Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Draw a background with a rotating color gradient in Visual Basic .NET | color gradient, moving gradient, rotating gradient, animation, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a background with a moving color gradient in Visual Basic .NET | color gradient, moving gradient, animation, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Fill text with a moving color gradient in Visual Basic .NET | text, color gradient, moving gradient, animation, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use Image and ImageList controls to animate a series of images | Image, ImageList, animate |  |
HowTo: Use an ImageList control to animate a series of images in VB .NET | ImageList, animate, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a game where you control a cannon ball's angle and speed to try to hit a house in VB .NET | cannon, simulation, gravity, animation |  |
HowTo: Make a game where you control a cannon ball's angle and speed to try to hit a house | cannon, simulation, gravity, animation |  |
HowTo: Draw simulated snow | snow, screen saver |  |
HowTo: Capture video from a video device such as a Webcam with VB .NET | video, capture, Webcam. VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Capture video from a video device such as a Webcam | video, capture, Webcam |  |
HowTo: Animate a series of bitmaps stored in an ImageList | animation, bitmap, animate, multimedia |  |
HowTo: Animate a series of bitmaps stored in in PictureBoxes | animation, bitmap, animate, multimedia |  |
How To: Play an MP3 audio file | multimedia, MP3, audio, sound |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Add a DrawRectangle method to the Graphics class that takes a RectangleF as a parameter in Visual Basic .NET | extension methods, Graphics class, graphics, DrawRectangle, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make an owner-drawn ListView control that draws server status information in Visual Basic .NET | controls, graphics, ListView, owner draw, owner draws, OwnerDraw, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Save an image of the computer's screen using managed methods in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, form image, control image, get form image, get control image |  |
HowTo: Get the image of a control or form, or a form's client area in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, form image, control image, get form image, get control image |  |
HowTo: Let the user drag an image with transparent pixels over a background image in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, drag image, drag picture, image, picture, transparent, transparency, animation |  |
HowTo: Make a scribble application with VB .NET that automatically redraws when necessary | VB.NET, drawing, scribble, redraw, autoredraw |  |
Ready-to-Run Visual Basic Graphics Programming: What Readers Have Done | graphics, drawing, printing, image processing, ray tracing, animation, curve fitting |  |
HowTo: Find the shortest distance between two line segments | segment, distance, geometry |  |
HowTo: Set a form's client area size in Visual Basic .NET | size, client area, ClientSize, form, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a scrolled window that the user can drag with the mouse (as Adobe Acrobat Reader does) | scrolled window, drag, drag window, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Acrobat Reader, Acrobat |   |
HowTo: Write a DLL in Visual Basic .NET that saves images in different formats (GIF, JPG, etc.) and call it from Visual Basic 6 | VB .NET, VB 6, Visual Basic 6, DLL, save image, GIF, JPG, JPEG |  |
HowTo: Grab part of the desktop image from a tray icon in VB .NET | desktop, grab pixels, image, background, VB.NET, NotifyIcon, ContextMenu |  |
HowTo: Grab part of the desktop image in VB .NET | desktop, grab pixels, image, background, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a tray icon that grabs an image of part of the desktop and saves it to the clipboard and/or a JPEG file on the desktop | desktop image, background, JPEG, JPG, try, system tray, clipboard |  |
HowTo: Grab an image of part of the desktop and save it in a JPEG file on the desktop | desktop image, background, JPEG, JPG |  |
HowTo: Make a tray icon that grabs an image of part of the desktop and saves it in a JPEG file on the desktop | desktop image, background, JPEG, JPG, try, system tray |  |
HowTo: Hide and then grab the desktop image after a delay | desktop image, background, delay |  |
HowTo: Grab the desktop image after a delay | desktop image, background, delay |  |
HowTo: Grab the desktop image after a delay in VB .NET | desktop image, background, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Grab the desktop image in VB .NET | desktop image, background, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the PolyPolyline API function to draw lots of lines quickly | polyline, PolyPolyline, graphics |  |
HowTo: Use a scrolled window in VB .NET | scrolled window, scroll bars |  |
HowTo: Grab the desktop image | desktop image, background |  |
HowTo: Save and display images in a database using a PictureBox | database, image, picture, PictureBox |  |
HowTo: Display images with file names stored in a database | database, image, picture, filename, file name |  |
HowTo: Save and restore pictures in a database using ADO with AppendChunk and GetChunk | database, AppendChunk, GetChunk |  |
Talk: Fun With GDI+ | GDI+, graphics, drawing, VB .NET, Visual Basic .NET, Visual Studio .NET | |
HowTo: Verify that JPG files are smaller and slower than BMP files | JPG, BMP, JPEG, GIF, bitmap, image, size, speed |  |
HowTo: Make a scribble application with VB .NET | VB.NET, drawing, scribble |  |
HowTo: Load an image and save it in a different image format (GIF, JPG, TIFF, etc.) in VB .NET | image, VB.NET, type, BMP, bitmap, GIF, JPG, JPEG, TIF, TIFF, PNG, EMF, WMF, ICO, icon, Exif |  |
HowTo: Tile a form with an image | form, tile, background |  |
HowTo: Get the screen's current resolution | screen, resolution, size |  |
HowTo: Make a scrolled window | scrolled window |   |
Ready-to-Run Visual Basic Graphics Programming: Selecting High Color | graphics, drawing, printing, image processing, ray tracing, animation, curve fitting |  |
Ready-to-Run Visual Basic Graphics Programming: High Color | graphics, drawing, printing, image processing, ray tracing, animation, curve fitting |  |
Ready-to-Run Visual Basic Graphics Programming | graphics, drawing, printing, image processing, ray tracing, animation, curve fitting |  |
Ready-to-Run Visual Basic Graphics Programming | graphics, drawing, printing, image processing, ray tracing, animation, curve fitting |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Puzzle: find the equilateral triangles in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Puzzle: find the equilateral triangles in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Fill a shape drawn by the user with random lines in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, lines, fill shape, user-drawn shape, random lines, random, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw text filled with random colored circles in Visual Basic 6 | random, random circles, fonts, circle filled text, VB 6, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Make a second version of the kaleidoscope program in Visual Basic .NET | kaleidoscope, drawing, art, graphics, transformations, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Let the user zoom and scroll a picture drawn by the program in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, drawing, zoom, pan, scale, ScaleTransform, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use a Complex class to draw the Mandelbrot set easily in Visual Basic .NET | Mandelbrot set, fractal, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET, Visual Basic |  |
HowTo: Use a Complex class to draw the Mandelbrot set easily in Visual Basic 6 | Mandelbrot set, fractal, Visual Basic 6, VB 6, Visual Basic |  |
HowTo: Scale a drawing so it fits a target area in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, algorithms, drawing, transformation, transform, scale, scaling, translation, translate, ScaleTransform, TranslateTransform, math, mathematics, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use double buffering to prevent flicker when drawing graphics in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, buffer, double buffer, double buffering, double-buffering, curve, butterfly, butterfly curve, algorithms, fractals, colors, math, mathematics, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Let the user draw polygons in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, polygons, draw polygons, drawing, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw text flipped vertically, horizontally, or both in Visual Basic .NET | Graphics object, Scale, flip, DrawString, text, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Make a drawing application in VB .NET | draw, drawing, Drawable, serialization, XmlSerializer |  |
HowTo: Simulate a robot arm with three rotating joints and a hand using XAML code | robot, robotics, arm, drawing, XAML, WPF |  |
HowTo: Simulate a robot arm with three rotating joints in Visual Basic .NET | robot, robotics, arm, drawing, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a simple drawing program with a "snap to" grid and rules in Visual Basic .NET | drawing, graphics, grid, snap to, snapto, ruler, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a simple drawing program with a "snap to" grid and rules in Visual Basic 6 | drawing, graphics, grid, snap to, snapto, ruler, Visual Basic 6, Visual Basic Classic |  |
HowTo: Let the user click to draw markers on a map in Visual Basic 2005 | drawing, map, marker, Paint, Visual Basic 2005, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a line control in Visual Basic 2005 | line control, custom control, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Flood fill areas using safe and unsafe methods in Visual Basic .NET | flood, floodfill, VB.NET, safe, unsafe |  |
HowTo: Make a map that shows a circular closeup of the part under the mouse in Visual Basic 6 | closeup map, map, enlarge, closeup, close up, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Make a map that shows a closeup of the part under the mouse in Visual Basic 2005 | closeup map, map, enlarge, closeup, close up, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Make a map that shows a circular closeup of the part under the mouse in Visual Basic 2005 | closeup map, map, enlarge, closeup, close up, circular region, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Make a map that shows a closeup of the part under the mouse in Visual Basic 6 | closeup map, map, enlarge, closeup, close up, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Draw a rubberband rectangle with XAML in Visual Basic 2008 | XAML, WPF, Visual Basic 2008, rubberband, rubberband rectangle |  |
HowTo: Draw a rubberband line with XAML in Visual Basic 2008 | XAML, WPF, Visual Basic 2008, rubberband, rubberband line |  |
HowTo: Draw a rubberband ellipse with XAML in Visual Basic 2008 | XAML, WPF, Visual Basic 2008, rubberband, rubberband ellipse |  |
HowTo: Draw a rubberband circle centered at a starting point with XAML in Visual Basic 2008 | XAML, WPF, Visual Basic 2008, rubberband, rubberband circle |  |
HowTo: Make a scribble application with XAML in Visual Basic 2008 | XAML, WPF, Visual Basic 2008, scribble, drawing |  |
HowTo: Draw a Buddhabrot fractal in Visual Basic 6 | fractal, buddhabrot, mandelbrot, iterated system |  |
HowTo: Draw a anti-Buddhabrot fractal in Visual Basic 2005 | fractal, anti-buddhabrot, buddhabrot, mandelbrot, iterated system |  |
HowTo: Draw a Buddhabrot color map fractal in Visual Basic 2005 | fractal, buddhabrot color map, buddhabrot, mandelbrot, iterated system |  |
HowTo: Draw a Buddhabrot fractal in Visual Basic 2005 | fractal, buddhabrot, mandelbrot, iterated system |  |
HowTo: Use a Pen object's CompoundArray property to give the pen longitudinal stripes in Visual Basic 2005 | Pen, CompoundArray, longitudinal stripes, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Draw a colored butterfly curve in VB .NET | graphics, curve, butterfly, butterfly curve, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a colored chrysanthemum curve in VB .NET | graphics, curve, chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum curve, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Preview and print a core sample report with Visual Basic 2005 | print, preview, core sample, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Preview and print a core sample report using custom fill patterns with Visual Basic 2005 | print, preview, core sample, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Draw samples of hatch patterns in Visual Basic 6 | FillStyle, hatch, hatch pattern, Visual Basic, graphics |  |
HowTo: Determine whether a polygon is convex in Visual Basic .NET | polygon, convex, concave, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find the orientation of a polygon (clockwise or counterclockwise) in Visual Basic .NET | polygon, orientation, clockwise, counterclockwise, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Break a polygon into triangles in Visual Basic .NET | triangulate, triangle, polygon, geometry, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Determine whether a point is inside a polygon in Visual Basic .NET | polygon, point, inside, contains, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Calculate a polygon's area in Visual Basic .NET | polygon, area, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find a polygon's centroid (center of mass) in Visual Basic .NET | polygon, centroid, center of mass, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Let the user move a polygon's points with grab handles, snapping the points to a visible grid | polygon, snap to, grid, draw, drag, snapto |  |
HowTo: Draw text that sits horizontally but with a baseline that follows a curve | text, curve, wave, wavy |  |
HowTo: Use transformations to draw an animated atom in Visual Basic .NET | animation, atom, animated atom, transformation, ellipse, rotated ellipse, rotation, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a background with a rotating color gradient in Visual Basic .NET | color gradient, moving gradient, rotating gradient, animation, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use transformations to draw an animated atom in Visual Basic 6 | animation, atom, animated atom, transformation, ellipse, rotated ellipse, rotation, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Use transformations to draw a rotated ellipse in Visual Basic 6 | transformation, ellipse, rotated ellipse, rotation, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Draw samples of the available dash caps in Visual Basic .NET | DashCap, dash, dash caps, GetValues, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a background with a moving color gradient in Visual Basic .NET | color gradient, moving gradient, animation, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Fill text with a moving color gradient in Visual Basic .NET | text, color gradient, moving gradient, animation, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a background grid on a form in Visual Basic 2005 | background grid, grid, form, BackgroundImage, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Draw and order simple objects (rectangle, circle, etc.) and let the user click them | drawing, object, rectangle, circle, order, to top, to bottom |  |
HowTo: Slowly fill a circle with color from bottom to top in Visual Basic .NET | circle, ellipse, fill circle, fill ellipse, VB.NET, animation |  |
HowTo: Display predefined system pens in Visual Basic .NET | pen, system pen, SystemPens, drawing, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display join styles in Visual Basic .NET | join styles, LineJoin, line, drawing, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display predefined system colors in Visual Basic .NET | color, system color, SystemColors, drawing, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display predefined system brushes in Visual Basic .NET | brush, system brush, SystemBrushes, drawing, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display predefined system icons in Visual Basic .NET | icon, system icon, SystemIcons, drawing, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a regular polygon in Visual Basic .NET | polygon, regular polygon, draw, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a five-pointed star in Visual Basic .NET | star, five-pointed star, draw, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Fill a polygon with a PathGradientBrush in Visual Basic .NET | path gradient, gradient, PathGradientBrush, fill, draw, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a spline "by hand" in VB .NET | smooth curve, spline, cardinal spline, Bezier curve, tension, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a fractal Pickover strange attractor using an incremental color scheme in VB.NET | Barnsley's Fern, fractal, iterated functions, iterated function system, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw an interesting curved Truchet Tiling | Truchet Tiling, curve, draw, graphics, tile, tiling |  |
HowTo: Draw an interesting colored curved Truchet Tiling | Truchet Tiling, curve, draw, graphics, tile, tiling |  |
HowTo: Draw an interesting curved Truchet Tiling in Visual Basic .NET | Truchet Tiling, curve, draw, graphics, tile, tiling, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a kaleidoscope program | kaleidoscope, drawing, art |  |
HowTo: Make a kaleidoscope program in Visual Basic .NET | kaleidoscope, drawing, art |  |
HowTo: Make a labeled line "symbiote" to help users draw rubberband lines in VB .NET | labeled line symbiote, rubberband line, draw, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a line "symbiote" to help users draw rubberband lines in VB .NET | line symbiote, rubberband line, draw, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a warped path in VB .NET | path, GraphicsPath, warp, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a filled polygon | polygon, fill, filled polygon |  |
HowTo: Make a line "symbiote" to help users draw rubberband lines | line symbiote, rubberband line, draw |  |
HowTo: Make a line "symbiote" to help users draw labeled rubberband lines | labeled line symbiote, rubberband line, draw |  |
HowTo: Draw a filled polygon in VB .NET | polygon, fill, filled polygon, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Overlay Rich Text on a picture in Windows XP | Rich Text, RTF, RichTextBox, overlay, picture |  |
HowTo: Draw "stars" inside regular polygons | star, polygon |  |
HowTo: Draw "stars" inside regular polygons in VB .NET | star, polygon, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a rubberband rectangle with and without double buffering in VB .NET | |  |
