Title |
Keywords |
Beginning Database Design Solutions: Table of Contents | Database Design, Database, MySQL, Access, Microsoft Access, programming |  |
HowTo: Display solutions to the equilateral triangle puzzle in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Puzzle: find the equilateral triangles in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Display solutions to the equilateral triangle puzzle in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Puzzle: find the equilateral triangles in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find solutions to the equilateral triangle puzzle in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find solutions to the equilateral triangle puzzle in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Make SubArray extension methods that let you easily copy parts of one- and two-dimensional arrays in Visual Basic .NET | copy two-dimensional array, copy 2-D array, two-dimensional arrays, 2-D arrays, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Copy a two-dimensional array in Visual Basic .NET | copy two-dimensional array, copy 2-D array, two-dimensional arrays, 2-D arrays, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Add a DrawRectangle method to the Graphics class that takes a RectangleF as a parameter in Visual Basic .NET | extension methods, Graphics class, graphics, DrawRectangle, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Add delegates to combine lists of methods in Visual Basic .NET | delegate, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
Visual Basic 2010 Programmer's Reference: Updates | Visual Basic 2010, Visual Studio 2010, programming |  |
Online Articles by Rod Stephens | Online Articles, Online, Rod Stephens, articles, tips, tricks | |
HowTo: Draw an Apollonian gasket with circles filled by random colors in Visual Basic .NET | random colors, mathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonian gasket, Apollonian packing, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw an Apollonian gasket (or Apollonian packing) in Visual Basic .NET | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonian gasket, Apollonian packing, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw an Apollonian gasket with circles filled by random colors in Visual Basic 6 | random colors, mathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonian gasket, Apollonian packing, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Draw an Apollonian gasket (or Apollonian packing) in Visual Basic 6 | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonian gasket, Apollonian packing, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Copy part of an image into a new PictureBox in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, image processing, copy image, DrawImage, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw three circles and find circles that are tangent to all three in Visual Basic .NET | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Remove the X Close button from a form's system menu in Visual Basic .NET | system, forms, remove close button, remove system button, remove X button, example example, program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find circles that are tangent to three given circles in Visual Basic .NET | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find circles that are tangent to three given circles in Visual Basic 6 | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, Apollonius' Problem, Apollonius, Apollonian circles, tangent cicles, geometry, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
Stephens' Visual Basic Programming 24-Hour Trainer, Updates | Visual Basic, VB, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET, programming, updates, addendum, addenda, changes |  |
Stephens' Visual Basic Programming 24-Hour Trainer, Table of Contents | Visual Basic, VB, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET, programming, table of contents, TOC |  |
Stephens' Visual Basic Programming 24-Hour Trainer, Downloads | Visual Basic, VB, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET, programming, downloads, source code, code, zip |  |
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one large picture inside another in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one picture inside another in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one large picture inside another in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use steganography to hide one picture inside another in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, cryptography, mathematics, steganography, hidden images, hidden pictures, hide images, hide pictures, hidden messages, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Convert a Windows metafile (wmf file) to a PNG file in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, image processing, wmf file, png file, Windows metafile, metafile, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display a Windows metafile (wmf file) in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, image processing, wmf file, Windows metafile, metafile, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use EXIF information to orient an image properly in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, files, orient image, orient picture, image processing, EXIF, orientation, rotate image, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Provide multiple inheritance in Visual Basic .NET | inheritance, interfaces, multiple inheritance, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Calculate mileage and fuel consumption in the United States, United Kingdom, and metric units in Visual Basic .NET | mathematics, mileage, fuel consumption, metric, liters, miles per gallon, milometers per liter, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Calculate mileage and fuel consumption in the United States, United Kingdom, and metric units in Visual Basic 6 | mathematics, mileage, fuel consumption, metric, liters, miles per gallon, milometers per liter, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Read an image file's EXIF orientation data in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, files, image processing, EXIF, orientation, rotate image, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Show samples of EXIF image orientations in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, files, image processing, EXIF, orientation, rotate image, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a series of TextBoxes and corresponding Labels at runtime in Visual Basic .NET | TextBox, Label, runtime, create controls, make controls, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use a setting that contains a string collection in Visual Basic .NET | settings, string collection, string list, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use regular expressions and LINQ to list the unique words contained in a text file in Visual Basic .NET | files, regular expressions, LINQ, strings, replace, unique words, words, count words, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET, example, example program, Windows Forms programming |  |
HowTo: Make an owner-drawn ListView control that draws server status information in Visual Basic .NET | controls, graphics, ListView, owner draw, owner draws, OwnerDraw, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Measure distances on a map with a scale in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms graphics map measure map measure distances map scale example example program Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Measure distances on a map with a scale in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms graphics map measure map measure distances map scale example example program Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
Books: By Rod Stephens | books, Visual Basic, Visual Basic 2010, .NET Framework, C# 2010, C#, Visual C#, Visual Studio 2010, Programmer's Reference, WPF, Windows Presentation Foundation, .NET, programming, Database Design, Database, MySQL, Access, Microsoft Access, Visual Basic 2008, Visual Studio 2008, Visual Basic 2005, Whidbey, Visual Studio 2005, .NET Framework 3.0, Expert, Design, Development, Office, Microsoft Office, Office automation, ADO.NET, VB .NET, VB.NET, database programming, XML, extensible markup language, Web Services, DOM, schema, XSL, SQL Server, prototyping, software engineering, software development, graphics, fractals, tilings, 3D graphics, printing, ray tracing, image processing, tips, tricks, techniques, bug proofing, error handling, development, algorithms, sorting, searching, trees, data structures, networks, lists, recursion, arrays, hashing, ActiveX controls, controls, custom controls, Delphi |  |
HowTo: Draw a Sierpinski fractal curve in Visual Basic .NET | example program, Sierpinski curve, space-filling curve, example, Windows Forms programming, fractal, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Reduce the number of colors in a Bitmap and remap them to make interesting effects in Visual Basic 6 | graphics, algorithms, colors, color depth, reduce color depth, Warhol, Andy Warhol, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Split an image into smaller image files in Visual Basic 6 | image processing, graphics, split image, bitmap, split bitmap, save image, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Reduce the number of colors in a Bitmap and remap them to make interesting effects in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, algorithms, colors, color depth, reduce color depth, Warhol, Andy Warhol, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Split an image into smaller image files in Visual Basic .NET | image processing, graphics, split image, bitmap, split bitmap, save image, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Fill a shape drawn by the user with random lines in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, lines, fill shape, user-drawn shape, random lines, random, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a fractal that is generated by applying rules to prime numbers in Visual Basic 6 | graphics, fractals, primes, prime numbers, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Draw a fractal that is generated by applying rules to prime numbers in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, fractals, primes, prime numbers, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Graph savings from a normal bank account, a 401(k), and a Roth IRA account in Visual Basic 6 | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, graph, Roth IRA, IRA account, 401(k), savings, bank account, saving account, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Calculate the future value of a monthly investment with interest in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, mathematics, finance, interest, monthly investment, investment, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Graph savings from a normal bank account, a 401(k), and a Roth IRA account in Visual Basic .NET | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, graph, Roth IRA, IRA account, 401(k), savings, bank account, saving account, example, example program, Windows Forms programming |  |
