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Stephens' Visual Basic Programming 24-Hour Trainer
Stephens' C# Programming with Visual Studio 2010 24-Hour Trainer
Beginning Database Design Solutions
WPF Programmer's Reference
Visual Basic 2010 Programmer's Reference
Stephens' Visual Basic Programming 24-Hour Trainer
Stephens' C# Programming with Visual Studio 2010 24-Hour Trainer
Beginning Database Design Solutions
WPF Programmer's Reference
Visual Basic 2010 Programmer's Reference

Title Keywords  
Stephens' Visual Basic Programming 24-Hour TrainerVisual Basic, VB, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET, programmingBook
Stephens' Visual Basic Programming 24-Hour TrainerVisual Basic, VB, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET, programmingBook
What's New in Visual Basic 2010Visual Basic 2010, Visual Basic, Orcas, changes, what's new 
Bug: Cannot add controls to WPF form in Visual Basic 2008Visual Basic 2008, WPF, bug, controls 
HowTo: Give a class a Clone method in Visual Basic .NETclass, clone, VB.NETDownload
Bug: First release of Visual Basic 2008 adds bug to new WPF projectsVisual Basic 2008, WPF, bug 
HowTo: Start Notepad and wait for it to close in Visual Basic .NETstart Notepad, start process, process, Notepad, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Start Notepad and wait for it to close in Visual Basic 2005start Notepad, start process, process, Notepad, VB2005Download
What's New in Visual Basic 2008Visual Basic 2008, Visual Basic, Orcas, changes, what's new 
HowTo: Provide design time support for a custom control in Visual Basic .NETcustom control, design time, support, icon, smart tag, properties, dropdown, editor, UITypeEditor, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a Visual Basic .NET library that returns a picture to a Visual Basic 6 programlibrary, VB.NET, VB 6, Visual Basic 6, picture, DLLDownload
HowTo: Sort objects by making a class implement the IComparable interface in Visual Basic .NETcompare, IComparable, sort, sortable, Array.Sort, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Sort objects by different key fields by building a comparer class in Visual Basic .NETcomparer, IComparer, sort, sortable, Array.Sort, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a program shrink to the system tray when the user clicks the close button in Visual Basic .NETsystem try, tray, shrink, hide, close, NotifyIcon, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Let the user resize a form that has no title bar or borders in Visual Basic .NETresize form, title bar, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, SendMessage, DefWndProc, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Let the user move a form that has no title bar or borders in Visual Basic .NETmove form, title bar, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, SendMessage, DefWndProc, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Get the local and invariate date and time formats in VB .NETdate, time, format, invariate, local, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Get the current user's name in Visual Basic .NETuser name, username, GetUserName, current user, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use a .NET system DLL in a Visual Basic 6 programVB .NET, DLL, System DLL, WebClient, downloadFileDownload
HowTo: Make and use custom attributes in VB .NETattribute, custom attributeDownload
HowTo: Bind a collection of objects to a DataGrid in VB .NETDataGrid, bind, data binding, collectionDownload
HowTo: Bind a collection of objects to a DataGrid and let it sort on the columns in VB .NETDataGrid, bind, data binding, collection, sort, IEditableObject, IBindingListDownload
HowTo: Terminate a process immediately in VB.NETterminate, end, halt, stop, kill, VB.NETDownload
Tip: .NET Empty ArraysVB.NET, array, empty array, ReDim 
HowTo: Use a VB .NET assembly from Visual Basic 6VB6, Visual Basic 6, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET, DLL, assembly 
HowTo: Use a Visual Basic 6 DLL from VB .NETVB6, Visual Basic 6, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET, DLLDownload
HowTo: Make a console window clear the console window in VB .NETconsole application, console window, clear, console, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw on an MDI parent's background in VB .NETMDI, MDI parent, background, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Change the color of an MDI parent form's background in VB .NETMDI, MDI parent, background, background image, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Tile an MDI parent's background with an image in VB .NETMDI, MDI parent, background, background image, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Embed bitmap, text, and other resource files in a compiled application and use them in VB .NETembed, embedded resource, resource, bitmapDownload
HowTo: Load resources from another Assembly in VB .NETresources, Assembly, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Sort an array using custom sorting orders in VB .NETsort, compare, comparer, IComparer, sort order, orderDownload
HowTo: Make a shortcut key with no menu item in VB .NETshortcut, menu, hidden, VB.NETDownload
Tip: Resolve Invalid Cast exceptionsInvalid Cast exception, VB.NET 


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Define a DataSet at design time in Visual Basic 2005DataSet, design time, VB.NET, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Select random records from a database table in Visual Basic .NETdatabase, random records, select records, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Verify a username and password in a database in Visual Basic .NETpassword, user name, user id, verify passwoord, database, ADO.NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a lookup cache using ADO.NET in Visual Basic .NETADO.NET, cache, lookup, lookup table, tableDownload
HowTo: Make a DataTable at run time without a database and bind it to a DataGrid in VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Make a DataSet at run time without using any design time controls in VB .NETDataSet, runtime, database, ADO.NETDownload
HowTo: Use a bound DataGrid in VB.NETDataGrid, binding, bind, bound, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use IIF in a SQL SELECT statement to make a DataReport display a warning if a value is too low in VB.NETDataReport, VB.NET, IIF, warning, CrystalReportViewer, CrystalReport, CrystalReportsDownload
HowTo: Use IIF in a SQL SELECT statement to display a warning if a value is too low in VB.NETDataGrid, binding, bind, bound, VB.NET, IIF, warningDownload
HowTo: Make a PictureBox control that has a bindable FileName property in VB .NETbind, data, bindable, PictureBox, NamedPictureDownload
HowTo: Display the data in a DataSet by using as DataGrid control in VB .NETDataSet, DataGrid, VB.NET, data, database, ADO.NETDownloadBook
HowTo: Create records that have an AutoNumber field and find out what the newly created field value is in VB .NETDataSet, VB.NET, data, database, ADO.NET, AutoNumber, Auto Number, AutoIncrementDownloadBook
HowTo: Create a foreign key constraint between two DataTables in VB .NETDataSet, VB.NET, data, database, ADO.NET, foreign key, constraintDownloadBook
HowTo: Load a ListBox from a database query in VB .NETdatabase, VB.NET, ListBox, loadDownload
HowTo: Reset a DataGrid control when the data to which it is bound changes in VB .NETDataGrid, database, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Execute a parameterized query in VB .NETdatabase, VB.NET, parameter, parameterized query, queryDownload
HowTo: Use database transactions in VB .NETtransaction, database, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Bind a ComboBox to a database lookup table in VB .NETdatabase, ADO.NET, VB .NET, bound controls, data binding, ComboBox, lookup tableDownload
HowTo: Bind simple controls to a database in VB .NETdatabase, ADO.NET, VB .NET, bound controls, data bindingDownload
HowTo: Open a database in the project's main directory during development in VB .NETdatabase, ADO.NET, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Navigate a database with bound controls in VB .NETnavigate, database, bound control, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use a DataGrid in VB.NETVB.NET, NET, DataGrid, ADO.NETDownloadBook
HowTo: Get and set a single database value in VB .NETVB .NET, database, update, get, setDownload
HowTo: Create a unique constraint on data in VB.NETVB.NET, NET, DataGrid, ADO.NET, unique, constraintDownloadBook
HowTo: Display read-only data from an Access database using ADO.NETVB.NET, NET, DataGrid, ADO.NET, Access, read-only dataDownloadBook
HowTo: Display read-only data from an MSDE or SQL Server database using ADO.NETVB.NET, NET, DataGrid, ADO.NET, MSDE, SQL Server, read-only dataDownloadBook
HowTo: Use compiled-in data with ADO.NETVB.NET, NET, DataGrid, ADO.NET, inline data, compiled-in dataDownloadBook


