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Visual Basic 2010 Programmer's Reference
Stephens' Visual Basic Programming 24-Hour Trainer
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Visual Basic 2010 Programmer's Reference

Title Keywords  
HowTo: Provide multiple inheritance in Visual Basic .NETinheritance, interfaces, multiple inheritance, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use the HashSet class to represent sets and perform set operations in Visual Basic .NETalgorithms, sets, set operations, overloaded operators, HashSet, union, intersection, XOR, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make an HSet class that inherits from HashSet and that support operators such as union and intersection in Visual Basic .NETalgorithms, sets, set operations, overloaded operators, HashSet, union, intersection, XOR, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a generic priority queue class in Visual Basic .NETclasses, generic, generic classes, priority queue, PriorityQueue, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Compress the folders within a folder into a Zip file in Visual Basic 2005Zip, compress, folder, compress folder, compressed folder, compression, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Compress a folder into a Zip file in Visual Basic 2005Zip, compress, folder, compress folder, compressed folder, compression, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Use the System.IO.Compression namespace to compress and decompress files in GZip format in Visual Basic 2005compress, decompress, compression, GZip, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Use WMI to make a folder compress its contents to save space in Visual Basic 2005compress, folder, compress folder, compressed folder, compression, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Use VBA to generate code to reproduce basic calcualtions on an Excel worksheetVBA, generate code, calcualtion, Excel, worksheetDownload
HowTo: Replace unprintable characters with spaces in Visual Basic .NETcharacter, ASCII, replace, regular expressions, regex, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use the RtlMoveMemory API function to copy part of a two-dimensional array into a one-dimensional array in Visual Basic .NETRtlMoveMemory, copy memory, CopyMemory, MoveMemory, array, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Use the RtlMoveMemory (CopyMemory) API function to copy memory between 2-D arrays in VB .NETRtlMoveMemory, copy memory, CopyMemory, MoveMemory, array, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Perform label setting shortest path calculations in Visual Basic .NETshortest path, shortest path tree, label settings, algorithms, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Use regular expressions to replace characters within parts of a string surrounded by quotes in Visual Basic 6regular expression, regex, regexp, replaceDownload
HowTo: Use Split to replace characters within parts of a string surrounded by quotes in Visual Basic 6replace, Split, regular expressionDownload
HowTo: Use regular expressions to replace characters within parts of a string surrounded by quotes in Visual Basic .NETregular expression, regex, regexp, replace, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Find regular expression matches in a stringregular expression, string, parsing, parse, replace, RegExpDownload
HowTo: Use regular expressions to replace text in a stringregular expression, string, parsing, parse, replace, RegExpDownload
HowTo: Use regular expressionsregular expression, string, parsing, parseDownload
HowTo: Use regular expressions to replace text in the lines in a stringregular expression, string, parsing, parse, replace, RegExpDownload
HowTo: Find regular expression matches in a string in VB .NETregular expression, string, parsing, parseDownload
HowTo: Use regular expressions to replace text in a string in VB .NETregular expression, string, parsing, parse, replaceDownload
HowTo: Use regular expressions in VB .NETregular expression, string, parsing, parseDownload
HowTo: Use regular expressions to replace text in the lines in a string in VB .NETregular expression, string, parsing, parse, replaceDownload
HowTo: Determine whether an array of strings contains an item in a clever wayarray contains, array, containsDownload
HowTo: List the words contained in a Word documentwords, list words, Word, Word document, Office, automationDownload
HowTo: List the words contained in a text filewords, list words, text file, fileDownload
HowTo: Recursively generate permutations of a collection of objectspermutation, combination, recursiveDownloadBook
Ready-to-Run Delphi Algorithmsalgorithms, sorting, searching, data structuresBook
Ready-To-Run Visual Basic Algorithmsalgorithms, sorting, searching, data structuresBook


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Use an IComparer class to sort a file using the values in its columnssort, IComparer, file, compare, Visual Basic .NETDownload
HowTo: Randomize a list of names in Visual Basic 6randomize, random, list of names, name list, Split, Rnd, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Randomize an array in Visual Basic .NETarray, random, randomize, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Randomize an arrayarray, random, randomizeDownload
HowTo: Sort objects by making a class implement the IComparable interface in Visual Basic .NETcompare, IComparable, sort, sortable, Array.Sort, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Sort objects by different key fields by building a comparer class in Visual Basic .NETcomparer, IComparer, sort, sortable, Array.Sort, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Sort data and remove duplicatesquicksort, sort, duplicates, remove duplicates, uniqueDownload
HowTo: Sort an array using custom sorting orders in VB .NETsort, compare, comparer, IComparer, sort order, orderDownload
HowTo: Sort an array with the mergesort algorithmmergesort, sort, array, CopyMemory, RtlMoveMemory, MoveMemoryDownloadBook
HowTo: Randomize a 2-dimensional arrayarray, random, randomize, 2-dimensional arrayDownload
HowTo: Sort a list using quicksort in VB .NETsorting, quicksort, algorithmsDownload
HowTo: Sort a list using quicksort and remove duplicates in VB .NETsorting, quicksort, algorithms, duplicates, remove duplicatesDownload
HowTo: Sort records in a file on diskquicksort, sort, diskDownload
