Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Provide multiple inheritance in Visual Basic .NET | inheritance, interfaces, multiple inheritance, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the HashSet class to represent sets and perform set operations in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, sets, set operations, overloaded operators, HashSet, union, intersection, XOR, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make an HSet class that inherits from HashSet and that support operators such as union and intersection in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, sets, set operations, overloaded operators, HashSet, union, intersection, XOR, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a generic priority queue class in Visual Basic .NET | classes, generic, generic classes, priority queue, PriorityQueue, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Compress the folders within a folder into a Zip file in Visual Basic 2005 | Zip, compress, folder, compress folder, compressed folder, compression, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Compress a folder into a Zip file in Visual Basic 2005 | Zip, compress, folder, compress folder, compressed folder, compression, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Use the System.IO.Compression namespace to compress and decompress files in GZip format in Visual Basic 2005 | compress, decompress, compression, GZip, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Use WMI to make a folder compress its contents to save space in Visual Basic 2005 | compress, folder, compress folder, compressed folder, compression, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Use VBA to generate code to reproduce basic calcualtions on an Excel worksheet | VBA, generate code, calcualtion, Excel, worksheet |  |
HowTo: Replace unprintable characters with spaces in Visual Basic .NET | character, ASCII, replace, regular expressions, regex, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the RtlMoveMemory API function to copy part of a two-dimensional array into a one-dimensional array in Visual Basic .NET | RtlMoveMemory, copy memory, CopyMemory, MoveMemory, array, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Use the RtlMoveMemory (CopyMemory) API function to copy memory between 2-D arrays in VB .NET | RtlMoveMemory, copy memory, CopyMemory, MoveMemory, array, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Perform label setting shortest path calculations in Visual Basic .NET | shortest path, shortest path tree, label settings, algorithms, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Use regular expressions to replace characters within parts of a string surrounded by quotes in Visual Basic 6 | regular expression, regex, regexp, replace |  |
HowTo: Use Split to replace characters within parts of a string surrounded by quotes in Visual Basic 6 | replace, Split, regular expression |  |
HowTo: Use regular expressions to replace characters within parts of a string surrounded by quotes in Visual Basic .NET | regular expression, regex, regexp, replace, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Find regular expression matches in a string | regular expression, string, parsing, parse, replace, RegExp |  |
HowTo: Use regular expressions to replace text in a string | regular expression, string, parsing, parse, replace, RegExp |  |
HowTo: Use regular expressions | regular expression, string, parsing, parse |  |
HowTo: Use regular expressions to replace text in the lines in a string | regular expression, string, parsing, parse, replace, RegExp |  |
HowTo: Find regular expression matches in a string in VB .NET | regular expression, string, parsing, parse |  |
HowTo: Use regular expressions to replace text in a string in VB .NET | regular expression, string, parsing, parse, replace |  |
HowTo: Use regular expressions in VB .NET | regular expression, string, parsing, parse |  |
HowTo: Use regular expressions to replace text in the lines in a string in VB .NET | regular expression, string, parsing, parse, replace |  |
HowTo: Determine whether an array of strings contains an item in a clever way | array contains, array, contains |  |
HowTo: List the words contained in a Word document | words, list words, Word, Word document, Office, automation |  |
HowTo: List the words contained in a text file | words, list words, text file, file |  |
HowTo: Recursively generate permutations of a collection of objects | permutation, combination, recursive |   |
Ready-to-Run Delphi Algorithms | algorithms, sorting, searching, data structures |  |
Ready-To-Run Visual Basic Algorithms | algorithms, sorting, searching, data structures |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Use an IComparer class to sort a file using the values in its columns | sort, IComparer, file, compare, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Randomize a list of names in Visual Basic 6 | randomize, random, list of names, name list, Split, Rnd, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Randomize an array in Visual Basic .NET | array, random, randomize, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Randomize an array | array, random, randomize |  |
HowTo: Sort objects by making a class implement the IComparable interface in Visual Basic .NET | compare, IComparable, sort, sortable, Array.Sort, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Sort objects by different key fields by building a comparer class in Visual Basic .NET | comparer, IComparer, sort, sortable, Array.Sort, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Sort data and remove duplicates | quicksort, sort, duplicates, remove duplicates, unique |  |
HowTo: Sort an array using custom sorting orders in VB .NET | sort, compare, comparer, IComparer, sort order, order |  |
HowTo: Sort an array with the mergesort algorithm | mergesort, sort, array, CopyMemory, RtlMoveMemory, MoveMemory |   |
HowTo: Randomize a 2-dimensional array | array, random, randomize, 2-dimensional array |  |
HowTo: Sort a list using quicksort in VB .NET | sorting, quicksort, algorithms |  |
HowTo: Sort a list using quicksort and remove duplicates in VB .NET | sorting, quicksort, algorithms, duplicates, remove duplicates |  |
HowTo: Sort records in a file on disk | quicksort, sort, disk |  |
HowTo: List the words contained in a Word document | words, list words, Word, Word document, Office, automation |  |
