Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Use WMI to get lots of information about the operating system in Visual Basic 2005 | WMI, Visual Basic 2005, BootDevice, BuildNumber, BuildType, Caption, CodeSet, CountryCode, CreationClassName, CSCreationClassName, CSDVersion, CSName, CurrentTimeZone, DataExecutionPrevention_Available, DataExecutionPrevention_32BitApplications, DataExecutionPrevention_Drivers, DataExecutionPrevention_SupportPolicy, Debug, Description, Distributed, EncryptionLevel, ForegroundApplicationBoost, FreePhysicalMemory, FreeSpaceInPagingFiles, FreeVirtualMemory, InstallDate, LargeSystemCache, LastBootUpTime, LocalDateTime, Locale, Manufacturer, MaxNumberOfProcesses, MaxProcessMemorySize, MUILanguages[], Name, NumberOfLicensedUsers, NumberOfProcesses, NumberOfUsers, OperatingSystemSKU, Organization, OSArchitecture, OSLanguage, OSProductSuite, OSType, OtherTypeDescription, PAEEnabled, PlusProductID, PlusVersionNumber, Primary, ProductType, QuantumLength, QuantumType, RegisteredUser, SerialNumber, ServicePackMajorVersion, ServicePackMinorVersion, SizeStoredInPagingFiles, Status, SuiteMask, SystemDevice, SystemDirectory, SystemDrive, TotalSwapSpaceSize, TotalVirtualMemorySize, TotalVisibleMemorySize, Version, WindowsDirectory |  |
HowTo: Start another process and disable a button while that process is running in VBA | VBA, shell, shell and disable, SetTimer, GetExitCodeProcess |  |
HowTo: Use WMI to get lots of information about the computer system in Visual Basic 2005 | WMI, Visual Basic 2005, AdminPasswordStatus, AutomaticManagedPagefile, AutomaticResetBootOption, AutomaticResetCapability, BootOptionOnLimit, BootOptionOnWatchDog, BootROMSupported, BootupState, Caption, ChassisBootupState, CreationClassName, CurrentTimeZone, DaylightInEffect, Description, DNSHostName, Domain, DomainRole, EnableDaylightSavingsTime, FrontPanelResetStatus, InfraredSupported, InitialLoadInfo, InstallDate, KeyboardPasswordStatus, LastLoadInfo, Manufacturer, Model, Name, NameFormat, NetworkServerModeEnabled, NumberOfLogicalProcessors, NumberOfProcessors, OEMLogoBitmap, OEMStringArray, PartOfDomain, PauseAfterReset, PCSystemType, PowerManagementCapabilities, PowerManagementSupported, PowerOnPasswordStatus, PowerState, PowerSupplyState, PrimaryOwnerContact, PrimaryOwnerName, ResetCapability, ResetCount, ResetLimit, Roles, Status, SupportContactDescription, SystemStartupDelay, SystemStartupOptions, SystemStartupSetting, SystemType, ThermalState, TotalPhysicalMemory, UserName, WakeUpType, Workgroup |  |
HowTo: Start another process and wait for it to complete in VBA | VBA, shell, shell and wait, OpenProcess, WaitForSingleProcess |  |
HowTo: Determine whether the computer is running from battery or line power in Visual Basic 2005 | power, battery, charging, GetSystemPowerStatus, power status, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Determine whether the computer is running from battery or line power in Visual Basic 6 | power, battery, charging, GetSystemPowerStatus, power status, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Keep track of the foreground application in VB .NET | foreground application, foreground window, GetForegroundWindow |  |
HowTo: Keep track of the foreground application | foreground application, foreground window, GetForegroundWindow |  |
HowTo: Get information about a window and its children | window information, children, GetWindow, SendMessage, GetClassName |  |
HowTo: Find the text displayed by a Window's descendant given its hierarchical window path | window, hWnd, FindWindow, class, window class, path, window path |  |
HowTo: Get information about a Window's child hierarchy from its hWnd | window, hWnd, FindWindow, class, window class |  |
HowTo: Add files to the Recent Documents list and clear the list | Recent Documents, Recent Documents list |  |
HowTo: Add files to the Recent Documents list and clear the list in Visual Basic .NET | Office, Word, spell, spellcheck, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display the Windows About dialog | About dialog, Windows |  |
HowTo: Get drive information (type of drive, whether a floppy is present, etc.) in a structured format | disk, drive, drive information, serial number, volume name, file system type, FAT32, FAT, removable, loaded |  |
HowTo: Get drive information (type of drive, whether a floppy is present, etc.) | disk, drive, drive information, serial number, volume name, file system type, FAT32, FAT, removable, loaded |  |