HowTo: List the words contained in a Word documentwords, list words, Word, Word document, Office, automationDownload
HowTo: List the words contained in a text filewords, list words, text file, fileDownload
HowTo: Click on ListView columns to order a listListView, sort, columnDownload
HowTo: Compare times to load sorted ListBoxes different waysListBoxDownload
HowTo: Sort the columns in an MSFlexGrid controlFlexGrid, sort, gridDownload
HowTo: Sort the columns in an MSFlexGrid control by using a Data controlFlexGrid, sort, grid, Data controlDownload
HowTo: Search for values in a FlexGrid control and sort it by columnsFlexGrid, search, sortDownload
Tip: File System ObjectFile System Object, file, directory, dir 
HowTo: Delete a directory and everything it contains using the File System ObjectFile System Object, file, directory, dirDownload
HowTo: Get a sorted list of files in a directory using the File System Object (FSO) and Quicksortdirectory, dir, sorted, quicksort, File System Object, FSODownload
HowTo: Get a sorted list of files in a directory using Dir and Quicksortdirectory, dir, sorted, quicksortDownload
HowTo: Improve the performance of bubblesortbubblesort, sortingBook
HowTo: Make a sorted collection classsorting, algorithms, sorted collection class, SortedCollection classDownloadBook
HowTo: Sort a list using quicksortsorting, quicksort, algorithmsDownloadBook
How To: Get a sorted list of the files in a directorysorting, directory, files, quicksort, DirDownload


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Display solutions to the equilateral triangle puzzle in Visual Basic 6algorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Display solutions to the equilateral triangle puzzle in Visual Basic .NETalgorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Find solutions to the equilateral triangle puzzle in Visual Basic .NETalgorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Find solutions to the equilateral triangle puzzle in Visual Basic 6algorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Calculate mileage and fuel consumption in the United States, United Kingdom, and metric units in Visual Basic .NETmathematics, mileage, fuel consumption, metric, liters, miles per gallon, milometers per liter, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Calculate mileage and fuel consumption in the United States, United Kingdom, and metric units in Visual Basic 6mathematics, mileage, fuel consumption, metric, liters, miles per gallon, milometers per liter, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Graph savings from a normal bank account, a 401(k), and a Roth IRA account in Visual Basic 6mathematics, algorithms, graphics, graph, Roth IRA, IRA account, 401(k), savings, bank account, saving account, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Calculate the future value of a monthly investment with interest in Visual Basic .NETalgorithms, mathematics, finance, interest, monthly investment, investment, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Graph savings from a normal bank account, a 401(k), and a Roth IRA account in Visual Basic .NETmathematics, algorithms, graphics, graph, Roth IRA, IRA account, 401(k), savings, bank account, saving account, example, example program, Windows Forms programmingDownload
HowTo: Calculate how long it will take to pay off a credit card by making minimum payments in Visual Basic .NETmathematics, algorithms, finance, credit card, pay off credit card, minimum payments, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Calculate the future value of a monthly investment with interest in Visual Basic 6algorithms, mathematics, finance, interest, monthly investment, investment, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Calculate how long it will take to pay off a credit card by making minimum payments in Visual Basic 6mathematics, algorithms, finance, credit card, pay off credit card, minimum payments, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Graph historical stock prices in Visual Basic .NETgraphics, stocks, stock prices, graph, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NETDownload
HowTo: Calculate the Nth root of a number in Visual Basic .NETmathematics, roots, square roors, cube roots, find roots, Exp, Log, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Calculate the binomial coefficient "N choose K" efficiently in Visual Basic .NETN choose K, WMI, binomial coefficient, factorial, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Calculate the binomial coefficient "N choose K" efficiently in Visual Basic 6N choose K, WMI, binomial coefficient, factorial, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Make a list of prime numbers in Visual Basic 6primes, prime numbers, sieve, Sieve of Eratosthenes, Euler's Sieve, Legendre, Legendre estimate, prime counting, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NETDownload
HowTo: Find a number's prime factors in Visual Basic .NETprimes, prime numbers, prime factors, factors, factorization, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a list of prime numbers in Visual Basic 6primes, prime numbers, sieve, Sieve of Eratosthenes, Euler's Sieve, Legendre, Legendre estimate, prime counting, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NETDownload
HowTo: Find a number's prime factors in Visual Basic 6primes, prime numbers, prime factors, factors, factorization, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Make a list of prime numbers in Visual Basic .NETprimes, prime numbers, sieve, Sieve of Eratosthenes, Euler's Sieve, Legendre, Legendre estimate, prime counting, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NETDownload
HowTo: Calculate compound interest over time in Visual Basic 6Windows Forms programming, example program, calculate compound interest, compound interest, example, Visual Basic 6, interestDownload
HowTo: Calculate compound interest over time in Visual Basic .NETWindows Forms programming, example program, calculate compound interest, interest, example, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use the Convert class to convert values between decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary in Visual Basic .NETConvert class, convert values, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, binary, base, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a ComplexNumber class with operators in Visual Basic .NETcomplex, complex number, real, imaginary, VB .NET, Visual Basic .NETDownload
