Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Catch unhandled exceptions in Visual Basic .NET | exceptions, unhandled exceptions, UnhandledException, unhandled errors, unhandled bugs, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Validate a Select Case statement that uses values from an enumerated type in Visual Basic 6 | validate, debugging, bug, enum, enumerated type, Select Case, Select Case statement, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Use try catch blocks to protect against unexpected errors in Visual Basic .NET | syntax, try, try catch, error handlings, bugs, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use standard and custom exception classes in Visual Basic .NET | exception, exception classes, standard exceptions, custom exceptions, throw, throw exceptions, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Use GetSetting while protecting against bad values in the Registry in Visual Basic 2005 | GetSetting, SaveSetting, VB.NET, error handling, error trapping |  |
HowTo: Use GetSetting while protecting against bad values in the Registry in Visual Basic 6 | GetSetting, SaveSetting, Visual Basic 6, error handling, error trapping |  |
HowTo: Select a particular property in a PropertyGrid control in Visual Basic .NET | PropertyGrid, property grid, select property, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Select a particular property in a PropertyGrid control concisely in Visual Basic .NET | PropertyGrid, property grid, select property, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Compare floating point numbers safely in Visual Basic .NET | Single, Double, compare, floating point, float, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Compare floating point numbers safely | Single, Double, compare, floating point, float |  |
HowTo: Use code that allows the user to abort, retry, or ignore when an error occurs | error, error handling, abort, try, ignore |  |
HowTo: Deter an SQL injection attack | SQL injection, attack, hacker, data, safe |  |
HowTo: Build a simple logging class | log, logging, log file |  |
HowTo: Display a nice graphical error form when the program catches an error | error handling, bug proofing, error report, error log |  |
Bug Proofing Visual Basic: Discussion: Performance Tips | software engineering, software development, performance, bug proofing, error handling, bugs, bug-proofing |  |
Bug Proofing Visual Basic: Discussion: Named Arguments | software engineering, software development, bug proofing, error handling, bugs, bug-proofing |  |
Bug Proofing Visual Basic: Discussion: "About Face" | software engineering, software development, user interface design, bug proofing, error handling, bugs, bug-proofing |  |
Bug Proofing Visual Basic: Discussion: Naming Conventions | software engineering, software development, bug proofing, error handling, bugs, bug-proofing |  |
Bug Proofing Visual Basic: Discussion, Q & A | software engineering, software development, bug proofing, error handling, bugs, bug-proofing |  |
Bug Proofing Visual Basic: Updates | software engineering, software development, bug proofing, error handling, bugs, bug-proofing |  |
Bug Proofing Visual Basic: Source Code | software engineering, software development, bug proofing, error handling, bugs, bug-proofing |  |
Bug Proofing Visual Basic: Comment Templates | software engineering, software development, bug proofing, error handling, bugs, bug-proofing |  |
Bug Proofing Visual Basic: Table of Contents | software engineering, software development, bug proofing, error handling, bugs, bug-proofing |  |
Bug Proofing Visual Basic | software engineering, software development, bug proofing, error handling, bugs, bug-proofing |  |
Bug Proofing Visual Basic | software engineering, software development, bug proofing, error handling, bugs, bug-proofing |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Draw three circles and find circles that are tangent to all three in Visual Basic .NET | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Remove the X Close button from a form's system menu in Visual Basic .NET | system, forms, remove close button, remove system button, remove X button, example example, program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
WPF Programmer's Reference | C#, WPF, Windows Presentation Foundation, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET, Visual Studio, programming |  |
WPF Programmer's Reference: Table of Contents | C#, WPF, Windows Presentation Foundation, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET, Visual Studio, programming |  |
What's New in Visual Basic 2010 | Visual Basic 2010, Visual Basic, Orcas, changes, what's new | |
HowTo: Invoke an object's method by name in Visual Basic .NET | invoke, callbyname, call method by name, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Get mother board serial numbers and CPU IDs in Visual Basic 6 | serial number, cpu, cpu id, WMI, Windows Management Instrumentation, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Get mother board serial numbers and CPU IDs in Visual Basic .NET | serial number, cpu, cpu id, WMI, Windows Management Instrumentation, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use a variable to hold delegates (function pointers) in Visual Basic 2005 | delegate, function pointer, function reference, method pointer, methd reference, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Get day, month, date, time, and number format information for the computer's locale in Visual Basic 2005 | day, month, date, time, number, percent, format, locale, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use a macro to build a Select Case statement for an enumerated value in Visual Basic 2005 | macro, enum, select case, VB.NET, VB 2005 |  |
What's New in Visual Basic 2008 | Visual Basic 2008, Visual Basic, Orcas, changes, what's new | |
What's New in .NET Framework 3.0 | .NET Framework 3.0, .NET Framework, changes, what's new, | |
What's New in Vista | Vista, operating systems, changes, what's new, | |
What's New: Vista and .NET Framework 3.0 | Vista, .NET Framework, .NET Framework 3.0, changes, what's new, | |
Review: Code Craft by Pete Goodliffe | code craft, writing solid code, programming techniques, book review, development, project management | |
Tip: Turn hexadecimal display on and off in the Command (Immediate), Watch, and other debugging windows in Visual Basic .NET | Command Window, Watch Window, Immediate Window, hexadecimal, debug, debugging | |
HowTo: Perform a sequence of timed actions without multi-threading | action, timed, timer, event |  |
HowTo: Use interface inheritance by using the Implements keyword | interface inheritance, Implements, subclass, derived class |  |
HowTo: Make a loop that times out after a certain period | timeout, loop |  |
Tip: VB 6 Coding Style | coding style, code style, rules | |
HowTo: Allow quick upgrades of pictures in an application | picture, upgrade, deploy, deployment |  |
HowTo: Use the WeakReference class in VB .NET | WeakReference, garbage collection, garbage collector, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Set an application's icon in VB .NET | application icon, icon, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Demonstrate many useful techniques including backward and forward compatibility | compatibility, forward compatibility, backward compatibility, drawing, file, serialization, MRU list |  |
HowTo: Bind a ComboBox to a database lookup table in VB .NET | database, ADO.NET, VB .NET, bound controls, data binding, ComboBox, lookup table |  |
HowTo: Bind simple controls to a database in VB .NET | database, ADO.NET, VB .NET, bound controls, data binding |  |
HowTo: Open a database in the project's main directory during development in VB .NET | database, ADO.NET, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Get information about the program's title, description, copyright, version, etc. in VB .NET | title, description, version, copyright, trademark, company, VB.NET |  |
Tip: Use code regions to simplify VB .NET code | VB .NET, region, code region, code, simplify | |
HowTo: Make an ActiveX DLL server | ActiveX, DLL, server, library |  |
HowTo: Record a program's usage | usage |  |