HowTo: Draw a smooth closed curve | smooth curve, smooth closed curve, spline, cardinal spline, Bezier curve, tension |   |
HowTo: Draw a smooth curve | smooth curve, spline, cardinal spline, Bezier curve, tension |   |
HowTo: Draw a Bezier curve | Bezier curve, spline, smooth, curve |   |
HowTo: Draw a smooth closed curve by hand in VB .NET | smooth curve, smooth closed curve, spline, cardinal spline, Bezier curve, tension |   |
HowTo: Draw a Bezier curve by hand in VB .NET | Bezier curve, spline, smooth, curve |   |
HowTo: Draw a smooth curve by hand in VB .NET | smooth curve, spline, cardinal spline, Bezier curve, tension |   |
HowTo: Draw an hypotrochoid (and hypocycloid) in VB .NET | hypotrochoid, hypocycloid, curve |  |
HowTo: Draw an epitrochoid (and epicycloid) in VB .NET | epitrochoid, epicycloid, curve |  |
HowTo: Draw a butterfly curve | graphics, curve, butterfly, butterfly curve |  |
HowTo: Draw a butterfly curve in VB .NET | graphics, curve, butterfly, butterfly curve, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a chrysanthemum curve | graphics, curve, chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum curve |  |
HowTo: Draw a chrysanthemum curve in VB .NET | graphics, curve, chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum curve, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a centered circle whenever the user resizes a form in VB .NET | VB.NET, circle, center, resize, Paint, GDI+ |  |
HowTo: Use the Invalidate method to draw a centered circle whenever the user resizes a form in VB .NET | VB.NET, circle, center, resize, Paint, GDI+ |  |
HowTo: Position tab stops while drawing text in VB .NET | tabs, VB .NET, drawing, layout rectangle, StringFormat |  |
HowTo: Draw a bar-style meter on a PictureBox | meter, bar, PictureBox |   |
HowTo: Draw on an MDI parent's background in VB .NET | MDI, MDI parent, background, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Give PictureBoxes different border styles (raised, sunken, etc.) in VB .NET | PictureBox, border style, raised, sunken, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Give PictureBoxes different border styles (raised, sunken, etc.) | PictureBox, border style, raised, sunken |  |
HowTo: Experiment with shapes, colors, and fill styles | shape, FillColor, BackColor, border color |  |
HowTo: Draw a fractal Pickover strange attractor | fractal, Pickover, Pickover attractor, strange attractor |   |
HowTo: Draw a fractal Mandelbrot set in VB.NET | fractal, Mandelbrot, Mandelbrot set |   |
HowTo: Draw a fractal Hilbert curve in VB.NET | fractal, Hilbert curve |   |
HowTo: Draw a fractal binary tree in VB.NET | fractal, binary tree, tree |   |
HowTo: Draw a fractal Pickover strange attractor in VB.NET | fractal, Pickover, Pickover attractor, strange attractor |   |
HowTo: Draw a fractal Hilbert curve | fractal, Hilbert curve |   |
HowTo: Draw a fractal binary tree | fractal, binary tree, tree |   |
HowTo: Draw a fractal Mandelbrot set | fractal, Mandelbrot, Mandelbrot set |   |
HowTo: Draw text in XOR mode and with other raster operations | XOR, text, raster operations, raster ops |  |
HowTo: List the HatchStyle values defined by VB .NET | Enum, reflection, HatchStyle |  |
HowTo: Draw transformed text in VB .NET | transform, transformation, text, font, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw untransformed text at a transformed location in VB .NET | transform, transformation, text, font, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw text that is rotated but otherwise untransformed at a transformed location in VB .NET | transform, transformation, text, font, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Set a scaling transformation on a Graphics object and map mouse positions back into world coordinates in VB .NET | VB.NET, scale, scalemode, scalex, scaley, graph, transform, transformation, invert, inverse |  |
HowTo: Generate random colors in Visual Basic 6 | color, random color, RGB, QBColor |  |
HowTo: Demonstrate the Graphics object's drawing methods in VB .NET | draw, drawing, DrawLine, DrawLines, DrawPath, DrawEllipse, DrawPie, DrawRectangle, DrawRectangles, DrawArc, DrawPolygon, DrawString, DrawBezier, DrawBeziers, DrawClosedCurve, DrawCurve, DrawImage |  |
HowTo: Demonstrate the Graphics object's filling methods in VB .NET | fill, filling, fill area, FillPath, FillPie, FillPolygon, FillRectangle, FillRectangles, FillClosedCurve, FillEllipse |  |
HowTo: Generate random colors in VB .NET | color, random color, QBColor, FromArgb, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a transparent analog clock | click, SetWindowRgn, transparent, analog |  |
HowTo: Draw lines that are filled with a hatch pattern in VB .NET | Brush, Pen, HatchBrush, drawing, DrawHatchLine |   |
HowTo: Use a LinearGradientBrush with and without gamma correction in VB .NET | LinearGradientBrush, GammaCorrection, gamma correction, color, drawing, blend |   |
HowTo: Draw lines on top of a gradient Brush in VB .NET | Brush, Pen, PathGradientBrush |   |
HowTo: Make a LinearGradientBrush that blends three colors in VB .NET | LinearGradientBrush, ColorBlend, color, drawing, blend |   |
HowTo: Draw lines with standard start and end caps in VB .NET | line caps, start cap, end cap, StartCap, EndCap |   |
HowTo: Draw lines with custom start and end caps in VB .NET | line caps, start cap, end cap, StartCap, EndCap |   |
HowTo: Draw lines that lie along a color gradient in VB .NET | Brush, Pen, LinearGradientBrush, color, blend, drawing, DrawGradientLine |   |
HowTo: Draw a rounded rectangle | rounded rectangle, RoundRect |  |
HowTo: Let the user select an irregular area and copy it to the clipboard | select, area, polygon, irregular area, clipboard |  |
HowTo: Use a PictureBox's Image property to implement AutoRedraw in VB .NET | VB .NET, AutoRedraw, PictureBox, Image, Bitmap |  |
HowTo: Generate a random QBColor value in VB .NET | VB .NET, QBColor, random, random color |  |
HowTo: Map coloring | map coloring, color, region, 4-color, four-color |  |
HowTo: Let the user draw an area and fill it with a image using a TextureBrush in VB .NET | TextureBrush, image, VB.NET, brush, fill, fill area |  |
HowTo: Let the user draw a Bezier curve in VB .NET | Bezier, Bezier curve, curve, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display the available hatch styles in VB .NET | HatchStyle, hatch style, VB.NET, brush |  |
HowTo: Display the available dash styles in VB .NET | DashStyle, dash style, VB.NET, pen |  |
HowTo: Display the standard linear gradient styles in VB .NET | LinearGradientMode, linear gradient, gradient, VB.NET, brush |  |
HowTo: Find the equation of a quadratic curve passing through three points | quadratic curve, quadratic equation, curve, points |  |
HowTo: Set a scaling transformation on a Graphics object in VB .NET | VB.NET, scale, scalemode, scalex, scaley, graph |  |
HowTo: Display the SystemColors in Visual Basic .NET | SystemColors |  |
HowTo: Let the user add and remove dots (or potentially other annotation) to a map | map, annotate, dot |  |
HowTo: Draw a smooth curve that passes through several points in VB.NET | curve, DrawCurve, smooth curve, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw polygons in VB.NET | polygon, DrawPolygon, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw rectangles, ellipses, lines, arcs, pie slices, and text in VB.NET | rectangle, ellipse, line, arc, pie, pie slice, DrawRectangle, DrawEllipse, DrawLine, DrawArc, DrawPie, DrawString, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use antialiasing to draw and fill smooth curves in VB.NET | antialias, alias, text, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use antialiasing to draw smooth text in VB.NET | antialias, alias, text, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use antialiasing to resize images smoothly in VB.NET | antialias, alias, image, resize, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a smooth closed curve that passes through several points and returns to its start in VB.NET | curve, DrawClosedCurve, smooth curve, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the PolyPolyline API function to draw lots of lines quickly | polyline, PolyPolyline, graphics |  |
HowTo: Transform a Graphics object to map an area in world coordinates to device coordinates in VB .NET | transform, Graphics object, Graphics, world coordinates, device coordinates |  |
HowTo: Graph a parametric function (X(t), Y(t)) in VB .NET | graph, parametric, parametric equations, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a geography game | map, flood game, FloodFill |  |
HowTo: Demonstrate many useful techniques including backward and forward compatibility | compatibility, forward compatibility, backward compatibility, drawing, file, serialization, MRU list |  |
HowTo: Make a monitor that displays a value using a vertical bar gauge that seems to float above other applications in VB .NET | gauge, bar, bar gauge, floating bar gauge, TransparencyKey, monitor, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a monitor that displays a value using a vertical gauge in VB .NET | gauge, bar, monitor, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a monitor that displays a value using a vertical bar gauge in VB .NET | gauge, bar, bar gauge, monitor, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: This editor lets you build, save, and restore a collection of points | point, load, edit, save |  |
HowTo: Make a monitor that displays a value using a vertical bar gauge | gauge, bar, monitor |  |
HowTo: Make a monitor that displays a value using a vertical gauge | gauge, bar, monitor |  |
HowTo: Make a monitor that displays a value using bars floating over the desktop | gauge, bar, monitor, SetWindowRgn, region |  |
HowTo: Draw a 2D or 3D border in VB .NET | border, draw border, 3D, three-dimensional, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a rotated ellipse | ellipse, rotate |  |
HowTo: Let the user move a polygon's points with grab handles, snapping the points to a grid | polygon, snap to, grid, draw, drag |   |
HowTo: Let the user modify a polygon with grab handles in VB .NET | polygon, grab handles, draw, drag |   |
HowTo: Draw a positioning grid and snap line segments to its points in VB .NET | snap to, grid, draw, drag |   |
HowTo: Let the user move a polygon's points with grab handles, snapping the points to a grid in VB .NET | polygon, grab handles, snap to, grid, draw, drag |   |
HowTo: Let the user modify a polygon with grab handles | polygon, drag, grab handles |  |
HowTo: Draw a positioning grid and snap line segments to its points | snap to, grid, draw, drag |   |
HowTo: Draw and drag shapes | shape, ellipse, rectangle, circle, drag, barrel, disk |  |
HowTo: Draw Mandelbrot sets | Mandelbrot, fractal, chaos |  |
HowTo: Draw a hypotrochoid | hypotrochoid, curve |   |
HowTo: Draw a Bowditch curve (or Curve of Lissajous) | Bowditch, Lissajous, curve |   |
HowTo: Draw a epitrochoid | epitrochoid, curve |   |
HowTo: Draw contour plots (level curves) for an ellipsoid | contour, level curve, plot, ellipsoid |   |
HowTo: Draw an eight-way symmetric picture | symmetry, symmetric picture |  |
HowTo: Draw random non-overlapping rectangles without using API functions | drawing, rectangle, random |  |
HowTo: Draw random non-overlapping rectangles | drawing, rectangle, random |  |
HowTo: Draw contour plots (level curves) for a function with known derivatives in VB .NET | contour, level curve, plot |  |
HowTo: Draw simple objects (rectangle, circle, etc.) using a single class and let the user click them | drawing, object, rectangle, circle |  |
HowTo: Make an ActiveX control that display standard system images (min, max, restore, help, scroll arrows, etc.) | frame, draw frame, buttons, help, close, min, max, restore, scroll |  |
HowTo: Use standard system images (min, max, restore, help, scroll arrows, etc.) to make a button | frame, draw frame, buttons, help, close, min, max, restore, scroll |  |
HowTo: Hatch a region with a non-standard hatch size | hatch region, fill |  |
HowTo: Let the user draw lines and move their end points by using grab handles | line, end point, drag, drawing |  |
HowTo: Let the user move a line's end points with grab handles | line, end point, drag, drawing |  |
HowTo: Draw standard system buttons (min, max, restore, help, scroll arrows, etc.) | frame, draw frame, buttons, help, close, min, max, restore, scroll |  |
HowTo: Draw simple objects (rectangle, circle, etc.) and let the user click them | drawing, object, rectangle, circle |  |
HowTo: Draw a rubberband circle | rubberband, circle, user drawing |  |
HowTo: Draw a bar gauge | bar gauge |  |
HowTo: Draw a color gradient | color gradient, background |  |
HowTo: Make a bar gauge ActiveX control | bar gauge, ActiveX control |  |
HowTo: Draw a simple graph | graph, plot |  |
HowTo: Let the user select an area using a rubberband box and place a new control there | rubber band, rubberband, rectangle, user drawing |  |
HowTo: Draw a simple histogram | histogram, graph |  |
HowTo: Draw an arc using the AngleArc API function in Windows NT | arc, angle, API |  |
HowTo: Draw a circle through three points | circle, points, draw circle |  |
HowTo: Enumerate the records in a Windows metafile (WMF) or enhanced metafile (EMF) in VB .NET | metafile, WMF, EMF, VB.NET, enumerate |  |
HowTo: Fill areas "manually" using VB code | fill, floodfill |  |
HowTo: Give an MDIForm a resizing background picture | MDI, background, draw, MDIForm |  |
HowTo: Draw a simple graph with Visual Basic alone | graph, equation |  |
HowTo: Graph a user-entered function by using Excel | graph, equation, scale, user-entered function, Excel |  |
HowTo: Let the user scroll through a very long graph | graph, long graph, scroll |  |
HowTo: Load data from a database and graph it | graph, data, database |  |
HowTo: Graph a parameterized function X(t), Y(t) | graph, function, parameterized function |  |
HowTo: Graph a function with parameters entered by the user using a convenient scale | graph, equation, scale |  |
HowTo: Draw a continuous graph similiar to perfmon | graph, continuous graph, scroll, perfmon |  |
HowTo: Draw a continuous graph similiar to perfmon in VB .NET | graph, continuous graph, scroll, perfmon |  |
Talk: Fun With GDI+ | GDI+, graphics, drawing, VB .NET, Visual Basic .NET, Visual Studio .NET | |
HowTo: Manage MDI children using a toolbar | MDI, background, draw, MDIForm, child |  |
HowTo: Tile an MDIForm's background | MDI, MDIForm, background, tile |  |
HowTo: Create a metafile | metafile, CreateMetaFile, drawing |  |
HowTo: Draw on an MDI parent form's background | MDI, background, draw, MDIForm |  |
HowTo: Overlay one image on another with alpha blending in VB .NET | alpha, alpha blending, transparent, translucent, semi-transparent |  |
HowTo: Use a solid brush and a wide pen in VB .NET | brush, fill, solid brush, solidbrush, pen, wide pen, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use a TextureBrush in VB .NET | brush, texturebrush, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use stock pens and brushes in VB .NET | pen, brush, stock, stock pen, stock brush, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make parts of a form transparent in VB .NET | form, transparent, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Save a picture into a file in VB .NET | PathGradientBrush, VB.NET, offset, center |  |
HowTo: Fill an area with a PathGradientBrush in VB .NET, using an offset center | PathGradientBrush, VB.NET, offset, center |  |
HowTo: Fill an area with a PathGradientBrush in VB .NET | PathGradientBrush, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Load a picture from a file in VB .NET | load picture, loadpicture, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Fill text with a LinearGradientBrush in VB .NET | filled text, lineargradientbrush, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a closed curve in VB .NET, filled with a hatch pattern and outlined with a custom dash pattern | hatched, closedcurve, closed curve, hatch, dash, dashed line, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Convert an image to GrayScale one pixel at a time in VB .NET | grayscale, pixel-by-pixel, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Change a form's opacity in VB .NET | form, Opacity, transparent, translucent, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a hatched ellipse in VB .NET | ellipse, circle, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw dashed lines with thickness greater than 1 | dashed line, draw, dash |  |
HowTo: Draw contour plots (level curves) for a function with known derivatives | contour, level curve, plot |   |
HowTo: Use the API Pie function to draw pie slices | pie, pie slice |  |
HowTo: Clip lines to the boundary of a text string | clip, clipping, text, lines, path |  |
HowTo: Draw a circle using Line statements | circle, drawing, line |  |
HowTo: Use the Ellipse API function | ellipse, API, circle |  |
HowTo: Draw an arrowhead on a line | arrow, arrowhead, line, draw |  |
HowTo: Draw arcs with arrow heads | arrow, arrowhead, line, draw, arc |  |
HowTo: Let the user interactively draw lines with arrow heads | arrow, arrowhead, line, draw |  |
HowTo: Make a simple scribble application | scribble, draw |  |
HowTo: Make a scribble application using classes | scribble, draw, classes |  |
HowTo: Set the drawing origin in a PictureBox | origin, drawing, ScaleMode |  |
HowTo: Draw pie slices and see which the user clicks in VB .NET | pie slice, wedge, circle, click |  |
HowTo: Draw pie slices in VB .NET | pie slice, wedge, circle |  |
HowTo: Draw pie slices | pie slice, wedge, circle |   |
HowTo: Draw pie slices and see which the user clicks | pie slice, wedge, circle, click |   |
HowTo: Let the user select, move, or resize an area using a Shape control | rubberband, rectangle, user drawing, ellipse |  |
HowTo: Draw ellipses by specifying their bounding boxes | ellipse, bound, box, bounding box |  |
HowTo: Make an elliptical color gradient | ellipse, elliptical, gradient, color |  |
HowTo: Fill a polygon with a color gradient | polygon, gradient text, SetWindowRgn, region |  |
HowTo: Rotate the points in a polygon | rotate, polygon, point |   |
HowTo: Use the PolyPolygon API function to quickly draw a series of polygons | polygon, draw |   |
HowTo: Use the Polygon API function to quickly draw a polygon | polygon, draw |   |
HowTo: Tile a polygon with a picture | picture, tile, polygon, region |   |
HowTo: Draw a polygon filled with a picture | region, path, polygon, picture |   |
HowTo: Draw a polygon filled with text | text, region, path, polygon |   |
HowTo: Draw lines on a picture and erase them | picture, SavePicture, erase, Cls |   |
HowTo: Draw text on a picture and save the results into a file | text, picture, SavePicture |   |
HowTo: Draw a cycloid using VB .NET | cycloid, curve |   |
HowTo: Draw a cycloid | cycloid, curve |   |
HowTo: Draw rubberband lines in VB .NET using DrawReversibleLine | rubberband, VB.NET, NET, redraw, AutoRedraw, DrawReversibleLine |  |