HowTo: Calculate the prime factors of numbers of the form 999997 in Visual Basic 6prime, product, factor, mathematics, Visual Basic, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Calculate the prime factors of a product of primes plus or minus 1 in Visual Basic 2005prime, product, factor, mathematics, Visual Basic, Visual Basic 2005, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Calculate the prime factors of numbers of the form 999997 in Visual Basic 2005prime, product, factor, mathematics, Visual Basic, Visual Basic 2005, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Calculate the prime factors of a product of primes plus or minus 1 in Visual Basic 6prime, product, factor, mathematics, Visual Basic, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Round a number to the nearest multiple of a template in Visual Basic 2005round, round off, digits, VB.NET, templateDownload
HowTo: Round a number to the nearest multiple of a template in Visual Basic 6round, round off, digits, Visual Basic 6, templateDownload
HowTo: Evaluate mathematical expressions using code in Visual Basic 2005mathematical expression, expression, evaluate, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Round a value to a specified number of digitsround off, digitsDownload
HowTo: Use the VBA library to round to a specific number of decimal placesVBA, round, decimal placesDownload
HowTo: Roughly compare the savings a normal bank account would give versus a 401(k) (a US tax thing) in Visual Basic .NETbank account, savings, interest, tax, tax deferred, 401(k), VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Roughly compare the savings a normal bank account would give versus a 401(k) (a US tax thing) in Visual Basic 6bank account, savings, interest, tax, tax deferred, 401(k), VB.NETDownload
HowTo: See if a number is expressible as a sum of two cubes (and calculate Taxicab numbers) in Visual Basic 2005sums of cubes, cubes, numeric algorithms, numeric, taxicab number, Visual Basic 2005, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a countdown timer in Visual Basic 2005countdown timer, timer, alarm, Visual Basic 2005, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: See if a number is expressible as a sum of two cubes (and calculate Taxicab numbers) in Visual Basic 6sums of cubes, cubes, numeric algorithms, numeric, taxicab number, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Make a countdown timer in Visual Basic 6countdown timer, timer, alarm, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Approximate the factorial function with Sterling's formulaSterling's formula, factorial, calculationDownload
HowTo: Randomize an array in Visual Basic .NETarray, random, randomize, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Randomize an arrayarray, random, randomizeDownload
HowTo: Make a cricket temperature calculator in Visual Basic 6cricket, temperature, chirps, silly, gameDownload
HowTo: Make a cricket temperature calculator in Visual Basic .NETcricket, temperature, chirps, silly, game, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Convert really huge dollar values into words in Visual Basic 6convert number, convert dollars, dollar, dollar value, cents, number, words, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillion, milliardDownload
HowTo: Convert really huge numbers into words in Visual Basic 6convert number, number, words, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillion, milliardDownload
HowTo: Convert really huge numbers into words in Visual Basic .NETconvert number, number, words, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillion, milliardDownload
HowTo: Convert really huge dollar values into words in Visual Basic .NETconvert number, convert dollars, dollar, dollar value, cents, number, words, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillion, milliardDownload
HowTo: Convert a number into words in Visual Basic .NETconvert number, number, words, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillionDownload
HowTo: Convert a dollar value into words in Visual Basic .NETconvert number, convert dollars, dollar, dollar value, cents, number, words, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillionDownload
HowTo: Use VBA to generate code to reproduce basic calcualtions on an Excel worksheetVBA, generate code, calcualtion, Excel, worksheetDownload
HowTo: Calculate escalating royaltiesescalating royalties, royalties, calculate, percent, FormatCurrency, GetPercentDownload
HowTo: Calculate escalating royalties in Visual Basic .NETescalating royalties, royalties, calculate, percent, FormatCurrency, GetPercent, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Bug: Watch for floating point errorsfloating point errors, single, double, overflow, underflow, Visual Basic 6, VB 6, VB.NET, VB 2005Download
HowTo: Convert text into a binary format and vice versa in Visual Basic 6binary, ASCII, shirts, joke, format, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Convert text into a binary format and vice versa in Visual Basic .NETbinary, ASCII, shirts, joke, format, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Compare floating point numbers safely in Visual Basic .NETSingle, Double, compare, floating point, float, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Compare floating point numbers safelySingle, Double, compare, floating point, floatDownload
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^3 - 3^Z to draw fractals in Visual Basic .NETNewton's method, non-polynomial function, root, function, fractal, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^2 - 2^Z to draw fractals in Visual Basic .NETNewton's method, non-polynomial function, root, function, fractal, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^2 - 2^Z to draw fractals in Visual Basic 6Newton's method, non-polynomial function, root, function, fractalDownload
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^n - 1 to draw fractals in Visual Basic 6Newton's method, polynomial, root, function, fractalDownload
HowTo: Use Newton's method to find the roots of an equationNewton's method, equation, root, zeroDownload
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^3 - 3^Z to draw fractals in Visual Basic 6Newton's method, non-polynomial function, root, function, fractalDownload