HowTo: Disable Ctl-Alt-Del | ctl-alt-del, disable |  |
Prototyping With Visual Basic | software engineering, software development, prototyping, project management |  |
Prototyping With Visual Basic | software engineering, software development, prototyping, project management |  |
Title |
Keywords |
Beginning Database Design Solutions | Database Design, Database, MySQL, Access, Microsoft Access, programming |  |
Beginning Database Design Solutions | Database Design, Database, MySQL, Access, Microsoft Access, programming |  |
HowTo: Make tooltips remain visible for a very long time in Visual Basic .NET | tooltip, tool tip, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Give a class a Clone method in Visual Basic .NET | class, clone, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a tabbed wizard in Visual Basic 2005 | wizard, tabbed wizard, VB2005 |  |
Expert One-on-One Visual Basic 2005 Design and Development | Visual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, programming, design, development, reflection, code standards, bug proofing, bug-proofing, testing, snippets, macros, agile methods, splash screen, threading |  |
HowTo: Display samples of the SystemFonts in Visual Basic .NET | SystemFonts, system fonts, font, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a simple standard dialog in VB .NET | Barnsley's Fern, fractal, iterated functions, iterated function system, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use interface inheritance by using the Implements keyword | interface inheritance, Implements, subclass, derived class |  |
HowTo: Use code that allows the user to abort, retry, or ignore when an error occurs | error, error handling, abort, try, ignore |  |
HowTo: Make a tabbed wizard in VB .NET | wizard, tabbed wizard |  |
HowTo: Make a wizard that uses buttons for navigation in VB .NET | wizard, button wizard |  |
HowTo: Provide an MRU list in VB .NET | MRU, MRU list, VB.NET, most recently used file list |  |
HowTo: Make a dialog that stretches controls on the bottom and right to take advantage of its full size using the Dock property in VB .NET | stretch, Dock, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Make a dialog that stretches controls on the bottom and right to take advantage of its full size in VB .NET | stretch, Anchor, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Make a dialog that stretches controls on the right to take advantage of its full size in VB .NET | stretch, Anchor, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Compare the speeds of Choose and Select Case | Choose, Select Case, performance |  |
HowTo: Compare the speeds of Choose and Select Case in VB .NET | Choose, Select Case, VB.NET, performance |  |
HowTo: Keep track of the number of MDI child forms | MDI, subforms |  |
HowTo: Make a program close itself if it has been inactive for too long | inactive, security, close |  |
HowTo: Make a Wizard using tabs | wizard, tabs, steps |  |
HowTo: Make a Wizard using Prev/Next buttons | wizard, previous, next, steps |  |
HowTo: Read fixed-length records from a file | fixed-length, fixed length, record, random access, file |  |
HowTo: Make a program do something special the first time it runs | one time task, startup, first time |  |
Bug Proofing Visual Basic: Discussion: Rigorous Design | software engineering, software development, design, bug proofing, error handling, bugs, bug-proofing |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Verify a username and password in a database in Visual Basic .NET | password, user name, user id, verify passwoord, database, ADO.NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Deter an SQL injection attack | SQL injection, attack, hacker, data, safe |  |
HowTo: Make an ActiveX control that allows the user to enter only valid integer within a certain range | field, integer, data validation, validation |  |
HowTo: See if a string is a Byte, Integer, or Long value | integer, byte, long, data validation, validation |  |
HowTo: Use validation events in VB .NET | validate, validation, Validating, Validated |  |
HowTo: Perform field- and form-level validations | field, form, validation |  |
HowTo: Validate phone numbers, zip codes, and Canadian postal codes | validate, validation, phone number, Zip code, Canadian postal codes, postal code, Canada |  |
HowTo: Make a field for the user to enter an IP address | IP address, masked field, validation |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Use a setting that contains a string collection in Visual Basic .NET | settings, string collection, string list, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a generic serializable dictionary class and save and restore objects in it in Visual Basic 2005 | serializable dictionary, Dictionary, serialization, serialize, generics, Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Make a generic serializable dictionary class in Visual Basic 2005 | serializable dictionary, Dictionary, serialization, serialize, generics, Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Make a component that has a collection property in Visual Basic .NET | component, collection, collection property, VB .NET, TypeConverter, type converter |  |
HowTo: Make a TypeConverter for a collection in Visual Basic .NET | TypeConverter, type converter, PropertyGrid, Properties window, collection, property, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Create a custom collection that supports For Each | custom collection, For Each, enumerate, enumerator, NewEnum |  |
HowTo: Make a collection class | collection class |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Use a .NET system DLL in a Visual Basic 6 program | VB .NET, DLL, System DLL, WebClient, downloadFile |  |
HowTo: Use a Visual Basic 6 DLL from VB .NET | VB6, Visual Basic 6, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET, DLL |  |
HowTo: Use VC++ to create a DLL file and use its functions in Visual Basic 6 | VC++, VCC, DLL, C++ |  |
HowTo: Use a Visual Basic DLL file in an Excel spreadsheet | DLL, Excel |  |
HowTo: Make an ActiveX DLL server | ActiveX, DLL, server, library |  |
HowTo: Make a DLL that contains icons or other pictures | DLL, icon, picture |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Use standard dialogs in Visual Basic .NET | dialog, standard dialog, FontDialog, OpenFileDialog, SaveFileDialog, ColorDialog, use standard dialogs, Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, VB, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use standard dialogs in Visual Basic 6 | dialog, standard dialog, FontDialog, OpenFileDialog, SaveFileDialog, ColorDialog, use standard dialogs, Visual Basic, Visual Basic 6, VB, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Determine the default button when displaying a MessageBox in Visual Basic 2005 | MessageBox, MsgBox, message box, default button, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Determine the default button when displaying a MsgBox in Visual Basic 6 | MsgBox, message box, default button, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Convert Up and Down arrow keys to Tab and Shift-Tab for easy navigation in Visual Basic .NET | Tab, Tab key, up arrow, down arrow, navigation |  |
HowTo: Convert Enter and Escape keys to Tab and Shift-Tab for easy navigation in Visual Basic .NET | Tab, Enter, Escape, Tab key, Enter key, Escape key, dialog |  |
HowTo: Make a simple standard dialog in VB .NET | Barnsley's Fern, fractal, iterated functions, iterated function system, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Let the user pick multiple files in VB .NET | file, open file, select file, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Let the user pick multiple files | file, open file, select file |  |
HowTo: Make a tabbed wizard in VB .NET | wizard, tabbed wizard |  |
HowTo: Make a wizard that uses buttons for navigation in VB .NET | wizard, button wizard |  |
HowTo: Make a standard dialog | dialog, standard dialog |  |