Title Keywords  
Stephens' Visual Basic Programming 24-Hour TrainerVisual Basic, VB, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET, programmingBook
Stephens' Visual Basic Programming 24-Hour TrainerVisual Basic, VB, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET, programmingBook
WPF Programmer's ReferenceC#, WPF, Windows Presentation Foundation, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET, Visual Studio, programmingBook
Visual Basic 2010 Programmer's ReferenceVisual Basic 2010, Visual Studio 2010, programmingBook
WPF Programmer's Reference: Table of ContentsC#, WPF, Windows Presentation Foundation, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET, Visual Studio, programmingBook
What's New in Visual Basic 2010Visual Basic 2010, Visual Basic, Orcas, changes, what's new 
HowTo: Compare the contents of two directories in Visual Basic .NETdirectory, directory contents, files, compare directories, compare files, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
Tip: Downgrade Visual Basic 2008 projects to Visual Basic 2005split, Visual Basic .NET 
Visual Basic 2005 with .NET 3.0 Programmer's ReferenceVisual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, .NET Framework 3.0, programmingBook
HowTo: See if a number is expressible as a sum of two cubes (and calculate Taxicab numbers) in Visual Basic 2005sums of cubes, cubes, numeric algorithms, numeric, taxicab number, Visual Basic 2005, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a countdown timer in Visual Basic 2005countdown timer, timer, alarm, Visual Basic 2005, VB.NETDownload
Visual Basic 2005 Programmer's ReferenceVisual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, programmingBook
HowTo: Make a tabbed wizard in Visual Basic 2005wizard, tabbed wizard, VB2005Download
HowTo: Display drive information in Visual Basic 2005drive information, VB2005, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use the fsutil utility to get a disk's NTFS information into an object with fields in Visual Basic 2005fsutil, NTFS, console, VB2005, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use the fsutil utility to get a disk's NTFS information in Visual Basic 2005fsutil, NTFS, console, VB2005, VB.NETDownload
What's New in Visual Basic 2008Visual Basic 2008, Visual Basic, Orcas, changes, what's new 
HowTo: Force garbage collection in Visual Basic .NETgarbage collection, garbage collector, GC, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Allow only one instance of a program at one time in Visual Basic 2005one instance, instance, previous instance, PrevInstance, VB 2005Download
HowTo: Allow only one instance of a program at one time in Visual Basic .NETone instance, instance, previous instance, PrevInstance, VB.NETDownload
Expert One-on-One Visual Basic 2005 Design and DevelopmentVisual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, programming, design, development, reflection, code standards, bug proofing, bug-proofing, testing, snippets, macros, agile methods, splash screen, threadingBook
Tip: Debug at design time with in the same project in Visual Basic .NETdebug, design time, VB.NET 
HowTo: Learn the number of CPUs on the system in Visual Basic 2005CPU usage, CPU load, PerformanceCounter, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Monitor CPU usage in Visual Basic .NETCPU usage, CPU load, PerformanceCounter, VB.NETDownload
Tip: Turn hexadecimal display on and off in the Command (Immediate), Watch, and other debugging windows in Visual Basic .NETCommand Window, Watch Window, Immediate Window, hexadecimal, debug, debugging 
HowTo: Easily list the values defined by an Enum in Visual Basic .NETEnum, list values, enumerated values, GetValues, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use the FormatCurrency function in Visual Basic .NETFormatCurrency, format currency, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use the FormatNumber function in Visual Basic .NETFormatNumber, format number, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use the FormatDateTime function in Visual Basic .NETFormatDateTime, format date, format time, format datetime, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use the FormatPercent function in Visual Basic .NETFormatPercent, format percentage, format percent, percent, percentage, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Provide design time support for a custom control in Visual Basic .NETcustom control, design time, support, icon, smart tag, properties, dropdown, editor, UITypeEditor, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Let the user browse for a folder in Visual Basic .NETbrowse, browse for folder, SHBrowseForFolder, API, VB.NETDownload
Visual Basic 2005 Programmer's ReferenceVisual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, programming 
HowTo: Localize control resources at run time in VB .NETlocale, internationalization, globalization, CultureInfo, runtimeDownload
HowTo: Localize control resources at run time by reloading the form in VB .NETlocale, internationalization, globalization, CultureInfo, runtimeDownload
HowTo: Localize control resources at run time by reopening the form in VB .NETlocale, internationalization, globalization, CultureInfo, runtimeDownload
HowTo: Run a DOS application and capture its output in VB .NETDOS, stdout, stderr, standard output, standard error, standard out, run, VB.NETDownload
Talk: Three Cool Namespacesregex, regular expression, XML, serialie, serialization, crypto, cryptography, hash, hashing, encrypt, decrypt, encryption, decryption 
HowTo: Use the RtlMoveMemory API function to copy part of a two-dimensional array into a one-dimensional array in Visual Basic .NETRtlMoveMemory, copy memory, CopyMemory, MoveMemory, array, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Use the RtlMoveMemory (CopyMemory) API function to copy memory between 2-D arrays in VB .NETRtlMoveMemory, copy memory, CopyMemory, MoveMemory, array, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Sort objects by making a class implement the IComparable interface in Visual Basic .NETcompare, IComparable, sort, sortable, Array.Sort, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Sort objects by different key fields by building a comparer class in Visual Basic .NETcomparer, IComparer, sort, sortable, Array.Sort, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Launch the system's default browser in VB .NETbrowser, default browser, launch program, start programDownload
HowTo: Parse a hexadecimal string in VB .NET by using Integer.Parse.parse, hex, hexadecimal, VB.NET, Integer.ParseDownload
HowTo: Convert values between decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary in VB .NETconvert, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, binary, base, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Bind a CurrencyManager to objects in a collection and use it for navigation in VB .NETCurrencyManager, binding, data binding, VB.NET, DataBindingDownload
HowTo: Bind controls' properties to each other in VB .NETbinding, data binding, VB.NET, DataBinding, properties, propertyDownload
HowTo: Use a VB .NET assembly from Visual Basic 6VB6, Visual Basic 6, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET, DLL, assembly 
HowTo: Use a Visual Basic 6 DLL from VB .NETVB6, Visual Basic 6, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET, DLLDownload
HowTo: Add files to the Recent Documents list and clear the list in Visual Basic .NETOffice, Word, spell, spellcheck, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a console window clear the console window in VB .NETconsole application, console window, clear, console, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw on an MDI parent's background in VB .NETMDI, MDI parent, background, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Change the color of an MDI parent form's background in VB .NETMDI, MDI parent, background, background image, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Tile an MDI parent's background with an image in VB .NETMDI, MDI parent, background, background image, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make and use a custom attribute in VB .NETattribute, custom attribute, GetCustomAttribute, CustomAttributeDownload
HowTo: Pause and resume a thread in VB.NETthread, multi-threading, SyncLock, asynchronous, threading, pause, resume, suspendDownload
HowTo: Run Threads with different priorities in VB.NETthread, multi-threading, SyncLock, asynchronous, threading, priorityDownload
HowTo: Start multiple threads in VB.NETthread, multi-threading, SyncLock, asynchronous, threadingDownload
HowTo: Let a Thread call a form's methods in VB.NETthread, multi-threading, SyncLock, asynchronous, threading, Invoke, InvokeRequiredDownload
HowTo: Use the WeakReference class in VB .NETWeakReference, garbage collection, garbage collector, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Copy memory quickly using MemCopy (RtlMoveMemory) in VB .NETRtlMoveMemory, copy memory, MemCopy, CopyMemory, array, memoryDownload
HowTo: Change a form's locale resources at run time in VB .NETlocale, internationalization, globalization, ComponentResourceManagerDownload
HowTo: Localize control resources in VB .NETlocale, internationalization, globalization, CultureInfoDownload
HowTo: Make an indexed property in VB .NETproperty, indexed property, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Save and restore data on the Clipboard in multiple formats in VB .NETClipboard, multiple formats, formats, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Drag and drop data in multiple formats in VB .NETdrag and drop, formats, multiple formats, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Copy objects to and from the Clipboard in VB .NETClipboard, object, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Drag and drop objects in VB .NETdrag and drop, object, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Drag and drop using VB .NETdrag and drop, drag, drop, VB.NET, AllowDropDownloadBook
HowTo: Get information about the program's title, description, copyright, version, etc. in VB .NETtitle, description, version, copyright, trademark, company, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Compare the speeds of Choose and Select Case in VB .NETChoose, Select Case, VB.NET, performanceDownload
Rant: VB .NET is less object-oriented than VB 6VB 7, VB .NET, VB 6, OOP, object-oriented programming 
Rant: Why we are still waiting for Visual Basic Version 7VB 7, VB .NET 
HowTo: Draw a font at different sizes in VB .NET.NET, VB.NET, font, text, size, font sizeDownload
HowTo: Make two lists pick corresponding selections in VB .NET.NET, VB.NET, ListBox, select, pick, correspondingDownload
HowTo: List a VB .NET program's command-line argumentslist, command line, command, arguments, .NET, VB.NET, CmdArgs, Sub Main, Function MainDownload
Book Review: VB.Net the ProductVB.NET 


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Plot a smiley face function in Visual Basic .NETdelegate, plot, graph, plot function, graph function, graphics, algorithms, smiley face, smiley, plot smiley face, graph smiley face, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use delegates to pass a method's address to another method in Visual Basic .NETdelegate, plot, graph, plot function, graph function, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Initialize an array with a range of values or a repeated value in Visual Basic .NET (version 2008 or later)initialization, initialize array, range, repeated values, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET, Visual Basic 2008Download
HowTo: Use the Convert class to convert values between decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary in Visual Basic .NETConvert class, convert values, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, binary, base, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Get the values of fields (variables) declared in a form by their names in Visual Basic .NETreflection, FieldInfo, field, value, field value, FieldType, GetValue, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NETDownload
HowTo: Declare array objects in VB .NETvariable, VB .NET, initialization, declaration, array objects 
HowTo: Use a variable to hold delegates (function pointers) in Visual Basic 2005delegate, function pointer, function reference, method pointer, methd reference, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Use the RtlMoveMemory API function to copy part of a two-dimensional array into a one-dimensional array in Visual Basic .NETRtlMoveMemory, copy memory, CopyMemory, MoveMemory, array, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Use the RtlMoveMemory (CopyMemory) API function to copy memory between 2-D arrays in VB .NETRtlMoveMemory, copy memory, CopyMemory, MoveMemory, array, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Use regular expressions to replace characters within parts of a string surrounded by quotes in Visual Basic .NETregular expression, regex, regexp, replace, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Convert between Rectangle and RectangleF variables quickly in Visual Basic .NETRectangle, RectangleF, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Parse a hexadecimal string in VB .NET by using Integer.Parse.parse, hex, hexadecimal, VB.NET, Integer.ParseDownload
HowTo: Convert values between decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary in VB .NETconvert, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, binary, base, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make and use custom attributes in VB .NETattribute, custom attributeDownload
HowTo: List the values defined by an Enum in VB .NETEnum, reflectionDownload
HowTo: List the HatchStyle values defined by VB .NETEnum, reflection, HatchStyleDownload
HowTo: Use the WeakReference class in VB .NETWeakReference, garbage collection, garbage collector, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: List the values defined by an arbitrary Enum in VB .NETEnum, reflectionDownload
HowTo: List the values defined by an arbitrary Enum in VB .NETEnum, reflectionDownload
HowTo: Compare the speeds of using class objects, derived class objects, and generic Objects in VB .NETspeed, performance, class, derived class, interface, Overrides, ShadowsDownload
HowTo: Declare jagged arrays in VB .NETvariable, VB .NET, initialization, declaration, array, jagged array 
HowTo: Declare arrays in VB .NETvariable, VB .NET, initialization, declaration, array 
HowTo: Declare variables in VB .NETvariable, VB .NET, initialization, declaration 