HowTo: List the words contained in a text file | words, list words, text file, file |  |
HowTo: Click on ListView columns to order a list | ListView, sort, column |  |
HowTo: Compare times to load sorted ListBoxes different ways | ListBox |  |
HowTo: Sort the columns in an MSFlexGrid control | FlexGrid, sort, grid |  |
HowTo: Sort the columns in an MSFlexGrid control by using a Data control | FlexGrid, sort, grid, Data control |  |
HowTo: Search for values in a FlexGrid control and sort it by columns | FlexGrid, search, sort |  |
Tip: File System Object | File System Object, file, directory, dir | |
HowTo: Delete a directory and everything it contains using the File System Object | File System Object, file, directory, dir |  |
HowTo: Get a sorted list of files in a directory using the File System Object (FSO) and Quicksort | directory, dir, sorted, quicksort, File System Object, FSO |  |
HowTo: Get a sorted list of files in a directory using Dir and Quicksort | directory, dir, sorted, quicksort |  |
HowTo: Improve the performance of bubblesort | bubblesort, sorting |  |
HowTo: Make a sorted collection class | sorting, algorithms, sorted collection class, SortedCollection class |   |
HowTo: Sort a list using quicksort | sorting, quicksort, algorithms |   |
How To: Get a sorted list of the files in a directory | sorting, directory, files, quicksort, Dir |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Display solutions to the equilateral triangle puzzle in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Display solutions to the equilateral triangle puzzle in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find solutions to the equilateral triangle puzzle in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find solutions to the equilateral triangle puzzle in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Calculate mileage and fuel consumption in the United States, United Kingdom, and metric units in Visual Basic .NET | mathematics, mileage, fuel consumption, metric, liters, miles per gallon, milometers per liter, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Calculate mileage and fuel consumption in the United States, United Kingdom, and metric units in Visual Basic 6 | mathematics, mileage, fuel consumption, metric, liters, miles per gallon, milometers per liter, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Graph savings from a normal bank account, a 401(k), and a Roth IRA account in Visual Basic 6 | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, graph, Roth IRA, IRA account, 401(k), savings, bank account, saving account, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Calculate the future value of a monthly investment with interest in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, mathematics, finance, interest, monthly investment, investment, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Graph savings from a normal bank account, a 401(k), and a Roth IRA account in Visual Basic .NET | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, graph, Roth IRA, IRA account, 401(k), savings, bank account, saving account, example, example program, Windows Forms programming |  |
HowTo: Calculate how long it will take to pay off a credit card by making minimum payments in Visual Basic .NET | mathematics, algorithms, finance, credit card, pay off credit card, minimum payments, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Calculate the future value of a monthly investment with interest in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, mathematics, finance, interest, monthly investment, investment, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Calculate how long it will take to pay off a credit card by making minimum payments in Visual Basic 6 | mathematics, algorithms, finance, credit card, pay off credit card, minimum payments, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Graph historical stock prices in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, stocks, stock prices, graph, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Calculate the Nth root of a number in Visual Basic .NET | mathematics, roots, square roors, cube roots, find roots, Exp, Log, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Calculate the binomial coefficient "N choose K" efficiently in Visual Basic .NET | N choose K, WMI, binomial coefficient, factorial, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Calculate the binomial coefficient "N choose K" efficiently in Visual Basic 6 | N choose K, WMI, binomial coefficient, factorial, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Make a list of prime numbers in Visual Basic 6 | primes, prime numbers, sieve, Sieve of Eratosthenes, Euler's Sieve, Legendre, Legendre estimate, prime counting, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Find a number's prime factors in Visual Basic .NET | primes, prime numbers, prime factors, factors, factorization, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a list of prime numbers in Visual Basic 6 | primes, prime numbers, sieve, Sieve of Eratosthenes, Euler's Sieve, Legendre, Legendre estimate, prime counting, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Find a number's prime factors in Visual Basic 6 | primes, prime numbers, prime factors, factors, factorization, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Make a list of prime numbers in Visual Basic .NET | primes, prime numbers, sieve, Sieve of Eratosthenes, Euler's Sieve, Legendre, Legendre estimate, prime counting, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Calculate compound interest over time in Visual Basic 6 | Windows Forms programming, example program, calculate compound interest, compound interest, example, Visual Basic 6, interest |  |