HowTo: Use Newton's method to find the roots of an equation in Visual Basic .NETNewton's method, equation, root, zeroDownload
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^n - 1 to draw fractals in Visual Basic .NETNewton's method, polynomial, root, function, fractal, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Solve a system of equations with Gaussian elimination in VB .NETsolve, equations, system of equations, Gaussian elimination, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Solve a system of equations with Gaussian eliminationsolve, equations, system of equations, Gaussian eliminationDownload
HowTo: Parse a hexadecimal string in VB .NET by using Integer.Parse.parse, hex, hexadecimal, VB.NET, Integer.ParseDownload
HowTo: Convert values between decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary in VB .NETconvert, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, binary, base, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Generate a schedule for a round robin tournamentround robin, tournament, scheduleDownload
HowTo: Make functions that calculate the minimum and maximum of their parametersMin, Max, minimum, maximumDownload
HowTo: Evaluate mathematical expressions using code in VB .NETmathematical expression, expression, evaluate, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Round a value to a specified number of digits in VB .NETround, round off, digitsDownload
HowTo: Evaluate mathematical expressions using the MS Script controlmathematical expression, expression, evaluate, parse, Script controlDownload
HowTo: Graph a user-entered function by using the MS Script controlgraph, equation, scale, user-entered function, mathematical expression, expression, evaluate, parse, Script controlDownload
HowTo: Graph a user-entered function by parsing the functiongraph, equation, scale, user-entered function, parseDownload
HowTo: Randomize a 2-dimensional arrayarray, random, randomize, 2-dimensional arrayDownload
HowTo: Randomize a listrandomize, shuffleDownloadBook
HowTo: Make a ComplexNumber classcomplex, complex numberDownloadBook
HowTo: Make a ComplexNumber class in VB .NETcomplex, complex numberDownloadBook
HowTo: Make a Fraction classfraction, numerator, denominatorDownloadBook
HowTo: Make a Fraction class in VB .NETfraction, numerator, denominator, VB.NETDownloadBook
HowTo: Find the equation of a quadratic curve passing through three pointsquadratic curve, quadratic equation, curve, pointsDownload
HowTo: Calculate arctangents in all four quadrantsarctan, Atn, atan, arc tangent, mathDownload
HowTo: Make a decimal/hex/binary lookup table for the numbers 0 through 255decimal, hex, binary, lookup, hexadecimalDownload
HowTo: Build a calculator with a European flavorcalculator, euro, poundDownload
HowTo: Graph a parametric function (X(t), Y(t))graph, parametric, curve, variableDownload
HowTo: Make an animated lottery number generatorlotto, random number, animationDownload
HowTo: Validate a credit card numbercredit card, Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover, EnRoute, JCB, Diners Club, Carte BlancheDownload
HowTo: Convert numbers between Roman and ArabicRoman numerals, Arabic numeralsDownload
HowTo: Convert decimal values into binary and vice versadecimal, binary, conversion, convertDownload
HowTo: Compare the speeds of different calculationscalculation, multiplication, division, speed, time, performanceDownload
HowTo: Generate unordered combinations of 5 numbers out of a bigger setcombinations, combinatorics, sequencesDownload
HowTo: Calculate Pi using several seriespi, calculate, series, Euler, Gregory's Formula, Gregory's Series, Machin's FormulaDownload
HowTo: Convert a number into wordsnumber, words, hundred, thousand, millionDownload
HowTo: Convert a number into words, version 2number, words, hundred, thousand, millionDownload
HowTo: Compute the greatest common divisor, least common multiple, and Bezout equality of two numbersLCM, GCD, Bezout, least common multiple, greatest common divisorDownload
HowTo: Convert a number into binary, decimal, hex, and octaldecimal, octal, hex, hexadecimal, binaryDownload
HowTo: Convert between units of distance (meter, fathom, mile, etc.)convert, units, meter, mile, foot, fathom, centimeterDownload
HowTo: Calculate Nth root of a numberroot, power, SqrDownload
HowTo: Find ordinal extensions (as in 1st, 2nd, 143rd, etc.)ordinal extension, 1st, 2nd, 3rdDownload
HowTo: Calculate sines and cosines in degreessince, cosine, trig, trigonometryDownload
HowTo: Make a random choice using the PickOne functionpick one, PickOne, randomDownload
HowTo: Round a number to the nearest integer or truncate itround off, truncateDownload
HowTo: Round a number to a multiple of some numberround off, digits, multipleDownload
HowTo: Evaluate mathematical expressions using codemathematical expression, expression, evaluateDownloadBook
HowTo: Convert values between decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binaryconvert, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, binary, baseDownloadBook
HowTo: Calculate PI statisticallyPI, random, statisticsDownload


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Use animation to show how the recursive solution to the Tower of Hanoi problem works in Visual Basic 6algorithms, recursion, Tower of Hanoi, games, puzzles, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Recursively solve the Tower of Hanoi problem in Visual Basic 6algorithms, recursion, Tower of Hanoi, games, puzzles, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Use animation to show how the recursive solution to the Tower of Hanoi problem works in Visual Basic .NETalgorithms, recursion, Tower of Hanoi, games, puzzles, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use Stacks to recursively solve the Tower of Hanoi problem in Visual Basic 6algorithms, recursion, Tower of Hanoi, games, puzzles, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a bouncing ball animation in VB .NETbouncing ball, animation, animate, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a game where you shoot a cannon past black holesgame, cannon, black holes, animationDownload
HowTo: Make a game where you control a cannon ball's angle and speed to try to hit a house in VB .NETcannon, simulation, gravity, animationDownload