HowTo: Use the color selection dialog with custom colors in VB .NET | color, select color, pick color, color selection, color selection dialog, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the color selection dialog in VB .NET | color, select color, pick color, color selection, color selection dialog, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a dialog that stretches controls on the bottom and right to take advantage of its full size using the Dock property in VB .NET | stretch, Dock, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Make a dialog that stretches controls on the bottom and right to take advantage of its full size in VB .NET | stretch, Anchor, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Make a dialog that stretches controls on the right to take advantage of its full size in VB .NET | stretch, Anchor, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Make a form act modal when it is not | form, modal, fake modal, dialog |  |
HowTo: Make a window appear modal when it is not | form, modal, fake modal |  |
HowTo: Make a Wizard using tabs | wizard, tabs, steps |  |
HowTo: Make a Wizard using Prev/Next buttons | wizard, previous, next, steps |  |
HowTo: Make an expandable dialog with More and Less buttons | dialog, more, less, expandable, detail |  |
HowTo: Make a "semi-modal dialog" that acts modal with respect to a single form in an application | semi-modal, modal, dialog |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Use a BackgroundWorker to perform a task in the background in Visual Basic .NET | multi-threading, threads, threading, multithreading, BackgroundWorker, background worker, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use Microsoft's .NET Framework parallel extensions to apply an embossing filter to an image very quickly in Visual Basic 2008 | parallel, multi-threading, threading, BitmapBytesRGB24, LockBits, UnlockBits, image processing, filter image, emboss, embossing filter, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Perform a sequence of timed actions without multi-threading | action, timed, timer, event |  |
HowTo: Change a thread's priority | thread, priority | |
HowTo: Draw a continuous graph in a separate thread in VB .NET | VB .NET, graph, graphing, thread, threading |  |
Rant: Multithreading: A Kludge for Poor Software Design | multithreading, threading, thread |  |
HowTo: Let a long process run asynchronously without multithreading | long process, multithreading, thread |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Write a subroutine in a code module that scales controls without moving them in Visual Basic .NET | subroutine, code module, module, scale control, resize control, stretch control, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Flush click events to prevent the user from clicking a button while its code is still running in Visual Basic .NET | syntax, API, threading, threads, BackgroundWorker, controls, events, flush events, flush mouse events, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a log file with multiple overflow versions in Visual Basic .NET | files, versions, file versions, log file, overflow file, draw polygons, drawing, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Get a module's fully qualified name in Visual Basic .NET | module name, fully qualified name, module location, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use an IComparer class to sort a file using the values in its columns | sort, IComparer, file, compare, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Determine what version of Access is installed by using automation in Visual Basic 6 | Access, Access version, Microsoft Access, Registry, automation, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Determine what version of Access is installed by reading Registry values in Visual Basic 2005 | Access, Access version, Microsoft Access, Registry, VB.NET, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Determine what version of Access is installed by using automation in Visual Basic 2005 | Access, Access version, Microsoft Access, Registry, automation, VB.NET, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Determine what version of Access is installed by reading Registry values in Visual Basic 6 | Access, Access version, Microsoft Access, Registry, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 4) in Visual Basic 6 | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image |   |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 6) in Visual Basic .NET | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image |   |
HowTo: Make a class that can clone itself in Visual Basic 2003 | clone, copy, Visual Basic 2003 |  |
HowTo: Use the fsutil utility to get a disk's NTFS information | fsutil, NTFS, console |  |
HowTo: Display drive information in Visual Basic 2005 | drive information, VB2005, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the fsutil utility to get a disk's NTFS information into an object with fields in Visual Basic 2005 | fsutil, NTFS, console, VB2005, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the fsutil utility to get a disk's NTFS information in Visual Basic 2005 | fsutil, NTFS, console, VB2005, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Mark a program to run with elevated privileges by using its manifest in Visual Basic 2008 | UAC, shield, Vista, user access control, elevated privileges |  |
HowTo: Launch a program while requesting privilege elevation in Visual Basic 2008 | UAC, shield, Vista, user access control, elevated privileges, Run As, RunAs |  |
HowTo: Add UAC shields to buttons, menu items, and picture boxes in Visual Basic 2008 | UAC, shield, Vista, user access control |  |
HowTo: Use a macro to build a Select Case statement for an enumerated value in Visual Basic 2005 | macro, enum, select case, VB.NET, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Force garbage collection in Visual Basic .NET | garbage collection, garbage collector, GC, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 4) in VB .NET | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 3) in VB .NET | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 2) in VB .NET | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 1) in VB .NET | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 5) in Visual Basic .NET | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 2) in Visual Basic 6 | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 1) in Visual Basic 6 | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 3) in Visual Basic 6 | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image |  |
HowTo: Convert between UTC time and local time | UTC time, local time, convert time |  |
Tip: Debug at design time with in the same project in Visual Basic .NET | debug, design time, VB.NET | |
HowTo: Learn the number of CPUs on the system in Visual Basic 2005 | CPU usage, CPU load, PerformanceCounter, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Learn the number of CPUs on the system | CPUs, number CPUs, CPU, processors |  |
HowTo: Monitor CPU usage in Visual Basic .NET | CPU usage, CPU load, PerformanceCounter, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Verify a username and password in a database in Visual Basic .NET | password, user name, user id, verify passwoord, database, ADO.NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Unload an application's forms in reverse order of creation | close, unload, form |  |
HowTo: Unload an application's forms in reverse order of creation, stopping if any don't unload | close, unload, form |  |
HowTo: Unload an application's forms in reverse order of creation, skipping any that don't unload | close, unload, form |  |
HowTo: Easily list the values defined by an Enum in Visual Basic .NET | Enum, list values, enumerated values, GetValues, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw certain cells in a DataGrid with different colors in Visual Basic .NET | DataGrid, color, cell, colored cell, cutoff, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw and order simple objects (rectangle, circle, etc.) and let the user click them | drawing, object, rectangle, circle, order, to top, to bottom |  |
HowTo: Chop a large file of tab-delimited data into manageable pieces in VB .NET | ADO, database, insert, quotes |  |
Tip: Comment Long Sections of Code By Using Conditional Compilation | comment, conditional compilation | |