HowTo: Let the user draw arcs | arc, circle, Atn, ATan3, arctangent |  |
HowTo: Draw color gradients | color gradients, gradients |  |
HowTo: Draw rubberband lines in VB .NET | rubberband, VB.NET, NET, redraw, AutoRedraw |  |
HowTo: Draw arrows | arrow, arrowhead, lines |   |
HowTo: Draw a dashed polyline | polyline, dashed, draw |   |
HowTo: Let the user move and modify multiple polygons with grab handles | polygons, drag, grab handles, object-oriented design, classes, objects |  |
HowTo: Draw a rubberband star | rubberband, star, user drawing |  |
HowTo: Draw a rubberband ellipse | rubberband, ellipse, user drawing |  |
HowTo: Draw a rubberband rectangle | rubberband, rectangle, user drawing |  |
HowTo: Draw a rubberband line | rubberband, line, user drawing |  |
HowTo: Draw interesting symmetric patterns | symmetry, drawing, patterns |  |
HowTo: Make a numeric field | arc, circle, Atn, ATan3, arctangent | |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Select a printer resolution such as Draft or High in Visual Basic .NET | printing, printers, resolution, printer resolution, draft, set printer resolution, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Let the user select a printer and then send a printout directly to it in Visual Basic .NET | printing, printers, send to printer, printout, select printer, pick printer, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Send a printout directly to a specific printer in Visual Basic .NET | printing, printers, send to printer, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Control the print preview dialog to change its size, scale, colors, and more in Visual Basic .NET | printing, preview, PrintDocument, print, PrintPreviewDialog, print preview, scale, zoom, auto, maximize, rows, columns, graphics, PrintPage |  |
HowTo: List the fonts available to the printer in Visual Basic 6 | printing, font, list fonts, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Print the contents of a ListBox left aligned, centered, or right aligned in Visual Basic 2005 | print, ListBox, print preview, align, alignment, center, right align, left align, StringFormat, PrintDocument, PrintPage event |  |
HowTo: Make a print preview displaying a grid of data with alternating row colors in Visual Basic 2005 | print, print preview, VB 2005, grid, rows, color |  |
HowTo: Preview and print a core sample report with Visual Basic 2005 | print, preview, core sample, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Preview and print a core sample report using custom fill patterns with Visual Basic 2005 | print, preview, core sample, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Easily print grid-like data in Visual Basic .NET | grid, print, print grid, data, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Print the values in a ListView control across multiple pages | ListView, print, multipage, multi-page |  |
HowTo: Print a FlexGrid control's data across multiple pages vertically and horizontally | FlexGrid, print, grid, multi-page, multiple pages |  |
HowTo: Print text on an odd piece of paper | print, paper, unusual paper |  |
HowTo: Provide print preview | print, print preview |  |
HowTo: Provide print preview with different scales | print, print preview, scale |  |
HowTo: Print a long series of paragraphs in different fonts, breaking across pages in VB .NET | print, preview, text, long text, print preview, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Print text one line at a time to a line printer | line printer, print, |  |
HowTo: Print a rounded rectangle | rounded rectangle, print, RoundRect |  |
HowTo: Print an Excel worksheet displayed in an OLE container object | OLE, print, Excel, OLE container |  |
HowTo: Print a form's decorated image in VB.NET | print screen, screen capture, form image, print form image |  |
HowTo: Save a form's decorated image into a bitmap file in VB.NET | print screen, screen capture, form image, save form image |  |
HowTo: Make a RichTextBox print WYSIWYG text | RTF, rich text, rich text box, RichTextBox, WYSIWYG, print, printing |  |
HowTo: Save or print a form's image with or without decoration in VB .NET | print screen, screen capture, form image, print form image, save form image |  |
HowTo: Print a form's image in VB.NET | print screen, screen capture, form image, print form image |  |
HowTo: Save a form's image into a bitmap file in VB.NET | print screen, screen capture, form image, save form image |  |
HowTo: Print pages in portrait and landscape orientations in VB .NET | print, landscape, portrait, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Preview and print the contents of the WebBrowser control | WebBrowser, print, print preview, preview |  |
HowTo: Print multiline text at a specific location on a form or printer by using the ScaleLeft property | print, multiline, ScaleLeft, align, printer |  |
HowTo: Print a drawing centered on the printer in VB .NET | print, preview, center, print preview, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Print a drawing that is centered and stretched to fit the page in VB .NET | print, preview, center, stretch, fit, print preview, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Print and display print previews in VB .NET | print, preview, print preview, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Use DDE to print PDF files | DDE, PDF, Adobe Acrobat, Acrobat |  |
HowTo: Print a form's Labels and TextBoxes | PrintForm, print form, Label, TextBox |  |
HowTo: Print a centered image of a form in Landscape mode | PrintForm, print form |  |
HowTo: Print the values in a ListView control | ListView, print |  |
HowTo: Print a FlexGrid control's data | FlexGrid, print, grid |  |
HowTo: Print data from a database | database, print |  |
HowTo: Print a multi-page picture | print, big picture, large picture |  |
HowTo: Print a string on the printer with word wrap | print, printer, word wrap, TextWidth |  |
HowTo: Get a printer's DRIVER_INFO_2 information | printer, driver, driver information, DRIVER_INFO_2 |  |
HowTo: Show a print preview for a RichTextBox that uses multiple fonts | RichTextBox, scroll, line, print, preview |  |
HowTo: List installed printers in VB .NET | printers, installed printers, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: List available printers and select one | printer, select printer, list printers |  |
HowTo: Print text that follows a curve | print, text, curve, rotate |  |
HowTo: Print rotated text using TextOut | print, rotate, text |  |
HowTo: Print rotated text on the printer using PaintPicture | print, rotate, text, PaintPicture |  |
HowTo: List screen and printer fonts | font, text, printer, screen |  |
HowTo: Print a PictureBox and any controls that are on top of or inside it | PictureBox, print, keybd_event, fit to printer |   |
HowTo: Print a centered picture as large as possible without distortion | PictureBox, picture, print, center, aspect ratio |   |
HowTo: Print a picture centered | PictureBox, picture, print |  |
HowTo: Print a picture | PictureBox, picture, print |  |
HowTo: Print multiline text at a specific location on a form or printer | print, multiline, preview |  |
HowTo: See if a printer is a PostScript printer | printer, PostScript |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Draw text filled with random colored circles in Visual Basic 6 | random, random circles, fonts, circle filled text, VB 6, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Use LinearGradientBrushes in Visual Basic .NET | LinearGradientBrush, linear gradient brush, gradient brush, color gradient, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Map numeric values to colors in a rainbow in Visual Basic 6 | graphics, colors, map values to colors, map values, Visual Basic 6, VB6 |  |
HowTo: Map numeric values to colors in a rainbow in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, colors, map values to colors, map values, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Overlay one picture on another in Visual Basic 2008 | overlay, transparent, image processing, picture, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use Microsoft's .NET Framework parallel extensions to generate Mandelbrot sets quickly in Visual Basic 2008 | parallel extensions, parallel programming, multiple CPUs, multi-core, Mandelbrot, Mandelbrot set, .NET, .NET Framework |  |
HowTo: Draw samples of hatch patterns in Visual Basic 6 | FillStyle, hatch, hatch pattern, Visual Basic, graphics |  |
HowTo: Draw rainbow shaded text in Visual Basic .NET | color, rainbow, text, string, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Fill an ellipse with a color gradient | ellipse, color, color gradient, LinearGradientBrush, fill, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Slowly fill a circle with color from bottom to top in Visual Basic .NET | circle, ellipse, fill circle, fill ellipse, VB.NET, animation |  |
HowTo: Display predefined system colors in Visual Basic .NET | color, system color, SystemColors, drawing, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a series of color samples | color, color sample, pick color |  |
HowTo: Convert almost white pixels to white | pixels, color, convert, color conversion |  |
HowTo: Display samples of the colors defined in VBRUN.SystemColorConstants | color, system colors, VBRUN, SystemColorConstants |  |
HowTo: Use an ImageAttributes object to display an image's red, green, and blue components in Visual Basic .NET | color, color components, ImageAttributes, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Use an ImageAttributes object to swap the red, green, and blue components of an image in Visual Basic .NET | color, color components, ImageAttributes, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Use an ImageAttributes object to adjust an image's brightness in Visual Basic .NET | color, color components, brightness, ColorMatrix, ImageAttributes, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Use an ImageAttributes object to gamma correct an image in Visual Basic .NET | color, color components, gamm, gamm correction, ColorMatrix, ImageAttributes, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a color wheel in VB .NET | histogram, bar chart, graph, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Remap a color in an image in VB .NET | image processing, remap color, color, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Generate random colors in Visual Basic 6 | color, random color, RGB, QBColor |  |
HowTo: Add a watermark to an image | watermark, image, image processing |  |
HowTo: Add a watermark to an image in VB .NET | watermark, image, image processing |  |
HowTo: Generate a random QBColor value in VB .NET | VB .NET, QBColor, random, random color |  |
HowTo: Set the system's colors (window background, highlight, text, etc.) | system color, color |  |
HowTo: Draw lines of text with random colors | color, text, random colors |  |
HowTo: Change a TreeView control's background color | TreeView, background, background color, backcolor |  |
HowTo: Display the SystemColors in Visual Basic .NET | SystemColors |  |
HowTo: Make a geography game | map, flood game, FloodFill |  |
HowTo: Use API functions to change a ProgressBar's foreground and background colors | ProgressBar, foreground, background, ForeColor, BackColor |  |
HowTo: Use the color selection dialog with custom colors in VB .NET | color, select color, pick color, color selection, color selection dialog, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the color selection dialog in VB .NET | color, select color, pick color, color selection, color selection dialog, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use system colors (active border, etc.) and respond when the system's colors change in VB .NET | color, system color, ActiveBorder, InactiveBorder, ActiveCaption |   |
HowTo: See which part of a picture the mouse is over | picture, map, mouse over |  |
HowTo: Use the API to let the user select a color | color, pick color, select color |  |
HowTo: Use the CommonDialog control to select a color | CommonDialog, color, get color, select color, ShowColor |  |
HowTo: Draw a color gradient | color gradient, background |  |
HowTo: Display system colors, their Hex values, and their RGB equivalents | system color, palette, RGB |  |
HowTo: Fill an irregular area with the FloodFill API function | flood, floodfill |   |
HowTo: View and change the system's display mode | display mode, pixels, color depth |  |
HowTo: View and change the system's display mode | display mode, pixels, color depth |  |
HowTo: Get the system's color depth and screen size in pixels | color depth, pits per pixel, screen size |  |
HowTo: Convert R, G, and B values into Visual Basic and Web hex colors | Web colors, Web palette, RGB, hex, hexadecimal |  |
HowTo: Find the system's color depth (bits per pixel) | color, color depth, bits per pixel, bpp |  |
HowTo: Make a palette of colors for Web use | Web colors, Web palette |  |
HowTo: Convert HTML colors to and from Visual Basic colors | Web color, HTML color, color, VB color |  |
HowTo: Change a Frame control's background color | Frame, control, BackColor, background, color |  |
HowTo: Break a RGB color into its red, green, and blue components | RGB, color, components, separate |  |
HowTo: Make an elliptical color gradient | ellipse, elliptical, gradient, color |  |
HowTo: Fill a polygon with a color gradient | polygon, gradient text, SetWindowRgn, region |  |
Tutorial: Map Coloring | map coloring, four color, map, five color | |
HowTo: Invert an RGB color | color, invert, RGB, complement |   |
HowTo: Save and use custom color lists | colors, color lists |  |
HowTo: Read and write an image's pixels using GetDIBits and SetDIBits | GetDIBits, SetDIBits, pixels, RGB |   |
HowTo: Convert RGB values into HLS values and vice versa | RGB, HLS, color, convert |   |
HowTo: Let the user select a color using the CommonDialog control or red, green, and blue sliders | CommonDialog, color, pick, select, RGB, slider |   |
HowTo: Make a 216 color palette | colors, palette |   |
HowTo: Shade objects with a color gradient | shade, gradient, color gradient |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Make a continuously spinning cube by using XAML code in Visual Basic 2008 | Visual Basic 2008, VB 2008, XAML, cube, rotate, spin, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make and rotate a cube by using XAML code in Visual Basic 2008 | Visual Basic 2008, VB 2008, XAML, cube, rotate |  |
HowTo: Draw three interlocked 3-D blocks with Direct3D in Visual Basic 2005 | Direct3D, DirectX, blocks, interlocked, hidden surface removal, z-buffer, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
Talk: Four Fascinating Features | regular expressions, cryptography, reflection, Direct3D, graphics, algorithms | |
HowTo: Draw a three-dimensional histogram with VB .NET | histogram, bar chart, graph, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a 2D or 3D border in VB .NET | border, draw border, 3D, three-dimensional, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Draw contour plots (level curves) for an ellipsoid | contour, level curve, plot, ellipsoid |   |
HowTo: Draw contour plots (level curves) for a function with known derivatives in VB .NET | contour, level curve, plot |  |
HowTo: Draw contour plots (level curves) for a function with known derivatives | contour, level curve, plot |   |
Tutorial: Drawing Platonic Solids | Platonic solids, polyhedron, polytope, solid, tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron, hexahedron |  |
HowTo: Make a stellate geodesic sphere | graphics, stellate, geodesic, sphere, 3D |   |
HowTo: Make a geodesic sphere | graphics, geodesic, sphere, 3D |   |
HowTo: Make a 3-D solar system model, version 2 | graphics, DirectX, Direct3D, solar system |   |
HowTo: Make a 3-D solar system model | graphics, DirectX, Direct3D, solar system |   |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Display predefined system icons in Visual Basic .NET | icon, system icon, SystemIcons, drawing, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Set an application's Task Manager icon | icon, application icon, task manager |  |
Tip: Icon Hell | icon, crash, missing icons, icon crash, Windows Explorer, Internet Explorer | |
HowTo: Use a custom mouse icon at run time | mouse icon, mouse pointer, pointer, MousePointer |  |
HowTo: Display the big and small icons associated with a file | icon, large icon, small icon |  |
HowTo: Load a 32-bit icon into a picture | icon, 32-bit, load icon, LoadPicture |  |
HowTo: Edit icons | icon, edit icon | |
HowTo: Make an icon editor by using the ImageList control's ExtractIcon method | icon, edit icon, ImageList, ExtractIcon |  |
HowTo: Change a form's icon at run time in VB .NET | icon, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Set an application's icon in VB .NET | application icon, icon, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Make a custom gauge control with a toolbox bitmap in VB .NET | gauge, control, custom control, VB .NET, UserControl |  |
HowTo: Get the icons associated with a file type | icon, file type icon |  |
HowTo: Extract the large and small icons stored in an EXE or DLL file | extract icons |  |
HowTo: Use a bitmap for an icon | bitmap, icon, image |  |
HowTo: Load a bitmap and save it as an icon | bitmap, icon, image |  |
HowTo: Display the standard icons used by MsgBox (exclamation, information, etc.) with LoadImage | icon, standard icon, MsgBox, exclamation, information, question, critical, winlogo, API, LoadImage |  |
HowTo: Display the standard icons used by MsgBox (exclamation, information, etc.) with LoadIcon | icon, standard icon, MsgBox, exclamation, information, question, critical, winlogo, API, LoadIcon |  |
HowTo: Create an icon file containing both 32x32 and 16x16 pixel icons | application, icon, graphics, 32x32, 16x16 |  |
HowTo: Make a full-featured icon editor with different color modes, hot spots, cut and paste, etc. | application, icon, graphics, 32x32 |  |
HowTo: Load an application's form and Task Manager icons from a resource file | icon, application icon, task manager, resource file |  |
HowTo: Load an application's form and Task Manager icons from a resource file | icon, application icon, task manager, resource file |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Draw text that's filled with smaller text in Visual Basic .NET | hollow text, GraphicsPath, path, text, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw hollow text in Visual Basic .NET | hollow text, GraphicsPath, path, text, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw text flipped vertically, horizontally, or both in Visual Basic .NET | Graphics object, Scale, flip, DrawString, text, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Precisely determine the size of text drawn by a Graphics object in Visual Basic .NET | Graphics, DrawString, GraphicsPath, draw text, draw string, text, text size, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw text stretched to fit a rectangle precisely in Visual Basic .NET | stretch text, Graphics, DrawString, GraphicsPath, draw text, draw string, text, text size, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw rainbow shaded text in Visual Basic .NET | color, rainbow, text, string, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw text that is clipped to a graphics path in Visual Basic .NET | text, path, clip |  |