HowTo: Make a game where you control a cannon ball's angle and speed to try to hit a housecannon, simulation, gravity, animationDownload
HowTo: Run the Langton's Ant simulationLangton's Ant, simulation, computabilityDownload
Contest: DFADFA, deterministic finite automaton 


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Find circles that are tangent to three given circles in Visual Basic .NETmathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Find circles that are tangent to three given circles in Visual Basic 6mathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Find a least squares Weibull curve fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6mathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, Weibull, Weibull curve fit, Weibull least squares, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Find a least squares Weibull curve fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NETmathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, Weibull, Weibull curve fit, Weibull least squares, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Find an exponential least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6mathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, exponential, exponential curve fit, exponential least squares, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Find an exponential least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NETmathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, exponential, exponential curve fit, exponential least squares, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Find a linear least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6algorithms, mathematics, least squares, linear least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Find a polynomial least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6algorithms, mathematics, least squares, polynomial least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Find a polynomial least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NETalgorithms, mathematics, least squares, polynomial least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Find a linear least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NETalgorithms, mathematics, least squares, linear least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Plot the equation of a function of two variables in Visual Basic .NETgraph, plot, graph equation, plot equation, graphics, algorithms, geometry, Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Find a smallest rectangle that bounds a set of points in Visual Basic .NETbounding rectangle, calipers, VB .NET, Visual Basic .NETDownload
HowTo: Find a smallest rectangle that bounds a set of points in Visual Basic 6bounding rectangle, calipers, VB 6, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Find a smallest rectangle that bounds a set of points in Visual Basic 2005bounding rectangle, calipers, VB 2005, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Find the shortest distance between two line segmentssegment, distance, geometryDownload
HowTo: Find the convex hull of a set of points in Visual Basic 2005convex hull, geometry, points, bounding polygon, VB 2005Download
HowTo: Perform label setting shortest path calculations in Visual Basic .NETshortest path, shortest path tree, label settings, algorithms, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Find the convex hull of a set of pointsconvex hull, geometry, points, bounding polygonDownloadBook
HowTo: Find the distance between a point and a line segmentdistance, point-to-line, line-to-line, point, lineDownload
HowTo: Determine whether two line segments intersectline segment, line, intersectDownload
HowTo: See if the user clicked on a Line controldistance, point-to-line, line-to-line, point, line, Line control, clickDownload
HowTo: See where two lines intersectline, intersectDownload
HowTo: Find the angle between two line segments using the Law of Cosinesangle, line segments, law of cosines, arccosine, AcosDownload
HowTo: Find the angle between two line segmentsangle, line segmentsDownloadBook
HowTo: Draw pie slices and see which the user clicks in VB .NETpie slice, wedge, circle, clickDownload
HowTo: Draw pie slices in VB .NETpie slice, wedge, circleDownload
HowTo: Draw pie slicespie slice, wedge, circleDownloadBook
HowTo: Draw pie slices and see which the user clickspie slice, wedge, circle, clickDownloadBook
Tutorial: Map Coloringmap coloring, four color, map, five color 


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Display solutions to the equilateral triangle puzzle in Visual Basic 6algorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Puzzle: find the equilateral triangles in Visual Basic 6algorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Display solutions to the equilateral triangle puzzle in Visual Basic .NETalgorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Puzzle: find the equilateral triangles in Visual Basic .NETalgorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Find solutions to the equilateral triangle puzzle in Visual Basic .NETalgorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Find solutions to the equilateral triangle puzzle in Visual Basic 6algorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Draw an Apollonian gasket with circles filled by random colors in Visual Basic .NETrandom colors, mathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonian gasket, Apollonian packing, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw an Apollonian gasket (or Apollonian packing) in Visual Basic .NETmathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonian gasket, Apollonian packing, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw an Apollonian gasket with circles filled by random colors in Visual Basic 6random colors, mathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonian gasket, Apollonian packing, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Draw an Apollonian gasket (or Apollonian packing) in Visual Basic 6mathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonian gasket, Apollonian packing, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Find circles that are tangent to three given circles in Visual Basic .NETmathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Find circles that are tangent to three given circles in Visual Basic 6mathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one