Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Add delegates to combine lists of methods in Visual Basic .NET | delegate, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Flush click events to prevent the user from clicking a button while its code is still running in Visual Basic .NET | syntax, API, threading, threads, BackgroundWorker, controls, events, flush events, flush mouse events, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Get an object's reference count in Visual Basic 6 | reference count, get reference count, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Get mother board serial numbers and CPU IDs in Visual Basic 6 | serial number, cpu, cpu id, WMI, Windows Management Instrumentation, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Get mother board serial numbers and CPU IDs in Visual Basic .NET | serial number, cpu, cpu id, WMI, Windows Management Instrumentation, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use My.Computer.Info to display operating system and memory information in Visual Basic .NET | My.Computer.Info, operating system, memory, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
Tip: Downgrade Visual Basic 2008 projects to Visual Basic 2005 | split, Visual Basic .NET | |
HowTo: Display the number of days, minutes, hours, and seconds until an event in Visual Basic .NET | countdown, timer, VB.NET, days, minutes, hours, seconds |  |
HowTo: Use the VBA library to round to a specific number of decimal places | VBA, round, decimal places |  |
HowTo: Randomly change the desktop background in Visual Basic 6 | backer, desktop, background, Registry, default editor, wallpaper, wastebasket, recycle, ShellExecute, SHFileOperation, RegOpenKeyEx, RegSetValueExA, wallpaper style, centered, tiled, stretched |  |
HowTo: Randomly change the desktop background in Visual Basic 2005 | backer, desktop, background, Registry, default editor, wallpaper, wastebasket, recycle, ShellExecute, SHFileOperation, RegOpenKeyEx, RegSetValueExA, wallpaper style, centered, tiled, stretched |  |
HowTo: Use the VoiceText library to read numbers to the user in Visual Basic 6 | voice, audio, VoiceText, read numbers |  |
HowTo: Determine the default button when displaying a MsgBox in Visual Basic 6 | MsgBox, message box, messagebox, default button |  |
HowTo: Determine the default button when displaying a MessageBox in Visual Basic 2005 | MsgBox, message box, MessageBox, MessageBox.Show, default button |  |
HowTo: Get day, month, date, time, and number format information for the computer's locale in Visual Basic 2005 | day, month, date, time, number, percent, format, locale, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Copy the text contents of any messagebox (Visual Basic 6 example) | Messagebox, message box, copy message box |  |
HowTo: Copy the text contents of any messagebox (Visual Basic .NET example) | Messagebox, message box, copy message box, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Compress the folders within a folder into a Zip file in Visual Basic 2005 | Zip, compress, folder, compress folder, compressed folder, compression, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Compress a folder into a Zip file in Visual Basic 2005 | Zip, compress, folder, compress folder, compressed folder, compression, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Use the System.IO.Compression namespace to compress and decompress files in GZip format in Visual Basic 2005 | compress, decompress, compression, GZip, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Use WMI to make a folder compress its contents to save space in Visual Basic 2005 | compress, folder, compress folder, compressed folder, compression, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Give a class a Clone method in Visual Basic .NET | class, clone, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Determine whether a year is a leap year with Visual Basic 2005 | leap year, year, dates |  |
HowTo: Use Crystal Reports to build a PDF file in Visual Basic 2005 | Crystal Reports, PDF file, report, VB.NET, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Round numbers to a given number of digits without using banker's rounding (version 2) in Visual Basic 2005 | round, banker's rounding, digits, Math.Round, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Determine whether a year is a leap year with Visual Basic 6 | leap year, year, dates |  |
HowTo: Round numbers to a given number of digits without using banker's rounding in Visual Basic 2005 | round, banker's rounding, digits, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Play a tone with a specific frequency in Visual Basic .NET | sound, tone, frequency, noise, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a button that creates more buttons when clicked in Visual Basic .NET | button, replicating button, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a button that creates more buttons when clicked in Visual Basic 6 | button, replicating button, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Make buttons jump randomly around the screen in Visual Basic 6 | button, jump, random, game, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Make buttons jump randomly around the screen in Visual Basic .NET | button, jump, random, game, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Keep track of checked ListBox selections as the user selects and deselects them in Visual Basic 6 | ListBox, selection, track selection, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: List distinct messages received by a form in Visual Basic 6 | WndProc, messages, list messages, WindowProc, subclass, VB6 |  |
