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  Index: Office  
Excel Access Email
Outlook Express Word Automation
PowerPoint Outlook VBA
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Visual Basic 2010 Programmer's Reference
Stephens' Visual Basic Programming 24-Hour Trainer
Stephens' C# Programming with Visual Studio 2010 24-Hour Trainer
Beginning Database Design Solutions
WPF Programmer's Reference
Visual Basic 2010 Programmer's Reference

Title Keywords  
HowTo: Write data into an Excel workbook in Visual Basic 6Microsoft Office, Office, Excel, Microsoft Excel, write to Excel, color cell, format cell, color Excel cell, format Excel cellDownload
HowTo: Read data from an Excel workbook in Visual Basic 6Microsoft Office, Office, Excel, Microsoft Excel, read from Excel, cell color, cell format, Excel cell color, Excel cell formatDownload
HowTo: Write data into an Excel workbook in Visual Basic .NETMicrosoft Office, Office, Excel, Microsoft Excel, write to Excel, color cell, format cell, color Excel cell, format Excel cellDownload
HowTo: Read data from an Excel workbook in Visual Basic .NETMicrosoft Office, Office, Excel, Microsoft Excel, read from Excel, cell color, cell format, Excel cell color, Excel cell formatDownload
HowTo: Use VBA code to pick random elements from the currently selected cells in an Excel workbookVBA, Visual Basic for Applications, random, pick random, Excel, pick random cells, Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use VBA to compare two lists in Excel and highlight the cells in the second that are not in the firstExcel, VBA, compare lists, compare, listsDownload
HowTo: Use code to make a chart in Excel from the current selection in VBAExcel, Office, chart, VBA, graph, Visual Basic for ApplicationsDownload
HowTo: Use VBA code to make a pie chart in ExcelExcel, VBA, pie chart, Microsoft OfficeDownload
HowTo: Use VBA code in Excel to import a CSV file and use it to make a line graphExcel, VBA, Visual Basic for Applications, import, CSV, comma separated value, line graph, chartDownload
Bug: Mouse Wheel in ListBox Crashes ExcelMouse Wheel, ListBox, Excel 
HowTo: Make VBA code call a worksheet functionVBA, excel, worksheet function, STDEVDownload
HowTo: Use a Visual Basic function in Excel cell formulasVBA, Excel, formula, functionDownload
HowTo: Use Excel VBA code to display a progress splash screen while performing a long taskExcel, VBA, splash screen, progressDownload
HowTo: Use VBA code and the Excel Save As dialog to get the name of a file in which to save a workbookVBA, Excel, Save As, GetSaveAsFilenameDownload
HowTo: Use VBA code to save an Excel workbook while removing macro codeVBA, Excel, macro, remove macrosDownload
HowTo: Use VBA code to make, change, and delete a button in ExcelVBA, button, CommandButton, Excel, OfficeDownload
HowTo: Use VBA code to make a hyperlink in ExcelVBA, Excel, hyperlink, linkDownload
HowTo: Use VBA to place a comment on a cell in ExcelExcel, comment, VBA, set comment, clear commentDownload
HowTo: Use VBA to generate code to reproduce basic calcualtions on an Excel worksheetVBA, generate code, calcualtion, Excel, worksheetDownload
HowTo: Use VBA code to make a quiz score histogram in ExcelExcel, Office, score, quiz, histogram, VBADownload
HowTo: Find the range of used cells in an Excel worksheetUsedRange, used range, used cells, Excel, VBADownload
HowTo: Use Visual Basic to make an Excel chartOffice, Eexcel, workbook, worksheet, chartDownload
HowTo: Use VBA code to make a chart in Excel easilyExcel, Office, chart, VBADownload
HowTo: Prevent the user from closing a UserForm by clicking the X buttonUserForm, close, X button, disable X button, VBA, ExcelDownload
HowTo: Use MAPI to send email to a list of students with VBA in ExcelMAPI, mail, email, sendmail, students, Excel, VBADownload
HowTo: Send email from VBA code by using MAPIMAPI, email, Excel, VBA, send mailDownload
HowTo: Use VBA code to add a numbered worksheet to an Excel workbookVBA, Microsoft Office, ExcelDownload
HowTo: Use VBA code to add and remove comments in Excel cellsVBA, Excel, comment, remarkDownload
HowTo: Use VBA code to make buttons that jump to the first row beginning with specific lettersVBA, Excel, hyperlink, letter, indexDownload
HowTo: Use VBA code to make hyperlinks that jump to the first row beginning with specific lettersVBA, Excel, hyperlink, letter, indexDownload
HowTo: Use VBA code to scroll an Excel worksheet's pane to a particular columnExcel, scroll, column, worksheet, workbookDownload
HowTo: Let the user check items in a grid in Excel VBAExcel, VBA, grid, editable, FlexGridDownload
HowTo: Display a form with an editable grid in Excel VBAExcel, VBA, grid, editable, FlexGridDownload
HowTo: Use checkmark images to let the user check items in a grid in Excel VBAExcel, VBA, grid, editable, FlexGridDownload
Microsoft Office Programming: A Guide for Experienced DevelopersOffice, Microsoft Office, programming, Office automationBook
HowTo: Use VBA to compare two Ranges in Excel and highlight the cells that are differentExcel, Range, compareDownload
HowTo: Copy data from an Access database into an Excel spreadsheetADO, Access, Excel, databaseDownload
HowTo: Copy data from an Access database into an Excel spreadsheet using a SQL SELECT statementADO, Access, Excel, databaseDownload
HowTo: Find the first and last used row and column in an Excel spreadsheetExcel, bounds, row, columnDownload
HowTo: Use a Visual Basic DLL file in an Excel spreadsheetDLL, ExcelDownload
HowTo: Graph a user-entered function by using Excelgraph, equation, scale, user-entered function, ExcelDownload
HowTo: Use a Recordset to copy data from an Access database into an Excel workbookADO, Access, Excel, databaseDownload
HowTo: Copy data from an Excel spreadsheet into an Access databaseADO, Access, Excel, databaseDownload
HowTo: Load a CSV (comma-separated value) file into an Excel spreadsheet "manually"CSV, Excel, spreadsheet, comma-separated valueDownload
HowTo: Load a CSV (comma-separated value) file in Excel and save it as an Excel spreadsheetCSV, Excel, spreadsheet, comma-separated valueDownload
HowTo: Use Visual Basic to write an Excel spreadsheetOffice, Eexcel, workbook, worksheetDownload
HowTo: Evaluate mathematical expressions using ExcelOffice, Eexcel, expression, evaluateDownload
HowTo: Sort Excel data using more than three columnsExcel, Office, sortDownload
HowTo: Apply a list of replacements in an Excel spreadsheet to a text fileExcel, replace, spreadsheetDownload
HowTo: Use SQL to copy data from an Excel spreadsheet into an Access databaseADO, Access, Excel, database, SQL 


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Determine what version of Access is installed by using automation in Visual Basic 6Access, Access version, Microsoft Access, Registry, automation, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Determine what version of Access is installed by reading Registry values in Visual Basic 2005Access, Access version, Microsoft Access, Registry, VB.NET, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Determine what version of Access is installed by using automation in Visual Basic 2005Access, Access version, Microsoft Access, Registry, automation, VB.NET, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Determine what version of Access is installed by reading Registry values in Visual Basic 6Access, Access version, Microsoft Access, Registry, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Use an ALTER TABLE statement to change a column's data type in an Access database in Visual Basic 6ALTER TABLE, database, ADO, Access, Visual Basic 6Download
Tip: Debug Access VBA Codeemail, Access, VBA, macro, macros code, breakpoint 
Tip: Use Orca to Remove a .NET Installation Project's "Everyone" and "Just Me" OptionsOrca, VB.NET, installation, installation kit, installation package, everyone, just me 
Microsoft Office Programming: A Guide for Experienced DevelopersOffice, Microsoft Office, programming, Office automationBook
HowTo: Convert an Access database to Access2002Access, Office, Microsoft Office, MS Office, convertDownload
HowTo: Store and retrieve an image in an Access databaseAccess, image, picture, memoDownload
HowTo: Copy data from an Access database into an Excel spreadsheetADO, Access, Excel, databaseDownload
HowTo: Copy data from an Access database into an Excel spreadsheet using a SQL SELECT statementADO, Access, Excel, databaseDownload
HowTo: Use a Recordset to copy data from an Access database into an Excel workbookADO, Access, Excel, databaseDownload
HowTo: Copy data from an Excel spreadsheet into an Access databaseADO, Access, Excel, databaseDownload
HowTo: Use SQL to copy data from an Excel spreadsheet into an Access databaseADO, Access, Excel, database, SQL 


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Use CDO to send email in Visual Basic 6CDO, email, send emailDownload
HowTo: Use Internet Explorer to start sending email in Visual Basic .NETemail, mail, Internet Explorer, IExplore, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use a MailMessage object and SmtpMail.Send to send email in Visual Basic .NETemail, mail, MailMessage, SmtpMail.Send, IExplore, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use MAPI to send email to a list of students with VBA in ExcelMAPI, mail, email, sendmail, students, Excel, VBADownload
HowTo: Send email from VBA code by using MAPIMAPI, email, Excel, VBA, send mailDownload
HowTo: Convert Outlook emails into Word documentsem, ail, Word, Microsoft Word, Outlook Express, OutlookDownload
HowTo: Collate emails holding survey entriescollate, collate email, survey, emailDownload
HowTo: Extract email from Outlook ExpressOutlook Express, email, automation, extract emailDownload
HowTo: Start an email message in your default mail programemail, mail, Outlook, NetscapeDownload
HowTo: Break text into lines and prefix them for mailingmail, prefix, replyDownload
HowTo: Send mail using MAPI (Mail API)MAPI, mail, email, sendmailDownload
HowTo: Send an Outlook Express attachmentOutlook Express, email, e-mail, attachment, ShellExecute, FindWindowDownload
HowTo: Use ShellExecute to send mail using the default mail programShellExecute, mail, email, cc, bccDownload

Outlook Express

Title Keywords  
HowTo: Apply filters to Outlook Express in Visual Basic 6Outlook Express, filter, emailDownload
Tip: Backup Outlook Express rulesemail, Outlook Express, rules, filters, spam 
HowTo: Send an Outlook Express attachmentOutlook Express, email, e-mail, attachment, ShellExecute, FindWindowDownload
Tip: Don't download garbage in Outlook Expressemail, Outlook Express, rules, filters, spam 


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Create a Word document with some formatting in Visual Basic .NETMicrosoft Word, Word cell format, read from Word, Microsoft Office, Office, Word cell color, cell color, cell format, WordDownload
HowTo: Create a Word document containing a picture that makes text to flow around it in Visual Basic .NETMicrosoft Word, Word cell format, read from Word, Microsoft Office, Office, Word cell color, cell color, cell format, Word, right align, alignment, picture alignmentDownload
HowTo: Start another process and disable a button while that process is running in VBAVBA, shell, shell and disable, SetTimer, GetExitCodeProcessDownload
HowTo: Start another process and wait for it to complete in VBAVBA, shell, shell and wait, OpenProcess, WaitForSingleProcessDownload
HowTo: Use VBA code to add descriptions of the system's drives to a Word documentWord, Office, list drives, disk drivesDownload
HowTo: Make a Word document in Visual Basic 6Word, office, word documentDownload
HowTo: Use VBA to switch a Word table's rows and columnsWord, table, row, column, switch, VBA 
HowTo: Convert Outlook emails into Word documentsem, ail, Word, Microsoft Word, Outlook Express, OutlookDownload
HowTo: Convert a .rtf or .txt file into a .doc filedocument, word, rtf, txt, doc, convert fileDownload
HowTo: Generate HTML versions of all of a Word document's tablesHTML, Word, Microsoft Word, tableDownload
HowTo: Find nodes with a particular tag name in an XML file with VB .NETXML, VB.NET, find nodeDownload
HowTo: Use a VBA macro to number non-blank paragraphs in Wordctrl-A, control-A, select textDownload
Microsoft Office Programming: A Guide for Experienced DevelopersOffice, Microsoft Office, programming, Office automationBook
HowTo: Use VBA code to display a Word document's built in document propertiesWord, VBA, properties, document propertiesDownloadBook
HowTo: Use VBA macros to accept revisions in a Word document between two datescode, format, Word, VBADownloadBook
HowTo: Use VBA macros to format text in Word to look like codecode, format, Word, VBADownloadBook
HowTo: Remove hyperlinks from a Word file in VB .NETWord, Microsoft Word, Office, Microsoft Office, hyperlink, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Remove personal information from a Word file in VB .NETWord, Microsoft Word, Office, Microsoft Office, personal information, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Read, write, and delete document variables in a Word document in VB .NETWord, Microsoft Word, Office, Microsoft Office, variable, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Remove hyperlinks from a Word fileWord, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Office, hyperlinkDownload
HowTo: Remove personal information from a Word fileWord, Microsoft Word, Office, Microsoft Office, personal informationDownload
HowTo: Read, write, and delete document variables in a Word documentWord, Microsoft Word, Office, Microsoft Office, variableDownload
HowTo: Use a Word server to print Word files in VB .NETOffice, Word, print, PrintOut, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use a Word server to print Word filesOffice, Word, print, PrintOutDownload
HowTo: Call Word to spell check from Visual Basic .NETOffice, Word, spell, spellcheck, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: List the words contained in a Word documentwords, list words, Word, Word document, Office, automationDownload
HowTo: Search a file hierarchy for .doc files containing a stringfind, search, Microsoft Word, .docDownload
HowTo: Convert a .doc file into a .rtf or .txt filedocument, word, rtf, txt, doc, convert fileDownload
HowTo: Format a fraction in WordWord, Office, fraction, format 
HowTo: Open Word and go to a bookmark in VB .NETOffice, Word, bookmarkDownload
HowTo: Open Word and go to a bookmarkOffice, Word, bookmarkDownload
HowTo: Remove pictures from a Word documentWord, picture, shape, InlineShape, remove, graphicDownload
HowTo: Remove pictures from a Word document using VB.NETVB.NET, NET, Word, picture, shape, InlineShape, remove, graphicDownload
HowTo: Call Word to spell check from Visual BasicOffice, Word, spell, spellcheckDownload
HowTo: Translate a Word file into a text fileOffice, Word, translate, text fileDownload
HowTo: Open Word files and add footers giving their file namesOffice, Word, footerDownload
HowTo: Paste a picture into a Word fileOffice, Word, picture, pasteDownload


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Use VBA code in Excel to import a CSV file and use it to make a line graphExcel, VBA, Visual Basic for Applications, import, CSV, comma separated value, line graph, chartDownload
HowTo: Determine what version of Access is installed by using automation in Visual Basic 6Access, Access version, Microsoft Access, Registry, automation, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Determine what version of Access is installed by using automation in Visual Basic 2005Access, Access version, Microsoft Access, Registry, automation, VB.NET, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Start another process and disable a button while that process is running in VBAVBA, shell, shell and disable, SetTimer, GetExitCodeProcessDownload
HowTo: Start another process and wait for it to complete in VBAVBA, shell, shell and wait, OpenProcess, WaitForSingleProcessDownload
HowTo: Use VBA code to add descriptions of the system's drives to a Word documentWord, Office, list drives, disk drivesDownload
HowTo: Make a Word document in Visual Basic 6Word, office, word documentDownload
HowTo: Use Internet Explorer to start sending email in Visual Basic .NETemail, mail, Internet Explorer, IExplore, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use a MailMessage object and SmtpMail.Send to send email in Visual Basic .NETemail, mail, MailMessage, SmtpMail.Send, IExplore, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use VBA code to make a quiz score histogram in ExcelExcel, Office, score, quiz, histogram, VBADownload
HowTo: Use Visual Basic to make an Excel chartOffice, Eexcel, workbook, worksheet, chartDownload
HowTo: Use VBA code to add and remove comments in Excel cellsVBA, Excel, comment, remarkDownload
HowTo: Convert a .rtf or .txt file into a .doc filedocument, word, rtf, txt, doc, convert fileDownload
HowTo: Generate HTML versions of all of a Word document's tablesHTML, Word, Microsoft Word, tableDownload
HowTo: Find nodes with a particular tag name in an XML file with VB .NETXML, VB.NET, find nodeDownload
HowTo: Use a VBA macro to number non-blank paragraphs in Wordctrl-A, control-A, select textDownload
Microsoft Office Programming: A Guide for Experienced DevelopersOffice, Microsoft Office, programming, Office automationBook
HowTo: Use a Word server to print Word files in VB .NETOffice, Word, print, PrintOut, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use a Word server to print Word filesOffice, Word, print, PrintOutDownload
HowTo: Call Word to spell check from Visual Basic .NETOffice, Word, spell, spellcheck, VB.NETDownload
Tutorial: Microsoft Office AutomationOffice, Microsoft Office, automation, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access 
HowTo: List the words contained in a Word documentwords, list words, Word, Word document, Office, automationDownload
HowTo: Copy data from an Access database into an Excel spreadsheetADO, Access, Excel, databaseDownload
HowTo: Extract email from Outlook ExpressOutlook Express, email, automation, extract emailDownload
HowTo: Search a file hierarchy for .doc files containing a stringfind, search, Microsoft Word, .docDownload
HowTo: Convert a .doc file into a .rtf or .txt filedocument, word, rtf, txt, doc, convert fileDownload
HowTo: Format a fraction in WordWord, Office, fraction, format 
HowTo: Copy data from an Excel spreadsheet into an Access databaseADO, Access, Excel, databaseDownload
HowTo: Open Word and go to a bookmark in VB .NETOffice, Word, bookmarkDownload
HowTo: Open Word and go to a bookmarkOffice, Word, bookmarkDownload
HowTo: Remove pictures from a Word documentWord, picture, shape, InlineShape, remove, graphicDownload
HowTo: Remove pictures from a Word document using VB.NETVB.NET, NET, Word, picture, shape, InlineShape, remove, graphicDownload
HowTo: Call Word to spell check from Visual BasicOffice, Word, spell, spellcheckDownload
HowTo: Translate a Word file into a text fileOffice, Word, translate, text fileDownload
HowTo: Open Word files and add footers giving their file namesOffice, Word, footerDownload
HowTo: Paste a picture into a Word fileOffice, Word, picture, pasteDownload
HowTo: Load a CSV (comma-separated value) file into an Excel spreadsheet "manually"CSV, Excel, spreadsheet, comma-separated valueDownload
HowTo: Load a CSV (comma-separated value) file in Excel and save it as an Excel spreadsheetCSV, Excel, spreadsheet, comma-separated valueDownload
HowTo: Use Visual Basic to write an Excel spreadsheetOffice, Eexcel, workbook, worksheetDownload
HowTo: Evaluate mathematical expressions using ExcelOffice, Eexcel, expression, evaluateDownload


Title Keywords  
Microsoft Office Programming: A Guide for Experienced DevelopersOffice, Microsoft Office, programming, Office automationBook


Title Keywords  
Microsoft Office Programming: A Guide for Experienced DevelopersOffice, Microsoft Office, programming, Office automationBook


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Use VBA code to pick random elements from the currently selected cells in an Excel workbookVBA, Visual Basic for Applications, random, pick random, Excel, pick random cells, Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
Tip: Specify the Compare argument when using Split, Filter, Replace, Join, or InstrRev in VBA 6Compare, Split, Filter, Replace, Join, InstrRev, VBA 

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