HowTo: Calculate how long it will take to pay off a credit card by making minimum payments in Visual Basic .NET | mathematics, algorithms, finance, credit card, pay off credit card, minimum payments, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Calculate the future value of a monthly investment with interest in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, mathematics, finance, interest, monthly investment, investment, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Calculate how long it will take to pay off a credit card by making minimum payments in Visual Basic 6 | mathematics, algorithms, finance, credit card, pay off credit card, minimum payments, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Draw a Pickover popcorn fractal in Visual Basic 6 | fractals, algorithms, mathematics, Pickover, Pickover fractal, Pickover popcorn, popcorn fractal, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, VB 6, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Draw a Pickover popcorn fractal in Visual Basic .NET | fractals, algorithms, mathematics, Pickover, Pickover fractal, Pickover popcorn, popcorn fractal, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a colored Pickover popcorn fractal in Visual Basic .NET | fractals, algorithms, mathematics, Pickover, Pickover fractal, Pickover popcorn, popcorn fractal, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a colored Pickover popcorn fractal in Visual Basic 6 | fractals, algorithms, mathematics, Pickover, Pickover fractal, Pickover popcorn, popcorn fractal, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, VB 6, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Drag and drop images while displaying a preview in Visual Basic .NET | drag, drop, graphics, drag and drop preview, drag and drop, drag and drop image, drag and drop image preview, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Drag and drop images in Visual Basic .NET | drag, drop, graphics, drag and drop, drag and drop image, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Graph historical stock prices in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, stocks, stock prices, graph, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Write a subroutine in a code module that scales controls without moving them in Visual Basic .NET | subroutine, code module, module, scale control, resize control, stretch control, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use a PictureBox to make a slider with a value bar in Visual Basic .NET | controls, PictureBox, slider, TrackBar, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp, ToolTip, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use a PictureBox to make a slider with a needle in Visual Basic .NET | controls, PictureBox, slider, TrackBar, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp, ToolTip, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw text that follows a curve in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, algorithms, fonts, rotated text, text on segment, line segment, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw text that sits above or below a line segment in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, algorithms, fonts, rotated text, text on segment, line segment, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw text filled with random colored circles in Visual Basic 6 | random, random circles, fonts, circle filled text, VB 6, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Set ListBox and TextBox tab stops in Visual Basic .NET | ListBox, TextBox, set tabs, tabs, tab stops, set tab stops, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make ListBox and TextBox extension methods that set tab stops in Visual Basic .NET | ListBox, TextBox, set tabs, tabs, tab stops, set tab stops, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Learn about a program's memory usage in Visual Basic .NET | memory, working set, memory usage, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make extension methods to convert file sizes into strings giving sizes in KB, MB, etc. in Visual Basic .NET | ListBox, TextBox, set tabs, tabs, tab stops, set tab stops, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
WPF Programmer's Reference: Updates | C#, WPF, Windows Presentation Foundation, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET, Visual Studio, programming |  |
HowTo: Select a printer resolution such as Draft or High in Visual Basic .NET | printing, printers, resolution, printer resolution, draft, set printer resolution, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use a tristate CheckBox to let the user select all or none of a group of other CheckBoxes in Visual Basic .NET | controls, ComboBox, tristate, tri-state, indeterminate, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use a tristate CheckBox in Visual Basic .NET | controls, ComboBox, tristate, tri-state, indeterminate, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Let the user select a printer and then send a printout directly to it in Visual Basic .NET | printing, printers, send to printer, printout, select printer, pick printer, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Send a printout directly to a specific printer in Visual Basic .NET | printing, printers, send to printer, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
Beginning Database Design Solutions | Database Design, Database, MySQL, Access, Microsoft Access, programming |  |
Visual Basic 2008 Programmer's Reference: Updates | Visual Basic 2008, Visual Studio 2008, programming |  |
HowTo: Use animation to show how the recursive solution to the Tower of Hanoi problem works in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, recursion, Tower of Hanoi, games, puzzles, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Recursively solve the Tower of Hanoi problem in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, recursion, Tower of Hanoi, games, puzzles, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Use animation to show how the recursive solution to the Tower of Hanoi problem works in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, recursion, Tower of Hanoi, games, puzzles, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use Stacks to recursively solve the Tower of Hanoi problem in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, recursion, Tower of Hanoi, games, puzzles, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use combo boxes and text boxes to let the user pick search criteria for a database query in Visual Basic 6 | database, DataGridView, DataTable, DataAdapter, OleDbDataAdapter, data adapter, bind, DataSet, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Use combo boxes and text boxes to let the user pick search criteria for a database query in Visual Basic .NET | database, DataGridView, DataTable, DataAdapter, OleDbDataAdapter, data adapter, bind, DataSet, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Flush click events to prevent the user from clicking a button while its code is still running in Visual Basic .NET | syntax, API, threading, threads, BackgroundWorker, controls, events, flush events, flush mouse events, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
Stephens' Visual Basic Programming 24-Hour Trainer | Visual Basic, VB, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET, programming |  |
Beginning Database Design Solutions | Database Design, Database, MySQL, Access, Microsoft Access, programming |  |
Stephens' Visual Basic Programming 24-Hour Trainer | Visual Basic, VB, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET, programming |  |
HowTo: Make a second version of the kaleidoscope program in Visual Basic .NET | kaleidoscope, drawing, art, graphics, transformations, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use LinearGradientBrushes in Visual Basic .NET | LinearGradientBrush, linear gradient brush, gradient brush, color gradient, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Let the user zoom and scroll a picture drawn by the program in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, drawing, zoom, pan, scale, ScaleTransform, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make thumbnails and a web page to display the images in a directory in Visual Basic .NET | files, internet, web, thumbnails, thumbnail images, web pages, HTML, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Search for files that match multiple patterns in Visual Basic .NET | files, search, search for files, GetFiles, FindFiles, search patterns, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make thumbnails and a web page to display the images in a directory in Visual Basic 6 | files, internet, web, thumbnails, thumbnail images, web pages, HTML, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Search for files that match multiple patterns in Visual Basic 6 | files, search, search for files, GetFiles, FindFiles, search patterns, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Create menu items at run time with images, shortcut keys, and event handlers in Visual Basic .NET | menus, runtime menus, run time menus, create menus, create menus at runtime, create menus at run time, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make an infinitely cascading series of menu items in Visual Basic .NET | menus, runtime menus, run time menus, create menus, create menus at runtime, create menus at run time, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the HashSet class to represent sets and perform set operations in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, sets, set operations, overloaded operators, HashSet, union, intersection, XOR, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make an HSet class that inherits from HashSet and that support operators such as union and intersection in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, sets, set operations, overloaded operators, HashSet, union, intersection, XOR, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a generic priority queue class in Visual Basic .NET | classes, generic, generic classes, priority queue, PriorityQueue, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find a least squares Weibull curve fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6 | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, Weibull, Weibull curve fit, Weibull least squares, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Find a least squares Weibull curve fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NET | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, Weibull, Weibull curve fit, Weibull least squares, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find an exponential least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6 | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, exponential, exponential curve fit, exponential least squares, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Find an exponential least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NET | mathematics, algorithms, graphics, curve fitting, least squares, exponential, exponential curve fit, exponential least squares, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find a linear least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, mathematics, least squares, linear least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Find a polynomial least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic 6 | algorithms, mathematics, least squares, polynomial least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Find a polynomial least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, mathematics, least squares, polynomial least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find a linear least squares fit for a set of points in Visual Basic .NET | algorithms, mathematics, least squares, linear least squares, curve fitting, graphics, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a ransom note style message by drawing text using different fonts for each character in a RichTextBox in Visual Basic 6 | ransom note, text, string, random fonts, random characters, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Make a ransom note style message by drawing text using different fonts for each character in a RichTextBox in Visual Basic .NET | ransom note, text, string, random fonts, random characters, Visual Basic .NET, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Perform a flood fill on an area with approximate uniform color in Visual Basic .NET | flood, flood fill, graphics, color, approximate color, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Catch a form's minimize and maximize messages and optionally cancel them in Visual Basic .NET | minimize, maximize, cancel minimize, cancel maximize, catch events, Visual Basic .NET, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a vortex fractal with smoothly shaded colors in Visual Basic 6 | graphics, fractals, vortex, vortex fractal, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic 6, VB6 |  |
HowTo: Draw a vortex fractal with smoothly shaded colors in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, fractals, vortex, vortex fractal, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a Mandelbrot set with smoothly shaded colors in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, fractals, Mandelbrot, Mandelbrot set, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a Mandelbrot set with smoothly shaded colors in Visual Basic 6 | graphics, fractals, Mandelbrot, Mandelbrot set, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic 6, VB6 |  |
HowTo: Use a Complex class to draw the Mandelbrot set easily in Visual Basic .NET | Mandelbrot set, fractal, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET, Visual Basic |  |
HowTo: Use a Complex class to draw the Mandelbrot set easily in Visual Basic 6 | Mandelbrot set, fractal, Visual Basic 6, VB 6, Visual Basic |  |
HowTo: Draw a vortex fractal in Visual Basic 6 | graphics, fractals, vortex, vortex fractal, vortex set, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic 6, ` VB6 |  |