HowTo: Display a status bar showing the steps in a long task | StatusBar, steps, stages, progress, ProgressBar |  |
Tip: VB 6 Coding Style | coding style, code style, rules | |
HowTo: Change a thread's priority | thread, priority | |
HowTo: Count the lines of code in a Visual Basic 5/6 project | count lines, project, forms, modules, subs, subroutines, functions |  |
HowTo: Count the lines of code in Visual Basic 5/6 projects within a directory hierarchy | count lines, project, forms, modules, subs, subroutines, functions |  |
HowTo: Remove system menu items from another program | system menu, remove menu, remove system menu, other program, RemoveMenus, DeleteMenu, FindWindow |  |
HowTo: Center a form above another form | center form |  |
HowTo: Select random files from a set of directories to build a MP3 player mix | mp3, mix, random, random files, browse, SaveSetting, GetSetting, DeleteSetting |  |
HowTo: Select random files from a set of directories to build a MP3 player mix in VB.NET | mp3, mix, random, random files, browse, SaveSetting, GetSetting, DeleteSetting |  |
HowTo: Use winsock to make a simple chat program | winsock, chat, IPC |  |
HowTo: Display an optional tip of the day when a program starts | totd, tip of the day, tip-of-the-day |  |
HowTo: See how many items are in the recycle bin and delete them | recycle bin, wastebasket, waste basket |  |
HowTo: Set another application's caption | caption, title, SendMessage, application title |  |
HowTo: Print an Excel worksheet displayed in an OLE container object | OLE, print, Excel, OLE container |  |
HowTo: Read all of the values in an INI file | INI file, INI, initialization file |  |
HowTo: Display the big and small icons associated with a file | icon, large icon, small icon |  |
HowTo: Use VSA to let the user execute scripts in Visual Basic .NET | VSA, Visual Studio for Applications, script, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display the Microsoft System Information application | system information |  |
HowTo: Present a tip-of-the-day | totd, tip of the day, tip-of-the-day |  |
HowTo: Align a form's Help menu on the right side of the menu bar | align help menu, justify help menu, help menu |  |
HowTo: Make an owner drawn menu using non-standard fonts and items that are bold, underlined, and italic. | owner draw menus, custom menus, bold, underline, italic |  |
HowTo: Make an owner drawn menu with bitmaps | owner draw menus, custom menus, bitmap, bold, underline, italic |  |
HowTo: Make a console application that checks for palindromes | console, stdin, stdout, stderr |  |
HowTo: Execute VB Script code at run time | VBScript, script |  |
HowTo: Use the TypeLib routine Invokehook to find a control's name and invoke a routine | TypeLib, InvokeHook, get name |  |
HowTo: Make a tabbed wizard in VB .NET | wizard, tabbed wizard |  |
HowTo: Make a wizard that uses buttons for navigation in VB .NET | wizard, button wizard |  |
HowTo: Provide an MRU list in VB .NET | MRU, MRU list, VB.NET, most recently used file list |  |
HowTo: Make an MDI application with an MRU list | MRU, most recently used files, MRU list, MDI |  |
HowTo: Make an MRU list | MRU, most recently used files, MRU list |  |
HowTo: Demonstrate many useful techniques including backward and forward compatibility | compatibility, forward compatibility, backward compatibility, drawing, file, serialization, MRU list |  |
HowTo: Find the Windows directory without using the API | Windows directory, Windows, WinDir |  |
HowTo: Get the Windows directory from the environment | Windows directory, Windows, WinDir, Environ, environment |  |
HowTo: Resize controls to fit when a form resizes | stretch, controls, resize, stretch controls |  |
HowTo: Determine whether the program is running in the IDE or as a compiled executable by using Debug.Print | run mode, IDE, executable, Debug.Print |  |
HowTo: Determine whether the program is running in the IDE or as a compiled executable by using Debug.Assert | run mode, IDE, executable, Debug.Assert |  |
HowTo: Display multi-column menus and popups | menu, multi-column menu, column |  |
HowTo: Drag and drop using VB .NET | drag and drop, drag, drop, VB.NET, AllowDrop |   |
Tip: Use code regions to simplify VB .NET code | VB .NET, region, code region, code, simplify | |
HowTo: Keep track of the last control to have the focus | last control, focus |  |
HowTo: Use a ProgressBar to give the status of a long task | progress bar, ProgressBar, long task, status |  |
HowTo: Use a ProgressBar with a long task without timer | progress bar, ProgressBar, long task, status |  |
HowTo: Display a progress bar while copying a file | progress bar, copy file |  |
HowTo: Use the GetVersionExA API function to get the operating system version | GetVersionExA, OS version, operating system version |  |
HowTo: Use the SysInfo control to get the operating system version | SysInfo, OS version, operating system version |  |
HowTo: Allow the user to enter "super user" mode by entering a password | super user, password |  |
HowTo: Make a program compile and run another program | compile, run, make and run |  |
HowTo: Magnify the area under the mouse | mouse, magnify |  |
HowTo: Allow the user to start and stop a long process | long process, start, stop |  |
HowTo: Let the user control a long process, displaying ellapsed time | long process, start, stop |  |
HowTo: Draw simple objects (rectangle, circle, etc.) using a single class and let the user click them | drawing, object, rectangle, circle |  |
HowTo: Play an embedded sound file | VB.NET, audio, MIDI, WAV, sound, embedded sound files |  |
HowTo: Compare the speeds of IIf and If Then statements | IIf, If Then, speed, performance |  |
HowTo: Fill a ComboBox with a list of countries | country, countries |  |
HowTo: Use a Select Case statement to display multiple instances of a form given its name | form, form name, show form |  |
HowTo: Use a command objects to display multiple instances of a form given its name | form, form name, show form |  |
HowTo: Use a collection to display one instance of a form given its name | form, form name, show form |  |
HowTo: Keep track of what's on the clipboard | clipboard, clip board, copy, cut paste |  |
HowTo: Find the program associated with a file extension | associated program, extension, default program |  |
HowTo: Draw simple objects (rectangle, circle, etc.) and let the user click them | drawing, object, rectangle, circle |  |
HowTo: Get a file's creation, last access, and last modification times using FSO | file times, modification time, access time, creation time |  |
HowTo: Set the computer's time using the NIST atomic clock | time, clock, NIST, atomic clock |  |
HowTo: Get information about all of a control's properties | control property, property information, TypeLib |  |
HowTo: Implement multi-level Undo and Redo commands | undo, redo |  |
HowTo: Get a file's creation, last access, and last write times | file, creation, access, write |  |
HowTo: Get the icons associated with a file type | icon, file type icon |  |
HowTo: Execute a line of code stored in a string | execute line, VBA, vba6.dll, vba5.dll, vba332.dll |  |
HowTo: Display the ellapsed time after a long operation | ellapsed time, Timer |  |
HowTo: Display the ellapsed time after a long operation using DateDiff | DateDiff, ellapsed time |  |
HowTo: Get a computer's IP address from its name | IP address, internet address |  |
HowTo: Get the computer's registered owner and company from Windows 98 | Windows 98, register, registration, owner, company |  |
HowTo: Display a "construction zone" dialog for unimplemented features | under construction, construction zone, unimplemented feature |  |
HowTo: Get the computer's registered owner and company from Windows NT | Windows NT, register, registration, owner, company |  |
HowTo: Measure a process's user, privileged, and total time in VB .NET | user time, privileged time, total time, ellapsed time |  |
HowTo: Make a Wizard using tabs | wizard, tabs, steps |  |
HowTo: Make a Wizard using Prev/Next buttons | wizard, previous, next, steps |  |
HowTo: Measure elapsed time in VB .NET | VB.NET, elapsed time, time, timer function, seconds |  |