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Programmatically add new rows to an unbound DataGridView control in Visual Basic .NETDataGridView, add rows, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET, controlsDownload
HowTo: Keep track of ListView columns when the user reorders them in Visual Basic .NETListView, reorder, columns, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NETDownload
HowTo: Make tooltips remain visible for a very long time in Visual Basic .NETtooltip, tool tip, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a DataGridView control use an array of objects for a data source in Visual Basic .NETDataGridView, data source, array, objects, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a ListView control sort using the column you click in VB .NETListView, sort, clicked column, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a line control in Visual Basic 2005line control, custom control, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Make a countdown timer in Visual Basic 2005countdown timer, timer, alarm, Visual Basic 2005, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a GroupBox that includes a check box to enable and disable its controls in Visual Basic .NETcontrol, custom control, GroupBox, CheckBox, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NETDownload
HowTo: Make a ListBox display chemical symbols in Visual Basic 2005ListBox, chemicals, chemical symbols, Visual Basic 2005, subscriptsDownload
HowTo: Load a ListView control from a database in Visual Basic .NETListView, load ListView, database, ADO.NET, Access, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Build a TextBox control that displays a prompt message when the user hasn't typed anything in Visual Basic .NETTextBox, PromptingTextBox, TextBox prompt, VB.NET, custom controlDownload
Tip: GotDotNet Visual Basic Power Pack Going AwayGotDotNet, Visual Basic Power Pack, Power Pack 
HowTo: Find the location of a cell in a DataGridView in Visual Basic 2005cell location, cell position, DataGridView, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Build a big survey form in a scrolling panel at run time in Visual Basic 2005survey, scroll, scrolling panel, Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Change the way a DataGridView control navigates when the user presses the Enter key in Visual Basic 2005DataGridView, Enter, Return, navigate, focus, cell, row, column, Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005Download
HowTo: Color the current row in a DataGridView control in Visual Basic 2005DataGridView, color row, current row, row, column, Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005Download
HowTo: Detect changes to the editing text when the user changes a DataGridView's data in Visual Basic 2005DataGridView, edit, edit cell, TextChanged, Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005Download
HowTo: Remove the current row from a DataGridView control in Visual Basic 2005DataGridView, remove row, delete row, Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005Download
HowTo: Change the color of a DataGridView control's editing control in Visual Basic 2005DataGridView, edit, edit cell, color, cell color, Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005Download
HowTo: Make an OwnerDraw tooltip that displays an image in Visual Basic 2005OwnerDraw tooltip, tooltip, image, picture, VB 2005Download
HowTo: Set the initial size and window state of a PrintPreviewDialog in Visual Basic .NETPrintPreviewDialog, WindowState, dialog, dialog size, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Save and restore ListBox items when a program stops and starts in Visual Basic .NETListBox, save, restore, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Select a particular property in a PropertyGrid control in Visual Basic .NETPropertyGrid, property grid, select property, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Select a particular property in a PropertyGrid control concisely in Visual Basic .NETPropertyGrid, property grid, select property, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Set tabs in a RichTextBox in Visual Basic .NETRichTextBox, tabs, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Remove all Label controls from a form at run time in Visual Basic .NETremove controls, remove labels, label control, form, unload, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Dynamically load controls into a "control array" in VB .NETcontrol, control array, load control, AddHandler, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Provide design time support for a custom control in Visual Basic .NETcustom control, design time, support, icon, smart tag, properties, dropdown, editor, UITypeEditor, VB.NETDownload
Bug: SplitContainer control properties cause errorsSplitContainer splitter, splitter control, VB.NET, VB 2005 
HowTo: Add a horizontal scrollbar to a ListBox in Visual Basic .NETListBox, scroll, scrollbar, scroll bar, horizontal scroll bar, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Add a horizontal scrollbar to a ListBox if it is needed in Visual Basic .NETListBox, scroll, scrollbar, scroll bar, horizontal scroll bar, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Define tabs in a ListBox in Visual Basic .NETtab, ListBox, set tabs, defined tabs, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Define tabs in a ListBox in Visual Basic .NETtab, ListBox, set tabs, defined tabs, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Select items in a ListBox in code in Visual Basic .NETListBox, select, SelectedItem, SelectedIndex, SetSelected, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use buttons to slide a ListBox's multiple selection up or down in Visual Basic .NETListBox, select, selection, SelectedItem, SelectedIndex, SetSelected, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use buttons to slide a ListBox's selection up or down in Visual Basic .NETListBox, select, selection, SelectedItem, SelectedIndex, SetSelected, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Format the columns displayed by a DataTable in a DataGrid control in Visual Basic .NETDataTable, column, format, align, alignment, DataGrid, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Display a caption for a DataTable in a DataGrid in Visual Basic .NETDataTable, caption, DataGrid, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a Panel control that raises a Scroll event in Visual Basic .NETscroll, Panel, AutoScroll, scroll event, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Synchronize two scrolling Panel controls in Visual Basic .NETscroll, Panel, AutoScroll, scroll event, synchronize, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Let the user resize a form that has no title bar or borders in Visual Basic .NETresize form, title bar, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, SendMessage, DefWndProc, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Let the user move a form that has no title bar or borders in Visual Basic .NETmove form, title bar, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, SendMessage, DefWndProc, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Change a form's font in Visual Basic .NETfont, change font, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a ColorRadioButton control that changes color when checked and unchecked in VB .NETRadioButton, ColorRadioButton, control, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use a TabControl with owner-drawn tabs in Visual Basic .NETTabControl, OwnerDraw, owner drawn, tab, control, DrawMode, OwnerDrawFixed, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Detect when the system performs a Windows XP fast user switch Visual Basic .NETfast user switch, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make an extender provider that automatically displays status messages when controls receive the focus in VB .NETVB .NET, extender provider, status, StatusBar, focusDownload
HowTo: Make an extender provider that automatically displays status messages when the mouse is over controls in VB .NETVB .NET, extender provider, status, StatusBar, hoverDownload
HowTo: Scroll a PropertyGrid control to make a particular property visible in Visual Basic .NETPropertyGrid, scroll, propertyDownload
HowTo: Disable a TextBox's context menu in VB .NETTextBox, context menu, popup, right-clickDownload
HowTo: Let the user press Ctrl-A to select all of the text in a TextBox in VB .NETctrl-A, control-A, select textDownload
HowTo: Make an ExtenderProvider to validate TextBoxes by using a regular expression in VB .NETRegex, regular expression, ExtenderProvider, validation, validateDownload
HowTo: Set tabs in a TextBox in VB .NETTextBox, tabs, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Use the OpenFileDialog control's RestoreDirectory property in VB .NETAccess, image, picture, memoDownload
HowTo: Bind controls' properties to each other in VB .NETbinding, data binding, VB.NET, DataBinding, properties, propertyDownload
HowTo: Use a bound DataGrid in VB.NETDataGrid, binding, bind, bound, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use IIF in a SQL SELECT statement to make a DataReport display a warning if a value is too low in VB.NETDataReport, VB.NET, IIF, warning, CrystalReportViewer, CrystalReport, CrystalReportsDownload
HowTo: Use IIF in a SQL SELECT statement to display a warning if a value is too low in VB.NETDataGrid, binding, bind, bound, VB.NET, IIF, warningDownload
HowTo: Make a PictureBox control that has a bindable FileName property in VB .NETbind, data, bindable, PictureBox, NamedPictureDownload
HowTo: Bind a collection of objects to a DataGrid in VB .NETDataGrid, bind, data binding, collectionDownload
HowTo: Bind a collection of objects to a DataGrid and let it sort on the columns in VB .NETDataGrid, bind, data binding, collection, sort, IEditableObject, IBindingListDownload
HowTo: Draw on an MDI parent's background in VB .NETMDI, MDI parent, background, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Change the color of an MDI parent form's background in VB .NETMDI, MDI parent, background, background image, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Tile an MDI parent's background with an image in VB .NETMDI, MDI parent, background, background image, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Grab part of the desktop image from a tray icon in VB .NETdesktop, grab pixels, image, background, VB.NET, NotifyIcon, ContextMenuDownload
HowTo: Use a System Tray icon in VB.NETSystem tray, tray icon, VB.NET, NotifyIcon, ContextMenuDownload
HowTo: Make a TextBox that allows only digits in VB.NETTextBox, lower case, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a TextBox convert letters to lowercase in VB.NETTextBox, lowercase, lower case, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a TextBox convert letters to upper case in VB.NETTextBox, lower case, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make multiple controls share the same event handler in VB .NETHandles, event handler, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a "control array" component in VB .NETcontrol array, component, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Let the user decide which ToolBar buttons are visible in VB .NETToolBar, customize, customization, configure, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Save and restore toolbar configuration when a program starts and stops in VB .NETToolBar, customize, customization, configure, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Play an audio file with the Media Player control in VB .NETaudio, Media Player, Media Player control, VB .NET, multimediaDownload
HowTo: Make an ExtenderProvider that adds images and different fonts to MenuItems in VB .NETExtenderProvider, integer range, range, validation, validateDownload
Tutorial: Introduction to ExtenderProviders in VB .NETExtenderProvider 
HowTo: Make an ExtenderProvider to validate TextBoxes containing integers within a range in VB .NETExtenderProvider, integer range, range, validation, validateDownload
HowTo: Make an ExtenderProvider to validate required fields in VB .NETExtenderProvider, required, validation, validateDownload
HowTo: Make an ExtenderProvider to validate TextBoxes by using the LIKE statement in VB .NETLIKE, ExtenderProvider, validation, validateDownload
HowTo: Make an indexed property in VB .NETproperty, indexed property, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a control with an object property and display it with a special property editor in VB .NETVB .NET, property, control, property editor, custom property editorDownload
HowTo: Use validation events in VB .NETvalidate, validation, Validating, ValidatedDownload
HowTo: Select a TreeView subtree when the user selects a node in VB .NETVB.NET, TreeView, subtree, selectDownload
HowTo: Make menus display pictures in VB .NETOwnerDraw, menu, custom menu, pictureDownload
Talk: Confessions of a Control Freakcustom controls, controls, UserControl 
HowTo: Display an appropriate popup menu when the user right clicks on a TreeView node in VB .NETTreeView, popup menu, context menuDownload
HowTo: Change a TreeView control's tooltip when the mouse moves over different nodes in VB .NETTreeView, tooltip, TreeView tooltip, ToolTipTextDownload
HowTo: Load a TreeView control from a CSV file in VB .NETTreeView, CSVDownload
HowTo: Load a TreeView from a text file with tabs denoting indentation in VB .NETTreeView, text file, loadDownload
HowTo: Load a TreeView control from an XML file in VB .NETTreeView, XMLDownload
HowTo: Make a custom gauge control with a toolbox bitmap in VB .NETgauge, control, custom control, VB .NET, UserControlDownload
HowTo: Reset a DataGrid control when the data to which it is bound changes in VB .NETDataGrid, database, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Allow the user to edit some but not all nodes in a TreeView control in VB .NETTreeView, VB.NET, edit label, edit nodeDownload
HowTo: Make a ListView control sort using all of its columns in VB .NETListView, sort, all columns, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a shortcut key with no menu item in VB .NETshortcut, menu, hidden, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Easily make ListView rows programmatically in VB .NETListView, rows, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Easily make ListView column headers programmatically in VB .NETListView, columns, column headers, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make the columns fit the data in a ListView control in VB .NETListView, column width, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a dialog that stretches controls on the bottom and right to take advantage of its full size using the Dock property in VB .NETstretch, Dock, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Make a dialog that stretches controls on the bottom and right to take advantage of its full size in VB .NETstretch, Anchor, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Make a dialog that stretches controls on the right to take advantage of its full size in VB .NETstretch, Anchor, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Find the area in which you should place things in a GroupBox in VB .NETDisplayRectangle, ClientRectangle, GroupBoxDownload
HowTo: Set a control's Region to shape the control in VB .NETregion, window region, shape, shaped controlDownload
HowTo: Use a control's ContextMenu property to display a context menu in VB .NETContextMenu, context menu, dropdown menu, popup menuDownload
HowTo: Reparent a control in VB .NETreparent, set parent, parentDownload
HowTo: Use dropdowns in a toolbar in VB .NETtoolbar, ComboBox, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Use buttons in a toolbar control in VB .NETtoolbar, button, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Let the user type a prefix string to select an item in a ListBox in VB .NETListBox, select itemDownload
HowTo: Make OwnerDraw menu items in VB .NETOwnerDraw, menu, custom menuDownload
HowTo: Make a shaped button in VB .NETshape, polygon, button, SetWindowRgn, region, shaped button, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Load a ListBox from a text file in VB .NET, skipping blank linesVB.NET, NET, ListBox, text file, load, initialize, blank lines, blanksDownload
HowTo: Load a ListBox from a text file in VB .NETVB.NET, NET, ListBox, text file, load, initializeDownload
HowTo: Make a TextBox automatically capitalize input in VB .NETNET, uppercase, upper case, lowercase, lower case, capitalize, TextBox, inputDownload
HowTo: Use classes to display data in a ListBox in .NETVB.NET, NET, ListBox, classDownload