HowTo: Calculate the Nth root of a number in Visual Basic .NET | mathematics, roots, square roors, cube roots, find roots, Exp, Log, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a vortex fractal in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, fractals, vortex, vortex fractal, vortex set, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a program register itself for a particular system in Visual Basic .NET | cryptography, programs, register, registration, register program, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Recursively search for files and replace text in them in Visual Basic .NET | files, directories, search, search for files, find files, replace, replacements, make replacements, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a picture tiles jigsaw game in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, algorithms, games, picture, tiles, image, DrawImage, jigsaw, puzzle, game, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
Tip: Set a ComboBox Item at Startup | ComboBox, combo, set item | |
HowTo: Find the tangent lines between two circles in Visual Basic 6 | tangents, circle, tangent lines, geometry, graphics, algorithms, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Use a PointF class to find the tangent lines between a point and a circle in Visual Basic 6 | tangents, find tangents, find tangent lines, tangent lines, Visual Basic 6, VB 6, graphics, algorithms, PointF |  |
HowTo: Partition an area with circles and draw each region's count in Visual Basic .NET | circles, partition, partition area, regions, draw regions, intersect circles, circle intersections, geometry, graphics, algorithms, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find a Region's centroid in Visual Basic .NET | geometry, graphics, algorithms, region, centroid, circles, overlap, circles overlap, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find the area where two or more circles overlap in Visual Basic .NET | geometry, graphics, algorithms, circles, overlap, circles overlap, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find the tangent lines between two circles in Visual Basic .NET | tangents, circle, tangent lines, geometry, graphics, algorithms, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Write data into an Excel workbook in Visual Basic 6 | Microsoft Office, Office, Excel, Microsoft Excel, write to Excel, color cell, format cell, color Excel cell, format Excel cell |  |
HowTo: Read data from an Excel workbook in Visual Basic 6 | Microsoft Office, Office, Excel, Microsoft Excel, read from Excel, cell color, cell format, Excel cell color, Excel cell format |  |
HowTo: Write data into an Excel workbook in Visual Basic .NET | Microsoft Office, Office, Excel, Microsoft Excel, write to Excel, color cell, format cell, color Excel cell, format Excel cell |  |
HowTo: Let the user select a TabControl tab by pressing accelerator keys such as Alt-B in Visual Basic .NET | controls, TabControl, tab control, tabs, owner drawn, owner draw, TabDrawMode, OwnerDrawFixed, C#, C# programming, example, example program, Windows Forms programming |  |
HowTo: Scale a drawing so it fits a target area in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, algorithms, drawing, transformation, transform, scale, scaling, translation, translate, ScaleTransform, TranslateTransform, math, mathematics, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Read data from an Excel workbook in Visual Basic .NET | Microsoft Office, Office, Excel, Microsoft Excel, read from Excel, cell color, cell format, Excel cell color, Excel cell format |  |
HowTo: Create a Word document with some formatting in Visual Basic .NET | Microsoft Word, Word cell format, read from Word, Microsoft Office, Office, Word cell color, cell color, cell format, Word |  |
HowTo: Create a Word document containing a picture that makes text to flow around it in Visual Basic .NET | Microsoft Word, Word cell format, read from Word, Microsoft Office, Office, Word cell color, cell color, cell format, Word, right align, alignment, picture alignment |  |
HowTo: Find the tangent lines between a point and a circle in Visual Basic .NET | tangents, find tangents, find tangent lines, tangent lines, Visual Basic .NET, VB .NET, graphics, algorithms |  |
HowTo: Use double buffering to prevent flicker when drawing graphics in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, buffer, double buffer, double buffering, double-buffering, curve, butterfly, butterfly curve, algorithms, fractals, colors, math, mathematics, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Control the print preview dialog to change its size, scale, colors, and more in Visual Basic .NET | printing, preview, PrintDocument, print, PrintPreviewDialog, print preview, scale, zoom, auto, maximize, rows, columns, graphics, PrintPage |  |
HowTo: Catch unhandled exceptions in Visual Basic .NET | exceptions, unhandled exceptions, UnhandledException, unhandled errors, unhandled bugs, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find the tangent lines between a point and a circle in Visual Basic 6 | tangents, find tangents, find tangent lines, tangent lines, Visual Basic 6, VB 6, graphics, algorithms |  |
HowTo: Read a CSV file into an array | CSV, comma-separated value, file, data, array |  |
HowTo: Validate a Select Case statement that uses values from an enumerated type in Visual Basic 6 | validate, debugging, bug, enum, enumerated type, Select Case, Select Case statement, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Convert strings between Pascal case, camel case, and proper case in Visual Basic 6 | Pascal case, camel case, proper case, Pascal-case, camel-case, proper-case, capitalize, capitalization, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Use a BackgroundWorker to perform a task in the background in Visual Basic .NET | multi-threading, threads, threading, multithreading, BackgroundWorker, background worker, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a log file with multiple overflow versions in Visual Basic .NET | files, versions, file versions, log file, overflow file, draw polygons, drawing, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Let the user draw polygons in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, polygons, draw polygons, drawing, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use a second method to convert strings between Pascal case, camel case, and proper case in Visual Basic .NET | Pascal case, camel case, proper case, Pascal-case, camel-case, proper-case, capitalize, capitalization, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use try catch blocks to protect against unexpected errors in Visual Basic .NET | syntax, try, try catch, error handlings, bugs, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
WPF Programmer's Reference: Sample Chapters | C#, WPF, Windows Presentation Foundation, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET, Visual Studio, programming |  |
WPF Programmer's Reference | C#, WPF, Windows Presentation Foundation, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET, Visual Studio, programming |  |
Visual Basic 2010 Programmer's Reference | Visual Basic 2010, Visual Studio 2010, programming |  |
WPF Programmer's Reference: Table of Contents | C#, WPF, Windows Presentation Foundation, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET, Visual Studio, programming |  |
WPF Programmer's Reference: Source Code | C#, WPF, Windows Presentation Foundation, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET, Visual Studio, programming |  |
Visual Basic 2010 Programmer's Reference: Sample Chapters | Visual Basic 2010, Visual Studio 2010, programming |  |
Visual Basic 2010 Programmer's Reference: Table of Contents | Visual Basic 2010, Visual Studio 2010, programming |  |
Visual Basic 2010 Programmer's Reference: Source Code | Visual Basic 2010, Visual Studio 2010, programming |  |
HowTo: Convert strings between Pascal case, camel case, and proper case in Visual Basic .NET | strings, camelCase, PascalCase, Pascal case, camel case, proper case, add spaces, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Determine whether a point lies inside a polygonal path in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, polygon, point, point in polygon, contains, polygon contains, polygon contains point, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a close-up window for an image in Visual Basic 6 | closeup, close-up, closeup window, close-up window, zoom, picture, image, details, Visual Basic 6, VB6 |  |
HowTo: Make a close-up window for an image in Visual Basic .NET | closeup, close-up, closeup window, close-up window, zoom, picture, image, details, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use nullable parameters in Visual Basic .NET | syntax, methods, overloaded methods, overloading, overload, null parameters, optional, optional parameters, nullable, nullable parameters, missing parameters, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Determine whether a point lies inside a polygon in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, polygon, point, point in polygon, contains, polygon contains, polygon contains point, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Generate random strings in Visual Basic .NET | random strings, generate strings, random letters, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the StringBuilder class to concatenate strings quickly in Visual Basic .NET | strings, variables, StringBuilder, concatenate, catenate |  |
HowTo: Encrypt or decrypt files in Visual Basic .NET | cryptography, files, encrypt, decrypt, cipher, encipher, decipher, AES |  |
HowTo: Make a extension methods that encrypt and decrypt strings in Visual Basic .NET | cryptography, extentions, extension method, files, encrypt, decrypt, cipher, encipher, decipher, AES |  |
Tip: The difference between Refresh, Update, and Invalidate | Refresh, Update, Invalidate, redraw, paint, repaint, WM_PAINT | |
HowTo: Write a method that saves images in an appropriate format depending on the file name's extension in Visual Basic .NET | save file, save image, save bitmap, save picture, file extension, png, bmp, jpg, jpeg, gif, tiff, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Write extension methods to convert between byte arrays and strings of hexadecimal values in Visual Basic .NET | strings, variables, string extension, extensions, extension methods, Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Map numeric values to colors in a rainbow in Visual Basic 6 | graphics, colors, map values to colors, map values, Visual Basic 6, VB6 |  |
HowTo: Map numeric values to colors in a rainbow in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, colors, map values to colors, map values, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Save an image of the computer's screen using managed methods in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, form image, control image, get form image, get control image |  |
HowTo: Get the image of a control or form, or a form's client area in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, form image, control image, get form image, get control image |  |
HowTo: Let the user drag an image with transparent pixels over a background image in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, drag image, drag picture, image, picture, transparent, transparency, animation |  |
HowTo: Use the DotNetZip library to compress and decompress files in Visual Basic .NET | compress, uncompress, decompress, zip, archive, extract |  |
Visual Basic 2010 Programmer's Reference: All Editions | Visual Basic 2010, Visual Studio 2010, programming |  |
Visual Basic 2005 Programmer's Reference: Updates | Visual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, programming |  |
Visual Basic 2005 Programmer's Reference: Source Code | Visual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, programming |  |
Visual Basic 2005 with .NET 3.0 Programmer's Reference: Source Code | Visual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, programming, .NET Framework 3.0 |  |
Visual Basic 2005 with .NET 3.0 Programmer's Reference: Updates | Visual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, programming, .NET Framework 3.0 |  |
Visual Basic 2008 Programmer's Reference: Source Code | Visual Basic 2008, Visual Studio 2008, programming |  |