HowTo: Measure elapsed time | elapsed time, time, timer function, seconds |  |
HowTo: Compare the speeds of Integers and Longs | Integer, Long, data type, speed, performance |  |
HowTo: Invoke a function by name using CallByName | CallByName, execute, invoke, call, function, subroutine |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Restore a window to a known position if you can't find it in Visual Basic 2005 | restore window, window size, window position, FindWindow, SetWindowPos, Visual Basic, Visual Basic 2005, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Set another application's size and position in Visual Basic 2008 | SetWindowPos, FindWindow, set application size, set application position, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Ping an IP address in Visual Basic 6 | ping, ping IP address, IP address, IcmpSendEcho |  |
HowTo: Use sockets to convert an IP address to a host name or vice versa in Visual Basic 6 | sockets, convert IP address, convert host name, IP address |  |
HowTo: Ping a host by name in Visual Basic 6 | sockets, convert IP address, convert host name, IP address, ping, ping IP address, IcmpSendEcho |  |
HowTo: Display samples of the colors defined in VBRUN.SystemColorConstants | color, system colors, VBRUN, SystemColorConstants |  |
HowTo: See what URL Internet Explorer is displaying | Internet Explorer, IE, address, URL |  |
HowTo: Remove system menu items from another program | system menu, remove menu, remove system menu, other program, RemoveMenus, DeleteMenu, FindWindow |  |
HowTo: Use winsock to make a simple chat program | winsock, chat, IPC |  |
HowTo: Find an application using its title and maximize it | maximize, application, SendMessage, BringWindowToTop |  |
HowTo: Prevent the user from resizing another program | menu, resize, minimize, maximize |  |
HowTo: Add (non-working) menu items to another application | menu, other program |  |
HowTo: Get information about running windows | enumerate windows, EnumWindows, window information |  |
HowTo: Grab text and other window information from another application | grab text, application, window information |  |
HowTo: Make two Visual Basic program exchange data using DDE | DDE, data exchange |  |
HowTo: Cascade Internet Explorer windows on the desktop | cascade, internet explorer, arrange windows, desktop |  |
HowTo: Send an Outlook Express attachment | Outlook Express, email, e-mail, attachment, ShellExecute, FindWindow |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Add delegates to combine lists of methods in Visual Basic .NET | delegate, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Invoke an object's method by name in Visual Basic .NET | invoke, callbyname, call method by name, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a VB6 function return an array | function, array, return, VB6 |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Make SubArray extension methods that let you easily copy parts of one- and two-dimensional arrays in Visual Basic .NET | copy two-dimensional array, copy 2-D array, two-dimensional arrays, 2-D arrays, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Copy a two-dimensional array in Visual Basic .NET | copy two-dimensional array, copy 2-D array, two-dimensional arrays, 2-D arrays, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Override a class's ToString method to allow controls such as ListBox to display objects in Visual Basic .NET | ToString, override, ListBox, ComboBox, array, initialize array, initialize object, Visual Basic .NET, Visual Basic, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Sort objects by making a class implement the IComparable interface in Visual Basic .NET | compare, IComparable, sort, sortable, Array.Sort, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Sort objects by different key fields by building a comparer class in Visual Basic .NET | comparer, IComparer, sort, sortable, Array.Sort, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make functions that calculate the minimum and maximum of their parameters | Min, Max, minimum, maximum |  |
Tip: .NET Empty Arrays | VB.NET, array, empty array, ReDim | |
HowTo: Redimension multiple arrays in a single statement in VB.NET | ReDim, array |  |
HowTo: Copy memory quickly using MemCopy (RtlMoveMemory) in VB .NET | RtlMoveMemory, copy memory, MemCopy, CopyMemory, array, memory |  |
HowTo: Use the RtlMoveMemory (CopyMemory) API function to copy memory between 2-D arrays in VB .NET | RtlMoveMemory, copy memory, MemCopy, CopyMemory, array, memory |  |
HowTo: Copy memory extremely quickly | RtlMoveMemory, copy memory, MemCopy, CopyMemory, array, memory |  |
HowTo: Use the RtlMoveMemory (CopyMemory) API function to copy memory from a 2-D array to a 1-D array | RtlMoveMemory, copy memory, CopyMemory, array, memory |  |
HowTo: Load an array from a file in three ways | array, load array, file, Input |  |
HowTo: Copy array data into a FlexGrid control | FlexGrid, array, data |  |
HowTo: Compare the items in two sorted arrays | compare, arrays, sorted |  |
HowTo: Quickly load an array with values in VB4 | array, load, values, data |  |
HowTo: Quickly load an array with values in VB3 | array, load, values, data |  |
HowTo: Make a VB6 function return an array | function, array, return, VB6 |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Provide design time support for a custom control in Visual Basic .NET | custom control, design time, support, icon, smart tag, properties, dropdown, editor, UITypeEditor, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Determine if the program is running in the IDE or an executable. | IDE, executable, run, running |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one large picture inside another in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one picture inside another in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one large picture inside another in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one picture inside another in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
Talk: Four Fascinating Features | regular expressions, cryptography, reflection, Direct3D, graphics, algorithms | |
HowTo: Verify a username and password in a database in Visual Basic .NET | password, user name, user id, verify passwoord, database, ADO.NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Encrypt and decrypt a file using a DES algorithm in VB .NET | NetBIOS, name, NetBIOS name, computer name, host name |  |
HowTo: Validate a user name/password in a database | password, cryptography, database |  |
HowTo: Verify the user's Windows password | password, cryptography, Windows password |  |
HowTo: Give a program a simple one-time password | password, cryptography, one-time password |  |
HowTo: Register a product for a particular system | product, register, serial number, disk, system, shareware |  |
HowTo: Read and write encrypted files using Xor | cryptography, Xor, file, encrypt, decrypt, code, decode, cipher, decipher |   |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Add delegates to combine lists of methods in Visual Basic .NET | delegate, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Perform a sequence of timed actions without multi-threading | action, timed, timer, event |  |
HowTo: Use CallByName to set property values by name | CallbyName, property |  |
HowTo: Use CallByName to get property values by name | CallbyName, property |  |
HowTo: Call a subroutine by name in VB6 | subroutine, routine, VB6, CallByName |  |
Title |
Keywords |
Stephens' Visual Basic Programming 24-Hour Trainer | Visual Basic, VB, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET, programming |  |
Stephens' Visual Basic Programming 24-Hour Trainer | Visual Basic, VB, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET, programming |  |
Visual Basic 2010 Programmer's Reference | Visual Basic 2010, Visual Studio 2010, programming |  |
HowTo: Build a form from scratch and handle events raised by its controls in Visual Basic .NET | form, build form, event, AddHandler, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use a variable to hold delegates (function pointers) in Visual Basic 2005 | delegate, function pointer, function reference, method pointer, methd reference, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