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Quickly read and write the contents of a text file in VB .NETVB.NET, NET, text file, grab, read, writeDownload
HowTo: Use routines to easily read and write a file's contents in VB .NETstar, polygon, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use Visual Basic compatibility functions to quickly read and write an array of integers in a file in Visual Basic 2005FreeFile, FileOpen, FileGet, FilePut, Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use a BinaryReader and BinaryWriter in loops to read and write an array of integers in a file in Visual Basic 2005BinaryReader, BinaryWriter, Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use a BinaryReader and BinaryWriter in loops to read and write an array of integers in a file in Visual Basic 2005BinaryReader, BinaryWriter, Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use FTP to upload and download files in Visual Basic 2005FTP, upload, download, transfer, transfer files, VB 2005Download
HowTo: Read Unicode text from a file in Visual Basic .NETUnicode, text, file, StreamReader, OpenText, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Open text file by using CreateText, AppendText, and OpenText in Visual Basic .NETCreateText, AppendText, OpenText, Exists, open file, read file, StreamWriter, StreamReader, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use a FileInfo object to resolve relative path names in Visual Basic .NETrelative path, resolve relative path, FileInfo, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Let the user browse for a folder in Visual Basic .NETbrowse, browse for folder, SHBrowseForFolder, API, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: List the files in a directory that match a pattern in VB .NETdirectory, list, files, list files, pattern, search, file searchDownload
HowTo: List the files in a directory's subtree that match a pattern in VB .NETdirectory, subdirectory, list, files, list files, pattern, search, file searchDownload
HowTo: Make a type converter in VB .NETdirectory exists, directory, existsDownload
HowTo: See if a directory exists in VB .NETdirectory exists, directory, existsDownload
HowTo: See if a file exists in VB .NETfile exists, file, existsDownload
HowTo: Chop a large file of tab-delimited data into manageable pieces in VB .NETADO, database, insert, quotesDownload
HowTo: List and create instances of the shape types defined in an assembly in VB .NETassembly, type, data type, reflection, invoke, shapes, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: List the types defined in an assembly in VB .NETassembly, type, data type, reflection, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: List the assemblies referenced by an assembly in VB .NETassembly, reference, reflection, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: List and create instances of the types defined in an assembly in VB .NETassembly, type, data type, reflection, invoke, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Display the full name of an assembly in VB .NETassembly, full name, FullName, reflection, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Use the FileSystemWatcher class to process files placed in a directory in VB .NETFileSystemWatcher, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Resolve relative paths in VB.NETpath, special folders, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Get the paths to special folders in VB.NETpath, special folders, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Provide an MRU list in VB .NETMRU, MRU list, VB.NET, most recently used file listDownload


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Write data into an Excel workbook in Visual Basic .NETMicrosoft Office, Office, Excel, Microsoft Excel, write to Excel, color cell, format cell, color Excel cell, format Excel cellDownload
HowTo: Read data from an Excel workbook in Visual Basic .NETMicrosoft Office, Office, Excel, Microsoft Excel, read from Excel, cell color, cell format, Excel cell color, Excel cell formatDownload
HowTo: Create a Word document with some formatting in Visual Basic .NETMicrosoft Word, Word cell format, read from Word, Microsoft Office, Office, Word cell color, cell color, cell format, WordDownload
HowTo: Create a Word document containing a picture that makes text to flow around it in Visual Basic .NETMicrosoft Word, Word cell format, read from Word, Microsoft Office, Office, Word cell color, cell color, cell format, Word, right align, alignment, picture alignmentDownload
HowTo: Determine what version of Access is installed by reading Registry values in Visual Basic 2005Access, Access version, Microsoft Access, Registry, VB.NET, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Determine what version of Access is installed by using automation in Visual Basic 2005Access, Access version, Microsoft Access, Registry, automation, VB.NET, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Call Word to spell check from Visual Basic .NETOffice, Word, spell, spellcheck, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Open Word and go to a bookmark in VB .NETOffice, Word, bookmarkDownload
HowTo: Remove pictures from a Word document using VB.NETVB.NET, NET, Word, picture, shape, InlineShape, remove, graphicDownload


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Catch a form's minimize and maximize messages and optionally cancel them in Visual Basic .NETminimize, maximize, cancel minimize, cancel maximize, catch events, Visual Basic .NET, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: List distinct messages received by a form in Visual Basic 2005WndProc, messages, list messages, VB2005Download
HowTo: List distinct messages received by a form in Visual Basic .NETWndProc, messages, list messages, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a TextBox control that does not display a context menu in VB .NETTextBox, context menu, popup menuDownload
HowTo: Make a TextBox that allows only digits in VB.NETTextBox, lower case, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make and use a custom attribute in VB .NETattribute, custom attribute, GetCustomAttribute, CustomAttributeDownload
HowTo: Make a form resize in increments of 50 pixels in VB .NETapplication icon, icon, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Make a form with a fixed aspect ratio in VB .NETapplication icon, icon, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Compare the speeds of using class objects, derived class objects, and generic Objects in VB .NETspeed, performance, class, derived class, interface, Overrides, ShadowsDownload
HowTo: Make a form with a fixed height in VB .NETapplication icon, icon, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Let the user minimize, maximize, and restore a form, but not resize it in VB .NETsubclass, WindowProc, messages, VB.NET, NET, resize, minimize, maximizeDownload
HowTo: Subclass to read Windows messages in VB .NETsubclass, WindowProc, messages, VB.NET, NETDownload


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Select a printer resolution such as Draft or High in Visual Basic .NETprinting, printers, resolution, printer resolution, draft, set printer resolution, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Let the user select a printer and then send a printout directly to it in Visual Basic .NETprinting, printers, send to printer, printout, select printer, pick printer, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Send a printout directly to a specific printer in Visual Basic .NETprinting, printers, send to printer, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Control the print preview dialog to change its size, scale, colors, and more in Visual Basic .NETprinting, preview, PrintDocument, print, PrintPreviewDialog, print preview, scale, zoom, auto, maximize, rows, columns, graphics, PrintPageDownload
HowTo: Print the contents of a ListBox left aligned, centered, or right aligned in Visual Basic 2005print, ListBox, print preview, align, alignment, center, right align, left align, StringFormat, PrintDocument, PrintPage eventDownload
HowTo: Make a print preview displaying a grid of data with alternating row colors in Visual Basic 2005print, print preview, VB 2005, grid, rows, colorDownload
Expert One-on-One Visual Basic 2005 Design and DevelopmentVisual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, programming, design, development, reflection, code standards, bug proofing, bug-proofing, testing, snippets, macros, agile methods, splash screen, threadingBook
HowTo: Easily print grid-like data in Visual Basic .NETgrid, print, print grid, data, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Print a long series of paragraphs in different fonts, breaking across pages in VB .NETprint, preview, text, long text, print preview, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Use a Word server to print Word files in VB .NETOffice, Word, print, PrintOut, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Print pages in portrait and landscape orientations in VB .NETprint, landscape, portrait, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Print a drawing centered on the printer in VB .NETprint, preview, center, print preview, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Print a drawing that is centered and stretched to fit the page in VB .NETprint, preview, center, stretch, fit, print preview, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Print and display print previews in VB .NETprint, preview, print preview, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: List installed printers in VB .NETprinters, installed printers, VB .NETDownload