HowTo: Calculate compound interest over time in Visual Basic .NET | Windows Forms programming, example program, calculate compound interest, interest, example, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the Convert class to convert values between decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary in Visual Basic .NET | Convert class, convert values, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, binary, base, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a ComplexNumber class with operators in Visual Basic .NET | complex, complex number, real, imaginary, VB .NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Calculate the prime factors of numbers of the form 999997 in Visual Basic 6 | prime, product, factor, mathematics, Visual Basic, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Calculate the prime factors of a product of primes plus or minus 1 in Visual Basic 2005 | prime, product, factor, mathematics, Visual Basic, Visual Basic 2005, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Calculate the prime factors of numbers of the form 999997 in Visual Basic 2005 | prime, product, factor, mathematics, Visual Basic, Visual Basic 2005, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Calculate the prime factors of a product of primes plus or minus 1 in Visual Basic 6 | prime, product, factor, mathematics, Visual Basic, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Round a number to the nearest multiple of a template in Visual Basic 2005 | round, round off, digits, VB.NET, template |  |
HowTo: Round a number to the nearest multiple of a template in Visual Basic 6 | round, round off, digits, Visual Basic 6, template |  |
HowTo: Evaluate mathematical expressions using code in Visual Basic 2005 | mathematical expression, expression, evaluate, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Round a value to a specified number of digits | round off, digits |  |
HowTo: Use the VBA library to round to a specific number of decimal places | VBA, round, decimal places |  |
HowTo: Roughly compare the savings a normal bank account would give versus a 401(k) (a US tax thing) in Visual Basic .NET | bank account, savings, interest, tax, tax deferred, 401(k), VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Roughly compare the savings a normal bank account would give versus a 401(k) (a US tax thing) in Visual Basic 6 | bank account, savings, interest, tax, tax deferred, 401(k), VB.NET |  |
HowTo: See if a number is expressible as a sum of two cubes (and calculate Taxicab numbers) in Visual Basic 2005 | sums of cubes, cubes, numeric algorithms, numeric, taxicab number, Visual Basic 2005, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a countdown timer in Visual Basic 2005 | countdown timer, timer, alarm, Visual Basic 2005, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: See if a number is expressible as a sum of two cubes (and calculate Taxicab numbers) in Visual Basic 6 | sums of cubes, cubes, numeric algorithms, numeric, taxicab number, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Make a countdown timer in Visual Basic 6 | countdown timer, timer, alarm, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Approximate the factorial function with Sterling's formula | Sterling's formula, factorial, calculation |  |
HowTo: Randomize an array in Visual Basic .NET | array, random, randomize, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Randomize an array | array, random, randomize |  |
HowTo: Make a cricket temperature calculator in Visual Basic 6 | cricket, temperature, chirps, silly, game |  |
HowTo: Make a cricket temperature calculator in Visual Basic .NET | cricket, temperature, chirps, silly, game, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Convert really huge dollar values into words in Visual Basic 6 | convert number, convert dollars, dollar, dollar value, cents, number, words, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillion, milliard |  |
HowTo: Convert really huge numbers into words in Visual Basic 6 | convert number, number, words, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillion, milliard |  |
HowTo: Convert really huge numbers into words in Visual Basic .NET | convert number, number, words, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillion, milliard |  |
HowTo: Convert really huge dollar values into words in Visual Basic .NET | convert number, convert dollars, dollar, dollar value, cents, number, words, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillion, milliard |  |
HowTo: Convert a number into words in Visual Basic .NET | convert number, number, words, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillion |  |
HowTo: Convert a dollar value into words in Visual Basic .NET | convert number, convert dollars, dollar, dollar value, cents, number, words, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillion |  |
HowTo: Use VBA to generate code to reproduce basic calcualtions on an Excel worksheet | VBA, generate code, calcualtion, Excel, worksheet |  |
HowTo: Calculate escalating royalties | escalating royalties, royalties, calculate, percent, FormatCurrency, GetPercent |  |
HowTo: Calculate escalating royalties in Visual Basic .NET | escalating royalties, royalties, calculate, percent, FormatCurrency, GetPercent, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Bug: Watch for floating point errors | floating point errors, single, double, overflow, underflow, Visual Basic 6, VB 6, VB.NET, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Convert text into a binary format and vice versa in Visual Basic 6 | binary, ASCII, shirts, joke, format, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Convert text into a binary format and vice versa in Visual Basic .NET | binary, ASCII, shirts, joke, format, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Compare floating point numbers safely in Visual Basic .NET | Single, Double, compare, floating point, float, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Compare floating point numbers safely | Single, Double, compare, floating point, float |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^3 - 3^Z to draw fractals in Visual Basic .NET | Newton's method, non-polynomial function, root, function, fractal, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^2 - 2^Z to draw fractals in Visual Basic .NET | Newton's method, non-polynomial function, root, function, fractal, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^2 - 2^Z to draw fractals in Visual Basic 6 | Newton's method, non-polynomial function, root, function, fractal |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^n - 1 to draw fractals in Visual Basic 6 | Newton's method, polynomial, root, function, fractal |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method to find the roots of an equation | Newton's method, equation, root, zero |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^3 - 3^Z to draw fractals in Visual Basic 6 | Newton's method, non-polynomial function, root, function, fractal |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method to find the roots of an equation in Visual Basic .NET | Newton's method, equation, root, zero |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^n - 1 to draw fractals in Visual Basic .NET | Newton's method, polynomial, root, function, fractal, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Solve a system of equations with Gaussian elimination in VB .NET | solve, equations, system of equations, Gaussian elimination, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Solve a system of equations with Gaussian elimination | solve, equations, system of equations, Gaussian elimination |  |