HowTo: Draw text that sits horizontally but with a baseline that follows a curve | text, curve, wave, wavy |  |
HowTo: Create fonts easily by using the Font constructor that uses a prototype in Visual Basic .NET | Font, create font, font prototype, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Create fonts easily and interactively by using the Font constructor that uses a prototype in Visual Basic .NET | Font, create font, font prototype, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Fill text with a moving color gradient in Visual Basic .NET | text, color gradient, moving gradient, animation, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw rotated text centered at a point in Visual Basic 6 | rotate text, center text, CreateFont |  |
HowTo: Rotate text around a center in VB .NET | text, rotate, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Overlay Rich Text on a picture in Windows XP | Rich Text, RTF, RichTextBox, overlay, picture |  |
HowTo: Draw text centered at a position | text, center text, font |  |
HowTo: Draw text centered at a position in VB .NET | text, center text, font |  |
HowTo: Make translucent text suitable for image watermarking in VB .NET | watermark, image, translucent, transparent, opacity, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Position tab stops while drawing text in VB .NET | tabs, VB .NET, drawing, layout rectangle, StringFormat |  |
HowTo: Draw text filled with text | filled text, outline text, text, CreateFont, SetWindowRgn, region |   |
HowTo: Draw text in XOR mode and with other raster operations | XOR, text, raster operations, raster ops |  |
HowTo: Use transformations to draw angled text in VB .NET | font, angled text, VB.NET, transformation, Graphics |  |
HowTo: Draw transformed text in VB .NET | transform, transformation, text, font, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw untransformed text at a transformed location in VB .NET | transform, transformation, text, font, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw text that is rotated but otherwise untransformed at a transformed location in VB .NET | transform, transformation, text, font, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display samples of fonts in VB .NET | font, bold, underscore, underline, strikeout, strikethru, strikethrough, italic, InstalledFontCollection, installed fonts, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw mathematical equations with super scripts on a form | equation, superscript, math |  |
HowTo: Draw text using different fonts for each character | text, font, random font |  |
HowTo: Draw lines of text with random colors | color, text, random colors |  |
HowTo: Draw text using an extra tall font | font, CreateFont, tall font, stretched font, text |  |
HowTo: Draw rectangles, ellipses, lines, arcs, pie slices, and text in VB.NET | rectangle, ellipse, line, arc, pie, pie slice, DrawRectangle, DrawEllipse, DrawLine, DrawArc, DrawPie, DrawString, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use antialiasing to draw smooth text in VB.NET | antialias, alias, text, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a form shaped using text and a PictureBox | CreateFont, SetWindowRgn, region, text-shaped form, shaped form, outlined text |  |
HowTo: Display rotated text on top of a PictureBox | rotated text, rotated font, CreateFont, PictureBox |  |
HowTo: Display chemical symbols in a RichTextBox or on a form | symbol, chemical symbol, superscript, subscript |  |
HowTo: Color HTML tags in a RichTextBox | color tags, HTML |  |
HowTo: Fill text with a LinearGradientBrush in VB .NET | filled text, lineargradientbrush, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Clip lines to the boundary of a text string | clip, clipping, text, lines, path |  |
HowTo: Draw rotated text | rotate, text, CreateFont |  |
HowTo: Draw rotated text in VB .NET | rotate, text, CreateFont, font, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Position text rotated 90 degrees | position text, rotate, |  |
HowTo: Draw hollow text | hollow text, text, path |  |
HowTo: Place non-rotated letters along an elliptical path | text, ellipse, path |  |
HowTo: Draw a font at different sizes | font, text, size |  |
HowTo: Make selected text blink in a PictureBox | blink, text, PictureBox, color, flash |  |
HowTo: Make a label blink | blink, label, color, flash |  |
HowTo: Draw outlined text without using the API | outline, text, API |  |
HowTo: Draw text on a picture and save the results into a file | text, picture, SavePicture |   |
HowTo: Draw text centered on a picture | PictureBox, text, center, picture |  |
HowTo: Rotate text in a Caption | text, rotate, Caption |  |
HowTo: Draw text that shades letter by letter from one color to another | text, shade, color gradient |  |
HowTo: Make a label display a shadow safely when the mouse is over it | label, shadow, mouse, GetCursorPos, ScreenToClient |  |
HowTo: Make a label display a shadow simply when the mouse is over it | label, shadow, mouse |  |
HowTo: Display a Label control with a shadow | label, shadow |  |
HowTo: Draw text with a shadow | draw text, label, shadow |  |
HowTo: Overlay Rich Text on a picture | Rich Text, ETF, RichTextBox, overlay, picture |   |
HowTo: Make a text-shaped form in VB .NET | shaped form, text-shaped form, Region |  |
HowTo: Draw text filled with a color gradient in VB .NET | filled text, outline text, text, region, SetClip, FillPath, color, gradient |  |
HowTo: Draw text filled with text in VB .NET | filled text, outline text, text, region, SetClip, FillPath |  |
HowTo: Draw text filled with lines in VB .NET | filled text, outline text, text, region, SetClip, FillPath, DrawLine |  |
HowTo: Draw text filled with lines in VB .NET | filled text, outline text, text, region, SetClip, FillPath, DrawLine |  |
HowTo: Make an ActiveX rotated label control with transparent background | ActiveX, rotated text, label, transparent background |  |
HowTo: Make a text-shaped form with outlined text | CreateFont, SetWindowRgn, region, text-shaped form, shaped form, outlined text |  |
HowTo: Make a text-shaped form | CreateFont, SetWindowRgn, region, text-shaped form, shaped form |  |
HowTo: Draw text filled with a color gradient | filled text, outline text, text, gradient text, CreateFont, SetWindowRgn, region |  |
HowTo: Draw text filled with lines | filled text, outline text, text, CreateFont, SetWindowRgn, region |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Copy part of an image into a new PictureBox in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, image processing, copy image, DrawImage, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one large picture inside another in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one picture inside another in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one large picture inside another in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one picture inside another in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Convert a Windows metafile (wmf file) to a PNG file in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, image processing, wmf file, png file, Windows metafile, metafile, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display a Windows metafile (wmf file) in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, image processing, wmf file, Windows metafile, metafile, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use EXIF information to orient an image properly in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, files, orient image, orient picture, image processing, EXIF, orientation, rotate image, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Read an image file's EXIF orientation data in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, files, image processing, EXIF, orientation, rotate image, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Show samples of EXIF image orientations in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, files, image processing, EXIF, orientation, rotate image, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Measure distances on a map with a scale in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms graphics map measure map measure distances map scale example example program Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Measure distances on a map with a scale in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms graphics map measure map measure distances map scale example example program Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Reduce the number of colors in a Bitmap and remap them to make interesting effects in Visual Basic 6 | graphics, algorithms, colors, color depth, reduce color depth, Warhol, Andy Warhol, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Split an image into smaller image files in Visual Basic 6 | image processing, graphics, split image, bitmap, split bitmap, save image, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Reduce the number of colors in a Bitmap and remap them to make interesting effects in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, algorithms, colors, color depth, reduce color depth, Warhol, Andy Warhol, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Split an image into smaller image files in Visual Basic .NET | image processing, graphics, split image, bitmap, split bitmap, save image, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a fractal that is generated by applying rules to prime numbers in Visual Basic 6 | graphics, fractals, primes, prime numbers, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Draw a fractal that is generated by applying rules to prime numbers in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, fractals, primes, prime numbers, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Perform a flood fill on an area with approximate uniform color in Visual Basic .NET | flood, flood fill, graphics, color, approximate color, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a picture tiles jigsaw game in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, algorithms, games, picture, tiles, image, DrawImage, jigsaw, puzzle, game, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a close-up window for an image in Visual Basic 6 | closeup, close-up, closeup window, close-up window, zoom, picture, image, details, Visual Basic 6, VB6 |  |
HowTo: Make a close-up window for an image in Visual Basic .NET | closeup, close-up, closeup window, close-up window, zoom, picture, image, details, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Write a method that saves images in an appropriate format depending on the file name's extension in Visual Basic .NET | save file, save image, save bitmap, save picture, file extension, png, bmp, jpg, jpeg, gif, tiff, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Save an image of the computer's screen using managed methods in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, form image, control image, get form image, get control image |  |
HowTo: Get the image of a control or form, or a form's client area in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, form image, control image, get form image, get control image |  |
HowTo: Overlay one picture on another in Visual Basic 2008 | overlay, transparent, image processing, picture, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Save a picture into a JPEG at a desired size in Visual Basic 2005 | save picture, save image, size, jpeg, jpg, compress, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Use the BitmapBytesRGB24 class to apply an embossing filter to an image very quickly in Visual Basic 2005 | BitmapBytesRGB24, LockBits, UnlockBits, image processing, filter image, emboss, embossing filter, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use Microsoft's .NET Framework parallel extensions to apply an embossing filter to an image very quickly in Visual Basic 2008 | parallel, multi-threading, threading, BitmapBytesRGB24, LockBits, UnlockBits, image processing, filter image, emboss, embossing filter, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Crop a picture and save the result in Visual Basic 2005 | crop picture, crop, trim, Visual Basic 2005, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Crop a picture and save the result in Visual Basic 6 | crop picture, crop, trim, Visual Basic |  |
HowTo: Resize all of the graphic files in a directory in Visual Basic 6 | graphics, resize picture, resize image, directory, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Resize all of the graphic files in a directory in Visual Basic 2005 | graphics, resize picture, resize image, directory, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Make a map that shows a circular closeup of the part under the mouse in Visual Basic 6 | closeup map, map, enlarge, closeup, close up, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Let the user drag a picture with the mouse or move it with the arrow keys | drag picture, BitBlt |  |
HowTo: Overlay a picture on another and use BitBlt to repaint only the modified parts of the background | drag picture, BitBlt |  |
HowTo: Overlay a picture on another and use BitBlt to allow the user to drag it | drag picture, BitBlt |  |
HowTo: Overlay a picture on another and use PaintPicture to allow the user to drag it | drag picture, PaintPicture |  |
HowTo: Make a map that shows a closeup of the part under the mouse in Visual Basic 2005 | closeup map, map, enlarge, closeup, close up, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Make a map that shows a circular closeup of the part under the mouse in Visual Basic 2005 | closeup map, map, enlarge, closeup, close up, circular region, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Make a map that shows a closeup of the part under the mouse in Visual Basic 6 | closeup map, map, enlarge, closeup, close up, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Use a loop to load pictures into PictureBoxes in Visual Basic 2005 | PictureBox, picture, LoadPicture, Bitmap, loop, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 4) in Visual Basic 6 | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image |   |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 6) in Visual Basic .NET | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image |   |
HowTo: Rotate a picture by a multiple of 90 degrees in Visual Basic 6 | rotate, picture, image, image processing, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 4) in VB .NET | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 3) in VB .NET | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 2) in VB .NET | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 1) in VB .NET | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 5) in Visual Basic .NET | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 2) in Visual Basic 6 | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 1) in Visual Basic 6 | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 3) in Visual Basic 6 | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image |  |
HowTo: Use DrawToBitmap to capture an image of a form in Visual Basic 2005 | DrawToBitmap, form image, capture form image, VB 2005, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a Visual Basic .NET library that returns a picture to a Visual Basic 6 program | library, VB.NET, VB 6, Visual Basic 6, picture, DLL |  |
HowTo: Compose four pictures into a single picture and save the result into a file | compose, composition, picture, PictureBox, PaintPicture |  |
HowTo: Compose four pictures into a single picture and save the result into a file in Visual Basic .NET | TextBox, convert, proper case, StrConv, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a scrolled window that doesn't resize with the form | scrolled window, scrolling, scroll bars |  |
HowTo: Morph from one image to another in Visual Basic .NET | image processing, morhp, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Warp images in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, image processing, warp, fish eye, twist, wave, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Capture the image of a Web page | Web page, image, capture, Internet Explorer |  |
HowTo: Draw strange attractors (fractals) in Visual Basic .NET | strange attractor, fractal, equation, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw strange attractors (fractals) | strange attractor, fractal, equation, graphics |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^3 - 3^Z to draw fractals in Visual Basic .NET | Newton's method, non-polynomial function, root, function, fractal, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^2 - 2^Z to draw fractals in Visual Basic .NET | Newton's method, non-polynomial function, root, function, fractal, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^2 - 2^Z to draw fractals in Visual Basic 6 | Newton's method, non-polynomial function, root, function, fractal |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^n - 1 to draw fractals in Visual Basic 6 | Newton's method, polynomial, root, function, fractal |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^3 - 3^Z to draw fractals in Visual Basic 6 | Newton's method, non-polynomial function, root, function, fractal |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^n - 1 to draw fractals in Visual Basic .NET | Newton's method, polynomial, root, function, fractal, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Use an ImageAttributes object to display an image's red, green, and blue components in Visual Basic .NET | color, color components, ImageAttributes, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Use an ImageAttributes object to swap the red, green, and blue components of an image in Visual Basic .NET | color, color components, ImageAttributes, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Write a DLL in Visual Basic .NET that saves images in different formats (GIF, JPG, etc.) and call it from Visual Basic 6 | VB .NET, VB 6, Visual Basic 6, DLL, save image, GIF, JPG, JPEG |  |
HowTo: Use an ImageAttributes object to adjust an image's brightness in Visual Basic .NET | color, color components, brightness, ColorMatrix, ImageAttributes, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Use an ImageAttributes object to gamma correct an image in Visual Basic .NET | color, color components, gamm, gamm correction, ColorMatrix, ImageAttributes, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Calculate the XOR of two images | XOR, image, PaintPicture, image processing |  |
HowTo: Overlay Rich Text on a picture in Windows XP | Rich Text, RTF, RichTextBox, overlay, picture |  |
HowTo: Compare two images to find differences greater than a threshold value in VB .NET | image, bitmap, VB.NET, compare, difference, imagediff |  |