Visual Basic 2005 with .NET 3.0 Programmer's Reference | Visual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, .NET Framework 3.0, programming |  |
Visual Basic 2005 Programmer's Reference | Visual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, programming |  |
Tip: Should I Upgrade to Visual Basic 2008? | VB 2008, Visual Studio 2008, Visual Basic 2008 | |
Expert One-on-One Visual Basic 2005 Design and Development | Visual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, programming, design, development, reflection, code standards, bug proofing, bug-proofing, testing, snippets, macros, agile methods, splash screen, threading |  |
Visual Basic 2005 Programmer's Reference | Visual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, programming | |
HowTo: Generate code for standard property procedures | property procedure, get, set, replace, token |  |
HowTo: Generate code for standard property procedures in VB .NET | property procedure, get, set, replace, token |  |
HowTo: Convert VB6 projects to VB5 projects easily | VB6 to VB5, convert, version |  |
HowTo: Clear the Debug/Intermediate window programmatically in VB 4 or VB 5 | debug window, immediate window, clear |  |
Rant: VB .NET is less object-oriented than VB 6 | VB 7, VB .NET, VB 6, OOP, object-oriented programming | |
Tip: Working with VB .NET and VB .NET 2003 | VB.NET, VB.NET 2003 | |
HowTo: Show a project's product information set in Project\Properties\Make | version, copyright, minor, major, project properties, make |  |
Rant: Why we are still waiting for Visual Basic Version 7 | VB 7, VB .NET | |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Position a popup form over a PictureBox in Visual Basic 6 | popup, position popup, PictureBox, Visual Basic, ClientToScreen, ShowWindow, SetWindowPos |  |
HowTo: Display tips in a rounded popup form | form, help, tip, rounded rectangle, region, SetWindowRgn |  |
HowTo: Position a popup form below a TextBox | popup, position, ClientToScreen, ShowWindow, SetWindowPos |  |
HowTo: Display an appropriate popup menu when the user right clicks on a TreeView node in VB .NET | TreeView, popup menu, context menu |  |
HowTo: Display an appropriate popup menu when the user right clicks on a TreeView node | TreeView, popup menu, context menu |  |
HowTo: Display multiple popups depending on whether Ctrl or Shift is pressed | popup menu, popup, context menu, PopupMenu, Ctrl, Shift |  |
HowTo: Make a popup menu | popup menu, popup, context menu, PopupMenu |  |
HowTo: Use a control's ContextMenu property to display a context menu in VB .NET | ContextMenu, context menu, dropdown menu, popup menu |  |
HowTo: Display popup menus when the user right clicks over a ListView on or off of an item | ListView, popup, context menu |  |
HowTo: Display "balloon" help when the mouse is over a button | balloon, help, popup |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Use a TreeView to display property pages or option pages in Visual Basic .NET | TreeView, options, properties, property pages, option pages, Registry, save settings |  |
HowTo: Save and restore toolbar configuration when a program starts and stops | toolbar, SaveToolbar, RestoreToolbar, configuration |  |
HowTo: Provide design time support for a custom control in Visual Basic .NET | custom control, design time, support, icon, smart tag, properties, dropdown, editor, UITypeEditor, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Set an environment variable | environment variable, SetEnvironmentVariable, environ |  |
HowTo: Let the user decide which ToolBar buttons are visible in VB .NET | ToolBar, customize, customization, configure, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Save and restore toolbar configuration when a program starts and stops in VB .NET | ToolBar, customize, customization, configure, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Add hidden buttons to a toolbar | toolbar, SaveToolbar, RestoreToolbar, configuration, hidden buttons |  |
HowTo: Let the user move controls | control, move control |  |
HowTo: Display the value of a specific environment variable | environment variable, specific environment variable |  |
HowTo: Display all of a program's environment variables | environment variables |  |
HowTo: Allow the user to customize a toolbar | toolbar, customization |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Make a shaped form by setting its region in Visual Basic .NET | forms, region, set form region, shaped form, TransparencyKey, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use Excel VBA code to display a progress splash screen while performing a long task | Excel, VBA, splash screen, progress |  |
HowTo: Create a splash screen | splash screen |   |
HowTo: Make a program's main form slide over its splash screen | splash screen, slide over |  |
Contest: Making a Splash | splash screen, startup, contest | |
HowTo: Record a program's usage | usage |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Make a program register itself for a particular system in Visual Basic .NET | cryptography, programs, register, registration, register program, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Easily save and restore all of a form's settings and the values of its controls in the Registry in Visual Basic .NET | settings, save settings, restore settings, Registry, SaveSetting, GetSetting, C#, C# programming, example, example program, Windows Forms programming |  |
HowTo: Start a program from Sub Main in Visual Basic 2005 and later | Sub Main, start, start application, start proigram, Visual Basic, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Use isolated storage to save and restore settings in Visual Basic 2005 | isolated storage, settings, save settings, Visual Basic, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use strongly typed program settings to save and restore settings in Visual Basic 2005 | program settings, settings, save settings, Visual Basic, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Start Notepad and wait for it to close in Visual Basic .NET | start Notepad, start process, process, Notepad, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Start Notepad and wait for it to close in Visual Basic 2005 | start Notepad, start process, process, Notepad, VB2005 |  |
HowTo: Mark a program to run with elevated privileges by using its manifest in Visual Basic 2008 | UAC, shield, Vista, user access control, elevated privileges |  |
HowTo: Launch a program while requesting privilege elevation in Visual Basic 2008 | UAC, shield, Vista, user access control, elevated privileges, Run As, RunAs |  |
HowTo: Add UAC shields to buttons, menu items, and picture boxes in Visual Basic 2008 | UAC, shield, Vista, user access control |  |
HowTo: Use Internet Explorer to start sending email in Visual Basic .NET | email, mail, Internet Explorer, IExplore, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use a MailMessage object and SmtpMail.Send to send email in Visual Basic .NET | email, mail, MailMessage, SmtpMail.Send, IExplore, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Allow only one instance of a program at one time in Visual Basic 2005 | one instance, instance, previous instance, PrevInstance, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Allow only one instance of a program at one time in Visual Basic .NET | one instance, instance, previous instance, PrevInstance, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Prevent the user from renaming an executable in Visual Basic 6 | rename, prevent rename, executable, execute |  |
HowTo: Prevent the user from renaming an executable in Visual Basic .NET | rename, prevent rename, executable, execute, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Save and restore ListBox items when a program stops and starts in Visual Basic 6 | ListBox, save, restore, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Save and restore ListBox items when a program stops and starts in Visual Basic .NET | ListBox, save, restore, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Unload an application's forms in reverse order of creation | close, unload, form |  |
HowTo: Unload an application's forms in reverse order of creation, stopping if any don't unload | close, unload, form |  |
HowTo: Unload an application's forms in reverse order of creation, skipping any that don't unload | close, unload, form |  |
HowTo: Simulate Alt-Tab in Visual Basic 6 | Alt-Tab, simulate, Visual Basic 6, keyboard, keybd_event |  |
HowTo: Load a ListView control from an XML file in Visual Basic 6 | ListView, load, XML, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Load a ListView control from an XML file in Visual Basic .NET | ListView, load, XML, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Read command line parameters in VB 2005 | command line, commandline, command line parameters, parameters, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Set an environment variable | environment variable, SetEnvironmentVariable, environ |  |
HowTo: Run a DOS application and capture its output in VB .NET | DOS, stdout, stderr, standard output, standard error, standard out, run, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Start and stop another program | start application, stop application, API, WM_CLOSE, SendMessage |  |
HowTo: Launch the system's default browser in VB .NET | browser, default browser, launch program, start program |  |
HowTo: Shell a program with a specific startup directory | Shell, run, startup directory, start in |  |
HowTo: Kill another application given its name | kill, stop, halt, end, SendMessage |  |
HowTo: Terminate a process immediately in VB.NET | terminate, end, halt, stop, kill, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Terminate a process immediately | terminate, end, halt, stop, kill |  |
HowTo: Execute a console program and capture its output | console program, capture output, stdout, execute |  |
HowTo: Save and restore a popup menu's selected choice when a program starts and stops | SaveSetting, GetSetting, popup, Registry |  |
HowTo: Save and load data when a program starts and stops by using a text file | save, load, control |  |
HowTo: Open the Windows Start menu by using SendMessage | Start menu, open Start menu, SendMessage |  |
HowTo: Open the Windows Start menu | Start menu, open Start menu |  |
HowTo: Prompt the user for a serial number the first time the program runs | serial number, password, one time, one-time |  |
HowTo: Use SendMessage to make an editor where a single instance handles all requests | one instance, instance, SendMessage |  |
HowTo: Use DDE to make a single instance of a program handle all requests | one instance, instance, DDE |  |
HowTo: Make sure only one instance of a program can run at one time on a computer | one instance, instance, DDE |  |
HowTo: Use DDE to make an editor where a single instance handles all requests | one instance, instance, DDE |  |
HowTo: Display a form in the system tray with no other icon | system tray, icon, taskbar |  |
HowTo: Make a "formless" program with a system tray icon | system tray, icon, taskbar, formless |  |
HowTo: Validate a user name/password in a database | password, cryptography, database |  |
HowTo: Verify the user's Windows password | password, cryptography, Windows password |  |
HowTo: Give a program a simple one-time password | password, cryptography, one-time password |  |
HowTo: Make a program start another program by using the Shell command and wait until it finishes | Shell, run, execute, wait |  |
HowTo: Make a program start another program by using the Shell command | Shell, run, execute |  |
HowTo: List top-level tasks | tasks, list tasks, top-level tasks |  |
HowTo: Start a process using Shell and get its hWnd | Shell, PID, hWnd, start program |  |
HowTo: Make a program compile and run another program | compile, run, make and run |  |
HowTo: Allow the user to start and stop a long process | long process, start, stop |  |
HowTo: Let the user control a long process, displaying ellapsed time | long process, start, stop |  |
HowTo: Permanently delete files dragged onto this program | kill, delete, remove, files, command-line parameters, drag and drop |  |
HowTo: Provide a login form in VB .NET | form, login form, password form |  |
HowTo: Find the program associated with a file extension | associated program, extension, default program |  |
HowTo: Display the value of a specific environment variable | environment variable, specific environment variable |  |
HowTo: Display all of a program's environment variables | environment variables |  |
Contest: Making a Splash | splash screen, startup, contest | |
HowTo: Make a program close itself if it has been inactive for too long | inactive, security, close |  |
HowTo: Get long file names for command line arguments | command line argument, file name, long file name |  |
HowTo: Get long file names and paths for command line arguments | command line argument, file name, long file name, long path name |  |
HowTo: Record a program's usage | usage |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Use nullable parameters in Visual Basic .NET | syntax, methods, overloaded methods, overloading, overload, null parameters, optional, optional parameters, nullable, nullable parameters, missing parameters, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Plot a smiley face function in Visual Basic .NET | delegate, plot, graph, plot function, graph function, graphics, algorithms, smiley face, smiley, plot smiley face, graph smiley face, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use delegates to pass a method's address to another method in Visual Basic .NET | delegate, plot, graph, plot function, graph function, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use GetCurrencyFormat to format a currency value using locale defaults or custom formatting | format currency, GetCurrencyFormat, locale |  |
HowTo: Use GetNumberFormat to format a number using locale defaults or custom formatting | format number, GetNumberFormat, locale |  |
HowTo: See if a string is a Byte, Integer, or Long value | integer, byte, long, data validation, validation |  |
HowTo: Let the user graphically select a range of hours | time, hours, select hours |  |
HowTo: Count the number of Mondays in a month | Monday, month, count Mondays |  |
HowTo: Quickly copy UDT records from a file into an array | UDT, user-defined type, file |  |
HowTo: Use GetDateFormat to format a date value using locale defaults or custom formatting | format currency, GetCurrencyFormat, locale |  |
HowTo: Use GetTimeFormat to format a time value using locale defaults or custom formatting | format time, GetCurrencyFormat, locale |  |
HowTo: Use nested user-defined types (UDTs) | UDT, user-defined type, nested |  |
HowTo: Convert text into the Currency data type (or other types) | CCur, convert, currency |  |
HowTo: Convert decimal values into binary and vice versa | decimal, binary, conversion, convert |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Get day, month, date, time, and number format information for the computer's locale in Visual Basic 2005 | day, month, date, time, number, percent, format, locale, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Get the local and invariate date and time formats in VB .NET | date, time, format, invariate, local, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find the first day of the week on this computer in VB.NET | WeekDayName, internationalization, first day of the week, locale, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Set the MonthCalendar control's FirstDay property correctly for this computer in VB.NET | WeekDayName, internationalization, first day of the week, locale, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find the first day of the week on this computer | WeekDayName, internationalization, first day of the week, locale |  |
HowTo: Set the Calendar control's FirstDay property correctly for this computer | WeekDayName, internationalization, first day of the week, locale |  |
HowTo: Determine the keyboard's locale | locale, language, internationalization |  |
HowTo: Let the user pick a new interface for all forms immediately | user interface, customize |  |
HowTo: Let the user pick a new interface for all forms when they are activated | user interface, customize |  |
