, STDEV |  |
HowTo: Use a Visual Basic function in Excel cell formulas | VBA, Excel, formula, function |  |
HowTo: Use Excel VBA code to display a progress splash screen while performing a long task | Excel, VBA, splash screen, progress |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code and the Excel Save As dialog to get the name of a file in which to save a workbook | VBA, Excel, Save As, GetSaveAsFilename |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to save an Excel workbook while removing macro code | VBA, Excel, macro, remove macros |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to make, change, and delete a button in Excel | VBA, button, CommandButton, Excel, Office |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to make a hyperlink in Excel | VBA, Excel, hyperlink, link |  |
HowTo: Use VBA to place a comment on a cell in Excel | Excel, comment, VBA, set comment, clear comment |  |
HowTo: Use VBA to generate code to reproduce basic calcualtions on an Excel worksheet | VBA, generate code, calcualtion, Excel, worksheet |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to make a quiz score histogram in Excel | Excel, Office, score, quiz, histogram, VBA |  |
HowTo: Find the range of used cells in an Excel worksheet | UsedRange, used range, used cells, Excel, VBA |  |
HowTo: Use Visual Basic to make an Excel chart | Office, Eexcel, workbook, worksheet, chart |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to make a chart in Excel easily | Excel, Office, chart, VBA |  |
HowTo: Prevent the user from closing a UserForm by clicking the X button | UserForm, close, X button, disable X button, VBA, Excel |  |
HowTo: Use MAPI to send email to a list of students with VBA in Excel | MAPI, mail, email, sendmail, students, Excel, VBA |  |
HowTo: Send email from VBA code by using MAPI | MAPI, email, Excel, VBA, send mail |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to add a numbered worksheet to an Excel workbook | VBA, Microsoft Office, Excel |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to add and remove comments in Excel cells | VBA, Excel, comment, remark |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to make buttons that jump to the first row beginning with specific letters | VBA, Excel, hyperlink, letter, index |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to make hyperlinks that jump to the first row beginning with specific letters | VBA, Excel, hyperlink, letter, index |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to scroll an Excel worksheet's pane to a particular column | Excel, scroll, column, worksheet, workbook |  |
HowTo: Let the user check items in a grid in Excel VBA | Excel, VBA, grid, editable, FlexGrid |  |
HowTo: Display a form with an editable grid in Excel VBA | Excel, VBA, grid, editable, FlexGrid |  |
HowTo: Use checkmark images to let the user check items in a grid in Excel VBA | Excel, VBA, grid, editable, FlexGrid |  |
Microsoft Office Programming: A Guide for Experienced Developers | Office, Microsoft Office, programming, Office automation |  |
HowTo: Use VBA to compare two Ranges in Excel and highlight the cells that are different | Excel, Range, compare |  |
HowTo: Copy data from an Access database into an Excel spreadsheet | ADO, Access, Excel, database |  |
HowTo: Copy data from an Access database into an Excel spreadsheet using a SQL SELECT statement | ADO, Access, Excel, database |  |
HowTo: Find the first and last used row and column in an Excel spreadsheet | Excel, bounds, row, column |  |
HowTo: Use a Visual Basic DLL file in an Excel spreadsheet | DLL, Excel |  |
HowTo: Graph a user-entered function by using Excel | graph, equation, scale, user-entered function, Excel |  |
HowTo: Use a Recordset to copy data from an Access database into an Excel workbook | ADO, Access, Excel, database |  |
HowTo: Copy data from an Excel spreadsheet into an Access database | ADO, Access, Excel, database |  |
HowTo: Load a CSV (comma-separated value) file into an Excel spreadsheet "manually" | CSV, Excel, spreadsheet, comma-separated value |  |
HowTo: Load a CSV (comma-separated value) file in Excel and save it as an Excel spreadsheet | CSV, Excel, spreadsheet, comma-separated value |  |
HowTo: Use Visual Basic to write an Excel spreadsheet | Office, Eexcel, workbook, worksheet |  |
HowTo: Evaluate mathematical expressions using Excel | Office, Eexcel, expression, evaluate |  |
HowTo: Sort Excel data using more than three columns | Excel, Office, sort |  |
HowTo: Apply a list of replacements in an Excel spreadsheet to a text file | Excel, replace, spreadsheet |  |