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Draw a fractal that is generated by applying rules to prime numbers in Visual Basic .NETgraphics, fractals, primes, prime numbers, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Perform a flood fill on an area with approximate uniform color in Visual Basic .NETflood, flood fill, graphics, color, approximate color, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a picture tiles jigsaw game in Visual Basic .NETgraphics, algorithms, games, picture, tiles, image, DrawImage, jigsaw, puzzle, game, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Partition an area with circles and draw each region's count in Visual Basic .NETcircles, partition, partition area, regions, draw regions, intersect circles, circle intersections, geometry, graphics, algorithms, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Find a Region's centroid in Visual Basic .NETgeometry, graphics, algorithms, region, centroid, circles, overlap, circles overlap, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Find the area where two or more circles overlap in Visual Basic .NETgeometry, graphics, algorithms, circles, overlap, circles overlap, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Find the tangent lines between two circles in Visual Basic .NETtangents, circle, tangent lines, geometry, graphics, algorithms, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Scale a drawing so it fits a target area in Visual Basic .NETgraphics, algorithms, drawing, transformation, transform, scale, scaling, translation, translate, ScaleTransform, TranslateTransform, math, mathematics, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Find the tangent lines between a point and a circle in Visual Basic .NETtangents, find tangents, find tangent lines, tangent lines, Visual Basic .NET, VB .NET, graphics, algorithmsDownload
HowTo: Use double buffering to prevent flicker when drawing graphics in Visual Basic .NETgraphics, buffer, double buffer, double buffering, double-buffering, curve, butterfly, butterfly curve, algorithms, fractals, colors, math, mathematics, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Write a method that saves images in an appropriate format depending on the file name's extension in Visual Basic .NETsave file, save image, save bitmap, save picture, file extension, png, bmp, jpg, jpeg, gif, tiff, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Map numeric values to colors in a rainbow in Visual Basic .NETgraphics, colors, map values to colors, map values, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw text flipped vertically, horizontally, or both in Visual Basic .NETGraphics object, Scale, flip, DrawString, text, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NETDownload
HowTo: Grab the image of another program's form in Visual Basic .NETform image, background, clipboard, PrntScrnDownload
HowTo: Get a form's image with or without decorations in Visual Basic .NETform image, background, clipboard, PrntScrnDownload
HowTo: Use the Clipboard to grab an image of the screen in Visual Basic .NETdesktop image, background, clipboard, PrntScrnDownload
HowTo: Make a drawing application in VB .NETdraw, drawing, Drawable, serialization, XmlSerializerDownload
HowTo: Display two forms, one showing pictures in a random order in Visual Basic .NETpicture, random, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NETDownload
HowTo: Make and rotate a cube by using XAML code in Visual Basic 2008Visual Basic 2008, VB 2008, XAML, cube, rotateDownload
HowTo: Simulate a robot arm with three rotating joints in Visual Basic .NETrobot, robotics, arm, drawing, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a simple drawing program with a "snap to" grid and rules in Visual Basic .NETdrawing, graphics, grid, snap to, snapto, ruler, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a scribble application with VB .NET that automatically redraws when necessaryVB.NET, drawing, scribble, redraw, autoredrawDownload
HowTo: Make bitmap files containing numbers in circles in Visual Basic 2005graphics, bitmap files, VB.NET, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Let the user click to draw markers on a map in Visual Basic 2005drawing, map, marker, Paint, Visual Basic 2005, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Overlay one picture on another in Visual Basic 2008overlay, transparent, image processing, picture, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a line control in Visual Basic 2005line control, custom control, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Flood fill areas using safe and unsafe methods in Visual Basic .NETflood, floodfill, VB.NET, safe, unsafeDownload
HowTo: Save a picture into a JPEG at a desired size in Visual Basic 2005save picture, save image, size, jpeg, jpg, compress, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Use the BitmapBytesRGB24 class to apply an embossing filter to an image very quickly in Visual Basic 2005BitmapBytesRGB24, LockBits, UnlockBits, image processing, filter image, emboss, embossing filter, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use Microsoft's .NET Framework parallel extensions to apply an embossing filter to an image very quickly in Visual Basic 2008parallel, multi-threading, threading, BitmapBytesRGB24, LockBits, UnlockBits, image processing, filter image, emboss, embossing filter, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use Microsoft's .NET Framework parallel extensions to generate Mandelbrot sets quickly in Visual Basic 2008parallel extensions, parallel programming, multiple CPUs, multi-core, Mandelbrot, Mandelbrot set, .NET, .NET FrameworkDownload
HowTo: Crop a picture and save the result in Visual Basic 2005crop picture, crop, trim, Visual Basic 2005, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Make a print preview displaying a grid of data with alternating row colors in Visual Basic 2005print, print preview, VB 2005, grid, rows, colorDownload
HowTo: Use a Pen object's CompoundArray property to give the pen longitudinal stripes in Visual Basic 2005Pen, CompoundArray, longitudinal stripes, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Draw three interlocked 3-D blocks with Direct3D in Visual Basic 2005Direct3D, DirectX, blocks, interlocked, hidden surface removal, z-buffer, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Make buttons jump randomly around the screen in Visual Basic 6button, jump, random, game, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Make buttons jump randomly around the screen in Visual Basic .NETbutton, jump, random, game, VB.NETDownload
Talk: Four Fascinating Featuresregular expressions, cryptography, reflection, Direct3D, graphics, algorithms 
HowTo: Draw a colored butterfly curve in VB .NETgraphics, curve, butterfly, butterfly curve, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a colored chrysanthemum curve in VB .NETgraphics, curve, chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum curve, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Precisely determine the size of text drawn by a Graphics object in Visual Basic .NETGraphics, DrawString, GraphicsPath, draw text, draw string, text, text size, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw text stretched to fit a rectangle precisely in Visual Basic .NETstretch text, Graphics, DrawString, GraphicsPath, draw text, draw string, text, text size, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Preview and print a core sample report with Visual Basic 2005print, preview, core sample, VB 2005Download
HowTo: Preview and print a core sample report using custom fill patterns with Visual Basic 2005print, preview, core sample, VB 2005Download
HowTo: Draw a radar graph in Visual Basic .NETradar graph, graph, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Determine whether a polygon is convex in Visual Basic .NETpolygon, convex, concave, graphics, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Find the orientation of a polygon (clockwise or counterclockwise) in Visual Basic .NETpolygon, orientation, clockwise, counterclockwise, graphics, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Break a polygon into triangles in Visual Basic .NETtriangulate, triangle, polygon, geometry, graphics, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Determine whether a point is inside a polygon in Visual Basic .NETpolygon, point, inside, contains, graphics, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Calculate a polygon's area in Visual Basic .NETpolygon, area, graphics, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Find a polygon's centroid (center of mass) in Visual Basic .NETpolygon, centroid, center of mass, graphics, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use DrawToBitmap to capture an image of a form in Visual Basic 2005DrawToBitmap, form image, capture form image, VB 2005, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw rainbow shaded text in Visual Basic .NETcolor, rainbow, text, string, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw text that is clipped to a graphics path in Visual Basic .NETtext, path, clipDownload
HowTo: Use transformations to draw an animated atom in Visual Basic .NETanimation, atom, animated atom, transformation, ellipse, rotated ellipse, rotation, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a background with a rotating color gradient in Visual Basic .NETcolor gradient, moving gradient, rotating gradient, animation, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Simulate a mouse movement and click the mouse in Visual Basic 2005VB2005, Visual Basic 2005, mouse move, click, mouse_event, APIDownload
HowTo: Simulate drawing with the mouse in Visual Basic 2005VB2005, Visual Basic 2005, mouse move, click, OnMouseDown, OnMouseMove, OnMouseUpDownload
HowTo: Draw samples of the available dash caps in Visual Basic .NETDashCap, dash, dash caps, GetValues, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a background with a moving color gradient in Visual Basic .NETcolor gradient, moving gradient, animation, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Fill text with a moving color gradient in Visual Basic .NETtext, color gradient, moving gradient, animation, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Fill an ellipse with a color gradientellipse, color, color gradient, LinearGradientBrush, fill, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Slowly fill a circle with color from bottom to top in Visual Basic .NETcircle, ellipse, fill circle, fill ellipse, VB.NET, animationDownload
HowTo: Compose four pictures into a single picture and save the result into a file in Visual Basic .NETTextBox, convert, proper case, StrConv, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Perform label setting shortest path calculations in Visual Basic .NETshortest path, shortest path tree, label settings, algorithms, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Display vertical and horizontal lines as a crosshair in C#C#, csharp, c sharp, VB .NET, crosshairDownload
HowTo: Display predefined system pens in Visual Basic .NETpen, system pen, SystemPens, drawing, graphics, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Display join styles in Visual Basic .NETjoin styles, LineJoin, line, drawing, graphics, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Display predefined system colors in Visual Basic .NETcolor, system color, SystemColors, drawing, graphics, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Display predefined system brushes in Visual Basic .NETbrush, system brush, SystemBrushes, drawing, graphics, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Display predefined system icons in Visual Basic .NETicon, system icon, SystemIcons, drawing, graphics, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a regular polygon in Visual Basic .NETpolygon, regular polygon, draw, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Change a form's font in Visual Basic .NETfont, change font, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a five-pointed star in Visual Basic .NETstar, five-pointed star, draw, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Fill a polygon with a PathGradientBrush in Visual Basic .NETpath gradient, gradient, PathGradientBrush, fill, draw, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Morph from one image to another in Visual Basic .NETimage processing, morhp, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Warp images in Visual Basic .NETgraphics, image processing, warp, fish eye, twist, wave, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use an ImageList control to animate a series of images in VB .NETImageList, animate, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Rotate text around a center in VB .NETtext, rotate, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw the Barnsley's Fern fractal in VB .NETBarnsley's Fern, fractal, iterated functions, iterated function system, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a fractal Pickover strange attractor using an incremental color scheme in VB.NETBarnsley's Fern, fractal, iterated functions, iterated function system, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a curlicue fractal in Visual Basic .NETcurlicue, fractal, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a swirl in Visual Basic .NETswirl, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw strange attractors (fractals) in Visual Basic .NETstrange attractor, fractal, equation, graphics, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Find the points where a line intersects a circle in Visual Basic .NETgraphics, line, circle, intersectionDownload
HowTo: Use Newton's method to find the roots of an equation in Visual Basic .NETNewton's method, equation, root, zeroDownload
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^n - 1 to draw fractals in Visual Basic .NETNewton's method, polynomial, root, function, fractal, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Draw an interesting curved Truchet Tiling in Visual Basic .NETTruchet Tiling, curve, draw, graphics, tile, tiling, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use an ImageAttributes object to display an image's red, green, and blue components in Visual Basic .NETcolor, color components, ImageAttributes, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Use an ImageAttributes object to swap the red, green, and blue components of an image in Visual Basic .NETcolor, color components, ImageAttributes, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Write a DLL in Visual Basic .NET that saves images in different formats (GIF, JPG, etc.) and call it from Visual Basic 6VB .NET, VB 6, Visual Basic 6, DLL, save image, GIF, JPG, JPEGDownload
HowTo: Use an ImageAttributes object to adjust an image's brightness in Visual Basic .NETcolor, color components, brightness, ColorMatrix, ImageAttributes, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Use an ImageAttributes object to gamma correct an image in Visual Basic .NETcolor, color components, gamm, gamm correction, ColorMatrix, ImageAttributes, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Make a kaleidoscope program in Visual Basic .NETkaleidoscope, drawing, artDownload
HowTo: Make a labeled line "symbiote" to help users draw rubberband lines in VB .NETlabeled line symbiote, rubberband line, draw, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a line "symbiote" to help users draw rubberband lines in VB .NETline symbiote, rubberband line, draw, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a warped path in VB .NETpath, GraphicsPath, warp, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a filled polygon in VB .NETpolygon, fill, filled polygon, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a three-dimensional histogram with VB .NEThistogram, bar chart, graph, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a color wheel in VB .NEThistogram, bar chart, graph, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw "stars" inside regular polygons in VB .NETstar, polygon, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a simple histogram in VB .NEThistogram, graph, bar chart, bar graphDownload
HowTo: Draw text centered at a position in VB .NETtext, center text, fontDownload
HowTo: Compare two images to find differences greater than a threshold value in VB .NETimage, bitmap, VB.NET, compare, difference, imagediffDownload
HowTo: Draw an image with gradient alpha (opacity) values in VB .NETimage processing, alpha, gradient, opacity, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Make translucent text suitable for image watermarking in VB .NETwatermark, image, translucent, transparent, opacity, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Remap a color in an image in VB .NETimage processing, remap color, color, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Make an image fade from one picture to another and back in VB .NETimage processing, alpha, opacity, fade, animation, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Draw an image with gradient alpha (opacity) values in VB .NETimage processing, alpha, gradient, opacity, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Make and show metafiles in VB.NETmetafile, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a rubberband rectangle with and without double buffering in VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Fit a PictureBox to its non-transparent pixels in VB .NETshaped picture, PictureBox, regionDownloadBook
HowTo: Draw a smooth closed curve by hand in VB .NETsmooth curve, smooth closed curve, spline, cardinal spline, Bezier curve, tensionDownloadBook
HowTo: Draw a Bezier curve by hand in VB .NETBezier curve, spline, smooth, curveDownloadBook
HowTo: Draw a smooth curve by hand in VB .NETsmooth curve, spline, cardinal spline, Bezier curve, tensionDownloadBook
HowTo: Draw an hypotrochoid (and hypocycloid) in VB .NEThypotrochoid, hypocycloid, curveDownload
HowTo: Draw an epitrochoid (and epicycloid) in VB .NETepitrochoid, epicycloid, curveDownload
HowTo: Draw a butterfly curve in VB .NETgraphics, curve, butterfly, butterfly curve, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a chrysanthemum curve in VB .NETgraphics, curve, chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum curve, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Find the difference between two images in VB .NETimage, bitmap, VB.NET, compare, difference, imagediffDownload
HowTo: Compare two images to find differences in VB .NETimage, bitmap, VB.NET, compare, difference, imagediffDownload
HowTo: List and create instances of the shape types defined in an assembly in VB .NETassembly, type, data type, reflection, invoke, shapes, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a centered circle whenever the user resizes a form in VB .NETVB.NET, circle, center, resize, Paint, GDI+Download
HowTo: Use the Invalidate method to draw a centered circle whenever the user resizes a form in VB .NETVB.NET, circle, center, resize, Paint, GDI+Download
HowTo: Position tab stops while drawing text in VB .NETtabs, VB .NET, drawing, layout rectangle, StringFormatDownload
HowTo: Animate a moving picture in VB .NETanimate, animation, multimediaDownload
HowTo: Make a moveable analog clock with a shaped form in VB .NETanalog, clock, time, position, lower right, rotated text, move, move formDownload
HowTo: Make a transparent moveable analog clock in VB .NETanalog, clock, time, position, lower right, rotated text, transparent, move, move formDownload
HowTo: Make an analog clock with a shaped form in VB .NETanalog, clock, time, position, lower right, rotated textDownload
HowTo: Load a picture so it doesn't lock the picture file in VB .NETload picture, Bitmap, lock, lock file, sharing, file sharingDownload
HowTo: Embed bitmap, text, and other resource files in a compiled application and use them in VB .NETembed, embedded resource, resource, bitmapDownload
HowTo: Draw a fractal Mandelbrot set in VB.NETfractal, Mandelbrot, Mandelbrot setDownloadBook
HowTo: Draw a fractal Hilbert curve in VB.NETfractal, Hilbert curveDownloadBook
HowTo: Draw a fractal binary tree in VB.NETfractal, binary tree, treeDownloadBook
HowTo: Draw a fractal Pickover strange attractor in VB.NETfractal, Pickover, Pickover attractor, strange attractorDownloadBook
HowTo: List the HatchStyle values defined by VB .NETEnum, reflection, HatchStyleDownload
HowTo: Use transformations to draw angled text in VB .NETfont, angled text, VB.NET, transformation, GraphicsDownload
HowTo: Draw transformed text in VB .NETtransform, transformation, text, font, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw untransformed text at a transformed location in VB .NETtransform, transformation, text, font, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw text that is rotated but otherwise untransformed at a transformed location in VB .NETtransform, transformation, text, font, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Generate random colors in Visual Basic 6color, random color, RGB, QBColorDownload
HowTo: Demonstrate the Graphics object's drawing methods in VB .NETdraw, drawing, DrawLine, DrawLines, DrawPath, DrawEllipse, DrawPie, DrawRectangle, DrawRectangles, DrawArc, DrawPolygon, DrawString, DrawBezier, DrawBeziers, DrawClosedCurve, DrawCurve, DrawImageDownload
HowTo: Display samples of fonts in VB .NETfont, bold, underscore, underline, strikeout, strikethru, strikethrough, italic, InstalledFontCollection, installed fonts, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Demonstrate the Graphics object's filling methods in VB .NETfill, filling, fill area, FillPath, FillPie, FillPolygon, FillRectangle, FillRectangles, FillClosedCurve, FillEllipseDownload
HowTo: Generate random colors in VB .NETcolor, random color, QBColor, FromArgb, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a continuous graph that starts and stops in VB .NETVB .NET, graph, graphingDownload
HowTo: Draw a continuous graph in a separate thread in VB .NETVB .NET, graph, graphing, thread, threadingDownload
HowTo: Load resources from another Assembly in VB .NETresources, Assembly, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Draw lines that are filled with a hatch pattern in VB .NETBrush, Pen, HatchBrush, drawing, DrawHatchLineDownloadBook
HowTo: Use a LinearGradientBrush with and without gamma correction in VB .NETLinearGradientBrush, GammaCorrection, gamma correction, color, drawing, blendDownloadBook
HowTo: Draw lines on top of a gradient Brush in VB .NETBrush, Pen, PathGradientBrushDownloadBook
HowTo: Make a LinearGradientBrush that blends three colors in VB .NETLinearGradientBrush, ColorBlend, color, drawing, blendDownloadBook
HowTo: Draw lines with standard start and end caps in VB .NETline caps, start cap, end cap, StartCap, EndCapDownloadBook
HowTo: Draw lines with custom start and end caps in VB .NETline caps, start cap, end cap, StartCap, EndCapDownloadBook
HowTo: Draw lines that lie along a color gradient in VB .NETBrush, Pen, LinearGradientBrush, color, blend, drawing, DrawGradientLineDownloadBook
HowTo: Print a form's decorated image in VB.NETprint screen, screen capture, form image, print form imageDownload
HowTo: Save a form's decorated image into a bitmap file in VB.NETprint screen, screen capture, form image, save form imageDownload
HowTo: Save or print a form's image with or without decoration in VB .NETprint screen, screen capture, form image, print form image, save form imageDownload
HowTo: Print a form's image in VB.NETprint screen, screen capture, form image, print form imageDownload
HowTo: Save a form's image into a bitmap file in VB.NETprint screen, screen capture, form image, save form imageDownload
HowTo: Explore the Mandelbrot set in VB .NETMandelbrot, VB.NETDownloadBook
HowTo: Let the user draw an area and fill it with a image using a TextureBrush in VB .NETTextureBrush, image, VB.NET, brush, fill, fill areaDownload
HowTo: Let the user draw a Bezier curve in VB .NETBezier, Bezier curve, curve, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Display the available hatch styles in VB .NETHatchStyle, hatch style, VB.NET, brushDownload
HowTo: Display the available dash styles in VB .NETDashStyle, dash style, VB.NET, penDownload
HowTo: Display the standard linear gradient styles in VB .NETLinearGradientMode, linear gradient, gradient, VB.NET, brushDownload
HowTo: Spin an image in VB .NET using DrawImagespin, rotate, image, VB.NET, graphicsDownload
HowTo: Use alpha blending to overlay translucent text in VB .NETalpha blend, overlay, translucent, transparent, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Pixelate areas on an image in VB .NETpixelate, pixellateDownload
HowTo: Display the SystemColors in Visual Basic .NETSystemColorsDownload
HowTo: Draw a smooth curve that passes through several points in VB.NETcurve, DrawCurve, smooth curve, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw polygons in VB.NETpolygon, DrawPolygon, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw rectangles, ellipses, lines, arcs, pie slices, and text in VB.NETrectangle, ellipse, line, arc, pie, pie slice, DrawRectangle, DrawEllipse, DrawLine, DrawArc, DrawPie, DrawString, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use antialiasing to draw and fill smooth curves in VB.NETantialias, alias, text, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use antialiasing to draw smooth text in VB.NETantialias, alias, text, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use antialiasing to resize images smoothly in VB.NETantialias, alias, image, resize, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a smooth closed curve that passes through several points and returns to its start in VB.NETcurve, DrawClosedCurve, smooth curve, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Transform a Graphics object to map an area in world coordinates to device coordinates in VB .NETtransform, Graphics object, Graphics, world coordinates, device coordinatesDownload
HowTo: Graph a parametric function (X(t), Y(t)) in VB .NETgraph, parametric, parametric equations, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Change a form's icon at run time in VB .NETicon, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Set an application's icon in VB .NETapplication icon, icon, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Display the standard cursors in VB .NETicon, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Convert a picture to blue scale in three ways in VB .NETblue scale, picture, VB .NET, image processingDownload
HowTo: Manipulate image pixels very quickly using LockBits wrapped in a class in VB .NETimage, pixel, image processing, unmanaged array, LockBits, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Manipulate image pixels very quickly using LockBits in VB .NETimage, pixel, image processing, unmanaged array, LockBits, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Manipulate multiple images' pixels very quickly using LockBits wrapped in a class in VB .NETimage, pixel, image processing, unmanaged array, LockBits, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Make a monitor that displays a value using a vertical bar gauge that seems to float above other applications in VB .NETgauge, bar, bar gauge, floating bar gauge, TransparencyKey, monitor, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a monitor that displays a value using a vertical gauge in VB .NETgauge, bar, monitor, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a monitor that displays a value using a vertical bar gauge in VB .NETgauge, bar, bar gauge, monitor, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a 2D or 3D border in VB .NETborder, draw border, 3D, three-dimensional, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Make a custom gauge control with a toolbox bitmap in VB .NETgauge, control, custom control, VB .NET, UserControlDownload
HowTo: Use the color selection dialog with custom colors in VB .NETcolor, select color, pick color, color selection, color selection dialog, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use the color selection dialog in VB .NETcolor, select color, pick color, color selection, color selection dialog, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Let the user modify a polygon with grab handles in VB .NETpolygon, grab handles, draw, dragDownloadBook
HowTo: Draw a positioning grid and snap line segments to its points in VB .NETsnap to, grid, draw, dragDownloadBook
HowTo: Let the user move a polygon's points with grab handles, snapping the points to a grid in VB .NETpolygon, grab handles, snap to, grid, draw, dragDownloadBook
HowTo: Let the user select an irregular area and overlay it on another picture in VB .NETregion, path, area, select, overlay, copy, VB.NETDownloadBook
HowTo: Let the user select an irregular area and copy it to and from the clipboard in VB .NETregion, path, area, select, overlay, copy, VB.NET, transparent, clipboardDownloadBook
HowTo: Use system colors (active border, etc.) and respond when the system's colors change in VB .NETcolor, system color, ActiveBorder, InactiveBorder, ActiveCaptionDownloadBook
HowTo: Draw contour plots (level curves) for a function with known derivatives in VB .NETcontour, level curve, plotDownload
HowTo: Enumerate the records in a Windows metafile (WMF) or enhanced metafile (EMF) in VB .NETmetafile, WMF, EMF, VB.NET, enumerateDownload
HowTo: Save JPEG files with different levels of compression in VB .NETJPEG, compress, compression, optimizationDownload
HowTo: Draw a continuous graph similiar to perfmon in VB .NETgraph, continuous graph, scroll, perfmonDownload
Talk: Fun With GDI+GDI+, graphics, drawing, VB .NET, Visual Basic .NET, Visual Studio .NET 
HowTo: Overlay one image on another with alpha blending in VB .NETalpha, alpha blending, transparent, translucent, semi-transparentDownload
HowTo: Use a solid brush and a wide pen in VB .NETbrush, fill, solid brush, solidbrush, pen, wide pen, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use a TextureBrush in VB .NETbrush, texturebrush, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use stock pens and brushes in VB .NETpen, brush, stock, stock pen, stock brush, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make parts of a form transparent in VB .NETform, transparent, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Save a picture into a file in VB .NETPathGradientBrush, VB.NET, offset, centerDownload
HowTo: Fill an area with a PathGradientBrush in VB .NET, using an offset centerPathGradientBrush, VB.NET, offset, centerDownload
HowTo: Fill an area with a PathGradientBrush in VB .NETPathGradientBrush, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Overlay one picture on another using MakeTransparent in VB .NEToverlay, transparent, PaintPicture, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Load a picture from a file in VB .NETload picture, loadpicture, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Fill text with a LinearGradientBrush in VB .NETfilled text, lineargradientbrush, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use DrawImage to map the corners of an image into a parallelogram in VB .NETDrawImage, copy picture, PaintPicture, VB.NET, map cornersDownload
HowTo: Draw a closed curve in VB .NET, filled with a hatch pattern and outlined with a custom dash patternhatched, closedcurve, closed curve, hatch, dash, dashed line, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Convert an image to GrayScale one pixel at a time in VB .NETgrayscale, pixel-by-pixel, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Change a form's opacity in VB .NETform, Opacity, transparent, translucent, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use DrawImage to map the corners of an image into a parallelogram in VB .NET, reflecting the imageDrawImage, copy picture, PaintPicture, VB.NET, map cornersDownload
HowTo: Draw a hatched ellipse in VB .NETellipse, circle, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Copy one picture onto a location in another in VB .NETDrawImage, copy picture, PaintPicture, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Copy part of an image onto another part of the image in VB .NETDrawImage, copy picture, PaintPicture, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a picture-shaped form in VB .NETpicture-shaped form, shaped form, transparent, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Get a window's image using its hWnd in VB .NETwindow, image, picture, hWnd, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a scribble application with VB .NETVB.NET, drawing, scribbleDownload
HowTo: Load an image and save it in a different image format (GIF, JPG, TIFF, etc.) in VB .NETimage, VB.NET, type, BMP, bitmap, GIF, JPG, JPEG, TIF, TIFF, PNG, EMF, WMF, ICO, icon, ExifDownload
HowTo: Resize an image in VB .NETresize, image, VB.NET, graphicsDownload
HowTo: Let the user drag points to warp an image in VB .NET using DrawImagewarp, drag, rotate, image, VB.NET, graphicsDownload
HowTo: Flip an image and/or rotate it by a multiple of 90 degrees in VB .NETrotate, flip, image, VB.NET, graphicsDownload
HowTo: Rotate an image in VB .NET using DrawImagerotate, image, VB.NET, graphicsDownload
HowTo: Warp an image in VB .NET using DrawImagewarp, rotate, image, VB.NET, graphicsDownload
HowTo: Rotate a picture 90 degrees in VB .NETrotate, image, picture, rotation, VB .NETDownload