HowTo: Load internationalization data from a resource file with a single string table | database, internationalization, language, resource file |  |
HowTo: Load internationalization data from a resource file with multiple string tables | database, internationalization, language, resource file |  |
HowTo: Load internationalization strings from a database | database, internationalization, language |  |
HowTo: Fill a ComboBox with a list of countries | country, countries |  |
HowTo: Get internationalization information using GetLocaleInfo | internationalization, GetLocaleInfo |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Use the HashSet class to represent sets and perform set operations in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, sets, set operations, overloaded operators, HashSet, union, intersection, XOR, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make an HSet class that inherits from HashSet and that support operators such as union and intersection in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, sets, set operations, overloaded operators, HashSet, union, intersection, XOR, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a generic priority queue class in Visual Basic .NET | classes, generic, generic classes, priority queue, PriorityQueue, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Override a class's ToString method to allow controls such as ListBox to display objects in Visual Basic .NET | ToString, override, ListBox, ComboBox, array, initialize array, initialize object, Visual Basic .NET, Visual Basic, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a String extension method to URL encode and decode strings in Visual Basic 2008 | string, extension method, URL encode, URL decode, Visual Basic 2008 |  |
HowTo: Make a String extension method to replace spaces with non-breaking spaces in Visual Basic 2008 | string, nbsp, extension method, Visual Basic 2008 |  |
HowTo: Make an ExtenderProvider to validate TextBoxes by using a regular expression in VB .NET | Regex, regular expression, ExtenderProvider, validation, validate |  |
HowTo: Create a class with a parameterized property | class, property, parameter |  |
HowTo: Make an ExtenderProvider that adds images and different fonts to MenuItems in VB .NET | ExtenderProvider, integer range, range, validation, validate |  |
Tutorial: Introduction to ExtenderProviders in VB .NET | ExtenderProvider | |
HowTo: Make an ExtenderProvider to validate TextBoxes containing integers within a range in VB .NET | ExtenderProvider, integer range, range, validation, validate |  |
HowTo: Make an ExtenderProvider to validate required fields in VB .NET | ExtenderProvider, required, validation, validate |  |
HowTo: Make an ExtenderProvider to validate TextBoxes by using the LIKE statement in VB .NET | LIKE, ExtenderProvider, validation, validate |  |
HowTo: Make classes faster using Implements | Implements, classes, interface |  |
HowTo: Make a class that raises an event | event, raise event, RaiseEvent |  |
HowTo: Make a class that monitors events raised by an object (including a control) | events, monitor events, watch events |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: See if the computer is connected to the Internet in Visual Basic 6 | InternetGetConnectedState, Internet, connected, connection, wininet, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: See if the computer is connected to the Internet in Visual Basic 2005 | My.Computer.Network.IsAvailable, IsAvailable, Internet, connected, connection, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: See if the network is connected using RAS | RAS, network, connected, connection |  |
HowTo: See if the system is connected to the network using the registry | RAS, network, connected, connection |  |
HowTo: See if the system is connected to the network using API functions | RAS, network, connected, connection |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Make a drawing application in VB .NET | draw, drawing, Drawable, serialization, XmlSerializer |  |
HowTo: Control serialization and deserialization with attributes in Visual Basic .NET | setrialize, deserialize, serialization, XmlSerializer, attributes, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Serialize and deserialize objects in Visual Basic .NET | setrialize, deserialize, serialization, XmlSerializer, VB.NET |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Provide multiple inheritance in Visual Basic .NET | inheritance, interfaces, multiple inheritance, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Control serialization and deserialization with attributes in Visual Basic .NET | setrialize, deserialize, serialization, XmlSerializer, attributes, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Serialize and deserialize objects in Visual Basic .NET | setrialize, deserialize, serialization, XmlSerializer, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a generic serializable dictionary class and save and restore objects in it in Visual Basic 2005 | serializable dictionary, Dictionary, serialization, serialize, generics, Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Make a generic serializable dictionary class in Visual Basic 2005 | serializable dictionary, Dictionary, serialization, serialize, generics, Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005 |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Make a generic serializable dictionary class and save and restore objects in it in Visual Basic 2005 | serializable dictionary, Dictionary, serialization, serialize, generics, Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Make a generic serializable dictionary class in Visual Basic 2005 | serializable dictionary, Dictionary, serialization, serialize, generics, Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005 |  |
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HowTo: Make a program that uses regular expressions to rename files matching a pattern in Visual Basic .NET | files, regular expressions, regex, replace, rename, rename files, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
Talk: Four Fascinating Features | regular expressions, cryptography, reflection, Direct3D, graphics, algorithms | |
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HowTo: Invoke an object's method by name in Visual Basic .NET | invoke, callbyname, call method by name, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Get the values of fields (variables) declared in a form by their names in Visual Basic .NET | reflection, FieldInfo, field, value, field value, FieldType, GetValue, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
Talk: Four Fascinating Features | regular expressions, cryptography, reflection, Direct3D, graphics, algorithms | |
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HowTo: Add a DrawRectangle method to the Graphics class that takes a RectangleF as a parameter in Visual Basic .NET | extension methods, Graphics class, graphics, DrawRectangle, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make ListBox and TextBox extension methods that set tab stops in Visual Basic .NET | ListBox, TextBox, set tabs, tabs, tab stops, set tab stops, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Learn about a program's memory usage in Visual Basic .NET | memory, working set, memory usage, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make extension methods to convert file sizes into strings giving sizes in KB, MB, etc. in Visual Basic .NET | ListBox, TextBox, set tabs, tabs, tab stops, set tab stops, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Write extension methods to convert between byte arrays and strings of hexadecimal values in Visual Basic .NET | strings, variables, string extension, extensions, extension methods, Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a String extension method to URL encode and decode strings in Visual Basic 2008 | string, extension method, URL encode, URL decode, Visual Basic 2008 |  |
HowTo: Make a String extension method to replace spaces with non-breaking spaces in Visual Basic 2008 | string, nbsp, extension method, Visual Basic 2008 |  |