HowTo: Run control panel applets in Visual Basic 2005 | control panel, applet, control panel applet, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Convert Up and Down arrow keys to Tab and Shift-Tab for easy navigation in Visual Basic .NET | Tab, Tab key, up arrow, down arrow, navigation |  |
HowTo: Convert Enter and Escape keys to Tab and Shift-Tab for easy navigation in Visual Basic .NET | Tab, Enter, Escape, Tab key, Enter key, Escape key, dialog |  |
HowTo: Make a cricket temperature calculator in Visual Basic 6 | cricket, temperature, chirps, silly, game |  |
HowTo: Make a cricket temperature calculator in Visual Basic .NET | cricket, temperature, chirps, silly, game, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Prevent the user from renaming an executable in Visual Basic 6 | rename, prevent rename, executable, execute |  |
HowTo: Prevent the user from renaming an executable in Visual Basic .NET | rename, prevent rename, executable, execute, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Highlight the TextBox that has focus by changing its BackColor | highlight, focus, GotFocus, LostFocus, TextBox |  |
HowTo: Replace unprintable characters with spaces in Visual Basic .NET | character, ASCII, replace, regular expressions, regex, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Prevent the user from closing a UserForm by clicking the X button | UserForm, close, X button, disable X button, VBA, Excel |  |
HowTo: Simulate Alt-Tab in Visual Basic 6 | Alt-Tab, simulate, Visual Basic 6, keyboard, keybd_event |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to make buttons that jump to the first row beginning with specific letters | VBA, Excel, hyperlink, letter, index |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to make hyperlinks that jump to the first row beginning with specific letters | VBA, Excel, hyperlink, letter, index |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to scroll an Excel worksheet's pane to a particular column | Excel, scroll, column, worksheet, workbook |  |
HowTo: Make a Visual Basic .NET library that returns a picture to a Visual Basic 6 program | library, VB.NET, VB 6, Visual Basic 6, picture, DLL |  |
HowTo: Tell whether the Shift key is pressed during a mouse click in Visual Basic .NET | mouse, MouseClick, Shift, click, mouse click, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display samples of the SystemFonts in Visual Basic .NET | SystemFonts, system fonts, font, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Convert the text the user is typing in a TextBox to Proper Case in Visual Basic .NET | TextBox, convert, proper case, StrConv, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Convert the text the user is typing in a TextBox to Proper Case | TextBox, convert, proper case, StrConv |  |
HowTo: Make a silly program that tracks the mouse's current position with a pair of eyes in Visual Basic .NET | eyes, mouse, mouse cursor, current position, track, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Print text on an odd piece of paper | print, paper, unusual paper |  |
Who is Rod Stephens? | Rod Stephens, author | |
HowTo: Tip: Use LCase$ and UCase$ instead of the CharLower and CharUpper API functions | CharLower, CharUpper, case, LCase, UCase |  |
HowTo: Capture the image of a Web page | Web page, image, capture, Internet Explorer |  |
HowTo: Use a .NET system DLL in a Visual Basic 6 program | VB .NET, DLL, System DLL, WebClient, downloadFile |  |
HowTo: Generate a schedule for a round robin tournament in VB .NET | round robin, tournament, schedule |  |
HowTo: Generate a schedule for pool play on a single court with fairly distributed rests | pool, schedule |  |
HowTo: Make a loop that times out after a certain period | timeout, loop |  |
HowTo: Remove hyperlinks from a Word file in VB .NET | Word, Microsoft Word, Office, Microsoft Office, hyperlink, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Remove personal information from a Word file in VB .NET | Word, Microsoft Word, Office, Microsoft Office, personal information, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Read, write, and delete document variables in a Word document in VB .NET | Word, Microsoft Word, Office, Microsoft Office, variable, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Remove hyperlinks from a Word file | Word, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Office, hyperlink |  |