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Make a ransom note style message by drawing text using different fonts for each character in a RichTextBox in Visual Basic .NETransom note, text, string, random fonts, random characters, Visual Basic .NET, VB .NETDownload
Talk: Four Fascinating Featuresregular expressions, cryptography, reflection, Direct3D, graphics, algorithms 
HowTo: Convert really huge numbers into words in Visual Basic .NETconvert number, number, words, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillion, milliardDownload
HowTo: Convert really huge dollar values into words in Visual Basic .NETconvert number, convert dollars, dollar, dollar value, cents, number, words, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillion, milliardDownload
HowTo: Precisely determine the size of text drawn by a Graphics object in Visual Basic .NETGraphics, DrawString, GraphicsPath, draw text, draw string, text, text size, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw text stretched to fit a rectangle precisely in Visual Basic .NETstretch text, Graphics, DrawString, GraphicsPath, draw text, draw string, text, text size, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Convert a number into words in Visual Basic .NETconvert number, number, words, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillionDownload
HowTo: Convert a dollar value into words in Visual Basic .NETconvert number, convert dollars, dollar, dollar value, cents, number, words, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillionDownload
HowTo: Read Unicode text from a file in Visual Basic .NETUnicode, text, file, StreamReader, OpenText, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Create fonts easily by using the Font constructor that uses a prototype in Visual Basic .NETFont, create font, font prototype, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Create fonts easily and interactively by using the Font constructor that uses a prototype in Visual Basic .NETFont, create font, font prototype, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Fill text with a moving color gradient in Visual Basic .NETtext, color gradient, moving gradient, animation, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use the FormatCurrency function in Visual Basic .NETFormatCurrency, format currency, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use the FormatNumber function in Visual Basic .NETFormatNumber, format number, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use the FormatDateTime function in Visual Basic .NETFormatDateTime, format date, format time, format datetime, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use the FormatPercent function in Visual Basic .NETFormatPercent, format percentage, format percent, percent, percentage, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Pad strings on the left or right in Visual Basic .NETpad string, PadLeft, PadRight, String, format string, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Change a form's font in Visual Basic .NETfont, change font, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw text centered at a position in VB .NETtext, center text, fontDownload
HowTo: Let the user press Ctrl-A to select all of the text in a TextBox in VB .NETctrl-A, control-A, select textDownload
HowTo: Parse a hexadecimal string in VB .NET by using Integer.Parse.parse, hex, hexadecimal, VB.NET, Integer.ParseDownload
HowTo: Convert values between decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary in VB .NETconvert, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, binary, base, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use standard formatting strings to format Doubles in VB .NETformat, format specifier, string, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use a composite format specifier in VB .NETformat, format specifier, string, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use standard formatting strings to format Dates in VB .NETformat, format specifier, string, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use custom formatting strings to format Dates in VB .NETformat, format specifier, string, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use custom formatting strings to format Doubles in VB .NETformat, format specifier, string, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Format a TimeSpan in days, hours, minutes, and seconds in VB.NETTimeSpan, VB.NET, formatDownload
HowTo: Display samples of fonts in VB .NETfont, bold, underscore, underline, strikeout, strikethru, strikethrough, italic, InstalledFontCollection, installed fonts, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Left- or right-align text in VB.NETalign, align text, format, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Fill text with a LinearGradientBrush in VB .NETfilled text, lineargradientbrush, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw rotated text in VB .NETrotate, text, CreateFont, font, VB .NETDownload