HowTo: Parse a hexadecimal string in VB .NET by using Integer.Parse. | parse, hex, hexadecimal, VB.NET, Integer.Parse |  |
HowTo: Convert values between decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary in VB .NET | convert, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, binary, base, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Generate a schedule for a round robin tournament | round robin, tournament, schedule |  |
HowTo: Make functions that calculate the minimum and maximum of their parameters | Min, Max, minimum, maximum |  |
HowTo: Evaluate mathematical expressions using code in VB .NET | mathematical expression, expression, evaluate, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Round a value to a specified number of digits in VB .NET | round, round off, digits |  |
HowTo: Evaluate mathematical expressions using the MS Script control | mathematical expression, expression, evaluate, parse, Script control |  |
HowTo: Graph a user-entered function by using the MS Script control | graph, equation, scale, user-entered function, mathematical expression, expression, evaluate, parse, Script control |  |
HowTo: Graph a user-entered function by parsing the function | graph, equation, scale, user-entered function, parse |  |
HowTo: Randomize a 2-dimensional array | array, random, randomize, 2-dimensional array |  |
HowTo: Randomize a list | randomize, shuffle |   |
HowTo: Make a ComplexNumber class | complex, complex number |   |
HowTo: Make a ComplexNumber class in VB .NET | complex, complex number |   |
HowTo: Make a Fraction class | fraction, numerator, denominator |   |
HowTo: Make a Fraction class in VB .NET | fraction, numerator, denominator, VB.NET |   |
HowTo: Find the equation of a quadratic curve passing through three points | quadratic curve, quadratic equation, curve, points |  |
HowTo: Calculate arctangents in all four quadrants | arctan, Atn, atan, arc tangent, math |  |
HowTo: Make a decimal/hex/binary lookup table for the numbers 0 through 255 | decimal, hex, binary, lookup, hexadecimal |  |
HowTo: Build a calculator with a European flavor | calculator, euro, pound |  |
HowTo: Graph a parametric function (X(t), Y(t)) | graph, parametric, curve, variable |  |
HowTo: Make an animated lottery number generator | lotto, random number, animation |  |
HowTo: Validate a credit card number | credit card, Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover, EnRoute, JCB, Diners Club, Carte Blanche |  |
HowTo: Convert numbers between Roman and Arabic | Roman numerals, Arabic numerals |  |
HowTo: Convert decimal values into binary and vice versa | decimal, binary, conversion, convert |  |
HowTo: Compare the speeds of different calculations | calculation, multiplication, division, speed, time, performance |  |
HowTo: Generate unordered combinations of 5 numbers out of a bigger set | combinations, combinatorics, sequences |  |
HowTo: Calculate Pi using several series | pi, calculate, series, Euler, Gregory's Formula, Gregory's Series, Machin's Formula |  |
HowTo: Convert a number into words | number, words, hundred, thousand, million |  |
HowTo: Convert a number into words, version 2 | number, words, hundred, thousand, million |  |
HowTo: Compute the greatest common divisor, least common multiple, and Bezout equality of two numbers | LCM, GCD, Bezout, least common multiple, greatest common divisor |  |
HowTo: Convert a number into binary, decimal, hex, and octal | decimal, octal, hex, hexadecimal, binary |  |
HowTo: Convert between units of distance (meter, fathom, mile, etc.) | convert, units, meter, mile, foot, fathom, centimeter |  |
HowTo: Calculate Nth root of a number | root, power, Sqr |  |
HowTo: Find ordinal extensions (as in 1st, 2nd, 143rd, etc.) | ordinal extension, 1st, 2nd, 3rd |  |
HowTo: Calculate sines and cosines in degrees | since, cosine, trig, trigonometry |  |
HowTo: Make a random choice using the PickOne function | pick one, PickOne, random |  |
HowTo: Round a number to the nearest integer or truncate it | round off, truncate |  |
HowTo: Round a number to a multiple of some number | round off, digits, multiple |  |
HowTo: Evaluate mathematical expressions using code | mathematical expression, expression, evaluate |   |
HowTo: Convert values between decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary | convert, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, binary, base |   |
HowTo: Calculate PI statistically | PI, random, statistics |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Use animation to show how the recursive solution to the Tower of Hanoi problem works in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, recursion, Tower of Hanoi, games, puzzles, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Recursively solve the Tower of Hanoi problem in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, recursion, Tower of Hanoi, games, puzzles, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Use animation to show how the recursive solution to the Tower of Hanoi problem works in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, recursion, Tower of Hanoi, games, puzzles, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use Stacks to recursively solve the Tower of Hanoi problem in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, recursion, Tower of Hanoi, games, puzzles, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a bouncing ball animation in VB .NET | bouncing ball, animation, animate, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a game where you shoot a cannon past black holes | game, cannon, black holes, animation |  |
HowTo: Make a game where you control a cannon ball's angle and speed to try to hit a house in VB .NET | cannon, simulation, gravity, animation |  |
HowTo: Make a game where you control a cannon ball's angle and speed to try to hit a house | cannon, simulation, gravity, animation |  |
HowTo: Run the Langton's Ant simulation | Langton's Ant, simulation, computability |  |
Contest: DFA | DFA, deterministic finite automaton | |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Find circles that are tangent to three given circles in Visual Basic .NET | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find circles that are tangent to three given circles in Visual Basic 6 | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Find a least squares Weibull curve fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6 | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, Weibull, Weibull curve fit, Weibull least squares, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Find a least squares Weibull curve fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NET | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, Weibull, Weibull curve fit, Weibull least squares, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find an exponential least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6 | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, exponential, exponential curve fit, exponential least squares, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Find an exponential least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NET | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, exponential, exponential curve fit, exponential least squares, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find a linear least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, mathematics, least squares, linear least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Find a polynomial least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, mathematics, least squares, polynomial least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Find a polynomial least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, mathematics, least squares, polynomial least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find a linear least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, mathematics, least squares, linear least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Plot the equation of a function of two variables in Visual Basic .NET | graph, plot, graph equation, plot equation, graphics, algorithms, geometry, Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find a smallest rectangle that bounds a set of points in Visual Basic .NET | bounding rectangle, calipers, VB .NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Find a smallest rectangle that bounds a set of points in Visual Basic 6 | bounding rectangle, calipers, VB 6, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Find a smallest rectangle that bounds a set of points in Visual Basic 2005 | bounding rectangle, calipers, VB 2005, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Find the shortest distance between two line segments | segment, distance, geometry |  |
HowTo: Find the convex hull of a set of points in Visual Basic 2005 | convex hull, geometry, points, bounding polygon, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Perform label setting shortest path calculations in Visual Basic .NET | shortest path, shortest path tree, label settings, algorithms, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Find the convex hull of a set of points | convex hull, geometry, points, bounding polygon |   |
HowTo: Find the distance between a point and a line segment | distance, point-to-line, line-to-line, point, line |  |
HowTo: Determine whether two line segments intersect | line segment, line, intersect |  |
HowTo: See if the user clicked on a Line control | distance, point-to-line, line-to-line, point, line, Line control, click |  |
HowTo: See where two lines intersect | line, intersect |  |
HowTo: Find the angle between two line segments using the Law of Cosines | angle, line segments, law of cosines, arccosine, Acos |  |
HowTo: Find the angle between two line segments | angle, line segments |   |
HowTo: Draw pie slices and see which the user clicks in VB .NET | pie slice, wedge, circle, click |  |
HowTo: Draw pie slices in VB .NET | pie slice, wedge, circle |  |
HowTo: Draw pie slices | pie slice, wedge, circle |   |
HowTo: Draw pie slices and see which the user clicks | pie slice, wedge, circle, click |   |
Tutorial: Map Coloring | map coloring, four color, map, five color | |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Display solutions to the equilateral triangle puzzle in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Puzzle: find the equilateral triangles in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Display solutions to the equilateral triangle puzzle in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Puzzle: find the equilateral triangles in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find solutions to the equilateral triangle puzzle in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find solutions to the equilateral triangle puzzle in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Draw an Apollonian gasket with circles filled by random colors in Visual Basic .NET | random colors, mathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonian gasket, Apollonian packing, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw an Apollonian gasket (or Apollonian packing) in Visual Basic .NET | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonian gasket, Apollonian packing, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw an Apollonian gasket with circles filled by random colors in Visual Basic 6 | random colors, mathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonian gasket, Apollonian packing, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Draw an Apollonian gasket (or Apollonian packing) in Visual Basic 6 | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonian gasket, Apollonian packing, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Find circles that are tangent to three given circles in Visual Basic .NET | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find circles that are tangent to three given circles in Visual Basic 6 | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one large picture inside another in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one picture inside another in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one large picture inside another in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one picture inside another in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use EXIF information to orient an image properly in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, files, orient image, orient picture, image processing, EXIF, orientation, rotate image, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Read an image file's EXIF orientation data in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, files, image processing, EXIF, orientation, rotate image, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Show samples of EXIF image orientations in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, files, image processing, EXIF, orientation, rotate image, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Measure distances on a map with a scale in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms graphics map measure map measure distances map scale example example program Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Measure distances on a map with a scale in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms graphics map measure map measure distances map scale example example program Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Draw a Sierpinski fractal curve in Visual Basic .NET | example program, Sierpinski curve, space-filling curve, example, Windows Forms programming, fractal, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Reduce the number of colors in a Bitmap and remap them to make interesting effects in Visual Basic 6 | graphics, algorithms, colors, color depth, reduce color depth, Warhol, Andy Warhol, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Reduce the number of colors in a Bitmap and remap them to make interesting effects in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, algorithms, colors, color depth, reduce color depth, Warhol, Andy Warhol, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Fill a shape drawn by the user with random lines in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, lines, fill shape, user-drawn shape, random lines, random, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a Pickover popcorn fractal in Visual Basic 6 | fractals, algorithms, mathematics, Pickover, Pickover fractal, Pickover popcorn, popcorn fractal, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, VB 6, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Draw a Pickover popcorn fractal in Visual Basic .NET | fractals, algorithms, mathematics, Pickover, Pickover fractal, Pickover popcorn, popcorn fractal, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a colored Pickover popcorn fractal in Visual Basic .NET | fractals, algorithms, mathematics, Pickover, Pickover fractal, Pickover popcorn, popcorn fractal, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a colored Pickover popcorn fractal in Visual Basic 6 | fractals, algorithms, mathematics, Pickover, Pickover fractal, Pickover popcorn, popcorn fractal, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, VB 6, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Draw text that follows a curve in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, algorithms, fonts, rotated text, text on segment, line segment, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw text that sits above or below a line segment in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, algorithms, fonts, rotated text, text on segment, line segment, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find a least squares Weibull curve fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6 | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, Weibull, Weibull curve fit, Weibull least squares, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Find a least squares Weibull curve fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NET | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, Weibull, Weibull curve fit, Weibull least squares, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find an exponential least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6 | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, exponential, exponential curve fit, exponential least squares, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Find an exponential least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NET | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, exponential, exponential curve fit, exponential least squares, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find a linear least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, mathematics, least squares, linear least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Find a polynomial least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, mathematics, least squares, polynomial least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Find a polynomial least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, mathematics, least squares, polynomial least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find a linear least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, mathematics, least squares, linear least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Perform a flood fill on an area with approximate uniform color in Visual Basic .NET | flood, flood fill, graphics, color, approximate color, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a vortex fractal with smoothly shaded colors in Visual Basic 6 | graphics, fractals, vortex, vortex fractal, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic 6, VB6 |  |
HowTo: Draw a vortex fractal with smoothly shaded colors in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, fractals, vortex, vortex fractal, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a Mandelbrot set with smoothly shaded colors in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, fractals, Mandelbrot, Mandelbrot set, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a Mandelbrot set with smoothly shaded colors in Visual Basic 6 | graphics, fractals, Mandelbrot, Mandelbrot set, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic 6, VB6 |  |
HowTo: Use a Complex class to draw the Mandelbrot set easily in Visual Basic .NET | Mandelbrot set, fractal, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET, Visual Basic |  |
HowTo: Use a Complex class to draw the Mandelbrot set easily in Visual Basic 6 | Mandelbrot set, fractal, Visual Basic 6, VB 6, Visual Basic |  |
HowTo: Draw a vortex fractal in Visual Basic 6 | graphics, fractals, vortex, vortex fractal, vortex set, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic 6, ` VB6 |  |
HowTo: Draw a vortex fractal in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, fractals, vortex, vortex fractal, vortex set, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find the tangent lines between two circles in Visual Basic 6 | tangents, circle, tangent lines, geometry, graphics, algorithms, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Use a PointF class to find the tangent lines between a point and a circle in Visual Basic 6 | tangents, find tangents, find tangent lines, tangent lines, Visual Basic 6, VB 6, graphics, algorithms, PointF |  |
HowTo: Partition an area with circles and draw each region's count in Visual Basic .NET | circles, partition, partition area, regions, draw regions, intersect circles, circle intersections, geometry, graphics, algorithms, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find a Region's centroid in Visual Basic .NET | geometry, graphics, algorithms, region, centroid, circles, overlap, circles overlap, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find the area where two or more circles overlap in Visual Basic .NET | geometry, graphics, algorithms, circles, overlap, circles overlap, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find the tangent lines between two circles in Visual Basic .NET | tangents, circle, tangent lines, geometry, graphics, algorithms, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find the tangent lines between a point and a circle in Visual Basic .NET | tangents, find tangents, find tangent lines, tangent lines, Visual Basic .NET, VB .NET, graphics, algorithms |  |
HowTo: Find the tangent lines between a point and a circle in Visual Basic 6 | tangents, find tangents, find tangent lines, tangent lines, Visual Basic 6, VB 6, graphics, algorithms |  |
HowTo: Plot a smiley face function in Visual Basic .NET | delegate, plot, graph, plot function, graph function, graphics, algorithms, smiley face, smiley, plot smiley face, graph smiley face, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Plot the equation of a function of two variables in Visual Basic .NET | graph, plot, graph equation, plot equation, graphics, algorithms, geometry, Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Determine where two circles intersect in Visual Basic 6 | circles, intersect, intersect two circles, intersections, find circle intersections, VB 6, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Determine where two circles intersect in Visual Basic .NET | circles, intersect, intersect two circles, intersections, find circle intersections, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Save a picture into a JPEG at a desired size in Visual Basic 2005 | save picture, save image, size, jpeg, jpg, compress, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Use the BitmapBytesRGB24 class to apply an embossing filter to an image very quickly in Visual Basic 2005 | BitmapBytesRGB24, LockBits, UnlockBits, image processing, filter image, emboss, embossing filter, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use Microsoft's .NET Framework parallel extensions to apply an embossing filter to an image very quickly in Visual Basic 2008 | parallel, multi-threading, threading, BitmapBytesRGB24, LockBits, UnlockBits, image processing, filter image, emboss, embossing filter, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use Microsoft's .NET Framework parallel extensions to generate Mandelbrot sets quickly in Visual Basic 2008 | parallel extensions, parallel programming, multiple CPUs, multi-core, Mandelbrot, Mandelbrot set, .NET, .NET Framework |  |
HowTo: Resize all of the graphic files in a directory in Visual Basic 6 | graphics, resize picture, resize image, directory, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Resize all of the graphic files in a directory in Visual Basic 2005 | graphics, resize picture, resize image, directory, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a Buddhabrot fractal in Visual Basic 6 | fractal, buddhabrot, mandelbrot, iterated system |  |
HowTo: Draw a anti-Buddhabrot fractal in Visual Basic 2005 | fractal, anti-buddhabrot, buddhabrot, mandelbrot, iterated system |  |
HowTo: Draw a Buddhabrot color map fractal in Visual Basic 2005 | fractal, buddhabrot color map, buddhabrot, mandelbrot, iterated system |  |
HowTo: Draw a Buddhabrot fractal in Visual Basic 2005 | fractal, buddhabrot, mandelbrot, iterated system |  |
HowTo: Rotate a picture by a multiple of 90 degrees in Visual Basic 6 | rotate, picture, image, image processing, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Draw a colored butterfly curve in VB .NET | graphics, curve, butterfly, butterfly curve, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a colored chrysanthemum curve in VB .NET | graphics, curve, chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum curve, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a radar graph in Visual Basic .NET | radar graph, graph, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a radar graph in Visual Basic 6 | radar graph, graph |  |
HowTo: Draw a pie chart from an array of values in Visual Basic .NET | pie chart, pie slice, wedge, circle, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a pie chart from an array of values | pie chart, pie slice, wedge, circle |  |
HowTo: Use transformations to draw an animated atom in Visual Basic .NET | animation, atom, animated atom, transformation, ellipse, rotated ellipse, rotation, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use transformations to draw an animated atom in Visual Basic 6 | animation, atom, animated atom, transformation, ellipse, rotated ellipse, rotation, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Use transformations to draw a rotated ellipse in Visual Basic 6 | transformation, ellipse, rotated ellipse, rotation, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Make a game where you shoot a cannon past black holes | game, cannon, black holes, animation |  |