HowTo: Plot a smiley face function in Visual Basic .NET | delegate, plot, graph, plot function, graph function, graphics, algorithms, smiley face, smiley, plot smiley face, graph smiley face, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use delegates to pass a method's address to another method in Visual Basic .NET | delegate, plot, graph, plot function, graph function, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a shaped form by setting its region in Visual Basic .NET | forms, region, set form region, shaped form, TransparencyKey, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to pick random elements from the currently selected cells in an Excel workbook | VBA, Visual Basic for Applications, random, pick random, Excel, pick random cells, Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Plot the equation of a function of two variables in Visual Basic .NET | graph, plot, graph equation, plot equation, graphics, algorithms, geometry, Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Determine which ListView row and column are under the mouse in Visual Basic .NET | ListView, row, column, mouse, click, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
What is WPF and why should you care? | graphics, WPF, Windows Presentation Foundation, images, Silverlight | |
HowTo: Make a program that uses regular expressions to rename files matching a pattern in Visual Basic .NET | files, regular expressions, regex, replace, rename, rename files, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
What's New in Visual Basic 2010 | Visual Basic 2010, Visual Basic, Orcas, changes, what's new | |
HowTo: Invoke an object's method by name in Visual Basic .NET | invoke, callbyname, call method by name, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
Tip: Use mathematical and other special symbols in HTML code | clubs, diamonds, greater than, perpendicular, currency, notes, exists, sharp, function, male, section, minus plus, hearts, sum, HTML, union, female, uniersection, partial derivative, subset, special symbols, aleph, eigth notes, less than, Euro, square root, inverted exclamation point, integral, trademark, paragraph mark, Pound, Yen, permille, ampersand, Greek letters, spade, thorn, nabla, arrows, copyright, symbols, equivalent, degree, mathematics, pilcrow, flat, contains, dagger, micro, pipe, cent, forall, plus minus, inverted question mark, vertical bar | |
HowTo: Display animated GIFs and change them at run time in Visual Basic .NET | animated GIF, example program, GIF, display animated GIF, Windows Forms programming, resources, example, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET, change animated GIF, load animated GIF |  |
Tip: Make a shortcut that passes a program command line parameters | shortcut, command line, parameters, command line parameters, commandline, commandline parameters, Windows, Visual Basic 6, Visual Basic .NET, VB 6, VB .NET | |
HowTo: Determine where two circles intersect in Visual Basic 6 | circles, intersect, intersect two circles, intersections, find circle intersections, VB 6, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Determine where two circles intersect in Visual Basic .NET | circles, intersect, intersect two circles, intersections, find circle intersections, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Use standard and custom exception classes in Visual Basic .NET | exception, exception classes, standard exceptions, custom exceptions, throw, throw exceptions, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Make a GroupBox that uses a CheckBox in its caption to determine whether its items are enabled in Visual Basic .NET | GroupBox, CheckBox, enable, disable, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Move a control to the front or the back of the stacking order at run time in Visual Basic 6 | stacking order, zorder, z-order, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Change control stacking order at run time in Visual Basic .NET | stacking order, zorder, z-order, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a Frame that uses a CheckBox in its caption that determines whether the items it contains are enabled in Visual Basic 6 | Frame, CheckBox, enable, disable, Visual Basic 6, VB 6, Visual Basic, VB |  |
HowTo: Draw text that's filled with smaller text in Visual Basic .NET | hollow text, GraphicsPath, path, text, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a program generate HTML table code for ListView data and display it in a WebBrowser control in Visual Basic .NET | ListView, ListView groups, group items, HTML, table, convert ListView into HTML table, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use groups in a ListView control in Visual Basic .NET | ListView, ListView groups, group items, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make menu items behave like check boxes in Visual Basic .NET | check box, checkbox, menu, menu items, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make the items in a menu behave as a radio button group in Visual Basic .NET | option button, menu, menu items, radio button, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Parse user-entered values in Visual Basic .NET | parse, parse values, entered text, user-entered text, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw hollow text in Visual Basic .NET | hollow text, GraphicsPath, path, text, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Initialize arrays and lists in Visual Basic .NET | initialize arrays, initialize lists, initialize, initialization |  |
HowTo: Calculate the binomial coefficient "N choose K" efficiently in Visual Basic .NET | N choose K, WMI, binomial coefficient, factorial, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use WMI to get the operating system name including its edition, plus some other information in Visual Basic 6 | WMI, operating system, version, 32-bit, 64-bit, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Calculate the binomial coefficient "N choose K" efficiently in Visual Basic 6 | N choose K, WMI, binomial coefficient, factorial, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Use WMI to get the operating system name including its edition, plus some other information in Visual Basic .NET | WMI, operating system, version, 32-bit, 64-bit, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the TableLayoutPanel control in Visual Basic .NET | control, TableLayoutPanel, grid, cells |  |
HowTo: Make a list of prime numbers in Visual Basic 6 | primes, prime numbers, sieve, Sieve of Eratosthenes, Euler's Sieve, Legendre, Legendre estimate, prime counting, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Find a number's prime factors in Visual Basic .NET | primes, prime numbers, prime factors, factors, factorization, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a list of prime numbers in Visual Basic 6 | primes, prime numbers, sieve, Sieve of Eratosthenes, Euler's Sieve, Legendre, Legendre estimate, prime counting, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Find a number's prime factors in Visual Basic 6 | primes, prime numbers, prime factors, factors, factorization, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Make a list of prime numbers in Visual Basic .NET | primes, prime numbers, sieve, Sieve of Eratosthenes, Euler's Sieve, Legendre, Legendre estimate, prime counting, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Use standard dialogs in Visual Basic .NET | dialog, standard dialog, FontDialog, OpenFileDialog, SaveFileDialog, ColorDialog, use standard dialogs, Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, VB, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use standard dialogs in Visual Basic 6 | dialog, standard dialog, FontDialog, OpenFileDialog, SaveFileDialog, ColorDialog, use standard dialogs, Visual Basic, Visual Basic 6, VB, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Use a TreeView to display property pages or option pages in Visual Basic .NET | TreeView, options, properties, property pages, option pages, Registry, save settings |  |
HowTo: Easily save and restore all of a form's settings and the values of its controls in the Registry in Visual Basic .NET | settings, save settings, restore settings, Registry, SaveSetting, GetSetting, C#, C# programming, example, example program, Windows Forms programming |  |
HowTo: Programmatically adjust the position of the splitter in a SplitContainer control in Visual Basic .NET | splitter, SplitContainer, adjust splitter, controls, programming, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Calculate compound interest over time in Visual Basic 6 | Windows Forms programming, example program, calculate compound interest, compound interest, example, Visual Basic 6, interest |  |
Beginning Database Design Solutions: Table of Contents | Database Design, Database, MySQL, Access, Microsoft Access, programming |  |
Beginning Database Design Solutions: Table of Contents | Database Design, Database, MySQL, Access, Microsoft Access, programming |  |
HowTo: Calculate compound interest over time in Visual Basic .NET | Windows Forms programming, example program, calculate compound interest, interest, example, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Execute ad hoc database commands such as CREATE TABLE, INSERT INTO, DROP TABLE, and so forth in Visual Basic .NET | database, ADO.NET, OleDb, OLE DB, CREATE TABLE, INSERT INTO, DROP TABLE, execute database commands, connection, command, Visual Basic, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Download a file from the web and save it with an arbitrary local file name in Visual Basic .NET | download, download file, web, internet, WebClient, ftp, file transfer, Visual Basic, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Search files in a directory hierarchy for a target string in Visual Basic .NET | example program, search file contents, Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Override a class's ToString method to allow controls such as ListBox to display objects in Visual Basic .NET | ToString, override, ListBox, ComboBox, array, initialize array, initialize object, Visual Basic .NET, Visual Basic, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Detect whether text in a multiline TextBox is wrapped in Visual Basic 6 | TextBox, word wrap, multiline, Visual Basic 6, Visual Basic |  |
HowTo: Detect whether text in a multiline TextBox is wrapped in Visual Basic .NET | TextBox, word wrap, multiline, Visual Basic .NET, Visual Basic, VB.NET |  |
Tip: Misc Windows Tips | Misc Windows Tips | |
HowTo: Programmatically add new rows to an unbound DataGridView control in Visual Basic .NET | DataGridView, add rows, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET, controls |  |
HowTo: Make a window stay below all others in Visual Basic .NET | bottommost, topmost, subclass, windowproc, setwindowlong, on bottom, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a window stay below all others in Visual Basic 6 | bottommost, topmost, subclass, windowproc, setwindowlong, on bottom, Visual Basic 6, VB 6 |  |
HowTo: Drag and drop one or more multi-column values from one ListView control to another in Visual Basic .NET | drag, drop, drag and drop, objects, ListView, Visual Basic .NET, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Drag and drop strings from one ListBox to another in Visual Basic .NET | drag, drop, drag and drop, ListBox, Visual Basic .NET, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Drag and drop objects from one ListBox to another in Visual Basic .NET | drag, drop, drag and drop, objects, ListBox, Visual Basic .NET, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Send a window to the top or bottom in Visual Basic .NET | send window to bottom, send window to top, to top, to bottom, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Get a module's fully qualified name in Visual Basic .NET | module name, fully qualified name, module location, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Get an object's reference count in Visual Basic 6 | reference count, get reference count, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Send a window to the top or bottom in Visual Basic 6 | send window to bottom, send window to top, to top, to bottom, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Draw text flipped vertically, horizontally, or both in Visual Basic .NET | Graphics object, Scale, flip, DrawString, text, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Keep track of ListView columns when the user reorders them in Visual Basic .NET | ListView, reorder, columns, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Initialize an array with a range of values or a repeated value in Visual Basic .NET (version 2008 or later) | initialization, initialize array, range, repeated values, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET, Visual Basic 2008 |  |
HowTo: Read and write all of the lines in a text file in Visual Basic .NET | sort, IComparer, file, compare, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Use an IComparer class to sort a file using the values in its columns | sort, IComparer, file, compare, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Grab images from a Web page in Visual Basic .NET | grab images, Web, HTML, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET, WebBrowser, WebClient, download, download images, screen scraping, HtmlDocument |  |