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Make a Label use the largest font it can while still allowing its text to fit in Visual Basic .NETfont, biggest font, largest font, Label, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a Label use the largest font it can while still allowing its text to fit allowing wrapping in Visual Basic .NETfont, biggest font, largest font, Label, wrap, wrapping, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Change a form's font in Visual Basic .NETfont, change font, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw transformed text in VB .NETtransform, transformation, text, font, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw untransformed text at a transformed location in VB .NETtransform, transformation, text, font, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw text that is rotated but otherwise untransformed at a transformed location in VB .NETtransform, transformation, text, font, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw rotated text in VB .NETrotate, text, CreateFont, font, VB .NETDownload


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Play the system sounds in Visual Basic 2008Visual Basic 2008, VB 2008, sound, system sounds, System.Media.SystemSounds, SystemSoundsDownload
HowTo: Draw a background with a rotating color gradient in Visual Basic .NETcolor gradient, moving gradient, rotating gradient, animation, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a background with a moving color gradient in Visual Basic .NETcolor gradient, moving gradient, animation, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Fill text with a moving color gradient in Visual Basic .NETtext, color gradient, moving gradient, animation, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Animate a moving picture in VB .NETanimate, animation, multimediaDownload
HowTo: Select random files from a set of directories to build a MP3 player mix in VB.NETmp3, mix, random, random files, browse, SaveSetting, GetSetting, DeleteSettingDownload
HowTo: Play an audio file with the Media Player control in VB .NETaudio, Media Player, Media Player control, VB .NET, multimediaDownload
HowTo: Play a MIDI audio file by using DirectX in VB .NETMIDI, DirectX, Audio, multimedia, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Start and stop a MIDI audio file by using DirectX in VB .NETMIDI, DirectX, Audio, multimedia, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Capture video from a video device such as a Webcam with VB .NETvideo, capture, Webcam. VB.NETDownload


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Display two forms, one showing pictures in a random order in Visual Basic .NETpicture, random, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NETDownload
HowTo: Build a form from scratch and handle events raised by its controls in Visual Basic .NETform, build form, event, AddHandler, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Get information about the window under the mouse in Visual Basic .NETmouse position, MousePosition, window text, window handle, root window, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NETDownload
HowTo: Keep a form on top of all others in Visual Basic .NETtop most, topmost, on top, ontop, Form, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Set the initial size and window state of a PrintPreviewDialog in Visual Basic .NETPrintPreviewDialog, WindowState, dialog, dialog size, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Position a popup form on a particular area on its parent form in Visual Basic .NETpopup, form, position, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Set a form's client area size in Visual Basic .NETsize, client area, ClientSize, form, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a program shrink to the system tray when the user clicks the close button in Visual Basic .NETsystem try, tray, shrink, hide, close, NotifyIcon, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Let the user resize a form that has no title bar or borders in Visual Basic .NETresize form, title bar, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, SendMessage, DefWndProc, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Let the user move a form that has no title bar or borders in Visual Basic .NETmove form, title bar, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, SendMessage, DefWndProc, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw on an MDI parent's background in VB .NETMDI, MDI parent, background, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Change the color of an MDI parent form's background in VB .NETMDI, MDI parent, background, background image, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Tile an MDI parent's background with an image in VB .NETMDI, MDI parent, background, background image, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Provide an MRU list in VB .NETMRU, MRU list, VB.NET, most recently used file listDownload
HowTo: Change a form's icon at run time in VB .NETicon, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Position a form in the lower right corner accounting for the task bar in VB .NETposition form, taskbar, lower right, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make an MDI application replace MDI container menus with child menus in VB .NETMDI, Multiple Document Interface, mergereplace, menus, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make an MDI application in VB .NETMDI, Multiple Document Interface, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make an MDI application combine MDI container menus with child menus in VB .NETMDI, Multiple Document Interface, mergereplace, menus, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make parts of a form transparent in VB .NETform, transparent, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Change a form's opacity in VB .NETform, Opacity, transparent, translucent, VB.NETDownload


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Use the RtlMoveMemory API function to copy part of a two-dimensional array into a one-dimensional array in Visual Basic .NETRtlMoveMemory, copy memory, CopyMemory, MoveMemory, array, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Use the RtlMoveMemory (CopyMemory) API function to copy memory between 2-D arrays in VB .NETRtlMoveMemory, copy memory, CopyMemory, MoveMemory, array, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Use a VB .NET assembly from Visual Basic 6VB6, Visual Basic 6, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET, DLL, assembly 
HowTo: Use a Visual Basic 6 DLL from VB .NETVB6, Visual Basic 6, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET, DLLDownload
Bug: For Each loop in VB .NET doesn't end with variable equal to Nothingbug, loop, for each, ForEach, VB.NETDownload