HowTo: Draw an image with gradient alpha (opacity) values in VB .NET | image processing, alpha, gradient, opacity, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Make translucent text suitable for image watermarking in VB .NET | watermark, image, translucent, transparent, opacity, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Remap a color in an image in VB .NET | image processing, remap color, color, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Make an image fade from one picture to another and back in VB .NET | image processing, alpha, opacity, fade, animation, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Draw an image with gradient alpha (opacity) values in VB .NET | image processing, alpha, gradient, opacity, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Fit a PictureBox to its non-transparent pixels in VB .NET | shaped picture, PictureBox, region |   |
HowTo: Find the difference between two images in VB .NET | image, bitmap, VB.NET, compare, difference, imagediff |  |
HowTo: Compare two images to find differences | image, bitmap, compare, difference, imagediff |  |
HowTo: Find the difference between two images | image, bitmap, compare, difference, imagediff |  |
HowTo: Compare two images to find differences in VB .NET | image, bitmap, VB.NET, compare, difference, imagediff |  |
HowTo: Use a scroll bar to let the user scroll a picture vertically | scroll bar, VScrollBar, vertical, vertical scroll bar, scroll |  |
HowTo: Load a picture so it doesn't lock the picture file in VB .NET | load picture, Bitmap, lock, lock file, sharing, file sharing |  |
HowTo: Grab part of the desktop image from a tray icon in VB .NET | desktop, grab pixels, image, background, VB.NET, NotifyIcon, ContextMenu |  |
HowTo: Grab part of the desktop image in VB .NET | desktop, grab pixels, image, background, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a tray icon that grabs an image of part of the desktop and saves it to the clipboard and/or a JPEG file on the desktop | desktop image, background, JPEG, JPG, try, system tray, clipboard |  |
HowTo: Grab an image of part of the desktop and save it in a JPEG file on the desktop | desktop image, background, JPEG, JPG |  |
HowTo: Make a tray icon that grabs an image of part of the desktop and saves it in a JPEG file on the desktop | desktop image, background, JPEG, JPG, try, system tray |  |
HowTo: Overlay one picture on another | overlay, mask, picture, foreground, background |  |
HowTo: Convert colors that are mostly red, green, or blue into a new color | mostly color, color, SetDIBits, GetDIBits |  |
HowTo: Hide and then grab the desktop image after a delay | desktop image, background, delay |  |
HowTo: Stretch a PictureBox image to fit the control | stretch, image, resize |  |
HowTo: Use an array of StdPicture objects to hold images without using a control | StdPicture, picture, image |  |
HowTo: Display a picture at different scales by using PaintPicture | resize, PaintPicture, bitmap, scale |  |
HowTo: Grab the desktop image after a delay | desktop image, background, delay |  |
HowTo: Grab the desktop image after a delay in VB .NET | desktop image, background, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Grab the desktop image in VB .NET | desktop image, background, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Print a form's decorated image in VB.NET | print screen, screen capture, form image, print form image |  |
HowTo: Save a form's decorated image into a bitmap file in VB.NET | print screen, screen capture, form image, save form image |  |
HowTo: Save or print a form's image with or without decoration in VB .NET | print screen, screen capture, form image, print form image, save form image |  |
HowTo: Print a form's image in VB.NET | print screen, screen capture, form image, print form image |  |
HowTo: Save a form's image into a bitmap file in VB.NET | print screen, screen capture, form image, save form image |  |
HowTo: Add a watermark to an image | watermark, image, image processing |  |
HowTo: Draw animated shapes with transparent backgrounds stored in PictureBoxes | image processing, animation, animate, image, SetWindowRgn, GetDIBits, SetDIBits, GetBitmapPixels |  |
HowTo: Draw animated shapes with transparent backgrounds | image processing, animation, animate, image, SetWindowRgn, GetDIBits, SetDIBits, GetBitmapPixels |  |
HowTo: Add a watermark to an image in VB .NET | watermark, image, image processing |  |
HowTo: Use a PictureBox's Image property to implement AutoRedraw in VB .NET | VB .NET, AutoRedraw, PictureBox, Image, Bitmap |  |
HowTo: Let the user draw an area and fill it with a image using a TextureBrush in VB .NET | TextureBrush, image, VB.NET, brush, fill, fill area |  |
HowTo: Make an ActiveX control that controls picture transitions | picture, PictureBox, transition, image |  |
HowTo: Get the system bitmaps for minimizing, restoring, ComboBox arrows, etc. | bitmap, image, system bitmap, system image |  |
HowTo: Get size information from a GIF or JPG file without loading the whole picture | GIF, size, image size, GIF size |  |
HowTo: Make a slide show screen saver in VB .NET | VB.NET, screen saver, commandline, command line, parameters |  |
HowTo: Spin an image in VB .NET using DrawImage | spin, rotate, image, VB.NET, graphics |  |
HowTo: Use alpha blending to overlay translucent text in VB .NET | alpha blend, overlay, translucent, transparent, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Pixelate areas on an image in VB .NET | pixelate, pixellate |  |
HowTo: Make an owner drawn menu with bitmaps | owner draw menus, custom menus, bitmap, bold, underline, italic |  |
HowTo: Let the user add and remove dots (or potentially other annotation) to a map | map, annotate, dot |  |
HowTo: Build a calculate with an interesting skin-like appearance | calculator, skin, SetWindowRgn |  |
HowTo: Overlay one image on another with a transparent color by using PSet | PSet, overlay, transparent |  |
HowTo: Use antialiasing to resize images smoothly in VB.NET | antialias, alias, image, resize, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Convert a picture to blue scale in three ways in VB .NET | blue scale, picture, VB .NET, image processing |  |
HowTo: Use the GetDIBits and SetDIBits API functions to convert a picture to gray scale | GetDIBits, SetDIBits, gray scale, picture |  |
HowTo: Use the GetDIBits and SetDIBits API functions to convert a picture to blue scale in three ways | GetDIBits, SetDIBits, blue scale, picture |  |
HowTo: Stretch a picture to fill a PictureBox | stretch, picture, squeeze, resize |  |
HowTo: Make a mask image for a picture with a "transparent" color | mask, transparent image, transparent color |  |
HowTo: Manipulate image pixels very quickly using LockBits wrapped in a class in VB .NET | image, pixel, image processing, unmanaged array, LockBits, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Manipulate image pixels very quickly using LockBits in VB .NET | image, pixel, image processing, unmanaged array, LockBits, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Manipulate multiple images' pixels very quickly using LockBits wrapped in a class in VB .NET | image, pixel, image processing, unmanaged array, LockBits, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Make an 8-bit device independent bitmap (DIB) from scratch | DIB, CreateDIBitmap, bitmap, image |  |
HowTo: Use the LoadImage API function to antialias an image and save the result into a file | antialias, anti-alias, anti alias, alias, LoadImage, resize, LoadPicture, SavePicture |  |
HowTo: Resize a picture using PaintPicture and save it into a bitmap file | resize, PaintPicture, bitmap |   |
HowTo: Resize an image with antialiasing using GetDIBits and SetDIBits | antialias, anti-alias, anti alias, alias, GetDIBits, SetDIBits, resize |  |
HowTo: Let the user select an irregular area and overlay it on another picture in VB .NET | region, path, area, select, overlay, copy, VB.NET |   |
HowTo: Let the user select an irregular area and copy it to and from the clipboard in VB .NET | region, path, area, select, overlay, copy, VB.NET, transparent, clipboard |   |
HowTo: Overlay an image on another using a simple mask | overlay, mask, picture, foreground, background |  |
HowTo: Pixellate an image | pixellate, image, DIB, GetDIBits, SetDIBits |  |
HowTo: Pixellate a rectangular area in an image | pixellate, image, DIB, GetDIBits, SetDIBits |  |
HowTo: See which part of a picture the mouse is over | picture, map, mouse over |  |
HowTo: Magnify the area under the mouse | mouse, magnify |  |
HowTo: Find the brightness centroid of an image | centroid, brightness, image |  |
HowTo: Apply image filters to a picture | filter, image processing, GetDIBits, SetDIBits, pixels, RGB |   |
HowTo: Display a GIF with a transparent background without flashing | GIF, display GIF, flash |  |
HowTo: Get a control's image | control image, clipboard, PrintForm |  |
HowTo: Draw a color gradient | color gradient, background |  |
HowTo: Make an elliptical ActiveX picture control | elliptical control, ActiveX control, picture control |  |
HowTo: Grab the desktop image | desktop image, background |  |
HowTo: Apply image filters to a picture in VB .NET | filter, image processing, pixels |  |
HowTo: Darken an image using Point and PSet (shows how to perform simple image processing) | darken, brightness, darkness, Point, PSet |  |
HowTo: Center an image, shrinking it to fit if necessary | center image, image, bitmap, picture, shrink, PaintPicture |  |
HowTo: Save JPEG files with different levels of compression in VB .NET | JPEG, compress, compression, optimization |  |
HowTo: Overlay one image on another with alpha blending in VB .NET | alpha, alpha blending, transparent, translucent, semi-transparent |  |
HowTo: Save a picture into a file in VB .NET | PathGradientBrush, VB.NET, offset, center |  |
HowTo: Overlay one picture on another using MakeTransparent in VB .NET | overlay, transparent, PaintPicture, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Load a picture from a file in VB .NET | load picture, loadpicture, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use DrawImage to map the corners of an image into a parallelogram in VB .NET | DrawImage, copy picture, PaintPicture, VB.NET, map corners |  |
HowTo: Convert an image to GrayScale one pixel at a time in VB .NET | grayscale, pixel-by-pixel, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use DrawImage to map the corners of an image into a parallelogram in VB .NET, reflecting the image | DrawImage, copy picture, PaintPicture, VB.NET, map corners |  |
HowTo: Copy one picture onto a location in another in VB .NET | DrawImage, copy picture, PaintPicture, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Copy part of an image onto another part of the image in VB .NET | DrawImage, copy picture, PaintPicture, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Brighten or darken a picture | picture, brighten, darken, brightness, image |   |
HowTo: Make a picture-shaped form in VB .NET | picture-shaped form, shaped form, transparent, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make buttons display the picture under them | button, picture, tile |  |
HowTo: Quickly view animated GIF files | animated GIF, GIF, view, viewer |  |
HowTo: Get a window's image using its hWnd in VB .NET | window, image, picture, hWnd, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the LoadImage API function to antialias an image and copy the result into an Image control | antialias, anti-alias, anti alias, alias, LoadImage, resize |  |
HowTo: Create a bitmap in memory and draw on it | memory bitmap, bitmap, CreateCompatibleDC, CreateCompatibleBitmap |  |
HowTo: Create a bitmap in memory, draw on it, and save the result in a bitmap file | memory bitmap, bitmap, CreateCompatibleDC, CreateCompatibleBitmap, pixels, save bitmap |  |
HowTo: Create a bitmap in memory and draw on its individual pixels | memory bitmap, bitmap, CreateCompatibleDC, CreateCompatibleBitmap, pixels |  |
HowTo: Create a bitmap in memory and draw on it using a type structure | memory bitmap, bitmap, CreateCompatibleDC, CreateCompatibleBitmap, CreateFont, TextOut |  |
HowTo: Create a bitmap in memory and draw text on it | memory bitmap, bitmap, CreateCompatibleDC, CreateCompatibleBitmap, CreateFont, TextOut |  |
HowTo: The let user drag an image in VB .NET | image, drag, transparent |  |
HowTo: Use BitBlt, StretchBlt, and PaintPicture and compare their speeds | BitBlt, StretchBlt, PaintPicture, performance, copy picture |  |
HowTo: Verify that JPG files are smaller and slower than BMP files | JPG, BMP, JPEG, GIF, bitmap, image, size, speed |  |
HowTo: Resize an image in VB .NET | resize, image, VB.NET, graphics |  |
HowTo: Let the user drag points to warp an image in VB .NET using DrawImage | warp, drag, rotate, image, VB.NET, graphics |  |
HowTo: Flip an image and/or rotate it by a multiple of 90 degrees in VB .NET | rotate, flip, image, VB.NET, graphics |  |
HowTo: Rotate an image in VB .NET using DrawImage | rotate, image, VB.NET, graphics |  |
HowTo: Warp an image in VB .NET using DrawImage | warp, rotate, image, VB.NET, graphics |  |
HowTo: Rotate a picture 90 degrees | rotate, image, picture, rotation, GetBitmapBits, SetBitmapBits |  |
HowTo: Rotate a picture 90 degrees in VB .NET | rotate, image, picture, rotation, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Invert the colors in an image using VB .NET | VB .NET, graphics, image, grayscale, image processing |  |
HowTo: Convert an image to grayscale using VB .NET | VB .NET, graphics, image, grayscale, image processing |  |
HowTo: Let the user resize an image with the mouse | resize, image, mouse |  |
HowTo: Use the LoadImage API function to antialias an image | antialias, anti-alias, anti alias, alias, LoadImage, resize |  |
HowTo: Draw text centered on a picture | PictureBox, text, center, picture |  |
HowTo: Print a centered picture as large as possible without distortion | PictureBox, picture, print, center, aspect ratio |   |
HowTo: Print a picture centered | PictureBox, picture, print |  |
HowTo: Print a picture | PictureBox, picture, print |  |
HowTo: Fill a large area one pixel at a time using SetBitmapBits | graphics, SetBitmapBits, GetBitmapBits, pixel |   |
HowTo: Fill a large area one pixel at a time using SetBitmapBits | graphics, SetBitmapBits, GetBitmapBits, pixel |   |
HowTo: Fill a large area one pixel at a time using a Bitmap object in VB.NET | graphics, SetPixel, .NET, pixel |   |
HowTo: Fill a large area one pixel at a time using PSet | graphics, PSet, pixel |   |
HowTo: Fill a PictureBox with a picture preserving its aspect ratio | picture, fit, stretch, aspect ratio, resize |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Puzzle: find the equilateral triangles in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Puzzle: find the equilateral triangles in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Let the user select a TabControl tab by pressing accelerator keys such as Alt-B in Visual Basic .NET | controls, TabControl, tab control, tabs, owner drawn, owner draw, TabDrawMode, OwnerDrawFixed, C#, C# programming, example, example program, Windows Forms programming |  |
HowTo: Display animated GIFs and change them at run time in Visual Basic .NET | animated GIF, example program, GIF, display animated GIF, Windows Forms programming, resources, example, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET, change animated GIF, load animated GIF |  |
HowTo: Make bitmap files containing numbers in circles in Visual Basic 2005 | graphics, bitmap files, VB.NET, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Use DrawToBitmap to capture an image of a form in Visual Basic 2005 | DrawToBitmap, form image, capture form image, VB 2005, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Download the NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day and use it for wallpaper | wallpaper, desktop, SystemParametersInfo, APOTD, NASA, Astronomy Picture of the Day |  |
HowTo: Draw rotated text centered at a point in Visual Basic 6 | rotate text, center text, CreateFont |  |
HowTo: Generate a file giving the dimensions of the JPEG files in a directory | picture, JPEG, dimensions, size |  |
HowTo: Compose four pictures into a single picture and save the result into a file | compose, composition, picture, PictureBox, PaintPicture |  |
HowTo: Compose four pictures into a single picture and save the result into a file in Visual Basic .NET | TextBox, convert, proper case, StrConv, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display vertical and horizontal lines as a crosshair in C# | C#, csharp, c sharp, VB .NET, crosshair |  |
HowTo: Draw "stars" inside regular polygons | star, polygon |  |
HowTo: Draw "stars" inside regular polygons in VB .NET | star, polygon, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Store and retrieve an image in an Access database | Access, image, picture, memo |  |
HowTo: Format dates and draw an analog clock | format date, clock, analog clock |  |
HowTo: Give PictureBoxes different border styles (raised, sunken, etc.) in VB .NET | PictureBox, border style, raised, sunken, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Give PictureBoxes different border styles (raised, sunken, etc.) | PictureBox, border style, raised, sunken |  |
HowTo: Let the user grab part of the screen | grab screen, capture screen |  |
HowTo: Make a form that appears semi-transparent | semi-transparent, translucent, form |  |
HowTo: Make a transparent analog clock | click, SetWindowRgn, transparent, analog |  |
HowTo: Use a custom mouse icon at run time | mouse icon, mouse pointer, pointer, MousePointer |  |
HowTo: Explore the Mandelbrot set in VB .NET | Mandelbrot, VB.NET |   |
HowTo: Copy, cut, and paste pieces of a picture | copy, cut, paste, Clipboard, image, picture, piece, section, area, region |  |
HowTo: Get the system bitmaps for minimizing, restoring, ComboBox arrows, etc. | bitmap, image, system bitmap, system image |  |
HowTo: Use DDE to print PDF files | DDE, PDF, Adobe Acrobat, Acrobat |  |
HowTo: Let the user add and remove dots (or potentially other annotation) to a map | map, annotate, dot |  |
HowTo: Build a calculate with an interesting skin-like appearance | calculator, skin, SetWindowRgn |  |
HowTo: Make a custom gauge control with a toolbox bitmap in VB .NET | gauge, control, custom control, VB .NET, UserControl |  |
HowTo: Let the user graphically select a range of hours | time, hours, select hours |  |
HowTo: Let the user select an irregular area and overlay it on another picture in VB .NET | region, path, area, select, overlay, copy, VB.NET |   |
HowTo: Let the user select an irregular area and copy it to and from the clipboard in VB .NET | region, path, area, select, overlay, copy, VB.NET, transparent, clipboard |   |
HowTo: Make an ActiveX control that asynchronously downloads images directly into a PictureBox | picture, PictureBox, download |  |
HowTo: Magnify the area under the mouse | mouse, magnify |  |