large picture inside another in Visual Basic 6algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one picture inside another in Visual Basic 6algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one large picture inside another in Visual Basic .NETalgorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one picture inside another in Visual Basic .NETalgorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use EXIF information to orient an image properly in Visual Basic .NETgraphics, files, orient image, orient picture, image processing, EXIF, orientation, rotate image, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Read an image file's EXIF orientation data in Visual Basic .NETgraphics, files, image processing, EXIF, orientation, rotate image, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Show samples of EXIF image orientations in Visual Basic .NETgraphics, files, image processing, EXIF, orientation, rotate image, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Measure distances on a map with a scale in Visual Basic .NETalgorithms graphics map measure map measure distances map scale example example program Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Measure distances on a map with a scale in Visual Basic 6algorithms graphics map measure map measure distances map scale example example program Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Draw a Sierpinski fractal curve in Visual Basic .NETexample program, Sierpinski curve, space-filling curve, example, Windows Forms programming, fractal, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Reduce the number of colors in a Bitmap and remap them to make interesting effects in Visual Basic 6graphics, algorithms, colors, color depth, reduce color depth, Warhol, Andy Warhol, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Reduce the number of colors in a Bitmap and remap them to make interesting effects in Visual Basic .NETgraphics, algorithms, colors, color depth, reduce color depth, Warhol, Andy Warhol, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Fill a shape drawn by the user with random lines in Visual Basic .NETgraphics, lines, fill shape, user-drawn shape, random lines, random, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a Pickover popcorn fractal in Visual Basic 6fractals, algorithms, mathematics, Pickover, Pickover fractal, Pickover popcorn, popcorn fractal, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, VB 6, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Draw a Pickover popcorn fractal in Visual Basic .NETfractals, algorithms, mathematics, Pickover, Pickover fractal, Pickover popcorn, popcorn fractal, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a colored Pickover popcorn fractal in Visual Basic .NETfractals, algorithms, mathematics, Pickover, Pickover fractal, Pickover popcorn, popcorn fractal, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a colored Pickover popcorn fractal in Visual Basic 6fractals, algorithms, mathematics, Pickover, Pickover fractal, Pickover popcorn, popcorn fractal, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, VB 6, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Draw text that follows a curve in Visual Basic .NETgraphics, algorithms, fonts, rotated text, text on segment, line segment, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw text that sits above or below a line segment in Visual Basic .NETgraphics, algorithms, fonts, rotated text, text on segment, line segment, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Find a least squares Weibull curve fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6mathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, Weibull, Weibull curve fit, Weibull least squares, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Find a least squares Weibull curve fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NETmathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, Weibull, Weibull curve fit, Weibull least squares, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Find an exponential least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6mathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, exponential, exponential curve fit, exponential least squares, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Find an exponential least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NETmathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, exponential, exponential curve fit, exponential least squares, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Find a linear least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6algorithms, mathematics, least squares, linear least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Find a polynomial least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6algorithms, mathematics, least squares, polynomial least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Find a polynomial least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NETalgorithms, mathematics, least squares, polynomial least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Find a linear least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NETalgorithms, mathematics, least squares, linear least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Perform a flood fill on an area with approximate uniform color in Visual Basic .NETflood, flood fill, graphics, color, approximate color, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a vortex fractal with smoothly shaded colors in Visual Basic 6graphics, fractals, vortex, vortex fractal, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic 6, VB6Download
HowTo: Draw a vortex fractal with smoothly shaded colors in Visual Basic .NETgraphics, fractals, vortex, vortex fractal, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a Mandelbrot set with smoothly shaded colors in Visual Basic .NETgraphics, fractals, Mandelbrot, Mandelbrot set, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a Mandelbrot set with smoothly shaded colors in Visual Basic 6graphics, fractals, Mandelbrot, Mandelbrot set, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic 6, VB6Download
HowTo: Use a Complex class to draw the Mandelbrot set easily in Visual Basic .NETMandelbrot set, fractal, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET, Visual BasicDownload