HowTo: Use the Convert class to convert values between decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary in Visual Basic .NET | Convert class, convert values, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, binary, base, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Grab images from a Web page in Visual Basic 6 | grab images, Web, HTML, Visual Basic 6, VB 6, WebBrowser, download, download images, screen scraping, HtmlDocument |  |
HowTo: Grab the image of another program's form in Visual Basic .NET | form image, background, clipboard, PrntScrn |  |
HowTo: Get a form's image with or without decorations in Visual Basic .NET | form image, background, clipboard, PrntScrn |  |
HowTo: Use the Clipboard to grab an image of the screen in Visual Basic .NET | desktop image, background, clipboard, PrntScrn |  |
HowTo: Make a drawing application in VB .NET | draw, drawing, Drawable, serialization, XmlSerializer |  |
HowTo: Display two forms, one showing pictures in a random order in Visual Basic .NET | picture, random, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Make a continuously spinning cube by using XAML code in Visual Basic 2008 | Visual Basic 2008, VB 2008, XAML, cube, rotate, spin, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Simulate a robot arm with three rotating joints and a hand using XAML code | robot, robotics, arm, drawing, XAML, WPF |  |
HowTo: Print a Window in WPF/XAML using Visual Basic 2008 | print, print Window, PrintForm, Visual Basic 2008 |  |
HowTo: Display an image saved as a resource in WPF/XAML using Visual Basic 2008 | WPF, XAML, Image, ImageSource, Pack, Visual Basic 2008 |  |
HowTo: Display a loose XAML page in an HTML IFRAME element | XAML, WPF, loose xaml, iframe |  |
HowTo: Use XAML to make a grid with a gradient background in VB 2005 and .NET Framework 3.0 | XAML, VB 2005, Visual Basic 2005, .NET Framework 3.0, gradient, grid |  |
HowTo: Make and rotate a cube by using XAML code in Visual Basic 2008 | Visual Basic 2008, VB 2008, XAML, cube, rotate |  |
HowTo: Make a list of critter images with their names in XAML | XAML, WPF, loose xaml, critters, images, WPF style, page, Page.Resources, page resources, linear gradient brush, LinearGradientBrush |  |
HowTo: Use XAML to make a calculator that uses resources and styles in VB 2005 and .NET Framework 3.0 | XAML, VB 2005, Visual Basic 2005, .NET Framework 3.0, gradient, grid, Label, Button |  |
HowTo: Use XAML to make a button that contains a grid holding three labels in VB 2005 and .NET Framework 3.0 | XAML, VB 2005, Visual Basic 2005, .NET Framework 3.0, gradient, grid, Label, Button |  |
HowTo: Get mother board serial numbers and CPU IDs in Visual Basic 6 | serial number, cpu, cpu id, WMI, Windows Management Instrumentation, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Get mother board serial numbers and CPU IDs in Visual Basic .NET | serial number, cpu, cpu id, WMI, Windows Management Instrumentation, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
Tip: Use ADOX to make a database without leaving the database files locked | Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, ADO, ADOX, create database, make database, file locking, .ldb file | |
Tip: Use proper data delimiters for different databases | Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, database, delimiter, date, ADO, ADOX, SQL Server, Access, Jet | |
HowTo: Set a file's creation, last access, and last modified times | file times, last access time, file creation time, lastmodified time |  |
HowTo: Let the user drag files into a list and then upload them all to a Web site in Visual Basic .NET | upload, FTP, file transfer, FtpWebRequest, WebRequest, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Build a form from scratch and handle events raised by its controls in Visual Basic .NET | form, build form, event, AddHandler, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a DataGridView display numbered row headers in Visual Basic .NET | DataGridView, row headers, header, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use VBA to compare two lists in Excel and highlight the cells in the second that are not in the first | Excel, VBA, compare lists, compare, lists |  |
HowTo: List system process information similar to the information provided by Task Manager in Visual Basic .NET | process information, processes, Task Manager, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Open a PDF file in a WebBrowser control in Visual Basic .NET | PDF file, Adobe, open PDF file, WebBrowser, Adobe Acrobat, Acrobat, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Open a PDF file in an Adobe Reader control within an application in Visual Basic 6 | PDF file, Adobe, open PDF file, Adobe Reader, Adobe Acrobat, Acrobat, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Open a PDF file in an external Adobe Reader process in Visual Basic 6 | PDF file, Adobe, open PDF file, Adobe Reader, Adobe Acrobat, Acrobat, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Open a PDF file in a WebBrowser control in Visual Basic 6 | PDF file, Adobe, open PDF file, Adobe Reader, Adobe Acrobat, Acrobat, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Open a PDF file in an Adobe Reader control within an application in Visual Basic .NET | PDF file, Adobe, open PDF file, Adobe Reader, Adobe Acrobat, Acrobat, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Open a PDF file in an external Adobe Reader process in Visual Basic .NET | PDF file, Adobe, open PDF file, Adobe Reader, Adobe Acrobat, Acrobat, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Manage the wastebasket in Visual Basic .NET | wastebasket, recycle bin, delete, delete file, empty recycle bin, empty wastebasket, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use My.Computer.Info to display operating system and memory information in Visual Basic .NET | My.Computer.Info, operating system, memory, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Let the user move and resize controls at run time in Visual Basic 6 | drag, move, resize, controls, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Use code to make a chart in Excel from the current selection in VBA | Excel, Office, chart, VBA, graph, Visual Basic for Applications |  |
HowTo: Get the values of fields (variables) declared in a form by their names in Visual Basic .NET | reflection, FieldInfo, field, value, field value, FieldType, GetValue, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Get information about the window under the mouse in Visual Basic .NET | mouse position, MousePosition, window text, window handle, root window, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Make a ComplexNumber class with operators in Visual Basic .NET | complex, complex number, real, imaginary, VB .NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Make a Label use the largest font it can while still allowing its text to fit in Visual Basic .NET | font, biggest font, largest font, Label, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a Label use the largest font it can while still allowing its text to fit allowing wrapping in Visual Basic .NET | font, biggest font, largest font, Label, wrap, wrapping, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make tooltips remain visible for a very long time in Visual Basic .NET | tooltip, tool tip, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Create a DataTable with row cell errors, and display it in a DataGridView in Visual Basic .NET | DataGridView, DataTable, error, row error, cell error, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a DataGridView control use an array of objects for a data source in Visual Basic .NET | DataGridView, data source, array, objects, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Simulate a robot arm with three rotating joints in Visual Basic .NET | robot, robotics, arm, drawing, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a form with a fixed-sized column between two other columns that share the remaining available space in Visual Basic .NET | form, columns, table, TableLayoutPanel, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Compare the contents of two directories in Visual Basic .NET | directory, directory contents, files, compare directories, compare files, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Compare the contents of two directories in Visual Basic 6 | directory, directory contents, files, compare directories, compare files, Visual Basic 6 |  |
Tip: Visual Basic Data Type Characters | Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, type characters, data type characters, literal type characters | |
HowTo: Make a simple drawing program with a "snap to" grid and rules in Visual Basic .NET | drawing, graphics, grid, snap to, snapto, ruler, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Quickly read and write the contents of a text file in VB .NET | VB.NET, NET, text file, grab, read, write |  |
HowTo: Use routines to easily read and write a file's contents in VB .NET | star, polygon, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a simple drawing program with a "snap to" grid and rules in Visual Basic 6 | drawing, graphics, grid, snap to, snapto, ruler, Visual Basic 6, Visual Basic Classic |  |
HowTo: Make a scribble application with VB .NET that automatically redraws when necessary | VB.NET, drawing, scribble, redraw, autoredraw |  |
HowTo: Delete a directory and everything it contains | file, directory, dir, remove, delete |  |
HowTo: Calculate the prime factors of numbers of the form 999997 in Visual Basic 6 | prime, product, factor, mathematics, Visual Basic, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Restore a window to a known position if you can't find it in Visual Basic 2005 | restore window, window size, window position, FindWindow, SetWindowPos, Visual Basic, Visual Basic 2005, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Calculate the prime factors of a product of primes plus or minus 1 in Visual Basic 2005 | prime, product, factor, mathematics, Visual Basic, Visual Basic 2005, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Calculate the prime factors of numbers of the form 999997 in Visual Basic 2005 | prime, product, factor, mathematics, Visual Basic, Visual Basic 2005, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Start a program from Sub Main in Visual Basic 2005 and later | Sub Main, start, start application, start proigram, Visual Basic, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Calculate the prime factors of a product of primes plus or minus 1 in Visual Basic 6 | prime, product, factor, mathematics, Visual Basic, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Make a ListView control display icons in its subitems in Visual Basic 2005 | ListView, subitem icons, icons, LVM_SETITEM, VB.NET, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Programmatically expand a ComboBox in Visual Basic 2005 | ComboBox, expand, VB.NET, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Make bitmap files containing numbers in circles in Visual Basic 2005 | graphics, bitmap files, VB.NET, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Let the user click to draw markers on a map in Visual Basic 2005 | drawing, map, marker, Paint, Visual Basic 2005, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Randomize the values in a series of TextBoxes, a ListBox, or a single TextBox in Visual Basic 6 | randomize, TextBox, ListBox, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Select an item from a ListBox or ComboBox with a given ItemData value | ListBox, ComboBox, list, item, select |  |
HowTo: Make a ListView control sort using the column you click in VB .NET | ListView, sort, clicked column, VB.NET |  |
Tip: Downgrade Visual Basic 2008 projects to Visual Basic 2005 | split, Visual Basic .NET | |
HowTo: Use a program to merge PDF files in Visual Basic 6 | PDF, merge PDF |  |
HowTo: Use the Cryptography API to build an application that stores passwords in Visual Basic 2005 | Cryptography, Cryptography API, store passwords, passwords, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
Tip: Use the Split function easily in Visual Basic .NET | split, Visual Basic .NET | |