HowTo: Use SQL to copy data from an Excel spreadsheet into an Access database | ADO, Access, Excel, database, SQL | |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Determine what version of Access is installed by using automation in Visual Basic 6 | Access, Access version, Microsoft Access, Registry, automation, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Determine what version of Access is installed by reading Registry values in Visual Basic 2005 | Access, Access version, Microsoft Access, Registry, VB.NET, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Determine what version of Access is installed by using automation in Visual Basic 2005 | Access, Access version, Microsoft Access, Registry, automation, VB.NET, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Determine what version of Access is installed by reading Registry values in Visual Basic 6 | Access, Access version, Microsoft Access, Registry, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Use an ALTER TABLE statement to change a column's data type in an Access database in Visual Basic 6 | ALTER TABLE, database, ADO, Access, Visual Basic 6 |  |
Tip: Debug Access VBA Code | email, Access, VBA, macro, macros code, breakpoint | |
Tip: Use Orca to Remove a .NET Installation Project's "Everyone" and "Just Me" Options | Orca, VB.NET, installation, installation kit, installation package, everyone, just me | |
Microsoft Office Programming: A Guide for Experienced Developers | Office, Microsoft Office, programming, Office automation |  |
HowTo: Convert an Access database to Access2002 | Access, Office, Microsoft Office, MS Office, convert |  |
HowTo: Store and retrieve an image in an Access database | Access, image, picture, memo |  |
HowTo: Copy data from an Access database into an Excel spreadsheet | ADO, Access, Excel, database |  |
HowTo: Copy data from an Access database into an Excel spreadsheet using a SQL SELECT statement | ADO, Access, Excel, database |  |
HowTo: Use a Recordset to copy data from an Access database into an Excel workbook | ADO, Access, Excel, database |  |
HowTo: Copy data from an Excel spreadsheet into an Access database | ADO, Access, Excel, database |  |
HowTo: Use SQL to copy data from an Excel spreadsheet into an Access database | ADO, Access, Excel, database, SQL | |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Use CDO to send email in Visual Basic 6 | CDO, email, send email |  |
HowTo: Use Internet Explorer to start sending email in Visual Basic .NET | email, mail, Internet Explorer, IExplore, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use a MailMessage object and SmtpMail.Send to send email in Visual Basic .NET | email, mail, MailMessage, SmtpMail.Send, IExplore, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use MAPI to send email to a list of students with VBA in Excel | MAPI, mail, email, sendmail, students, Excel, VBA |  |
HowTo: Send email from VBA code by using MAPI | MAPI, email, Excel, VBA, send mail |  |
HowTo: Convert Outlook emails into Word documents | em, ail, Word, Microsoft Word, Outlook Express, Outlook |  |
HowTo: Collate emails holding survey entries | collate, collate email, survey, email |  |
HowTo: Extract email from Outlook Express | Outlook Express, email, automation, extract email |  |
HowTo: Start an email message in your default mail program | email, mail, Outlook, Netscape |  |
HowTo: Break text into lines and prefix them for mailing | mail, prefix, reply |  |
HowTo: Send mail using MAPI (Mail API) | MAPI, mail, email, sendmail |  |
HowTo: Send an Outlook Express attachment | Outlook Express, email, e-mail, attachment, ShellExecute, FindWindow |  |
HowTo: Use ShellExecute to send mail using the default mail program | ShellExecute, mail, email, cc, bcc |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Apply filters to Outlook Express in Visual Basic 6 | Outlook Express, filter, email |  |
Tip: Backup Outlook Express rules | email, Outlook Express, rules, filters, spam | |
HowTo: Send an Outlook Express attachment | Outlook Express, email, e-mail, attachment, ShellExecute, FindWindow |  |
Tip: Don't download garbage in Outlook Express | email, Outlook Express, rules, filters, spam | |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Create a Word document with some formatting in Visual Basic .NET | Microsoft Word, Word cell format, read from Word, Microsoft Office, Office, Word cell color, cell color, cell format, Word |  |
HowTo: Create a Word document containing a picture that makes text to flow around it in Visual Basic .NET | Microsoft Word, Word cell format, read from Word, Microsoft Office, Office, Word cell color, cell color, cell format, Word, right align, alignment, picture alignment |  |