HowTo: Make an ActiveX control that highlights itself when the mouse is over it | ActiveX control, highlight |  |
HowTo: Make an ActiveX control that highlights itself when the mouse is over it using WindowFromPointXY | ActiveX control, highlight, WindowFromPointXY |  |
HowTo: Draw playing card images using cards32.dll | cards, playing cards, card games, games |  |
HowTo: Copy and paste images to the Clipboard | clipboard, copy, paste, image |  |
HowTo: Use Zlib and DIBs to save and restore compressed pictures in a database without using temporary files | DIB, picture, image, database, SetDIBits, GetDIBits, Zlib, compress |  |
HowTo: Use DIBs to save and restore pictures in a database without using temporary files | DIB, picture, image, database, SetDIBits, GetDIBits |  |
PictureSaver | screen saver, PictureSaver |  |
HowTo: Write DXF files | DXF, CAD, drawing |  |
HowTo: Print barcodes | barcodes |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Draw an Apollonian gasket with circles filled by random colors in Visual Basic .NET | random colors, mathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonian gasket, Apollonian packing, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw an Apollonian gasket (or Apollonian packing) in Visual Basic .NET | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonian gasket, Apollonian packing, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw an Apollonian gasket with circles filled by random colors in Visual Basic 6 | random colors, mathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonian gasket, Apollonian packing, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Draw an Apollonian gasket (or Apollonian packing) in Visual Basic 6 | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonian gasket, Apollonian packing, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Find circles that are tangent to three given circles in Visual Basic .NET | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find circles that are tangent to three given circles in Visual Basic 6 | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one large picture inside another in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one picture inside another in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one large picture inside another in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one picture inside another in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use EXIF information to orient an image properly in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, files, orient image, orient picture, image processing, EXIF, orientation, rotate image, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Read an image file's EXIF orientation data in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, files, image processing, EXIF, orientation, rotate image, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Show samples of EXIF image orientations in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, files, image processing, EXIF, orientation, rotate image, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Measure distances on a map with a scale in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms graphics map measure map measure distances map scale example example program Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Measure distances on a map with a scale in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms graphics map measure map measure distances map scale example example program Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Draw a Sierpinski fractal curve in Visual Basic .NET | example program, Sierpinski curve, space-filling curve, example, Windows Forms programming, fractal, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Reduce the number of colors in a Bitmap and remap them to make interesting effects in Visual Basic 6 | graphics, algorithms, colors, color depth, reduce color depth, Warhol, Andy Warhol, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Reduce the number of colors in a Bitmap and remap them to make interesting effects in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, algorithms, colors, color depth, reduce color depth, Warhol, Andy Warhol, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Fill a shape drawn by the user with random lines in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, lines, fill shape, user-drawn shape, random lines, random, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a Pickover popcorn fractal in Visual Basic 6 | fractals, algorithms, mathematics, Pickover, Pickover fractal, Pickover popcorn, popcorn fractal, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, VB 6, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Draw a Pickover popcorn fractal in Visual Basic .NET | fractals, algorithms, mathematics, Pickover, Pickover fractal, Pickover popcorn, popcorn fractal, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a colored Pickover popcorn fractal in Visual Basic .NET | fractals, algorithms, mathematics, Pickover, Pickover fractal, Pickover popcorn, popcorn fractal, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a colored Pickover popcorn fractal in Visual Basic 6 | fractals, algorithms, mathematics, Pickover, Pickover fractal, Pickover popcorn, popcorn fractal, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, VB 6, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Draw text that follows a curve in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, algorithms, fonts, rotated text, text on segment, line segment, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw text that sits above or below a line segment in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, algorithms, fonts, rotated text, text on segment, line segment, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find a least squares Weibull curve fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6 | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, Weibull, Weibull curve fit, Weibull least squares, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Find a least squares Weibull curve fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NET | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, Weibull, Weibull curve fit, Weibull least squares, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find an exponential least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6 | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, exponential, exponential curve fit, exponential least squares, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Find an exponential least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NET | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, exponential, exponential curve fit, exponential least squares, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find a linear least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, mathematics, least squares, linear least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Find a polynomial least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, mathematics, least squares, polynomial least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Find a polynomial least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, mathematics, least squares, polynomial least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find a linear least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, mathematics, least squares, linear least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a vortex fractal with smoothly shaded colors in Visual Basic 6 | graphics, fractals, vortex, vortex fractal, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic 6, VB6 |  |
HowTo: Draw a vortex fractal with smoothly shaded colors in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, fractals, vortex, vortex fractal, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a Mandelbrot set with smoothly shaded colors in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, fractals, Mandelbrot, Mandelbrot set, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a Mandelbrot set with smoothly shaded colors in Visual Basic 6 | graphics, fractals, Mandelbrot, Mandelbrot set, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic 6, VB6 |  |
HowTo: Use a Complex class to draw the Mandelbrot set easily in Visual Basic .NET | Mandelbrot set, fractal, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET, Visual Basic |  |
HowTo: Use a Complex class to draw the Mandelbrot set easily in Visual Basic 6 | Mandelbrot set, fractal, Visual Basic 6, VB 6, Visual Basic |  |
HowTo: Draw a vortex fractal in Visual Basic 6 | graphics, fractals, vortex, vortex fractal, vortex set, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic 6, ` VB6 |  |
HowTo: Draw a vortex fractal in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, fractals, vortex, vortex fractal, vortex set, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a picture tiles jigsaw game in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, algorithms, games, picture, tiles, image, DrawImage, jigsaw, puzzle, game, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find the tangent lines between two circles in Visual Basic 6 | tangents, circle, tangent lines, geometry, graphics, algorithms, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Use a PointF class to find the tangent lines between a point and a circle in Visual Basic 6 | tangents, find tangents, find tangent lines, tangent lines, Visual Basic 6, VB 6, graphics, algorithms, PointF |  |
HowTo: Find the tangent lines between a point and a circle in Visual Basic .NET | tangents, find tangents, find tangent lines, tangent lines, Visual Basic .NET, VB .NET, graphics, algorithms |  |
HowTo: Find the tangent lines between a point and a circle in Visual Basic 6 | tangents, find tangents, find tangent lines, tangent lines, Visual Basic 6, VB 6, graphics, algorithms |  |
HowTo: Determine whether a point lies inside a polygonal path in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, polygon, point, point in polygon, contains, polygon contains, polygon contains point, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Determine whether a point lies inside a polygon in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, polygon, point, point in polygon, contains, polygon contains, polygon contains point, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Plot a smiley face function in Visual Basic .NET | delegate, plot, graph, plot function, graph function, graphics, algorithms, smiley face, smiley, plot smiley face, graph smiley face, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Plot the equation of a function of two variables in Visual Basic .NET | graph, plot, graph equation, plot equation, graphics, algorithms, geometry, Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Determine where two circles intersect in Visual Basic 6 | circles, intersect, intersect two circles, intersections, find circle intersections, VB 6, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Determine where two circles intersect in Visual Basic .NET | circles, intersect, intersect two circles, intersections, find circle intersections, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Simulate a robot arm with three rotating joints and a hand using XAML code | robot, robotics, arm, drawing, XAML, WPF |  |
HowTo: Simulate a robot arm with three rotating joints in Visual Basic .NET | robot, robotics, arm, drawing, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the BitmapBytesRGB24 class to apply an embossing filter to an image very quickly in Visual Basic 2005 | BitmapBytesRGB24, LockBits, UnlockBits, image processing, filter image, emboss, embossing filter, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use Microsoft's .NET Framework parallel extensions to apply an embossing filter to an image very quickly in Visual Basic 2008 | parallel, multi-threading, threading, BitmapBytesRGB24, LockBits, UnlockBits, image processing, filter image, emboss, embossing filter, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a map that shows a circular closeup of the part under the mouse in Visual Basic 6 | closeup map, map, enlarge, closeup, close up, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Make a map that shows a closeup of the part under the mouse in Visual Basic 2005 | closeup map, map, enlarge, closeup, close up, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Make a map that shows a circular closeup of the part under the mouse in Visual Basic 2005 | closeup map, map, enlarge, closeup, close up, circular region, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Make a map that shows a closeup of the part under the mouse in Visual Basic 6 | closeup map, map, enlarge, closeup, close up, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Find a smallest rectangle that bounds a set of points in Visual Basic .NET | bounding rectangle, calipers, VB .NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Find a smallest rectangle that bounds a set of points in Visual Basic 6 | bounding rectangle, calipers, VB 6, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Find a smallest rectangle that bounds a set of points in Visual Basic 2005 | bounding rectangle, calipers, VB 2005, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Draw a radar graph in Visual Basic .NET | radar graph, graph, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a radar graph in Visual Basic 6 | radar graph, graph |  |
HowTo: Determine whether a polygon is convex in Visual Basic .NET | polygon, convex, concave, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find the orientation of a polygon (clockwise or counterclockwise) in Visual Basic .NET | polygon, orientation, clockwise, counterclockwise, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Break a polygon into triangles in Visual Basic .NET | triangulate, triangle, polygon, geometry, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Calculate a polygon's area in Visual Basic .NET | polygon, area, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find a polygon's centroid (center of mass) in Visual Basic .NET | polygon, centroid, center of mass, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a pie chart from an array of values in Visual Basic .NET | pie chart, pie slice, wedge, circle, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a pie chart from an array of values | pie chart, pie slice, wedge, circle |  |
HowTo: Let the user move a polygon's points with grab handles, snapping the points to a visible grid | polygon, snap to, grid, draw, drag, snapto |  |
HowTo: Find the shortest distance between two line segments | segment, distance, geometry |  |
HowTo: Use transformations to draw an animated atom in Visual Basic .NET | animation, atom, animated atom, transformation, ellipse, rotated ellipse, rotation, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use transformations to draw an animated atom in Visual Basic 6 | animation, atom, animated atom, transformation, ellipse, rotated ellipse, rotation, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Use transformations to draw a rotated ellipse in Visual Basic 6 | transformation, ellipse, rotated ellipse, rotation, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Find the convex hull of a set of points in Visual Basic 2005 | convex hull, geometry, points, bounding polygon, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Draw rotated text centered at a point in Visual Basic 6 | rotate text, center text, CreateFont |  |
HowTo: Make a scrolled window that contains several other controls | scrolled window, scrolling, scroll bars |  |
HowTo: Make a scrolled window that doesn't resize with the form | scrolled window, scrolling, scroll bars |  |
HowTo: Convert almost white pixels to white | pixels, color, convert, color conversion |  |
HowTo: Draw a spline "by hand" in VB .NET | smooth curve, spline, cardinal spline, Bezier curve, tension, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Draw the Barnsley's Fern fractal | Barnsley's Fern, fractal, iterated functions, iterated function system |  |
HowTo: Draw the Barnsley's Fern fractal in VB .NET | Barnsley's Fern, fractal, iterated functions, iterated function system, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a swirl | swirl |  |
HowTo: Make a curlicue fractal in Visual Basic .NET | curlicue, fractal, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a curlicue fractal | curlicue, fractal |  |
HowTo: Make a swirl in Visual Basic .NET | swirl, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw strange attractors (fractals) in Visual Basic .NET | strange attractor, fractal, equation, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw strange attractors (fractals) | strange attractor, fractal, equation, graphics |  |
HowTo: Find the points where a line intersects a circle | graphics, line, circle, intersection |  |
HowTo: Find the points where a line intersects a circle in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, line, circle, intersection |  |
HowTo: Find the convex hull of a set of points | convex hull, geometry, points, bounding polygon |   |
HowTo: Draw "stars" inside regular polygons | star, polygon |  |
HowTo: Draw "stars" inside regular polygons in VB .NET | star, polygon, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a smooth closed curve | smooth curve, smooth closed curve, spline, cardinal spline, Bezier curve, tension |   |
HowTo: Draw a smooth curve | smooth curve, spline, cardinal spline, Bezier curve, tension |   |
HowTo: Draw a Bezier curve | Bezier curve, spline, smooth, curve |   |
HowTo: Draw a smooth closed curve by hand in VB .NET | smooth curve, smooth closed curve, spline, cardinal spline, Bezier curve, tension |   |
HowTo: Draw a Bezier curve by hand in VB .NET | Bezier curve, spline, smooth, curve |   |
HowTo: Draw a smooth curve by hand in VB .NET | smooth curve, spline, cardinal spline, Bezier curve, tension |   |
HowTo: Determine whether a point is inside a polygon | polygon, point, inside, contains |   |
HowTo: Find the difference between two images in VB .NET | image, bitmap, VB.NET, compare, difference, imagediff |  |
HowTo: Compare two images to find differences | image, bitmap, compare, difference, imagediff |  |
HowTo: Find the difference between two images | image, bitmap, compare, difference, imagediff |  |
HowTo: Compare two images to find differences in VB .NET | image, bitmap, VB.NET, compare, difference, imagediff |  |
HowTo: Use transformations to draw angled text in VB .NET | font, angled text, VB.NET, transformation, Graphics |  |
HowTo: Explore the Mandelbrot set in VB .NET | Mandelbrot, VB.NET |   |
HowTo: Find the equation of a quadratic curve passing through three points | quadratic curve, quadratic equation, curve, points |  |
HowTo: Pixelate areas on an image in VB .NET | pixelate, pixellate |  |
HowTo: Draw a rotated ellipse | ellipse, rotate |  |
HowTo: Let the user move a polygon's points with grab handles, snapping the points to a grid | polygon, snap to, grid, draw, drag |   |