HowTo: Use the Cryptography API to generate secure random numbers with Visual Basic 2005 | Cryptography, Cryptography API, random numbers, random, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Set another application's size and position in Visual Basic 2008 | SetWindowPos, FindWindow, set application size, set application position, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Overlay one picture on another in Visual Basic 2008 | overlay, transparent, image processing, picture, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a line control in Visual Basic 2005 | line control, custom control, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Randomize a list of names in Visual Basic 6 | randomize, random, list of names, name list, Split, Rnd, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: List information about the files in a directory in a ListView using Visual Basic 2005 | directory, list files, ListView, My, My.Computer, FileSystem, GetFiles, FileInfo, GetFileInfo |  |
HowTo: Display the number of days, minutes, hours, and seconds until an event in Visual Basic .NET | countdown, timer, VB.NET, days, minutes, hours, seconds |  |
HowTo: List the fonts available to the printer in Visual Basic 6 | printing, font, list fonts, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Use My.Computer.FileSystem to recursively list the files in a directory subtree in Visual Basic 2005 | My.Computer.FileSystem, directory, directory subtree, Visual Basic 2005, VB.NET, search, files |  |
HowTo: Flood fill areas using safe and unsafe methods in Visual Basic .NET | flood, floodfill, VB.NET, safe, unsafe |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to make a pie chart in Excel | Excel, VBA, pie chart, Microsoft Office |  |
HowTo: Declare array objects in VB .NET | variable, VB .NET, initialization, declaration, array objects | |
HowTo: Round a number to the nearest multiple of a template in Visual Basic 2005 | round, round off, digits, VB.NET, template |  |
HowTo: Round a number to the nearest multiple of a template in Visual Basic 6 | round, round off, digits, Visual Basic 6, template |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code in Excel to import a CSV file and use it to make a line graph | Excel, VBA, Visual Basic for Applications, import, CSV, comma separated value, line graph, chart |  |
HowTo: Evaluate mathematical expressions using code in Visual Basic 2005 | mathematical expression, expression, evaluate, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Save a picture into a JPEG at a desired size in Visual Basic 2005 | save picture, save image, size, jpeg, jpg, compress, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Load Structures from an XML file in Visual Basic 2005 | XML, structure, load, file, Item, initialize, initialization |  |
HowTo: Round a value to a specified number of digits | round off, digits |  |
HowTo: Use the VBA library to round to a specific number of decimal places | VBA, round, decimal places |  |
HowTo: Print the contents of a ListBox left aligned, centered, or right aligned in Visual Basic 2005 | print, ListBox, print preview, align, alignment, center, right align, left align, StringFormat, PrintDocument, PrintPage event |  |
HowTo: Use isolated storage to save and restore settings in Visual Basic 2005 | isolated storage, settings, save settings, Visual Basic, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use strongly typed program settings to save and restore settings in Visual Basic 2005 | program settings, settings, save settings, Visual Basic, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: See if the computer is connected to the Internet in Visual Basic 6 | InternetGetConnectedState, Internet, connected, connection, wininet, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Randomly change the desktop background in Visual Basic 6 | backer, desktop, background, Registry, default editor, wallpaper, wastebasket, recycle, ShellExecute, SHFileOperation, RegOpenKeyEx, RegSetValueExA, wallpaper style, centered, tiled, stretched |  |
HowTo: See if the computer is connected to the Internet in Visual Basic 2005 | My.Computer.Network.IsAvailable, IsAvailable, Internet, connected, connection, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Randomly change the desktop background in Visual Basic 2005 | backer, desktop, background, Registry, default editor, wallpaper, wastebasket, recycle, ShellExecute, SHFileOperation, RegOpenKeyEx, RegSetValueExA, wallpaper style, centered, tiled, stretched |  |
HowTo: Determine the default button when displaying a MessageBox in Visual Basic 2005 | MessageBox, MsgBox, message box, default button, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Determine the default button when displaying a MsgBox in Visual Basic 6 | MsgBox, message box, default button, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Calculate logarithms in different bases in Visual Basic 2005 | log, ln, logarithm, base, log base, calculate, exponent, exponentiation, power, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Calculate logarithms in different bases in Visual Basic 6 | log, ln, logarithm, base, log base, calculate, exponent, exponentiation, power |  |
HowTo: Use the BitmapBytesRGB24 class to apply an embossing filter to an image very quickly in Visual Basic 2005 | BitmapBytesRGB24, LockBits, UnlockBits, image processing, filter image, emboss, embossing filter, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use Microsoft's .NET Framework parallel extensions to apply an embossing filter to an image very quickly in Visual Basic 2008 | parallel, multi-threading, threading, BitmapBytesRGB24, LockBits, UnlockBits, image processing, filter image, emboss, embossing filter, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the VoiceText library to read numbers to the user in Visual Basic 6 | voice, audio, VoiceText, read numbers |  |
HowTo: Get operating system information in VB .NET | OS version, operating system version, VB.NET, system |  |
HowTo: Use Microsoft's .NET Framework parallel extensions to generate Mandelbrot sets quickly in Visual Basic 2008 | parallel extensions, parallel programming, multiple CPUs, multi-core, Mandelbrot, Mandelbrot set, .NET, .NET Framework |  |
Tip: Restart Vista print queues | Windows, Vista, print, print queue, printer offline, operating system, printing, printer | |
HowTo: Start another program using Shell and get its Window handle (hWnd) | Shell, start, execute, hWnd, Window handle |  |
HowTo: Determine what version of Access is installed by using automation in Visual Basic 6 | Access, Access version, Microsoft Access, Registry, automation, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Determine what version of Access is installed by reading Registry values in Visual Basic 2005 | Access, Access version, Microsoft Access, Registry, VB.NET, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Determine what version of Access is installed by using automation in Visual Basic 2005 | Access, Access version, Microsoft Access, Registry, automation, VB.NET, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Determine what version of Access is installed by reading Registry values in Visual Basic 6 | Access, Access version, Microsoft Access, Registry, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Get the operating system version in Visual Basic 2005 | OS, OS version, operating system, operating system version, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Get the operating system version in Visual Basic 6 | OS, OS version, operating system, operating system version, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Use GetSetting while protecting against bad values in the Registry in Visual Basic 2005 | GetSetting, SaveSetting, VB.NET, error handling, error trapping |  |
HowTo: Use GetSetting while protecting against bad values in the Registry in Visual Basic 6 | GetSetting, SaveSetting, Visual Basic 6, error handling, error trapping |  |
HowTo: Find all ways to pick N out of M items in Visual Basic 2005 | choose, combinatorics, combinations, VB.NET |   |
HowTo: Recursively generate permutations of a collection of objects in Visual Basic 2005 | permute, permutation, combinatorics, recursive, factorial, VB.NET |   |
HowTo: List all the permutations of a set of numbers in Visual Basic 2005 | permute, permutation, combinatorics, factorial, VB.NET |   |
HowTo: List all the permutations of a set of numbers in Visual Basic 6 | permute, permutation, combinatorics, factorial |  |
HowTo: Crop a picture and save the result in Visual Basic 2005 | crop picture, crop, trim, Visual Basic 2005, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Crop a picture and save the result in Visual Basic 6 | crop picture, crop, trim, Visual Basic |  |
HowTo: Make an inactivity timer in Visual Basic 6 | inactive, inactivity, user activity, time out, timeout |  |
HowTo: Make an inactivity timer in Visual Basic 2005 | inactive, inactivity, user activity, time out, timeout |  |
HowTo: Open Windows Explorer to display files in a specific directory in Visual Basic 6 | Windows Explorer, shell, open, files, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Open Windows Explorer to display files in a specific directory in Visual Basic 6 | Windows Explorer, shell, open, files, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Resize all of the graphic files in a directory in Visual Basic 6 | graphics, resize picture, resize image, directory, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Resize all of the graphic files in a directory in Visual Basic 2005 | graphics, resize picture, resize image, directory, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Save and restore a form's position when it loads and unloads in Visual Basic 2005 | save, restore, form, form position, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Make a map that shows a circular closeup of the part under the mouse in Visual Basic 6 | closeup map, map, enlarge, closeup, close up, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Let the user drag a picture with the mouse or move it with the arrow keys | drag picture, BitBlt |  |
HowTo: Overlay a picture on another and use BitBlt to repaint only the modified parts of the background | drag picture, BitBlt |  |
HowTo: Overlay a picture on another and use BitBlt to allow the user to drag it | drag picture, BitBlt |  |
HowTo: Overlay a picture on another and use PaintPicture to allow the user to drag it | drag picture, PaintPicture |  |
HowTo: Make a map that shows a closeup of the part under the mouse in Visual Basic 2005 | closeup map, map, enlarge, closeup, close up, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Make a map that shows a circular closeup of the part under the mouse in Visual Basic 2005 | closeup map, map, enlarge, closeup, close up, circular region, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Make a map that shows a closeup of the part under the mouse in Visual Basic 6 | closeup map, map, enlarge, closeup, close up, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Use a loop to load pictures into PictureBoxes in Visual Basic 2005 | PictureBox, picture, LoadPicture, Bitmap, loop, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Dynamically create buttons at runtime and give them event handlers in Visual Basic 2005 | control, Button, click, click event, AddHandler, event handler, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 4) in Visual Basic 6 | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image |   |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 6) in Visual Basic .NET | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image |   |
HowTo: Make a print preview displaying a grid of data with alternating row colors in Visual Basic 2005 | print, print preview, VB 2005, grid, rows, color |  |
HowTo: Programmatically select an entire row in a DataGrid control in Visual Basic 6 | DataGrid, select row, data grid, Visual Basic 6 |  |
Visual Basic 2008 Programmer's Reference: Table of Contents | Visual Basic 2008, Visual Studio 2008, programming |  |
HowTo: Make a String extension method to URL encode and decode strings in Visual Basic 2008 | string, extension method, URL encode, URL decode, Visual Basic 2008 |  |
HowTo: Make a String extension method to replace spaces with non-breaking spaces in Visual Basic 2008 | string, nbsp, extension method, Visual Basic 2008 |  |
HowTo: Make an OpenFileDialog validate the user's file selection in Visual Basic 2008 | string, extension method, URL encode, URL decode, Visual Basic 2008 |  |
HowTo: Compress spaces in a string | compress spaces, space, compact, duplicate |  |
HowTo: Build a function to compress consecutive spaces into one space in Visual Basic 6. | space, spaces, compress, replace |  |
HowTo: Build a function to compress consecutive spaces into one space in Visual Basic 2005 | space, spaces, compress, replace, Visual Basic .NET, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Make a function to split a string into an array of strings by using multiple separators in Visual Basic 6. | split, string, separators |  |