HowTo: Use a Complex class to draw the Mandelbrot set easily in Visual Basic 6Mandelbrot set, fractal, Visual Basic 6, VB 6, Visual BasicDownload
HowTo: Draw a vortex fractal in Visual Basic 6graphics, fractals, vortex, vortex fractal, vortex set, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic 6, ` VB6Download
HowTo: Draw a vortex fractal in Visual Basic .NETgraphics, fractals, vortex, vortex fractal, vortex set, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Find the tangent lines between two circles in Visual Basic 6tangents, circle, tangent lines, geometry, graphics, algorithms, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Use a PointF class to find the tangent lines between a point and a circle in Visual Basic 6tangents, find tangents, find tangent lines, tangent lines, Visual Basic 6, VB 6, graphics, algorithms, PointFDownload
HowTo: Partition an area with circles and draw each region's count in Visual Basic .NETcircles, partition, partition area, regions, draw regions, intersect circles, circle intersections, geometry, graphics, algorithms, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Find a Region's centroid in Visual Basic .NETgeometry, graphics, algorithms, region, centroid, circles, overlap, circles overlap, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Find the area where two or more circles overlap in Visual Basic .NETgeometry, graphics, algorithms, circles, overlap, circles overlap, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Find the tangent lines between two circles in Visual Basic .NETtangents, circle, tangent lines, geometry, graphics, algorithms, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Find the tangent lines between a point and a circle in Visual Basic .NETtangents, find tangents, find tangent lines, tangent lines, Visual Basic .NET, VB .NET, graphics, algorithmsDownload
HowTo: Find the tangent lines between a point and a circle in Visual Basic 6tangents, find tangents, find tangent lines, tangent lines, Visual Basic 6, VB 6, graphics, algorithmsDownload
HowTo: Plot a smiley face function in Visual Basic .NETdelegate, plot, graph, plot function, graph function, graphics, algorithms, smiley face, smiley, plot smiley face, graph smiley face, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Plot the equation of a function of two variables in Visual Basic .NETgraph, plot, graph equation, plot equation, graphics, algorithms, geometry, Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Determine where two circles intersect in Visual Basic 6circles, intersect, intersect two circles, intersections, find circle intersections, VB 6, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Determine where two circles intersect in Visual Basic .NETcircles, intersect, intersect two circles, intersections, find circle intersections, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NETDownload
HowTo: Save a picture into a JPEG at a desired size in Visual Basic 2005save picture, save image, size, jpeg, jpg, compress, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Use the BitmapBytesRGB24 class to apply an embossing filter to an image very quickly in Visual Basic 2005BitmapBytesRGB24, LockBits, UnlockBits, image processing, filter image, emboss, embossing filter, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use Microsoft's .NET Framework parallel extensions to apply an embossing filter to an image very quickly in Visual Basic 2008parallel, multi-threading, threading, BitmapBytesRGB24, LockBits, UnlockBits, image processing, filter image, emboss, embossing filter, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use Microsoft's .NET Framework parallel extensions to generate Mandelbrot sets quickly in Visual Basic 2008parallel extensions, parallel programming, multiple CPUs, multi-core, Mandelbrot, Mandelbrot set, .NET, .NET FrameworkDownload
HowTo: Resize all of the graphic files in a directory in Visual Basic 6graphics, resize picture, resize image, directory, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Resize all of the graphic files in a directory in Visual Basic 2005graphics, resize picture, resize image, directory, Visual Basic .NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a Buddhabrot fractal in Visual Basic 6fractal, buddhabrot, mandelbrot, iterated systemDownload
HowTo: Draw a anti-Buddhabrot fractal in Visual Basic 2005fractal, anti-buddhabrot, buddhabrot, mandelbrot, iterated systemDownload
HowTo: Draw a Buddhabrot color map fractal in Visual Basic 2005fractal, buddhabrot color map, buddhabrot, mandelbrot, iterated systemDownload
HowTo: Draw a Buddhabrot fractal in Visual Basic 2005fractal, buddhabrot, mandelbrot, iterated systemDownload
HowTo: Rotate a picture by a multiple of 90 degrees in Visual Basic 6rotate, picture, image, image processing, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Draw a colored butterfly curve in VB .NETgraphics, curve, butterfly, butterfly curve, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a colored chrysanthemum curve in VB .NETgraphics, curve, chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum curve, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a radar graph in Visual Basic .NETradar graph, graph, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a radar graph in Visual Basic 6radar graph, graphDownload
HowTo: Draw a pie chart from an array of values in Visual Basic .NETpie chart, pie slice, wedge, circle, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw a pie chart from an array of valuespie chart, pie slice, wedge, circleDownload
HowTo: Use transformations to draw an animated atom in Visual Basic .NETanimation, atom, animated atom, transformation, ellipse, rotated ellipse, rotation, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use transformations to draw an animated atom in Visual Basic 6animation, atom, animated atom, transformation, ellipse, rotated ellipse, rotation, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Use transformations to draw a rotated ellipse in Visual Basic 6transformation, ellipse, rotated ellipse, rotation, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Make a game where you shoot a cannon past black holesgame, cannon, black holes, animationDownload
HowTo: Draw strange attractors (fractals) in Visual Basic .NETstrange attractor, fractal, equation, graphics, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Draw strange attractors (fractals)strange attractor, fractal, equation, graphicsDownload