HowTo: Position a popup form below a TextBox | popup, position, ClientToScreen, ShowWindow, SetWindowPos |  |
HowTo: Get low-level drive information (model, firmware, serial number, etc.) by using SMART | disk, drive, drive information, serial number, disk model, firm ware, cylinders, heads, sectors, tracks |  |
HowTo: Build a calculate with an interesting skin-like appearance | calculator, skin, SetWindowRgn |  |
HowTo: List top-level windows on the system | window, top-level window, system |  |
HowTo: See if a window is running in three ways | find window, AppActivate, FindWindow, EnumWindows |  |
HowTo: Find the Windows directory and system drive | windows directory, system drive |  |
HowTo: Get the path to special folders such as the Favorites, Cookies, and StartUp | special folder, special path, favorites, cookies, startup |  |
HowTo: List information on the system's drives | drives, disks, information |  |
HowTo: Get the Windows operating system version | Windows version, version, operating system |  |
HowTo: See how long Windows has been running | Windows, time, run time |  |
HowTo: Install a hotkey that minimizes the window with the focus | hotkey, minimize, focus window, accelerator, install hotkey, RegisterHotKey |  |
HowTo: See how much disk space is used and free using GetDiskFreeSpaceEx | GetDiskFreeSpaceEx, GetDiskFreeSpace, disk space, free, used, precent |  |
HowTo: Install and deinstall hotkeys | hotkey, accelerator, install hotkey, RegisterHotKey |  |
HowTo: Find a window using its title and minimize, maximize, or restore it | find window, findwindow, API, minimize, maximize, restore, SetWindowPlacement |  |
HowTo: Find a window using GetWindow and minimize, maximize, or restore it | find window, GetWindow, API, minimize, maximize, restore, SetWindowPlacement, GetWindowTextLength, GetWindowText, window text |  |
HowTo: Find a window given part of its title and move it to the foreground | find window, foreground, partial title |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Subclass a control to read Windows messages | subclass, WindowProc, messages |  |
HowTo: List distinct messages received by a form in Visual Basic 6 | WndProc, messages, list messages, WindowProc, subclass, VB6 |  |
HowTo: List distinct messages received by a form in Visual Basic 2005 | WndProc, messages, list messages, VB2005 |  |
HowTo: List distinct messages received by a form in Visual Basic .NET | WndProc, messages, list messages, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Detect when the user scrolls a ListView control | ListView, scroll, detect |  |
HowTo: Display a context menu when the user right-clicks on a ListView control's column headers | ListView, context menu, popup menu, right-click, right button, API, |  |
HowTo: Prevent the user from dragging icons in a ListView | ListView, drag, drag items, subclass |  |
HowTo: Determine when the user closes the main menu | menu, main menu, close, subclass, WindowProc |  |
HowTo: Use menus with custom fonts | menu, font, WndProc, subclassing |  |
HowTo: Give PictureBoxes different border styles (raised, sunken, etc.) in VB .NET | PictureBox, border style, raised, sunken, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Give PictureBoxes different border styles (raised, sunken, etc.) | PictureBox, border style, raised, sunken |  |
HowTo: Use a new WindowProc and SetWindowLong to make a TextBox accept only digits | TextBox, only digits, numeric field, SetWindowLong, WindowProc, subclassing |  |
HowTo: Restrict a form's minimum and maximum width and height | file times, last access time, file creation time, lastmodified time |  |
HowTo: Remove the context menu that appears when the user right clicks on a TextBox | context menu, popup menu, TextBox |  |
HowTo: Remove several TextBox context menus | context menu, popup menu, TextBox |  |
HowTo: Display a form in the system tray with no other icon | system tray, icon, taskbar |  |
HowTo: Make a "formless" program with a system tray icon | system tray, icon, taskbar, formless |  |
HowTo: Move forms together | move forms, subclass, API, WindowProc |  |
HowTo: Display a shaded title bar | title bar, titlebar, caption |  |
HowTo: Display a message when the user opens a menu item | menu, status |  |
HowTo: Restrict a form so the user can only move it vertically | form, move, vertical |  |
HowTo: Hide the caret in a TextBox | TextBox, caret, hide caret, cursor |  |
HowTo: Right justify a single line TextBox | text, alignment, right justify |  |