HowTo: Nicely format an XML document in Visual Basic .NET | XML, XmlDocument, format, format XML, indent XML, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: List the places in the network neighborhood in Visual Basic 6 | network, network neighborhood, Visual Basic |  |
Bug: Mouse Wheel in ListBox Crashes Excel | Mouse Wheel, ListBox, Excel | |
HowTo: Get information about a shortcut in Visual Basic 6 | shortcut, link, desktop shortcut, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Let the user select mutliple files in Visual Basic 2005 | files, select files, multiple files, open file dialog, OpenFileDialog, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Get information about a shortcut in Visual Basic 2005 | shortcut, link, desktop shortcut, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: List the places in the network neighborhood in Visual Basic 2005 | network, network neighborhood, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Use a variable to hold delegates (function pointers) in Visual Basic 2005 | delegate, function pointer, function reference, method pointer, methd reference, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Draw a rubberband rectangle with XAML in Visual Basic 2008 | XAML, WPF, Visual Basic 2008, rubberband, rubberband rectangle |  |
HowTo: Draw a rubberband line with XAML in Visual Basic 2008 | XAML, WPF, Visual Basic 2008, rubberband, rubberband line |  |
HowTo: Draw a rubberband ellipse with XAML in Visual Basic 2008 | XAML, WPF, Visual Basic 2008, rubberband, rubberband ellipse |  |
HowTo: Draw a rubberband circle centered at a starting point with XAML in Visual Basic 2008 | XAML, WPF, Visual Basic 2008, rubberband, rubberband circle |  |
HowTo: Make a scribble application with XAML in Visual Basic 2008 | XAML, WPF, Visual Basic 2008, scribble, drawing |  |
HowTo: Get day, month, date, time, and number format information for the computer's locale in Visual Basic 2005 | day, month, date, time, number, percent, format, locale, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: See if a file is locked in Visual Basic 6 | file locked, file, locked |  |
Visual Basic 2005 with .NET 3.0 Programmer's Reference: Table of Contents | Visual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, .NET Framework 3.0, programming |  |
Visual Basic 2005 with .NET 3.0 Programmer's Reference: Snippets | Visual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, programming, snippet, .NET Framework 3.0 |  |
Visual Basic 2005 with .NET 3.0 Programmer's Reference | Visual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, .NET Framework 3.0, programming |  |
HowTo: See if a file is locked in Visual Basic .NET | file locked, file, locked, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Roughly compare the savings a normal bank account would give versus a 401(k) (a US tax thing) in Visual Basic .NET | bank account, savings, interest, tax, tax deferred, 401(k), VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Copy the text contents of any messagebox (Visual Basic 6 example) | Messagebox, message box, copy message box |  |
HowTo: Roughly compare the savings a normal bank account would give versus a 401(k) (a US tax thing) in Visual Basic 6 | bank account, savings, interest, tax, tax deferred, 401(k), VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Copy the text contents of any messagebox (Visual Basic .NET example) | Messagebox, message box, copy message box, VB.NET |  |
Bug: Cannot add controls to WPF form in Visual Basic 2008 | Visual Basic 2008, WPF, bug, controls | |
HowTo: Compress the folders within a folder into a Zip file in Visual Basic 2005 | Zip, compress, folder, compress folder, compressed folder, compression, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Compress a folder into a Zip file in Visual Basic 2005 | Zip, compress, folder, compress folder, compressed folder, compression, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Use the System.IO.Compression namespace to compress and decompress files in GZip format in Visual Basic 2005 | compress, decompress, compression, GZip, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Use WMI to make a folder compress its contents to save space in Visual Basic 2005 | compress, folder, compress folder, compressed folder, compression, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: See if a number is expressible as a sum of two cubes (and calculate Taxicab numbers) in Visual Basic 2005 | sums of cubes, cubes, numeric algorithms, numeric, taxicab number, Visual Basic 2005, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a countdown timer in Visual Basic 2005 | countdown timer, timer, alarm, Visual Basic 2005, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: See if a number is expressible as a sum of two cubes (and calculate Taxicab numbers) in Visual Basic 6 | sums of cubes, cubes, numeric algorithms, numeric, taxicab number, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Make a countdown timer in Visual Basic 6 | countdown timer, timer, alarm, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Use ADOX to search the table columns in an Access database for a string in Visual Basic .NET | ADOX, Access, database, table, column, table columns, search columns, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use ADOX to search the table columns in an Access database for a string in Visual Basic 6 | ADOX, Access, database, table, column, table columns, search columns, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Use ADOX to list the tables in an Access database and give their types in Visual Basic .NET | ADOX, Access, database, table, table type, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use ADOX to list the queries in an Access database and give their command text in Visual Basic .NET | ADOX, Access, database, query, command text, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use ADOX to search the queries in an Access database for a string in Visual Basic .NET | ADOX, Access, database, query, command text, search query, VB.NET |  |
Visual Basic 2005 Programmer's Reference: Table of Contents | Visual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, programming |  |
Visual Basic 2005 Programmer's Reference: Snippets | Visual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, programming, snippet |  |
Visual Basic 2005 Programmer's Reference | Visual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, programming |  |
HowTo: Give a class a Clone method in Visual Basic .NET | class, clone, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use ADOX to list the queries in an Access database and give their command text in Visual Basic 6 | ADOX, Access, database, query, command text, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Use ADOX to search the queries in an Access database for a string in Visual Basic 6 | ADOX, Access, database, query, command text, search query, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Use ADOX to list the tables in an Access database and give their types in Visual Basic 6 | ADOX, Access, database, table, table type, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Make a GroupBox that includes a check box to enable and disable its controls in Visual Basic .NET | control, custom control, GroupBox, CheckBox, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a Buddhabrot fractal in Visual Basic 6 | fractal, buddhabrot, mandelbrot, iterated system |  |
HowTo: Draw a anti-Buddhabrot fractal in Visual Basic 2005 | fractal, anti-buddhabrot, buddhabrot, mandelbrot, iterated system |  |
HowTo: Draw a Buddhabrot color map fractal in Visual Basic 2005 | fractal, buddhabrot color map, buddhabrot, mandelbrot, iterated system |  |
HowTo: Draw a Buddhabrot fractal in Visual Basic 2005 | fractal, buddhabrot, mandelbrot, iterated system |  |
HowTo: Show and hide TextBox scroll bars as needed in Visual Basic 2005 | TextBox, scroll bar |  |
Tip: Should I Upgrade to Visual Basic 2008? | VB 2008, Visual Studio 2008, Visual Basic 2008 | |
HowTo: Use Registry API functions to save and restore values in Visual Basic 6 | Registry, API, RegCloseKey, RegCreateKeyEx, RegOpenKeyEx, RegQueryValueExString, RegQueryValueExLong, RegQueryValueExNULL, RegSetValueExString, RegSetValueExLong, SHDeleteKey, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Use a Pen object's CompoundArray property to give the pen longitudinal stripes in Visual Basic 2005 | Pen, CompoundArray, longitudinal stripes, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Determine whether a year is a leap year with Visual Basic 2005 | leap year, year, dates |  |
HowTo: Use WMI to get lots of information about the operating system in Visual Basic 2005 | WMI, Visual Basic 2005, BootDevice, BuildNumber, BuildType, Caption, CodeSet, CountryCode, CreationClassName, CSCreationClassName, CSDVersion, CSName, CurrentTimeZone, DataExecutionPrevention_Available, DataExecutionPrevention_32BitApplications, DataExecutionPrevention_Drivers, DataExecutionPrevention_SupportPolicy, Debug, Description, Distributed, EncryptionLevel, ForegroundApplicationBoost, FreePhysicalMemory, FreeSpaceInPagingFiles, FreeVirtualMemory, InstallDate, LargeSystemCache, LastBootUpTime, LocalDateTime, Locale, Manufacturer, MaxNumberOfProcesses, MaxProcessMemorySize, MUILanguages[], Name, NumberOfLicensedUsers, NumberOfProcesses, NumberOfUsers, OperatingSystemSKU, Organization, OSArchitecture, OSLanguage, OSProductSuite, OSType, OtherTypeDescription, PAEEnabled, PlusProductID, PlusVersionNumber, Primary, ProductType, QuantumLength, QuantumType, RegisteredUser, SerialNumber, ServicePackMajorVersion, ServicePackMinorVersion, SizeStoredInPagingFiles, Status, SuiteMask, SystemDevice, SystemDirectory, SystemDrive, TotalSwapSpaceSize, TotalVirtualMemorySize, TotalVisibleMemorySize, Version, WindowsDirectory |  |
HowTo: Start another process and disable a button while that process is running in VBA | VBA, shell, shell and disable, SetTimer, GetExitCodeProcess |  |
HowTo: Use WMI to get lots of information about the computer system in Visual Basic 2005 | WMI, Visual Basic 2005, AdminPasswordStatus, AutomaticManagedPagefile, AutomaticResetBootOption, AutomaticResetCapability, BootOptionOnLimit, BootOptionOnWatchDog, BootROMSupported, BootupState, Caption, ChassisBootupState, CreationClassName, CurrentTimeZone, DaylightInEffect, Description, DNSHostName, Domain, DomainRole, EnableDaylightSavingsTime, FrontPanelResetStatus, InfraredSupported, InitialLoadInfo, InstallDate, KeyboardPasswordStatus, LastLoadInfo, Manufacturer, Model, Name, NameFormat, NetworkServerModeEnabled, NumberOfLogicalProcessors, NumberOfProcessors, OEMLogoBitmap, OEMStringArray, PartOfDomain, PauseAfterReset, PCSystemType, PowerManagementCapabilities, PowerManagementSupported, PowerOnPasswordStatus, PowerState, PowerSupplyState, PrimaryOwnerContact, PrimaryOwnerName, ResetCapability, ResetCount, ResetLimit, Roles, Status, SupportContactDescription, SystemStartupDelay, SystemStartupOptions, SystemStartupSetting, SystemType, ThermalState, TotalPhysicalMemory, UserName, WakeUpType, Workgroup |  |
HowTo: Start another process and wait for it to complete in VBA | VBA, shell, shell and wait, OpenProcess, WaitForSingleProcess |  |
HowTo: Display a map for an address on Google maps or Yahoo maps in the system's default browser in Visual Basic 6 | map, address lookup, Google, Yahoo, default browser, VB 6, Visual Basic 6 |  |
Bug: First release of Visual Basic 2008 adds bug to new WPF projects | Visual Basic 2008, WPF, bug | |
HowTo: Define a DataSet at design time in Visual Basic 2005 | DataSet, design time, VB.NET, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Use Crystal Reports to build a PDF file in Visual Basic 2005 | Crystal Reports, PDF file, report, VB.NET, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Display a map for an address on Google maps or Yahoo maps in the system's default browser in Visual Basic 2005 | map, address lookup, Google, Yahoo, default browser, VB.NET, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Determine whether the computer is running from battery or line power in Visual Basic 2005 | power, battery, charging, GetSystemPowerStatus, power status, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: See on which processors the current process can run in Visual Basic 2005 | CPUs, number of CPUs, processors, number of processors, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Round numbers to a given number of digits without using banker's rounding (version 2) in Visual Basic 2005 | round, banker's rounding, digits, Math.Round, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Determine whether the computer is running from battery or line power in Visual Basic 6 | power, battery, charging, GetSystemPowerStatus, power status, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Build images for a TabStrip control's tabs at run time in Visual Basic 6 | TabStrip, control, tab, tab images, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Determine whether a year is a leap year with Visual Basic 6 | leap year, year, dates |  |