HowTo: Let the user modify a polygon with grab handles in VB .NET | polygon, grab handles, draw, drag |   |
HowTo: Draw a positioning grid and snap line segments to its points in VB .NET | snap to, grid, draw, drag |   |
HowTo: Let the user move a polygon's points with grab handles, snapping the points to a grid in VB .NET | polygon, grab handles, snap to, grid, draw, drag |   |
HowTo: Draw a positioning grid and snap line segments to its points | snap to, grid, draw, drag |   |
HowTo: Pixellate an image | pixellate, image, DIB, GetDIBits, SetDIBits |  |
HowTo: Pixellate a rectangular area in an image | pixellate, image, DIB, GetDIBits, SetDIBits |  |
HowTo: Graph a lemniscate curve in polar coordinates | graph, polar coordinates, lemniscate |  |
HowTo: Graph a limacon curve in polar coordinates | graph, polar coordinates, limacon |  |
HowTo: Find the brightness centroid of an image | centroid, brightness, image |  |
HowTo: Graph a curve in polar coordinates | graph, polar coordinates |  |
HowTo: Hatch a region with a non-standard hatch size | hatch region, fill |  |
HowTo: See where two lines intersect | line, intersect |  |
HowTo: Draw a circle through three points | circle, points, draw circle |  |
HowTo: Draw an arrowhead on a line | arrow, arrowhead, line, draw |  |
HowTo: Draw arcs with arrow heads | arrow, arrowhead, line, draw, arc |  |
HowTo: Let the user interactively draw lines with arrow heads | arrow, arrowhead, line, draw |  |
HowTo: Rotate a picture 90 degrees | rotate, image, picture, rotation, GetBitmapBits, SetBitmapBits |  |
HowTo: Rotate a picture 90 degrees in VB .NET | rotate, image, picture, rotation, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Find the angle between two line segments using the Law of Cosines | angle, line segments, law of cosines, arccosine, Acos |  |
HowTo: Find the angle between two line segments | angle, line segments |   |
HowTo: Rotate the points in a polygon | rotate, polygon, point |   |
Tutorial: Drawing Platonic Solids | Platonic solids, polyhedron, polytope, solid, tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron, hexahedron |  |
HowTo: Determine whether a polygon is convex | polygon, convex, concave |   |
HowTo: Find a polygon's centroid (center of mass) | polygon, centroid, center of mass |   |
HowTo: Calculate a polygon's area | polygon, area |   |
HowTo: Find the orientation of a polygon (clockwise or counterclockwise) | polygon, orientation, clockwise, counterclockwise |   |
HowTo: Break a polygon into triangles | triangulate, triangle, polygon, geometry |   |
HowTo: Fill in missing pixels in an image | fill, pixels, missing, interpolation, interpolate |   |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Draw text that follows a curve in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, algorithms, fonts, rotated text, text on segment, line segment, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw text that sits above or below a line segment in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, algorithms, fonts, rotated text, text on segment, line segment, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw text filled with random colored circles in Visual Basic 6 | random, random circles, fonts, circle filled text, VB 6, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Make a Label use the largest font it can while still allowing its text to fit in Visual Basic .NET | font, biggest font, largest font, Label, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a Label use the largest font it can while still allowing its text to fit allowing wrapping in Visual Basic .NET | font, biggest font, largest font, Label, wrap, wrapping, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 4) in Visual Basic 6 | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image |   |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 6) in Visual Basic .NET | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image |   |
HowTo: Build images for a TabStrip control's tabs at run time in Visual Basic 6 | TabStrip, control, tab, tab images, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Install a font | fonts, install font, create font | |
HowTo: Install a temporary font | fonts, install font, create font, remove font, uninstall font, temporary font | |
HowTo: Make a ListBox display chemical symbols in Visual Basic 2005 | ListBox, chemicals, chemical symbols, Visual Basic 2005, subscripts |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 5) in Visual Basic .NET | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 2) in Visual Basic 6 | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 1) in Visual Basic 6 | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 3) in Visual Basic 6 | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image |  |
HowTo: Draw rainbow shaded text in Visual Basic .NET | color, rainbow, text, string, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Create fonts easily by using the Font constructor that uses a prototype in Visual Basic .NET | Font, create font, font prototype, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Create fonts easily and interactively by using the Font constructor that uses a prototype in Visual Basic .NET | Font, create font, font prototype, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw rotated text centered at a point in Visual Basic 6 | rotate text, center text, CreateFont |  |
HowTo: Display samples of the SystemFonts in Visual Basic .NET | SystemFonts, system fonts, font, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Change a form's font in Visual Basic .NET | font, change font, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Position tab stops while drawing text in VB .NET | tabs, VB .NET, drawing, layout rectangle, StringFormat |  |
HowTo: Put text with a color background in menus | menu, font, colored menu, ModifyMenu |  |
HowTo: Use menus with custom fonts | menu, font, WndProc, subclassing |  |
HowTo: Draw text in XOR mode and with other raster operations | XOR, text, raster operations, raster ops |  |
HowTo: Use transformations to draw angled text in VB .NET | font, angled text, VB.NET, transformation, Graphics |  |
HowTo: Draw transformed text in VB .NET | transform, transformation, text, font, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw untransformed text at a transformed location in VB .NET | transform, transformation, text, font, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw text that is rotated but otherwise untransformed at a transformed location in VB .NET | transform, transformation, text, font, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Learn about the system font | system font, font |  |
HowTo: Draw text using an extra tall font | font, CreateFont, tall font, stretched font, text |  |
HowTo: Display rotated text on top of a PictureBox | rotated text, rotated font, CreateFont, PictureBox |  |
HowTo: Draw stretched, squeezed, and rotated text | font, text, CreateFont, stretch, squeeze, rotate, stretched, squeezed, rotated |  |
HowTo: Interactively change a font's height, width, weight, and font name | font, text, CreateFont |  |
HowTo: Let the user select a font | font, CommonDialog, ShowFont, select font |  |
Tip: Install fonts | install font, font | |
HowTo: Get the pitch (fixed or variable) of each font available on the system | font, font pitch, fixed width, variable width |  |
HowTo: Clip lines to the boundary of a text string | clip, clipping, text, lines, path |  |
HowTo: Draw rotated text | rotate, text, CreateFont |  |
HowTo: Draw rotated text in VB .NET | rotate, text, CreateFont, font, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a font at different sizes in VB .NET | .NET, VB.NET, font, text, size, font size |  |
HowTo: List screen and printer fonts | font, text, printer, screen |  |
HowTo: Show samples of the fonts available on the system | font, text |  |
HowTo: Draw a font at different sizes | font, text, size |  |
HowTo: Let the user select a TrueType font | select font, TrueType, common dialog |  |
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HowTo: Let the user drag an image with transparent pixels over a background image in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, drag image, drag picture, image, picture, transparent, transparency, animation |  |
HowTo: Display animated GIFs and change them at run time in Visual Basic .NET | animated GIF, example program, GIF, display animated GIF, Windows Forms programming, resources, example, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET, change animated GIF, load animated GIF |  |
HowTo: Let the user drag a picture with the mouse or move it with the arrow keys | drag picture, BitBlt |  |
HowTo: Overlay a picture on another and use BitBlt to repaint only the modified parts of the background | drag picture, BitBlt |  |
HowTo: Overlay a picture on another and use BitBlt to allow the user to drag it | drag picture, BitBlt |  |
HowTo: Overlay a picture on another and use PaintPicture to allow the user to drag it | drag picture, PaintPicture |  |
Talk: Four Fascinating Features | regular expressions, cryptography, reflection, Direct3D, graphics, algorithms | |
HowTo: Add progress indicators to a StatusBar control | StatusBar, ProgressBar, animation, progress indicator, working |  |
HowTo: Make a bouncing ball animation in VB .NET | bouncing ball, animation, animate, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use transformations to draw an animated atom in Visual Basic .NET | animation, atom, animated atom, transformation, ellipse, rotated ellipse, rotation, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use transformations to draw an animated atom in Visual Basic 6 | animation, atom, animated atom, transformation, ellipse, rotated ellipse, rotation, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Slowly fill a circle with color from bottom to top in Visual Basic .NET | circle, ellipse, fill circle, fill ellipse, VB.NET, animation |  |
HowTo: Make a silly program that tracks the mouse's current position with a pair of eyes in Visual Basic .NET | eyes, mouse, mouse cursor, current position, track, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Rotate text around a center in VB .NET | text, rotate, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a game where you control a cannon ball's angle and speed to try to hit a house in VB .NET | cannon, simulation, gravity, animation |  |
HowTo: Make a game where you control a cannon ball's angle and speed to try to hit a house | cannon, simulation, gravity, animation |  |
HowTo: Animate a moving picture in VB .NET | animate, animation, multimedia |  |
HowTo: Make a moveable analog clock with a shaped form in VB .NET | analog, clock, time, position, lower right, rotated text, move, move form |  |
HowTo: Make a transparent moveable analog clock in VB .NET | analog, clock, time, position, lower right, rotated text, transparent, move, move form |  |
HowTo: Make an analog clock with a shaped form in VB .NET | analog, clock, time, position, lower right, rotated text |  |
HowTo: Make an analog clock with a shaped form | analog, clock, shaped form, time, move form |  |
HowTo: Draw a Sierpinski gasket (fractal) in VB.NET | Sierpinski gasket, fractal, random, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a Sierpinski gasket (fractal) | Sierpinski gasket, fractal, random |  |
HowTo: Draw a non-triangular Sierpinski gasket (fractal) in VB.NET | Sierpinski gasket, fractal, random, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a non-triangular Sierpinski gasket (fractal) | Sierpinski gasket, fractal, random |  |
HowTo: Draw simulated snow | snow, screen saver |  |
HowTo: Draw animated shapes with transparent backgrounds stored in PictureBoxes | image processing, animation, animate, image, SetWindowRgn, GetDIBits, SetDIBits, GetBitmapPixels |  |
HowTo: Draw animated shapes with transparent backgrounds | image processing, animation, animate, image, SetWindowRgn, GetDIBits, SetDIBits, GetBitmapPixels |  |
HowTo: Make an ActiveX control that controls picture transitions | picture, PictureBox, transition, image |  |
HowTo: Make a bouncing ball screen saver with VB .NET | VB.NET, screen saver, commandline, command line, parameters |  |
HowTo: Make a slide show screen saver in VB .NET | VB.NET, screen saver, commandline, command line, parameters |  |
HowTo: Make moving graphs drawn in PictureBoxes | PictureBox, graph, animation |  |
HowTo: Place progress indicators above a StatusBar control | StatusBar, ProgressBar, animation, progress indicator, working |  |
HowTo: Make a shaped form scroll across the desktop | scroll, banner, shaped form, desktop, CreateFont, SetWindowRgn, region, text-shaped form |  |
HowTo: Make a scrolling banner run across the desktop | scrolling, banner, desktop |  |
HowTo: Draw a bar gauge | bar gauge |  |
HowTo: Make a bar gauge ActiveX control | bar gauge, ActiveX control |  |
HowTo: Make an elliptical clock with numerals aligned with the ellipse | position, lower right, analog, clock, numerals, time, move form |  |
HowTo: Make a slide show screen saver (PictureSaver) | screen saver, commandline, command line, parameters, slide show, PictureSaver |  |
HowTo: Animate a series of bitmaps stored in an ImageList | animation, bitmap, animate, multimedia |  |
HowTo: Animate a series of bitmaps stored in in PictureBoxes | animation, bitmap, animate, multimedia |  |
HowTo: Animate a bouncing ball on a blank background | bouncing ball, animation, blank background |  |
HowTo: Animate a bouncing ball on a background | bouncing ball, animation, background |  |
HowTo: Animate a complex moving object | overlay, moving object, moving picture, transparent picture |  |
HowTo: Make a bouncing ball screen saver | screen saver, commandline, command line, parameters, bounce |  |
HowTo: Start the system's screen saver | screen saver, start |  |
How To: Display a transparent image with sound stored in the executable | graphics, animation, api, sound, wav, mid, MCI, mciSendString, user control |  |
HowTo: Make roaches crawl over your screen | graphics, animation, roach, cockroach, desktop, transparent |  |
HowTo: Display an animated mouse cursor | animated, cursor, ani |  |
HowTo: Make ladybugs wander around your desktop | graphics, animation, ladybugs, desktop, transparent |  |
HowTo: Make an analog clock with numerals positioned at the lower right corner of the screen | position, lower right, analog, clock, numerals, time, move form |  |
HowTo: Display an animated GIF file | GIF, animated, animation |  |
HowTo: Rotate text in a Caption | text, rotate, Caption |  |
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Keywords |
HowTo: Fill a shape drawn by the user with random lines in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, lines, fill shape, user-drawn shape, random lines, random, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw text that is clipped to a graphics path in Visual Basic .NET | text, path, clip |  |
HowTo: Draw a warped path in VB .NET | path, GraphicsPath, warp, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Fit a PictureBox to its non-transparent pixels in VB .NET | shaped picture, PictureBox, region |   |
HowTo: Fit a PictureBox to its non-transparent pixels | shaped picture, PictureBox, region, SetWindowRgn |   |
HowTo: Make a picture box with a hole in it | PictureBox, shape, region, SetWindowRgn, shaped PictureBox |  |
HowTo: Set a control's Region to shape the control in VB .NET | region, window region, shape, shaped control |  |
HowTo: See which part of a picture the mouse is over | picture, map, mouse over |  |
HowTo: Make an elliptical ActiveX picture control | elliptical control, ActiveX control, picture control |  |
HowTo: Fill an irregular area with the FloodFill API function | flood, floodfill |   |
HowTo: Create an elliptical form | form, shape, region, SetWindowRgn, shaped form, ellipse, elliptical |  |
HowTo: Make a form filled with holes | form, shape, region, SetWindowRgn, shaped form, holes, swiss cheese |  |
HowTo: Make a form with an elliptical hole in it | form, shape, region, SetWindowRgn, shaped form |  |
HowTo: Make a form with a rectangular hole in it | form, shape, region, SetWindowRgn, shaped form |  |
HowTo: Make a text-shaped PictureBox | text-shaped picture box, SetWindowRgn, region, shape, PictureBox |  |
HowTo: Make a shaped button in VB .NET | shape, polygon, button, SetWindowRgn, region, shaped button, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Make a shaped button | shape, polygon, button, SetWindowRgn, region, shaped button |  |
HowTo: Fill a polygon with a color gradient | polygon, gradient text, SetWindowRgn, region |  |
HowTo: Make a rotating polygonal shaped form | form, shape, polygon, rotate, spin, SetWindowRgn, region, shaped form |  |
HowTo: Make a polygonal shaped form | form, shape, polygon, SetWindowRgn, region, shaped form |  |
HowTo: Shape a form to fit a picture | shape form, picture, transparent, region |   |
HowTo: Tile a polygon with a picture | picture, tile, polygon, region |   |
HowTo: Draw a polygon filled with a picture | region, path, polygon, picture |   |
HowTo: Draw a polygon filled with text | text, region, path, polygon |   |
HowTo: Draw text filled with a picture | text, region, path, picture |   |
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HowTo: Make a drawing application in VB .NET | draw, drawing, Drawable, serialization, XmlSerializer |  |
HowTo: Crop a picture and save the result in Visual Basic 2005 | crop picture, crop, trim, Visual Basic 2005, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Crop a picture and save the result in Visual Basic 6 | crop picture, crop, trim, Visual Basic |  |
HowTo: Let the user move a polygon's points with grab handles, snapping the points to a visible grid | polygon, snap to, grid, draw, drag, snapto |  |
HowTo: Make a labeled line "symbiote" to help users draw rubberband lines in VB .NET | labeled line symbiote, rubberband line, draw, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a line "symbiote" to help users draw rubberband lines in VB .NET | line symbiote, rubberband line, draw, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a line "symbiote" to help users draw rubberband lines | line symbiote, rubberband line, draw |  |
HowTo: Make a line "symbiote" to help users draw labeled rubberband lines | labeled line symbiote, rubberband line, draw |  |
HowTo: Draw a rubberband rectangle with and without double buffering in VB .NET | |  |
HowTo: Let the user grab part of the screen | grab screen, capture screen |  |
HowTo: Let the user move a polygon's points with grab handles, snapping the points to a grid | polygon, snap to, grid, draw, drag |   |
HowTo: Let the user modify a polygon with grab handles in VB .NET | polygon, grab handles, draw, drag |   |
HowTo: Draw a positioning grid and snap line segments to its points in VB .NET | snap to, grid, draw, drag |   |
HowTo: Let the user move a polygon's points with grab handles, snapping the points to a grid in VB .NET | polygon, grab handles, snap to, grid, draw, drag |   |