HowTo: Draw strange attractors (fractals) in Visual Basic .NET | strange attractor, fractal, equation, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw strange attractors (fractals) | strange attractor, fractal, equation, graphics |  |
HowTo: Find the points where a line intersects a circle | graphics, line, circle, intersection |  |
HowTo: Find the points where a line intersects a circle in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, line, circle, intersection |  |
HowTo: Make a game where you control a cannon ball's angle and speed to try to hit a house in VB .NET | cannon, simulation, gravity, animation |  |
HowTo: Make a game where you control a cannon ball's angle and speed to try to hit a house | cannon, simulation, gravity, animation |  |
Tutorial: Steganography (Hidden in Plain Sight) | steganography, cryptography, code |  |
HowTo: Graph a user-entered function by using the MS Script control | graph, equation, scale, user-entered function, mathematical expression, expression, evaluate, parse, Script control |  |
HowTo: Graph a user-entered function by parsing the function | graph, equation, scale, user-entered function, parse |  |
HowTo: Explore the Mandelbrot set in VB .NET | Mandelbrot, VB.NET |   |
HowTo: Hide a message inside a picture (steganography) | steganography, hidden message, code |   |
HowTo: Map coloring | map coloring, color, region, 4-color, four-color |  |
HowTo: Find the equation of a quadratic curve passing through three points | quadratic curve, quadratic equation, curve, points |  |
HowTo: Draw Mandelbrot sets | Mandelbrot, fractal, chaos |  |
HowTo: Fill in missing pixels in an image | fill, pixels, missing, interpolation, interpolate |   |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one large picture inside another in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one picture inside another in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one large picture inside another in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one picture inside another in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a program register itself for a particular system in Visual Basic .NET | cryptography, programs, register, registration, register program, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Encrypt or decrypt files in Visual Basic .NET | cryptography, files, encrypt, decrypt, cipher, encipher, decipher, AES |  |
HowTo: Make a extension methods that encrypt and decrypt strings in Visual Basic .NET | cryptography, extentions, extension method, files, encrypt, decrypt, cipher, encipher, decipher, AES |  |
HowTo: Use the Cryptography API to build an application that stores passwords in Visual Basic 2005 | Cryptography, Cryptography API, store passwords, passwords, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Use the Cryptography API to generate secure random numbers with Visual Basic 2005 | Cryptography, Cryptography API, random numbers, random, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
Talk: Four Fascinating Features | regular expressions, cryptography, reflection, Direct3D, graphics, algorithms | |
HowTo: Encrypt and decrypt a file by using the triple DES algorithm in Visual Basic 2008 | Visual Basic 2008, VB 2008, encrypt, decrypt, cryptography, DES, triple DES |  |
Talk: Three Cool Namespaces | regex, regular expression, XML, serialie, serialization, crypto, cryptography, hash, hashing, encrypt, decrypt, encryption, decryption | |
Tutorial: Steganography (Hidden in Plain Sight) | steganography, cryptography, code |  |
HowTo: Encrypt and decrypt a file using a DES algorithm in VB .NET | NetBIOS, name, NetBIOS name, computer name, host name |  |
HowTo: Hide a message inside a picture (steganography) | steganography, hidden message, code |   |
HowTo: Encipher text | cipher, encrypt, decipher, decrypt, encryption, decryption, |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Display two forms, one showing pictures in a random order in Visual Basic .NET | picture, random, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Randomize the values in a series of TextBoxes, a ListBox, or a single TextBox in Visual Basic 6 | randomize, TextBox, ListBox, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Randomize a list of names in Visual Basic 6 | randomize, random, list of names, name list, Split, Rnd, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Calculate logarithms in different bases in Visual Basic 2005 | log, ln, logarithm, base, log base, calculate, exponent, exponentiation, power, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Calculate logarithms in different bases in Visual Basic 6 | log, ln, logarithm, base, log base, calculate, exponent, exponentiation, power |  |
HowTo: Find all ways to pick N out of M items in Visual Basic 2005 | choose, combinatorics, combinations, VB.NET |   |
HowTo: Recursively generate permutations of a collection of objects in Visual Basic 2005 | permute, permutation, combinatorics, recursive, factorial, VB.NET |   |
HowTo: List all the permutations of a set of numbers in Visual Basic 2005 | permute, permutation, combinatorics, factorial, VB.NET |   |
HowTo: List all the permutations of a set of numbers in Visual Basic 6 | permute, permutation, combinatorics, factorial |  |
HowTo: Randomize an array in Visual Basic .NET | array, random, randomize, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Randomize an array | array, random, randomize |  |
HowTo: Make stable appointment assignments based on customer preferences in Visual Basic .NET | stable, appointment, assignment, preference, Stable Marriage, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make stable appointment assignments based on customer preferences | stable, appointment, assignment, preference, Stable Marriage |  |
HowTo: Generate a schedule for a round robin tournament in VB .NET | round robin, tournament, schedule |  |
HowTo: Generate a schedule for pool play on a single court with fairly distributed rests | pool, schedule |  |
HowTo: Generate a schedule for a round robin tournament | round robin, tournament, schedule |  |
HowTo: List all the permutations of a set of numbers | permute, permutation, combinatorics |  |
HowTo: Randomize a 2-dimensional array | array, random, randomize, 2-dimensional array |  |
HowTo: Find all ways to pick N out of M items | choose, combinatorics, combinations |   |
HowTo: Generate unordered combinations of 5 numbers out of a bigger set | combinations, combinatorics, sequences |  |