HowTo: Find the points where a line intersects a circlegraphics, line, circle, intersectionDownload
HowTo: Find the points where a line intersects a circle in Visual Basic .NETgraphics, line, circle, intersectionDownload
HowTo: Make a game where you control a cannon ball's angle and speed to try to hit a house in VB .NETcannon, simulation, gravity, animationDownload
HowTo: Make a game where you control a cannon ball's angle and speed to try to hit a housecannon, simulation, gravity, animationDownload
Tutorial: Steganography (Hidden in Plain Sight)steganography, cryptography, codeBook
HowTo: Graph a user-entered function by using the MS Script controlgraph, equation, scale, user-entered function, mathematical expression, expression, evaluate, parse, Script controlDownload
HowTo: Graph a user-entered function by parsing the functiongraph, equation, scale, user-entered function, parseDownload
HowTo: Explore the Mandelbrot set in VB .NETMandelbrot, VB.NETDownloadBook
HowTo: Hide a message inside a picture (steganography)steganography, hidden message, codeDownloadBook
HowTo: Map coloringmap coloring, color, region, 4-color, four-colorDownload
HowTo: Find the equation of a quadratic curve passing through three pointsquadratic curve, quadratic equation, curve, pointsDownload
HowTo: Draw Mandelbrot setsMandelbrot, fractal, chaosDownload
HowTo: Fill in missing pixels in an imagefill, pixels, missing, interpolation, interpolateDownloadBook


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one large picture inside another in Visual Basic 6algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one picture inside another in Visual Basic 6algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one large picture inside another in Visual Basic .NETalgorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one picture inside another in Visual Basic .NETalgorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a program register itself for a particular system in Visual Basic .NETcryptography, programs, register, registration, register program, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Encrypt or decrypt files in Visual Basic .NETcryptography, files, encrypt, decrypt, cipher, encipher, decipher, AESDownload
HowTo: Make a extension methods that encrypt and decrypt strings in Visual Basic .NETcryptography, extentions, extension method, files, encrypt, decrypt, cipher, encipher, decipher, AESDownload
HowTo: Use the Cryptography API to build an application that stores passwords in Visual Basic 2005Cryptography, Cryptography API, store passwords, passwords, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Use the Cryptography API to generate secure random numbers with Visual Basic 2005Cryptography, Cryptography API, random numbers, random, Visual Basic 2005Download
Talk: Four Fascinating Featuresregular expressions, cryptography, reflection, Direct3D, graphics, algorithms 
HowTo: Encrypt and decrypt a file by using the triple DES algorithm in Visual Basic 2008Visual Basic 2008, VB 2008, encrypt, decrypt, cryptography, DES, triple DESDownload
Talk: Three Cool Namespacesregex, regular expression, XML, serialie, serialization, crypto, cryptography, hash, hashing, encrypt, decrypt, encryption, decryption 
Tutorial: Steganography (Hidden in Plain Sight)steganography, cryptography, codeBook
HowTo: Encrypt and decrypt a file using a DES algorithm in VB .NETNetBIOS, name, NetBIOS name, computer name, host nameDownload
HowTo: Hide a message inside a picture (steganography)steganography, hidden message, codeDownloadBook
HowTo: Encipher textcipher, encrypt, decipher, decrypt, encryption, decryption, Download


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Display two forms, one showing pictures in a random order in Visual Basic .NETpicture, random, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NETDownload
HowTo: Randomize the values in a series of TextBoxes, a ListBox, or a single TextBox in Visual Basic 6randomize, TextBox, ListBox, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Randomize a list of names in Visual Basic 6randomize, random, list of names, name list, Split, Rnd, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Calculate logarithms in different bases in Visual Basic 2005log, ln, logarithm, base, log base, calculate, exponent, exponentiation, power, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Calculate logarithms in different bases in Visual Basic 6log, ln, logarithm, base, log base, calculate, exponent, exponentiation, powerDownload
HowTo: Find all ways to pick N out of M items in Visual Basic 2005choose, combinatorics, combinations, VB.NETDownloadBook
HowTo: Recursively generate permutations of a collection of objects in Visual Basic 2005permute, permutation, combinatorics, recursive, factorial, VB.NETDownloadBook
HowTo: List all the permutations of a set of numbers in Visual Basic 2005permute, permutation, combinatorics, factorial, VB.NETDownloadBook
HowTo: List all the permutations of a set of numbers in Visual Basic 6permute, permutation, combinatorics, factorialDownload
HowTo: Randomize an array in Visual Basic .NETarray, random, randomize, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Randomize an arrayarray, random, randomizeDownload
HowTo: Make stable appointment assignments based on customer preferences in Visual Basic .NETstable, appointment, assignment, preference, Stable Marriage, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make stable appointment assignments based on customer preferencesstable, appointment, assignment, preference, Stable MarriageDownload
HowTo: Generate a schedule for a round robin tournament in VB .NETround robin, tournament, scheduleDownload
HowTo: Generate a schedule for pool play on a single court with fairly distributed restspool, scheduleDownload
HowTo: Generate a schedule for a round robin tournamentround robin, tournament, scheduleDownload
HowTo: List all the permutations of a set of numberspermute, permutation, combinatoricsDownload
HowTo: Randomize a 2-dimensional arrayarray, random, randomize, 2-dimensional arrayDownload
HowTo: Find all ways to pick N out of M itemschoose, combinatorics, combinationsDownloadBook
HowTo: Generate unordered combinations of 5 numbers out of a bigger setcombinations, combinatorics, sequencesDownload

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