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Grab images from a Web page in Visual Basic .NETgrab images, Web, HTML, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET, WebBrowser, WebClient, download, download images, screen scraping, HtmlDocumentDownload
HowTo: Open a PDF file in a WebBrowser control in Visual Basic .NETPDF file, Adobe, open PDF file, WebBrowser, Adobe Acrobat, Acrobat, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Open a PDF file in an Adobe Reader control within an application in Visual Basic .NETPDF file, Adobe, open PDF file, Adobe Reader, Adobe Acrobat, Acrobat, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Open a PDF file in an external Adobe Reader process in Visual Basic .NETPDF file, Adobe, open PDF file, Adobe Reader, Adobe Acrobat, Acrobat, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a list of critter images with their names in XAMLDownload
HowTo: Validate a URL in Visual Basic .NETvalidate URL, URL, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Determine whether the system has Internet Explorer configured to use a proxy in Visual Basic 6proxy, IE, Internet Explorer, Registry, keyDownload
HowTo: Make a browser that prevents the user from viewing the URL in Visual Basic .NETbrowser, URL, restricted browser, hide URL, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Determine whether the system has Internet Explorer configured to use a proxy in Visual Basic .NETproxy, IE, Internet Explorer, Registry, key, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Launch the system's default browser in VB .NETbrowser, default browser, launch program, start programDownload
HowTo: Use a WebClient object to download the data at a URI in VB .NETWebClient, URL, URI, download, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Build a formatted XML document in memory by using an XmlTextWriter in VB .NETXML, VB.NET, format XML, formatted XMLDownloadBook
HowTo: Set the WebBrowser control's contents explicitlyWebBrowser, HTMLDocument, navigateDownload
HowTo: Navigate the WebBrowser control in VB .NETWebBrowser, navigate, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Set the WebBrowser control's contents explicitly in VB .NETWebBrowser, HTMLDocument, navigate, VB.NETDownload


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Get a module's fully qualified name in Visual Basic .NETmodule name, fully qualified name, module location, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
Expert One-on-One Visual Basic 2005 Design and DevelopmentVisual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, programming, design, development, reflection, code standards, bug proofing, bug-proofing, testing, snippets, macros, agile methods, splash screen, threadingBook
HowTo: List and create instances of the shape types defined in an assembly in VB .NETassembly, type, data type, reflection, invoke, shapes, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: List the types defined in an assembly in VB .NETassembly, type, data type, reflection, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: List the assemblies referenced by an assembly in VB .NETassembly, reference, reflection, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: List and create instances of the types defined in an assembly in VB .NETassembly, type, data type, reflection, invoke, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Display the full name of an assembly in VB .NETassembly, full name, FullName, reflection, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: List the values defined by an Enum in VB .NETEnum, reflectionDownload
HowTo: List the HatchStyle values defined by VB .NETEnum, reflection, HatchStyleDownload
HowTo: List the values defined by an arbitrary Enum in VB .NETEnum, reflectionDownload
HowTo: List the values defined by an arbitrary Enum in VB .NETEnum, reflectionDownload
HowTo: Use reflection to list the properties provided by the SystemInformation object in VB .NETSystemInformation, system information, reflection, VB.NET, computer name, user nameDownload
HowTo: Use reflection to list an object's events and their descriptions in VB .NETreflection, event, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use reflection to list an object's properties and their values in VB .NETreflection, property, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use reflection to list an object's methods and their descriptions in VB .NETreflection, method, VB.NETDownload


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Get operating system information in VB .NETOS version, operating system version, VB.NET, systemDownload
HowTo: Get the operating system version in Visual Basic 2005OS, OS version, operating system, operating system version, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Get the operating system version in Visual Basic 6OS, OS version, operating system, operating system version, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Get the computer's total and available physical and virtual memory in Visual Basic 2005physical memory, virtual memory Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005Download
HowTo: Get the operating system version in VB .NETOS, OS version, operating system, operating system versionDownload


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Left- or right-align text in VB.NETalign, align text, format, VB.NETDownload


Title Keywords  
Expert One-on-One Visual Basic 2005 Design and DevelopmentVisual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, programming, design, development, reflection, code standards, bug proofing, bug-proofing, testing, snippets, macros, agile methods, splash screen, threadingBook
HowTo: Format a TimeSpan in days, hours, minutes, and seconds in VB.NETTimeSpan, VB.NET, formatDownload
HowTo: Grab part of the desktop image from a tray icon in VB .NETdesktop, grab pixels, image, background, VB.NET, NotifyIcon, ContextMenuDownload
HowTo: Use a System Tray icon in VB.NETSystem tray, tray icon, VB.NET, NotifyIcon, ContextMenuDownload
HowTo: Find the first day of the week on this computer in VB.NETWeekDayName, internationalization, first day of the week, locale, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Set the MonthCalendar control's FirstDay property correctly for this computer in VB.NETWeekDayName, internationalization, first day of the week, locale, VB.NETDownload


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Use a BackgroundWorker to perform a task in the background in Visual Basic .NETmulti-threading, threads, threading, multithreading, BackgroundWorker, background worker, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Pause and resume a thread in VB.NETthread, multi-threading, SyncLock, asynchronous, threading, pause, resume, suspendDownload
HowTo: Run Threads with different priorities in VB.NETthread, multi-threading, SyncLock, asynchronous, threading, priorityDownload
HowTo: Start multiple threads in VB.NETthread, multi-threading, SyncLock, asynchronous, threadingDownload
HowTo: Let a Thread call a form's methods in VB.NETthread, multi-threading, SyncLock, asynchronous, threading, Invoke, InvokeRequiredDownload


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Use the ReadOnly attribute in VB .NETReadOnly, attribute, VB.NET, propertyDownload
HowTo: Use the RefreshProperties attribute in VB .NETRefreshProperties, attribute, VB.NET, propertyDownload
HowTo: Use the DebuggerHidden attribute in VB .NETDebuggerHidden, attribute, VB.NET, propertyDownload
HowTo: Use the Obsolete attribute in VB .NETObsolete, attribute, VB.NET, propertyDownload
HowTo: Use the DebuggerStepThrough attribute in VB .NETDebuggerStepThrough, attribute, VB.NET, propertyDownload
HowTo: Use the ParenthesizePropertyName attribute in VB .NETParenthesizePropertyName, attribute, VB.NET, propertyDownload
HowTo: Use the Conditional attribute to make a method non-callable in VB.NETReDim, arrayDownload
HowTo: Use the DefaultProperty attribute in VB .NETDefaultProperty, DefaultPropertyAttribute, attribute, VB.NET, propertyDownload
HowTo: Use the Localizable attribute in VB .NETLocalizable, LocalizableAttribute, attribute, VB.NET, propertyDownload
HowTo: Get a property's attribute value in VB .NETattribute, VB.NET, propertyDownload
HowTo: Use the Description attribute in VB .NETDescription, DescriptionAttribute, attribute, VB.NET, propertyDownload
HowTo: Use the DefaultValue attribute in VB .NETDefaultValue, DefaultValueAttribute, attribute, VB.NET, propertyDownload
HowTo: Use the MergableProperty attribute in VB .NETMergableProperty, MergablePropertyAttribute, attribute, VB.NET, propertyDownload
HowTo: Use the Browsable attribute in VB .NETbrowsable, BrowsableAttribute, attribute, VB.NET, propertyDownload
HowTo: Use the Category attribute in VB .NETCategory, CategoryAttribute, attribute, VB.NET, propertyDownload
HowTo: Use the DefaultEvent attribute in VB .NETDefaultEvent, DefaultEventAttribute, attribute, VB.NET, propertyDownload


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Make a continuously spinning cube by using XAML code in Visual Basic 2008Visual Basic 2008, VB 2008, XAML, cube, rotate, spin, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Simulate a robot arm with three rotating joints and a hand using XAML coderobot, robotics, arm, drawing, XAML, WPFDownload
HowTo: Print a Window in WPF/XAML using Visual Basic 2008print, print Window, PrintForm, Visual Basic 2008Download
HowTo: Display an image saved as a resource in WPF/XAML using Visual Basic 2008WPF, XAML, Image, ImageSource, Pack, Visual Basic 2008Download
HowTo: Display a loose XAML page in an HTML IFRAME elementXAML, WPF, loose xaml, iframeDownload
HowTo: Use XAML to make a grid with a gradient background in VB 2005 and .NET Framework 3.0XAML, VB 2005, Visual Basic 2005, .NET Framework 3.0, gradient, gridDownload
HowTo: Make and rotate a cube by using XAML code in Visual Basic 2008Visual Basic 2008, VB 2008, XAML, cube, rotateDownload
HowTo: Make a list of critter images with their names in XAMLXAML, WPF, loose xaml, critters, images, WPF style, page, Page.Resources, page resources, linear gradient brush, LinearGradientBrushDownload
HowTo: Use XAML to make a calculator that uses resources and styles in VB 2005 and .NET Framework 3.0XAML, VB 2005, Visual Basic 2005, .NET Framework 3.0, gradient, grid, Label, ButtonDownload
HowTo: Use XAML to make a button that contains a grid holding three labels in VB 2005 and .NET Framework 3.0XAML, VB 2005, Visual Basic 2005, .NET Framework 3.0, gradient, grid, Label, ButtonDownload
Tip: What is XAML?XAML, .NET Framework 3.0 

Framework 3.0

Title Keywords  
HowTo: Use XAML to make a grid with a gradient background in VB 2005 and .NET Framework 3.0XAML, VB 2005, Visual Basic 2005, .NET Framework 3.0, gradient, gridDownload
HowTo: Use XAML to make a calculator that uses resources and styles in VB 2005 and .NET Framework 3.0XAML, VB 2005, Visual Basic 2005, .NET Framework 3.0, gradient, grid, Label, ButtonDownload
HowTo: Use XAML to make a button that contains a grid holding three labels in VB 2005 and .NET Framework 3.0XAML, VB 2005, Visual Basic 2005, .NET Framework 3.0, gradient, grid, Label, ButtonDownload
Tip: What is XAML?XAML, .NET Framework 3.0 


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HowTo: Load Structures from an XML file in Visual Basic 2005XML, structure, load, file, Item, initialize, initializationDownload
HowTo: Nicely format an XML document in Visual Basic .NETXML, XmlDocument, format, format XML, indent XML, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload


Title Keywords  
What is WPF and why should you care?graphics, WPF, Windows Presentation Foundation, images, Silverlight 
HowTo: Make a continuously spinning cube by using XAML code in Visual Basic 2008Visual Basic 2008, VB 2008, XAML, cube, rotate, spin, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Display a loose XAML page in an HTML IFRAME elementXAML, WPF, loose xaml, iframeDownload
HowTo: Make a list of critter images with their names in XAMLXAML, WPF, loose xaml, critters, images, WPF style, page, Page.Resources, page resources, linear gradient brush, LinearGradientBrushDownload

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