HowTo: Remove personal information from a Word file | Word, Microsoft Word, Office, Microsoft Office, personal information |  |
HowTo: Read, write, and delete document variables in a Word document | Word, Microsoft Word, Office, Microsoft Office, variable |  |
HowTo: Make a very cool JavaScript clock | clock, JavaScript | |
HowTo: Use the Conditional attribute to make a method non-callable in VB.NET | ReDim, array |  |
HowTo: Redimension multiple arrays in a single statement in VB.NET | ReDim, array |  |
Talk: What's New in VB 2005 | VSA, Visual Studio for Applications | |
HowTo: Create a class with a parameterized property | class, property, parameter |  |
HowTo: Make a financial calculator | financial calculator, mortgage, present value, future value |  |
Talk: VSA Scripting in .NET | VSA, Visual Studio for Applications | |
HowTo: Get the computer's DNS name in VB .NET | DNS, name, computer name, host name |  |
HowTo: Get the computer's NetBIOS name in VB .NET | NetBIOS, name, NetBIOS name, computer name, host name |  |
HowTo: Make a strange reflection of a button | button, strange, stupid code trick |  |
HowTo: See how many items are in the recycle bin and delete them | recycle bin, wastebasket, waste basket |  |
VB 6 Easter Egg | VB 6 Easter Egg, VB 6, Easter Egg | |
HowTo: Copy memory quickly using MemCopy (RtlMoveMemory) in VB .NET | RtlMoveMemory, copy memory, MemCopy, CopyMemory, array, memory |  |
HowTo: Use the RtlMoveMemory (CopyMemory) API function to copy memory between 2-D arrays in VB .NET | RtlMoveMemory, copy memory, MemCopy, CopyMemory, array, memory |  |
HowTo: Determine whether an array of strings contains an item in a clever way | array contains, array, contains |  |
HowTo: Encode and decode text to and from the BinHex and Base64 encodings | encode, decode, binhex, hex, base64, base 64 |  |
HowTo: Calculate arctangents in all four quadrants | arctan, Atn, atan, arc tangent, math |  |
HowTo: Make a decimal/hex/binary lookup table for the numbers 0 through 255 | decimal, hex, binary, lookup, hexadecimal |  |
HowTo: Detect when the user presses arrow keys (could be used for a game) | arrow keys, detect keys, keys |  |
HowTo: Build a calculator with a European flavor | calculator, euro, pound |  |
Report: Visual Basic World Tour (Whidbey) | VS 2005, Whidbey, Visual Basic World Tour, Visual Studio 2005 | |
HowTo: Find combinations of mathematical symbols that make an equation true | combination, symbol, mathematics, equation |  |
HowTo: Make an animated lottery number generator | lotto, random number, animation |  |
HowTo: Lock the computer and trap the mouse so the user cannot move it outside of the form | lock computer, screen saver, mouse, trap mouse |  |
HowTo: Lock the computer so the user cannot use other programs | lock computer, screen saver |  |
HowTo: Validate a credit card number | credit card, Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover, EnRoute, JCB, Diners Club, Carte Blanche |  |
Talk: RSS | RSS, Really Simple Syndication | |
HowTo: Collate emails holding survey entries | collate, collate email, survey, email |  |
HowTo: Count the number of Mondays in a month | Monday, month, count Mondays |  |
HowTo: Copy memory extremely quickly | RtlMoveMemory, copy memory, MemCopy, CopyMemory, array, memory |  |
HowTo: Determine whether the program is running in the IDE or as a compiled executable by using Debug.Print | run mode, IDE, executable, Debug.Print |  |
HowTo: Determine whether the program is running in the IDE or as a compiled executable by using Debug.Assert | run mode, IDE, executable, Debug.Assert |  |
HowTo: Use the RtlMoveMemory (CopyMemory) API function to copy memory from a 2-D array to a 1-D array | RtlMoveMemory, copy memory, CopyMemory, array, memory |  |
Tip: Install fonts | install font, font | |
HowTo: Open and close the CD drive | CD ROM, CD drive, open drive, open CD |  |
Who is Rod Stephens? | Rod Stephens, author | |
Colorado Pictures | Colorado pictures, mountains, flowers | |
HowTo: Allow the user to enter "super user" mode by entering a password | super user, password |  |
HowTo: Make a program compile and run another program | compile, run, make and run |  |
HowTo: Magnify the area under the mouse | mouse, magnify |  |
Tip: Use Yahoo and Google resources | resources, Yahoo, Google | |
HowTo: Make a cursor file with a hotspot | cursor, hotspot |  |
HowTo: Fill a ComboBox with a list of countries | country, countries |  |
HowTo: Get the caption of the window that currently has focus | focus window, caption, title |  |
HowTo: Get a control's image | control image, clipboard, PrintForm |  |
Tip: Learn when a Web page was last modified | modified, last modified, Web page, JavaScript | |
HowTo: Convert numbers between Roman and Arabic | Roman numerals, Arabic numerals |  |
HowTo: Convert VB6 projects to VB5 projects easily | VB6 to VB5, convert, version |  |
HowTo: Display "balloon" help when the mouse is over a button | balloon, help, popup |  |
Tip: Dell offers cheap computer recycling and donation | recycling, recycle, donate, donation | |