HowTo: Add an About dialog to the system menu and create menus at run time | About dialog, menu, custom menu, system menu |  |
HowTo: Determine when a ComboBox is about to drop down | ComboBox, down event, dropdown event |  |
HowTo: Know when the user clicks on any control on a form | form, click, control |  |
HowTo: Make a TextBox allow only letters and numbers | TextBox, letters, numbers, field, validate, context menu, popup |  |
HowTo: Subclass to see when a control is about to become visible or invisible | control, visible, invisible, hide, event, subclass |  |
HowTo: Use the Subclasser class to subclass many windows at once | subclass, class, Subclasser |  |
HowTo: Let the user minimize, maximize, and restore a form, but not resize it in VB .NET | subclass, WindowProc, messages, VB.NET, NET, resize, minimize, maximize |  |
HowTo: Subclass to read Windows messages in VB .NET | subclass, WindowProc, messages, VB.NET, NET |  |
Tutorial: Subclassing | subclassing, WindowProc, event processing | |
HowTo: Shrink a form to a title bar and restore it when the user clicks on the caption | form, shrink, restore, minimize |  |
HowTo: Know when a form is moving and when it finishes moving | moving, move, finished moving |  |
HowTo: Redraw a form once when it has finished resizing | resize, finished, done |  |
HowTo: Let the user minimize, maximize, and restore a form, but not resize it | resize, minimize, maximize |  |
HowTo: Make a form keep the same aspect ratio when it resizes | form, aspect ratio, size, resize |  |
HowTo: Tell when an application is activated or deactivated | activate, deactivate, subclass |  |
HowTo: Keep track of the last control to have the focus before a button is pressed | focus, button |  |
HowTo: Move a form using the arrow keys when the user right clicks its border | move form, drag, border, right click |  |
HowTo: Move a form when the user clicks and drags its border | move form, drag, border |  |
HowTo: Tell when the user clicks on a form's border, or on the minimize, maximize, or close button | click, border, minimize, maximize, close, non-client area |  |
HowTo: Disable a TextBox's context menu | TextBox, right click, popup, context menu |  |
HowTo: Disable a ComboBox's context menu | ComboBox, right click, popup, context menu |  |
Title |
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HowTo: Use the TypeLib Information library to get a control's properties | TypeLib, control name, TLI, InvokeHook |  |
HowTo: Serialize and deserialize objects in VB6 | serialize, deserialize, XML, typelib, type information |  |
HowTo: Make changes to the Registry using a .REG file | serialize, deserialize, XML, typelib, type information | |
Title |
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HowTo: Make a window stay below all others in Visual Basic .NET | bottommost, topmost, subclass, windowproc, setwindowlong, on bottom, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a window stay below all others in Visual Basic 6 | bottommost, topmost, subclass, windowproc, setwindowlong, on bottom, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Send a window to the top or bottom in Visual Basic .NET | send window to bottom, send window to top, to top, to bottom, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Send a window to the top or bottom in Visual Basic 6 | send window to bottom, send window to top, to top, to bottom, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Position a popup form over a PictureBox in Visual Basic 6 | popup, position popup, PictureBox, Visual Basic, ClientToScreen, ShowWindow, SetWindowPos |  |
HowTo: Subclass a control to read Windows messages | subclass, WindowProc, messages |  |
HowTo: Use the SetProp, GetProp, and RemoveProp API functions to associate a value with a window handle (hWnd) | SetProp, GetProp, RemoveProp, hWnd |  |
HowTo: Let the user resize a form that has no title bar or borders in Visual Basic .NET | resize form, title bar, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, SendMessage, DefWndProc, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Let the user move a form that has no title bar or borders in Visual Basic .NET | move form, title bar, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, SendMessage, DefWndProc, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Determine when the user closes the main menu | menu, main menu, close, subclass, WindowProc |  |
HowTo: Display a child form over a topmost parent form | stretch, image, resize |  |
HowTo: Set another application's caption | caption, title, SendMessage, application title |  |
HowTo: Display tips in a rounded popup form | form, help, tip, rounded rectangle, region, SetWindowRgn |  |
HowTo: Position a popup form below a TextBox | popup, position, ClientToScreen, ShowWindow, SetWindowPos |  |
HowTo: Display a form in the system tray with no other icon | system tray, icon, taskbar |  |
HowTo: Make a "formless" program with a system tray icon | system tray, icon, taskbar, formless |  |
HowTo: Prevent a form from moving by using subclassing | no move, prevent move |  |
HowTo: Make a shaped form scroll across the desktop | scroll, banner, shaped form, desktop, CreateFont, SetWindowRgn, region, text-shaped form |  |
HowTo: Make a scrolling banner run across the desktop | scrolling, banner, desktop |  |
HowTo: Remove the Minimize and Maximize buttons from a form's system menu | minimize, maximize, system menu |  |
HowTo: Give a window a toolbar style title bar | form, toolbar, titlebar, SetWindowLong |  |
HowTo: Keep an MDI form on top of other programs | form, top, on top, topmost, ontop |  |
HowTo: Keep a form on top of another form, but not on top of all forms | on top, topmost |  |
HowTo: Disable the close X in a form's upper right corner | form, close, unload |  |
HowTo: Show a form without activating it | form, activate, show |  |
HowTo: Confine the cursor within a form's client area | confine, cursor, clip, client area |  |
HowTo: Know when the user clicks on any control on a form | form, click, control |  |
HowTo: Let the user minimize, maximize, and restore a form, but not resize it in VB .NET | subclass, WindowProc, messages, VB.NET, NET, resize, minimize, maximize |  |
HowTo: Subclass to read Windows messages in VB .NET | subclass, WindowProc, messages, VB.NET, NET |  |
HowTo: Shrink a form to a title bar and restore it when the user clicks on the caption | form, shrink, restore, minimize |  |
HowTo: Know when a form is moving and when it finishes moving | moving, move, finished moving |  |
HowTo: Redraw a form once when it has finished resizing | resize, finished, done |  |
HowTo: Let the user minimize, maximize, and restore a form, but not resize it | resize, minimize, maximize |  |
HowTo: Restore a form to the position it had when it was last run | form, position, GetWindowPlacement, SetWindowPlacement |  |
HowTo: Keep a form on top of others | form, top, on top, topmost, ontop |  |
HowTo: Let the user move a 1-pixel wide form without a title bar | move form, no title bar, drag form |  |
HowTo: Let the user move a form without a title bar | move form, no title bar, drag form |  |
HowTo: Make a text-shaped form | CreateFont, SetWindowRgn, region, text-shaped form, shaped form |  |
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HowTo: Make a transparent analog clock | click, SetWindowRgn, transparent, analog |  |
HowTo: Fit a PictureBox to its non-transparent pixels | shaped picture, PictureBox, region, SetWindowRgn |   |
HowTo: Display tips in a rounded popup form | form, help, tip, rounded rectangle, region, SetWindowRgn |  |
HowTo: Make a picture box with a hole in it | PictureBox, shape, region, SetWindowRgn, shaped PictureBox |  |
HowTo: Make a monitor that displays a value using bars floating over the desktop | gauge, bar, monitor, SetWindowRgn, region |  |
HowTo: Make a text-shaped PictureBox | text-shaped picture box, SetWindowRgn, region, shape, PictureBox |  |
HowTo: Make a shaped button in VB .NET | shape, polygon, button, SetWindowRgn, region, shaped button, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Tile a polygon with a picture | picture, tile, polygon, region |   |
HowTo: Draw a polygon filled with a picture | region, path, polygon, picture |   |
HowTo: Draw a polygon filled with text | text, region, path, polygon |   |
HowTo: Draw text filled with a picture | text, region, path, picture |   |
HowTo: Make a "heavyweight" label that can sit on top of a shockwave animation or other controls | label, windowless control, SetWindowRgn, region, lightweight, heavyweight |  |
HowTo: Make a transparent clock face | transparent, clock, face, SetWindowRgn, CreateRectRgn, CombineRgn, region |  |
Title |
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HowTo: Set another application's size and position in Visual Basic 2008 | SetWindowPos, FindWindow, set application size, set application position, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the VoiceText library to read numbers to the user in Visual Basic 6 | voice, audio, VoiceText, read numbers |  |