HowTo: Draw a positioning grid and snap line segments to its points | snap to, grid, draw, drag |   |
HowTo: Let the user select an area using a rubberband box and place a new control there | rubber band, rubberband, rectangle, user drawing |  |
HowTo: Let the user drag a vertical line side to side | drag, line, sash, rubberband |  |
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HowTo: Convert a Windows metafile (wmf file) to a PNG file in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, image processing, wmf file, png file, Windows metafile, metafile, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display a Windows metafile (wmf file) in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, image processing, wmf file, Windows metafile, metafile, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Write a DLL in Visual Basic .NET that saves images in different formats (GIF, JPG, etc.) and call it from Visual Basic 6 | VB .NET, VB 6, Visual Basic 6, DLL, save image, GIF, JPG, JPEG |  |
HowTo: Draw text centered at a position | text, center text, font |  |
HowTo: Draw text centered at a position in VB .NET | text, center text, font |  |
HowTo: Left- or right-align text in VB.NET | align, align text, format, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make substitutions in a WMF file | WMF, Windows Metafile |  |
HowTo: Display a GIF with a transparent background without flashing | GIF, display GIF, flash |  |
HowTo: Use a bitmap for an icon | bitmap, icon, image |  |
HowTo: Load a bitmap and save it as an icon | bitmap, icon, image |  |
HowTo: Load an image and save it in a different image format (GIF, JPG, TIFF, etc.) in VB .NET | image, VB.NET, type, BMP, bitmap, GIF, JPG, JPEG, TIF, TIFF, PNG, EMF, WMF, ICO, icon, Exif |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Let the user drag an image with transparent pixels over a background image in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, drag image, drag picture, image, picture, transparent, transparency, animation |  |
HowTo: Draw an image with gradient alpha (opacity) values in VB .NET | image processing, alpha, gradient, opacity, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Make translucent text suitable for image watermarking in VB .NET | watermark, image, translucent, transparent, opacity, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make an image fade from one picture to another and back in VB .NET | image processing, alpha, opacity, fade, animation, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Draw an image with gradient alpha (opacity) values in VB .NET | image processing, alpha, gradient, opacity, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Use alpha blending to overlay translucent text in VB .NET | alpha blend, overlay, translucent, transparent, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Overlay one image on another with a transparent color by using PSet | PSet, overlay, transparent |  |
HowTo: Make a form with a transparent background | transparent background, glass form, region, SetWindowRgn |  |
HowTo: Make parts of a form transparent in VB .NET | form, transparent, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Overlay one picture on another using MakeTransparent in VB .NET | overlay, transparent, PaintPicture, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Change a form's opacity in VB .NET | form, Opacity, transparent, translucent, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a picture-shaped form in VB .NET | picture-shaped form, shaped form, transparent, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a windowless clock control with a transparent background | clock, windowless, analog, transparent |  |
HowTo: Animate a complex moving object | overlay, moving object, moving picture, transparent picture |  |
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Keywords |
HowTo: Plot the equation of a function of two variables in Visual Basic .NET | graph, plot, graph equation, plot equation, graphics, algorithms, geometry, Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use code to make a chart in Excel from the current selection in VBA | Excel, Office, chart, VBA, graph, Visual Basic for Applications |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to make a pie chart in Excel | Excel, VBA, pie chart, Microsoft Office |  |
HowTo: Draw a radar graph in Visual Basic .NET | radar graph, graph, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a radar graph in Visual Basic 6 | radar graph, graph |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to make a chart in Excel easily | Excel, Office, chart, VBA |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^3 - 3^Z to draw fractals in Visual Basic .NET | Newton's method, non-polynomial function, root, function, fractal, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^2 - 2^Z to draw fractals in Visual Basic .NET | Newton's method, non-polynomial function, root, function, fractal, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^2 - 2^Z to draw fractals in Visual Basic 6 | Newton's method, non-polynomial function, root, function, fractal |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^n - 1 to draw fractals in Visual Basic 6 | Newton's method, polynomial, root, function, fractal |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method to find the roots of an equation | Newton's method, equation, root, zero |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^3 - 3^Z to draw fractals in Visual Basic 6 | Newton's method, non-polynomial function, root, function, fractal |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method to find the roots of an equation in Visual Basic .NET | Newton's method, equation, root, zero |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^n - 1 to draw fractals in Visual Basic .NET | Newton's method, polynomial, root, function, fractal, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a three-dimensional histogram with VB .NET | histogram, bar chart, graph, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a color wheel in VB .NET | histogram, bar chart, graph, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a simple histogram in VB .NET | histogram, graph, bar chart, bar graph |  |
HowTo: Draw a butterfly curve | graphics, curve, butterfly, butterfly curve |  |
HowTo: Draw a butterfly curve in VB .NET | graphics, curve, butterfly, butterfly curve, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a chrysanthemum curve | graphics, curve, chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum curve |  |
HowTo: Draw a chrysanthemum curve in VB .NET | graphics, curve, chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum curve, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Graph a user-entered function by using the MS Script control | graph, equation, scale, user-entered function, mathematical expression, expression, evaluate, parse, Script control |  |
HowTo: Graph a user-entered function by parsing the function | graph, equation, scale, user-entered function, parse |  |
HowTo: Set a scaling transformation on a Graphics object and map mouse positions back into world coordinates in VB .NET | VB.NET, scale, scalemode, scalex, scaley, graph, transform, transformation, invert, inverse |  |
HowTo: Draw a continuous graph that starts and stops in VB .NET | VB .NET, graph, graphing |  |
HowTo: Draw a continuous graph in a separate thread in VB .NET | VB .NET, graph, graphing, thread, threading |  |
HowTo: Set a scaling transformation on a Graphics object in VB .NET | VB.NET, scale, scalemode, scalex, scaley, graph |  |
HowTo: Graph a parametric function (X(t), Y(t)) | graph, parametric, curve, variable |  |
HowTo: Transform a Graphics object to map an area in world coordinates to device coordinates in VB .NET | transform, Graphics object, Graphics, world coordinates, device coordinates |  |
HowTo: Graph a parametric function (X(t), Y(t)) in VB .NET | graph, parametric, parametric equations, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make moving graphs drawn in PictureBoxes | PictureBox, graph, animation |  |
HowTo: Graph a parametric function (X(t), Y(t)) on a PictureBox | graph, parametric, parametric equations, PictureBox |  |
HowTo: Make a monitor that displays a value using a vertical bar gauge that seems to float above other applications in VB .NET | gauge, bar, bar gauge, floating bar gauge, TransparencyKey, monitor, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a monitor that displays a value using a vertical gauge in VB .NET | gauge, bar, monitor, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a monitor that displays a value using a vertical bar gauge in VB .NET | gauge, bar, bar gauge, monitor, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a monitor that displays a value using a vertical bar gauge | gauge, bar, monitor |  |
HowTo: Make a monitor that displays a value using a vertical gauge | gauge, bar, monitor |  |
HowTo: Make a monitor that displays a value using bars floating over the desktop | gauge, bar, monitor, SetWindowRgn, region |  |
HowTo: Let the user interact with an MSChart control | MSChart, graph, database, chart, interactive |  |
HowTo: Copy an image of an MSChart's graph into a PictureBox | MSChart, graph, database, chart, copy, PictureBox |  |
HowTo: Use MSChart to graph data in a text file | MSChart, graph, data file, chart |  |
HowTo: Graph XY plots using MSChart | MSChart, plot, XY plot, graph, equation, chart |  |
HowTo: Use MSChart to plot two curves with unrelated X values | MSChart, graph, database, chart |  |
HowTo: Graph an equation Y = F(X) using MSChart | MSChart, graph, equation, chart |  |
HowTo: Graph data in a database using MSChart | MSChart, graph, database, chart |  |
HowTo: Graph a lemniscate curve in polar coordinates | graph, polar coordinates, lemniscate |  |
HowTo: Graph a limacon curve in polar coordinates | graph, polar coordinates, limacon |  |
HowTo: Graph a curve in polar coordinates | graph, polar coordinates |  |
HowTo: Draw a simple graph | graph, plot |  |
HowTo: Draw a simple graph with Visual Basic alone | graph, equation |  |
HowTo: Graph a user-entered function by using Excel | graph, equation, scale, user-entered function, Excel |  |
HowTo: Let the user scroll through a very long graph | graph, long graph, scroll |  |
HowTo: Load data from a database and graph it | graph, data, database |  |
HowTo: Graph a parameterized function X(t), Y(t) | graph, function, parameterized function |  |
HowTo: Graph a function with parameters entered by the user using a convenient scale | graph, equation, scale |  |
HowTo: Draw a continuous graph similiar to perfmon | graph, continuous graph, scroll, perfmon |  |
HowTo: Draw a continuous graph similiar to perfmon in VB .NET | graph, continuous graph, scroll, perfmon |  |
HowTo: Draw a simple log graph | graph, draw, log, log graph |  |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Draw a Sierpinski fractal curve in Visual Basic .NET | example program, Sierpinski curve, space-filling curve, example, Windows Forms programming, fractal, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a fractal that is generated by applying rules to prime numbers in Visual Basic 6 | graphics, fractals, primes, prime numbers, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Draw a fractal that is generated by applying rules to prime numbers in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, fractals, primes, prime numbers, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a Pickover popcorn fractal in Visual Basic 6 | fractals, algorithms, mathematics, Pickover, Pickover fractal, Pickover popcorn, popcorn fractal, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, VB 6, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Draw a Pickover popcorn fractal in Visual Basic .NET | fractals, algorithms, mathematics, Pickover, Pickover fractal, Pickover popcorn, popcorn fractal, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a colored Pickover popcorn fractal in Visual Basic .NET | fractals, algorithms, mathematics, Pickover, Pickover fractal, Pickover popcorn, popcorn fractal, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a colored Pickover popcorn fractal in Visual Basic 6 | fractals, algorithms, mathematics, Pickover, Pickover fractal, Pickover popcorn, popcorn fractal, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, VB 6, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Draw a vortex fractal with smoothly shaded colors in Visual Basic 6 | graphics, fractals, vortex, vortex fractal, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic 6, VB6 |  |
HowTo: Draw a vortex fractal with smoothly shaded colors in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, fractals, vortex, vortex fractal, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a Mandelbrot set with smoothly shaded colors in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, fractals, Mandelbrot, Mandelbrot set, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a Mandelbrot set with smoothly shaded colors in Visual Basic 6 | graphics, fractals, Mandelbrot, Mandelbrot set, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic 6, VB6 |  |
HowTo: Draw a vortex fractal in Visual Basic 6 | graphics, fractals, vortex, vortex fractal, vortex set, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic 6, ` VB6 |  |
HowTo: Draw a vortex fractal in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, fractals, vortex, vortex fractal, vortex set, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw the Barnsley's Fern fractal | Barnsley's Fern, fractal, iterated functions, iterated function system |  |
HowTo: Draw the Barnsley's Fern fractal in VB .NET | Barnsley's Fern, fractal, iterated functions, iterated function system, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a fractal Pickover strange attractor using an incremental color scheme in VB.NET | Barnsley's Fern, fractal, iterated functions, iterated function system, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a curlicue fractal in Visual Basic .NET | curlicue, fractal, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a curlicue fractal | curlicue, fractal |  |
HowTo: Draw strange attractors (fractals) in Visual Basic .NET | strange attractor, fractal, equation, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw strange attractors (fractals) | strange attractor, fractal, equation, graphics |  |
HowTo: Draw a fractal Pickover strange attractor | fractal, Pickover, Pickover attractor, strange attractor |   |
HowTo: Draw a fractal Mandelbrot set in VB.NET | fractal, Mandelbrot, Mandelbrot set |   |
HowTo: Draw a fractal Hilbert curve in VB.NET | fractal, Hilbert curve |   |
HowTo: Draw a fractal binary tree in VB.NET | fractal, binary tree, tree |   |
HowTo: Draw a fractal Pickover strange attractor in VB.NET | fractal, Pickover, Pickover attractor, strange attractor |   |
HowTo: Draw a fractal Hilbert curve | fractal, Hilbert curve |   |
HowTo: Draw a fractal binary tree | fractal, binary tree, tree |   |
HowTo: Draw a fractal Mandelbrot set | fractal, Mandelbrot, Mandelbrot set |   |
HowTo: Draw a Sierpinski gasket (fractal) in VB.NET | Sierpinski gasket, fractal, random, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a Sierpinski gasket (fractal) | Sierpinski gasket, fractal, random |  |
HowTo: Draw a non-triangular Sierpinski gasket (fractal) in VB.NET | Sierpinski gasket, fractal, random, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a non-triangular Sierpinski gasket (fractal) | Sierpinski gasket, fractal, random |  |
Title |
Keywords |
WPF Programmer's Reference | C#, WPF, Windows Presentation Foundation, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET, Visual Studio, programming |  |
WPF Programmer's Reference: Table of Contents | C#, WPF, Windows Presentation Foundation, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET, Visual Studio, programming |  |
HowTo: Simulate a robot arm with three rotating joints and a hand using XAML code | robot, robotics, arm, drawing, XAML, WPF |  |
HowTo: Make and rotate a cube by using XAML code in Visual Basic 2008 | Visual Basic 2008, VB 2008, XAML, cube, rotate |  |
HowTo: Draw a rubberband rectangle with XAML in Visual Basic 2008 | XAML, WPF, Visual Basic 2008, rubberband, rubberband rectangle |  |
HowTo: Draw a rubberband line with XAML in Visual Basic 2008 | XAML, WPF, Visual Basic 2008, rubberband, rubberband line |  |
HowTo: Draw a rubberband ellipse with XAML in Visual Basic 2008 | XAML, WPF, Visual Basic 2008, rubberband, rubberband ellipse |  |
HowTo: Draw a rubberband circle centered at a starting point with XAML in Visual Basic 2008 | XAML, WPF, Visual Basic 2008, rubberband, rubberband circle |  |
HowTo: Make a scribble application with XAML in Visual Basic 2008 | XAML, WPF, Visual Basic 2008, scribble, drawing |  |
Title |
Keywords |
WPF Programmer's Reference | C#, WPF, Windows Presentation Foundation, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET, Visual Studio, programming |  |
WPF Programmer's Reference: Table of Contents | C#, WPF, Windows Presentation Foundation, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET, Visual Studio, programming |  |
What is WPF and why should you care? | graphics, WPF, Windows Presentation Foundation, images, Silverlight | |
Title |
Keywords |
HowTo: Find a least squares Weibull curve fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6 | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, Weibull, Weibull curve fit, Weibull least squares, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Find a least squares Weibull curve fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NET | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, Weibull, Weibull curve fit, Weibull least squares, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find an exponential least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6 | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, exponential, exponential curve fit, exponential least squares, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Find an exponential least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NET | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, exponential, exponential curve fit, exponential least squares, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find a linear least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, mathematics, least squares, linear least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Find a polynomial least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, mathematics, least squares, polynomial least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Find a polynomial least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, mathematics, least squares, polynomial least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find a linear least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, mathematics, least squares, linear least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |