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HowTo: Use nullable parameters in Visual Basic .NET | syntax, methods, overloaded methods, overloading, overload, null parameters, optional, optional parameters, nullable, nullable parameters, missing parameters, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Compare two variables of a user-defined type (UDT) to see if they hold the same values | UDT, user-defined type, data type, compare |  |
HowTo: See if a date string is valid using regional date settings | date string, validate, validation, regional, international |  |
HowTo: See if a date string is valid | date string, validate, validation |  |
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HowTo: Use regular expressions and LINQ to list the unique words contained in a text file in Visual Basic .NET | files, regular expressions, LINQ, strings, replace, unique words, words, count words, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET, example, example program, Windows Forms programming |  |