HowTo: Simulate Alt-Tab in Visual Basic 6 | Alt-Tab, simulate, Visual Basic 6, keyboard, keybd_event |  |
HowTo: Start and stop another program | start application, stop application, API, WM_CLOSE, SendMessage |  |
HowTo: Keep track of the foreground application in VB .NET | foreground application, foreground window, GetForegroundWindow |  |
HowTo: Keep track of the foreground application | foreground application, foreground window, GetForegroundWindow |  |
HowTo: Kill another application given its name | kill, stop, halt, end, SendMessage |  |
HowTo: Terminate a process immediately in VB.NET | terminate, end, halt, stop, kill, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Terminate a process immediately | terminate, end, halt, stop, kill |  |
HowTo: Associate a file extension with an executable | associate, extension, executable, application |  |
HowTo: Set another application's caption | caption, title, SendMessage, application title |  |
HowTo: Find an application using its title and maximize it | maximize, application, SendMessage, BringWindowToTop |  |
HowTo: Start a process using Shell and get its hWnd | Shell, PID, hWnd, start program |  |
HowTo: Cascade Internet Explorer windows on the desktop | cascade, internet explorer, arrange windows, desktop |  |
HowTo: Get and set another application's placement | application, position, placement, move, size |  |
HowTo: Copy the selected text in another application | copy text, clipboard |  |
HowTo: Use the ShellExecute API function to execute a file, launch the Find utility, and perform default actions | ShellExecute, start, execute, find, open, default action |  |
HowTo: Make a program run at startup | startup, boot, login, logon, start, run, execute |  |
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HowTo: Simulate a mouse movement and click the mouse in Visual Basic 2005 | VB2005, Visual Basic 2005, mouse move, click, mouse_event, API |  |
HowTo: Simulate drawing with the mouse in Visual Basic 2005 | VB2005, Visual Basic 2005, mouse move, click, OnMouseDown, OnMouseMove, OnMouseUp |  |
HowTo: Record and play back mouse movements | mouse, move, mouse_event, API |  |
HowTo: Move the mouse to a particular position and click it | mouse, click, move, mouse_event, API |  |
HowTo: Track the mouse's movement and display its position in a tooltip-like window | mouse, cursor, movement, track mouse |  |
HowTo: See what word is under the mouse in a RichTextBox and look it up in a list of known words | RichTextBox, TextBox, word, mouse, cursor |  |
HowTo: Display the word under the mouse in a RichTextBox inside a Tooltip | RichTextBox, TextBox, word, mouse, cursor |  |
HowTo: Move the mouse programmatically | mouse, move mouse |  |
HowTo: See if the mouse is moving even when it is not over the program | mouse, cursor, CursorPos |  |
HowTo: Track the ListBox item under the mouse | ListBox, mouse, over |  |
HowTo: Use API capture functions to make a button that changes its caption when the mouse moves over it | button, caption, mouse over |  |
HowTo: Display a message when the mouse is over a button | button, message, mouse over |  |
HowTo: Hide and show the mouse pointer | hide mouse pointer, show mouse pointer, ShowCursor |  |
HowTo: Make an annoying game that moves the cursor | game, annoy, annoying, SetCursorPos |  |
HowTo: Confine the cursor within a form's client area | confine, cursor, clip, client area |  |
HowTo: See if the left mouse button is up or down even outside this program | mouse, up, down |  |
HowTo: Position a form under the mouse | position, form, mouse |  |
HowTo: See what word is under the mouse in a RichTextBox | RichTextBox, TextBox, word, mouse, cursor |  |
HowTo: Programmatically move the mouse and simulate a click | mouse, click, move, simulate |  |
HowTo: Make a label display a shadow safely when the mouse is over it | label, shadow, mouse, GetCursorPos, ScreenToClient |  |
HowTo: Center the mouse over a control | center mouse, mouse, center cursor, cursor |  |
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HowTo: Format a BIG number of bytes in KB, MB, GB, TB, etc. in VB .NET | format, bytes, KB, MB, GB, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Format a number of bytes in KB, MB, and GB by using StrFormatByteSize in VB .NET | format, bytes, KB, MB, GB, StrFormatByteSize, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Format a BIG number of bytes in KB, MB, GB, TB, etc. by using an array of postfixes in VB .NET | format, bytes, KB, MB, GB, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Format a number of bytes in KB, MB, and GB by using StrFormatByteSize | format, bytes, KB, MB, GB, StrFormatByteSize |  |