HowTo: Start another process and disable a button while that process is running in VBA | VBA, shell, shell and disable, SetTimer, GetExitCodeProcess |  |
HowTo: Start another process and wait for it to complete in VBA | VBA, shell, shell and wait, OpenProcess, WaitForSingleProcess |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to add descriptions of the system's drives to a Word document | Word, Office, list drives, disk drives |  |
HowTo: Make a Word document in Visual Basic 6 | Word, office, word document |  |
HowTo: Use VBA to switch a Word table's rows and columns | Word, table, row, column, switch, VBA | |
HowTo: Convert Outlook emails into Word documents | em, ail, Word, Microsoft Word, Outlook Express, Outlook |  |
HowTo: Convert a .rtf or .txt file into a .doc file | document, word, rtf, txt, doc, convert file |  |
HowTo: Generate HTML versions of all of a Word document's tables | HTML, Word, Microsoft Word, table |  |
HowTo: Find nodes with a particular tag name in an XML file with VB .NET | XML, VB.NET, find node |  |
HowTo: Use a VBA macro to number non-blank paragraphs in Word | ctrl-A, control-A, select text |  |
Microsoft Office Programming: A Guide for Experienced Developers | Office, Microsoft Office, programming, Office automation |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to display a Word document's built in document properties | Word, VBA, properties, document properties |   |
HowTo: Use VBA macros to accept revisions in a Word document between two dates | code, format, Word, VBA |   |
HowTo: Use VBA macros to format text in Word to look like code | code, format, Word, VBA |   |
HowTo: Remove hyperlinks from a Word file in VB .NET | Word, Microsoft Word, Office, Microsoft Office, hyperlink, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Remove personal information from a Word file in VB .NET | Word, Microsoft Word, Office, Microsoft Office, personal information, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Read, write, and delete document variables in a Word document in VB .NET | Word, Microsoft Word, Office, Microsoft Office, variable, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Remove hyperlinks from a Word file | Word, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Office, hyperlink |  |
HowTo: Remove personal information from a Word file | Word, Microsoft Word, Office, Microsoft Office, personal information |  |
HowTo: Read, write, and delete document variables in a Word document | Word, Microsoft Word, Office, Microsoft Office, variable |  |
HowTo: Use a Word server to print Word files in VB .NET | Office, Word, print, PrintOut, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use a Word server to print Word files | Office, Word, print, PrintOut |  |
HowTo: Call Word to spell check from Visual Basic .NET | Office, Word, spell, spellcheck, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: List the words contained in a Word document | words, list words, Word, Word document, Office, automation |  |
HowTo: Search a file hierarchy for .doc files containing a string | find, search, Microsoft Word, .doc |  |
HowTo: Convert a .doc file into a .rtf or .txt file | document, word, rtf, txt, doc, convert file |  |
HowTo: Format a fraction in Word | Word, Office, fraction, format | |
HowTo: Open Word and go to a bookmark in VB .NET | Office, Word, bookmark |  |
HowTo: Open Word and go to a bookmark | Office, Word, bookmark |  |
HowTo: Remove pictures from a Word document | Word, picture, shape, InlineShape, remove, graphic |  |
HowTo: Remove pictures from a Word document using VB.NET | VB.NET, NET, Word, picture, shape, InlineShape, remove, graphic |  |
HowTo: Call Word to spell check from Visual Basic | Office, Word, spell, spellcheck |  |
HowTo: Translate a Word file into a text file | Office, Word, translate, text file |  |
HowTo: Open Word files and add footers giving their file names | Office, Word, footer |  |
HowTo: Paste a picture into a Word file | Office, Word, picture, paste |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Use VBA code in Excel to import a CSV file and use it to make a line graph | Excel, VBA, Visual Basic for Applications, import, CSV, comma separated value, line graph, chart |  |
HowTo: Determine what version of Access is installed by using automation in Visual Basic 6 | Access, Access version, Microsoft Access, Registry, automation, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Determine what version of Access is installed by using automation in Visual Basic 2005 | Access, Access version, Microsoft Access, Registry, automation, VB.NET, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Start another process and disable a button while that process is running in VBA | VBA, shell, shell and disable, SetTimer, GetExitCodeProcess |  |
HowTo: Start another process and wait for it to complete in VBA | VBA, shell, shell and wait, OpenProcess, WaitForSingleProcess |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to add descriptions of the system's drives to a Word document | Word, Office, list drives, disk drives |  |
HowTo: Make a Word document in Visual Basic 6 | Word, office, word document |  |
HowTo: Use Internet Explorer to start sending email in Visual Basic .NET | email, mail, Internet Explorer, IExplore, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use a MailMessage object and SmtpMail.Send to send email in Visual Basic .NET | email, mail, MailMessage, SmtpMail.Send, IExplore, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to make a quiz score histogram in Excel | Excel, Office, score, quiz, histogram, VBA |  |
HowTo: Use Visual Basic to make an Excel chart | Office, Eexcel, workbook, worksheet, chart |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to add and remove comments in Excel cells | VBA, Excel, comment, remark |  |
HowTo: Convert a .rtf or .txt file into a .doc file | document, word, rtf, txt, doc, convert file |  |
HowTo: Generate HTML versions of all of a Word document's tables | HTML, Word, Microsoft Word, table |  |
HowTo: Find nodes with a particular tag name in an XML file with VB .NET | XML, VB.NET, find node |  |
HowTo: Use a VBA macro to number non-blank paragraphs in Word | ctrl-A, control-A, select text |  |
Microsoft Office Programming: A Guide for Experienced Developers | Office, Microsoft Office, programming, Office automation |  |
HowTo: Use a Word server to print Word files in VB .NET | Office, Word, print, PrintOut, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use a Word server to print Word files | Office, Word, print, PrintOut |  |
HowTo: Call Word to spell check from Visual Basic .NET | Office, Word, spell, spellcheck, VB.NET |  |
Tutorial: Microsoft Office Automation | Office, Microsoft Office, automation, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access | |
HowTo: List the words contained in a Word document | words, list words, Word, Word document, Office, automation |  |
HowTo: Copy data from an Access database into an Excel spreadsheet | ADO, Access, Excel, database |  |
HowTo: Extract email from Outlook Express | Outlook Express, email, automation, extract email |  |
HowTo: Search a file hierarchy for .doc files containing a string | find, search, Microsoft Word, .doc |  |
HowTo: Convert a .doc file into a .rtf or .txt file | document, word, rtf, txt, doc, convert file |  |
HowTo: Format a fraction in Word | Word, Office, fraction, format | |
HowTo: Copy data from an Excel spreadsheet into an Access database | ADO, Access, Excel, database |  |
HowTo: Open Word and go to a bookmark in VB .NET | Office, Word, bookmark |  |
HowTo: Open Word and go to a bookmark | Office, Word, bookmark |  |
HowTo: Remove pictures from a Word document | Word, picture, shape, InlineShape, remove, graphic |  |
HowTo: Remove pictures from a Word document using VB.NET | VB.NET, NET, Word, picture, shape, InlineShape, remove, graphic |  |
HowTo: Call Word to spell check from Visual Basic | Office, Word, spell, spellcheck |  |
HowTo: Translate a Word file into a text file | Office, Word, translate, text file |  |
HowTo: Open Word files and add footers giving their file names | Office, Word, footer |  |
HowTo: Paste a picture into a Word file | Office, Word, picture, paste |  |
HowTo: Load a CSV (comma-separated value) file into an Excel spreadsheet "manually" | CSV, Excel, spreadsheet, comma-separated value |  |
HowTo: Load a CSV (comma-separated value) file in Excel and save it as an Excel spreadsheet | CSV, Excel, spreadsheet, comma-separated value |  |
HowTo: Use Visual Basic to write an Excel spreadsheet | Office, Eexcel, workbook, worksheet |  |
HowTo: Evaluate mathematical expressions using Excel | Office, Eexcel, expression, evaluate |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Use VBA code to pick random elements from the currently selected cells in an Excel workbook | VBA, Visual Basic for Applications, random, pick random, Excel, pick random cells, Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
Tip: Specify the Compare argument when using Split, Filter, Replace, Join, or InstrRev in VBA 6 | Compare, Split, Filter, Replace, Join, InstrRev, VBA | |