HowTo: Format a BIG number of bytes in KB, MB, GB, TB, etc. | format, bytes, KB, MB, GB |  |
HowTo: Format a BIG number of bytes in KB, MB, GB, TB, etc. by using an array of postfixes | format, bytes, KB, MB, GB |  |
HowTo: Verify the user's Windows password | password, cryptography, Windows password |  |
HowTo: Turn CapsLock on and off | CapsLock, Caps Lock |  |
HowTo: Send an Outlook Express attachment | Outlook Express, email, e-mail, attachment, ShellExecute, FindWindow |  |
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HowTo: Make a ListView control display icons in its subitems in Visual Basic 2005 | ListView, subitem icons, icons, LVM_SETITEM, VB.NET, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Make a ListBox display a different tooltip for each item under the mouse in Visual Basic 6 | ListBox, select, autoselect, ClientToScreen, LBItemFromPt |  |
HowTo: Make a ListBox automatically select the item under the mouse in Visual Basic 6 | ListBox, select, autoselect, ClientToScreen, LBItemFromPt |  |
HowTo: Detect when the user scrolls a ListView control | ListView, scroll, detect |  |
HowTo: Display a context menu when the user right-clicks on a ListView control's column headers | ListView, context menu, popup menu, right-click, right button, API, |  |
HowTo: Determine when the user closes the main menu | menu, main menu, close, subclass, WindowProc |  |
HowTo: Expand ComboBox choices while typing, version 2 | ComboBox, combo, expand, autoexpand |  |
HowTo: Reparent controls from one form to another | reparent, reparent control |  |
HowTo: Make a multi-line tooltip | tooltip, multiline tooltip, multi-line tooltip |  |
HowTo: Make a resizable PictureBox | resizable PictureBox, PictureBox |  |
HowTo: Use API functions to change a ProgressBar's foreground and background colors | ProgressBar, foreground, background, ForeColor, BackColor |  |
HowTo: Use Windows messages to read the choices in a ListBox control | API, ListBox, get choices |  |
HowTo: Make a TextBox automatically capitalize input using the API | uppercase, upper case, capitalize, TextBox, input |  |
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HowTo: Convert colors that are mostly red, green, or blue into a new color | mostly color, color, SetDIBits, GetDIBits |  |
HowTo: Print a rounded rectangle | rounded rectangle, print, RoundRect |  |
HowTo: Draw a rounded rectangle | rounded rectangle, RoundRect |  |
HowTo: Load a 32-bit icon into a picture | icon, 32-bit, load icon, LoadPicture |  |
HowTo: Use the GetDIBits and SetDIBits API functions to convert a picture to gray scale | GetDIBits, SetDIBits, gray scale, picture |  |
HowTo: Use the GetDIBits and SetDIBits API functions to convert a picture to blue scale in three ways | GetDIBits, SetDIBits, blue scale, picture |  |
HowTo: Draw stretched, squeezed, and rotated text | font, text, CreateFont, stretch, squeeze, rotate, stretched, squeezed, rotated |  |
HowTo: Interactively change a font's height, width, weight, and font name | font, text, CreateFont |  |
HowTo: Make a mask image for a picture with a "transparent" color | mask, transparent image, transparent color |  |
HowTo: Make an 8-bit device independent bitmap (DIB) from scratch | DIB, CreateDIBitmap, bitmap, image |  |
HowTo: Use the LoadImage API function to antialias an image and save the result into a file | antialias, anti-alias, anti alias, alias, LoadImage, resize, LoadPicture, SavePicture |  |
HowTo: Resize an image with antialiasing using GetDIBits and SetDIBits | antialias, anti-alias, anti alias, alias, GetDIBits, SetDIBits, resize |  |
HowTo: Draw an arc using the AngleArc API function in Windows NT | arc, angle, API |  |
HowTo: Use the API Pie function to draw pie slices | pie, pie slice |  |
HowTo: Use the Ellipse API function | ellipse, API, circle |  |
HowTo: Create a bitmap in memory and draw on it | memory bitmap, bitmap, CreateCompatibleDC, CreateCompatibleBitmap |  |
HowTo: Create a bitmap in memory, draw on it, and save the result in a bitmap file | memory bitmap, bitmap, CreateCompatibleDC, CreateCompatibleBitmap, pixels, save bitmap |  |
HowTo: Create a bitmap in memory and draw on its individual pixels | memory bitmap, bitmap, CreateCompatibleDC, CreateCompatibleBitmap, pixels |  |
HowTo: Create a bitmap in memory and draw on it using a type structure | memory bitmap, bitmap, CreateCompatibleDC, CreateCompatibleBitmap, CreateFont, TextOut |  |
HowTo: Create a bitmap in memory and draw text on it | memory bitmap, bitmap, CreateCompatibleDC, CreateCompatibleBitmap, CreateFont, TextOut |  |
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HowTo: Get an object's reference count in Visual Basic 6 | reference count, get reference count, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Use Registry API functions to save and restore values in Visual Basic 6 | Registry, API, RegCloseKey, RegCreateKeyEx, RegOpenKeyEx, RegQueryValueExString, RegQueryValueExLong, RegQueryValueExNULL, RegSetValueExString, RegSetValueExLong, SHDeleteKey, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Make a link label that opens a Web page in Visual Basic 6 | link label, LinkLabel, Visual Basic, Web |  |
HowTo: Make a link label that opens a Web page and that changes appearance when the mouse is over it in Visual Basic 6 | link label, LinkLabel, Visual Basic, Web, changing font, hover |  |
HowTo: Use the SetProp, GetProp, and RemoveProp API functions to associate a value with a window handle (hWnd) | SetProp, GetProp, RemoveProp, hWnd |  |
HowTo: Simulate Alt-Tab in Visual Basic 6 | Alt-Tab, simulate, Visual Basic 6, keyboard, keybd_event |  |
HowTo: Let the user browse for a folder in Visual Basic .NET | browse, browse for folder, SHBrowseForFolder, API, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Open a text file in the system's default text editor | editor, default editor, system editor, text file |  |
HowTo: Open a text file in the system's default text editor | editor, default editor, system editor, text file |  |
HowTo: Put text with a color background in menus | menu, font, colored menu, ModifyMenu |  |
HowTo: Set another application's caption | caption, title, SendMessage, application title |  |
HowTo: Find the Windows directory without using the API | Windows directory, Windows, WinDir |  |
HowTo: Get the Windows directory from the environment | Windows directory, Windows, WinDir, Environ, environment |  |
HowTo: Make a program that has no forms but that uses API timers | Timer, Timer control, time, speed, performance |  |
HowTo: Use API functions to create a timer that can wait as long as 23 days between events | Timer, Timer control, time, speed, performance |  |
HowTo: Make a program with no forms that uses API timers and Sleep | Timer, Timer control, time, speed, performance |  |
HowTo: Get the computer's name | computer name, GetComputerName |  |
HowTo: Start a process using Shell and get its hWnd | Shell, PID, hWnd, start program |  |
HowTo: Make a beep with a non-standard frequency and duration | beep, tone, sound, frequency |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Give a ListBox a horizontal scroll bar | ListBox, scroll |  |
HowTo: Make a link label that opens a Web page in Visual Basic 6 | link label, LinkLabel, Visual Basic, Web |  |
HowTo: Make a link label that opens a Web page and that changes appearance when the mouse is over it in Visual Basic 6 | link label, LinkLabel, Visual Basic, Web, changing font, hover |  |
HowTo: Start and stop another program | start application, stop application, API, WM_CLOSE, SendMessage |  |
HowTo: Kill another application given its name | kill, stop, halt, end, SendMessage |  |
HowTo: Terminate a process immediately in VB.NET | terminate, end, halt, stop, kill, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Terminate a process immediately | terminate, end, halt, stop, kill |  |
HowTo: Set another application's caption | caption, title, SendMessage, application title |  |
HowTo: Use SendMessage to make an editor where a single instance handles all requests | one instance, instance, SendMessage |  |
HowTo: Change a TreeView control's background color | TreeView, background, background color, backcolor |  |
HowTo: Set the margins for a TextBox | TextBox, margin |  |
HowTo: Find an application using its title and maximize it | maximize, application, SendMessage, BringWindowToTop |  |
HowTo: Quickly locate an item in a ListBox that begins with a certain substring | ListBox, find, SendMessage |  |
HowTo: Grab text and other window information from another application | grab text, application, window information |  |
Title |
Keywords |
Bug Alert: | API, declare, declaration, VB .NET, bug, bug alert | |