HowTo: Round numbers to a given number of digits without using banker's rounding in Visual Basic 2005 | round, banker's rounding, digits, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Play a tone with a specific frequency in Visual Basic .NET | sound, tone, frequency, noise, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw three interlocked 3-D blocks with Direct3D in Visual Basic 2005 | Direct3D, DirectX, blocks, interlocked, hidden surface removal, z-buffer, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Install a font | fonts, install font, create font | |
HowTo: Install a temporary font | fonts, install font, create font, remove font, uninstall font, temporary font | |
HowTo: Make a button that creates more buttons when clicked in Visual Basic .NET | button, replicating button, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a button that creates more buttons when clicked in Visual Basic 6 | button, replicating button, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Programmatically add a record to a DataSet bound to a DataGrid in Visual Basic 2005 | DataSet, DataGrid, add record, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Make buttons jump randomly around the screen in Visual Basic 6 | button, jump, random, game, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Programmatically add a record to a DataSet bound to a DataGridView in Visual Basic 2005 | DataSet, DataGridView, add record, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Make buttons jump randomly around the screen in Visual Basic .NET | button, jump, random, game, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display information about the items below the mouse in a WebBrowser control in Visual Basic 6 | WebBrowser, Visual Basic, wait, load |  |
HowTo: Make a ListBox display chemical symbols in Visual Basic 2005 | ListBox, chemicals, chemical symbols, Visual Basic 2005, subscripts |  |
HowTo: Keep track of checked ListBox selections as the user selects and deselects them in Visual Basic 6 | ListBox, selection, track selection, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Use an ALTER TABLE statement to change a column's data type in an Access database in Visual Basic 6 | ALTER TABLE, database, ADO, Access, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Load a ListView control from a database in Visual Basic .NET | ListView, load ListView, database, ADO.NET, Access, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Position a popup form over a PictureBox in Visual Basic 6 | popup, position popup, PictureBox, Visual Basic, ClientToScreen, ShowWindow, SetWindowPos |  |
Talk: Four Fascinating Features | regular expressions, cryptography, reflection, Direct3D, graphics, algorithms | |
HowTo: Start Notepad and wait for it to close in Visual Basic .NET | start Notepad, start process, process, Notepad, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Subclass a control to read Windows messages | subclass, WindowProc, messages |  |
HowTo: List distinct messages received by a form in Visual Basic 6 | WndProc, messages, list messages, WindowProc, subclass, VB6 |  |
HowTo: List distinct messages received by a form in Visual Basic 2005 | WndProc, messages, list messages, VB2005 |  |
HowTo: Make a tabbed wizard in Visual Basic 2005 | wizard, tabbed wizard, VB2005 |  |
HowTo: Start Notepad and wait for it to close in Visual Basic 2005 | start Notepad, start process, process, Notepad, VB2005 |  |
HowTo: List distinct messages received by a form in Visual Basic .NET | WndProc, messages, list messages, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the fsutil utility to get a disk's NTFS information | fsutil, NTFS, console |  |
HowTo: Display drive information in Visual Basic 2005 | drive information, VB2005, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the fsutil utility to get a disk's NTFS information into an object with fields in Visual Basic 2005 | fsutil, NTFS, console, VB2005, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the fsutil utility to get a disk's NTFS information in Visual Basic 2005 | fsutil, NTFS, console, VB2005, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to add descriptions of the system's drives to a Word document | Word, Office, list drives, disk drives |  |
HowTo: Select random records from a database table in Visual Basic .NET | database, random records, select records, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Compare two variables of a user-defined type (UDT) to see if they hold the same values | UDT, user-defined type, data type, compare |  |
HowTo: Mark a program to run with elevated privileges by using its manifest in Visual Basic 2008 | UAC, shield, Vista, user access control, elevated privileges |  |
HowTo: Launch a program while requesting privilege elevation in Visual Basic 2008 | UAC, shield, Vista, user access control, elevated privileges, Run As, RunAs |  |
HowTo: Add UAC shields to buttons, menu items, and picture boxes in Visual Basic 2008 | UAC, shield, Vista, user access control |  |
HowTo: Make a Word document in Visual Basic 6 | Word, office, word document |  |
Books: Non-English | books, non-English, foreign | |
HowTo: Encrypt and decrypt a file by using the triple DES algorithm in Visual Basic 2008 | Visual Basic 2008, VB 2008, encrypt, decrypt, cryptography, DES, triple DES |  |
HowTo: Play the system sounds in Visual Basic 2008 | Visual Basic 2008, VB 2008, sound, system sounds, System.Media.SystemSounds, SystemSounds |  |
HowTo: Approximate the factorial function with Sterling's formula | Sterling's formula, factorial, calculation |  |
HowTo: Rotate a picture by a multiple of 90 degrees in Visual Basic 6 | rotate, picture, image, image processing, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Use a macro to build a Select Case statement for an enumerated value in Visual Basic 2005 | macro, enum, select case, VB.NET, VB 2005 |  |
What's New in Visual Basic 2008 | Visual Basic 2008, Visual Basic, Orcas, changes, what's new | |
HowTo: Make VBA code call a worksheet function | VBA, excel, worksheet function, STDEV |  |
HowTo: Give a ListBox a horizontal scroll bar | ListBox, scroll |  |
HowTo: Make a ListBox display a different tooltip for each item under the mouse in Visual Basic 6 | ListBox, select, autoselect, ClientToScreen, LBItemFromPt |  |
HowTo: Make a ListBox automatically select the item under the mouse in Visual Basic 6 | ListBox, select, autoselect, ClientToScreen, LBItemFromPt |  |
HowTo: Use a Visual Basic function in Excel cell formulas | VBA, Excel, formula, function |  |
HowTo: Build a TextBox control that displays a prompt message when the user hasn't typed anything in Visual Basic .NET | TextBox, PromptingTextBox, TextBox prompt, VB.NET, custom control |  |
Tip: GotDotNet Visual Basic Power Pack Going Away | GotDotNet, Visual Basic Power Pack, Power Pack | |
HowTo: Make a link label that opens a Web page in Visual Basic 6 | link label, LinkLabel, Visual Basic, Web |  |
HowTo: Make a link label that opens a Web page and that changes appearance when the mouse is over it in Visual Basic 6 | link label, LinkLabel, Visual Basic, Web, changing font, hover |  |
HowTo: Use Excel VBA code to display a progress splash screen while performing a long task | Excel, VBA, splash screen, progress |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code and the Excel Save As dialog to get the name of a file in which to save a workbook | VBA, Excel, Save As, GetSaveAsFilename |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to save an Excel workbook while removing macro code | VBA, Excel, macro, remove macros |  |
HowTo: Validate a URL in Visual Basic .NET | validate URL, URL, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a colored butterfly curve in VB .NET | graphics, curve, butterfly, butterfly curve, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a colored chrysanthemum curve in VB .NET | graphics, curve, chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum curve, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Run control panel applets in Visual Basic 2005 | control panel, applet, control panel applet, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Use CDO to send email in Visual Basic 6 | CDO, email, send email |  |
HowTo: Add progress indicators to a StatusBar control | StatusBar, ProgressBar, animation, progress indicator, working |  |
HowTo: Convert Up and Down arrow keys to Tab and Shift-Tab for easy navigation in Visual Basic .NET | Tab, Tab key, up arrow, down arrow, navigation |  |
HowTo: Convert Enter and Escape keys to Tab and Shift-Tab for easy navigation in Visual Basic .NET | Tab, Enter, Escape, Tab key, Enter key, Escape key, dialog |  |
HowTo: Make a TextBox control that displays an image when its value is modified in Visual Basic .NET | TextBox, modified, data dirty, changed, text, image, bitmap |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to make, change, and delete a button in Excel | VBA, button, CommandButton, Excel, Office |  |
Bug: ItemData stores only integers | ItemData, integer | |
Bug: Pinning the Toolbox hangs the Visual Studio 2003 IDE | Pinning, pin, Toolbox, Visual Studio 2003, IDE, bug | |
HowTo: Use VBA code to make a hyperlink in Excel | VBA, Excel, hyperlink, link |  |
HowTo: Force garbage collection in Visual Basic .NET | garbage collection, garbage collector, GC, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find the location of a cell in a DataGridView in Visual Basic 2005 | cell location, cell position, DataGridView, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Generate CREATE TABLE statements for an Access database in Visual Basic 6 | CREATE TABLE, SQL, Access, database |  |
HowTo: Use VBA to place a comment on a cell in Excel | Excel, comment, VBA, set comment, clear comment |  |
HowTo: Use Internet Explorer to start sending email in Visual Basic .NET | email, mail, Internet Explorer, IExplore, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use a MailMessage object and SmtpMail.Send to send email in Visual Basic .NET | email, mail, MailMessage, SmtpMail.Send, IExplore, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Allow only one instance of a program at one time in Visual Basic 2005 | one instance, instance, previous instance, PrevInstance, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Allow only one instance of a program at one time in Visual Basic .NET | one instance, instance, previous instance, PrevInstance, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Randomize an array in Visual Basic .NET | array, random, randomize, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Randomize an array | array, random, randomize |  |
HowTo: Make a cricket temperature calculator in Visual Basic 6 | cricket, temperature, chirps, silly, game |  |
HowTo: Make a cricket temperature calculator in Visual Basic .NET | cricket, temperature, chirps, silly, game, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Prevent the user from renaming an executable in Visual Basic 6 | rename, prevent rename, executable, execute |  |
HowTo: Prevent the user from renaming an executable in Visual Basic .NET | rename, prevent rename, executable, execute, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Convert really huge dollar values into words in Visual Basic 6 | convert number, convert dollars, dollar, dollar value, cents, number, words, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillion, milliard |  |
HowTo: Convert really huge numbers into words in Visual Basic 6 | convert number, number, words, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillion, milliard |  |
HowTo: Convert really huge numbers into words in Visual Basic .NET | convert number, number, words, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillion, milliard |  |
HowTo: Convert really huge dollar values into words in Visual Basic .NET | convert number, convert dollars, dollar, dollar value, cents, number, words, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillion, milliard |  |
Ready-to-Run Visual Basic Graphics Programming: What Readers Have Done | graphics, drawing, printing, image processing, ray tracing, animation, curve fitting |  |
Expert One-on-One Visual Basic 2005 Design and Development | Visual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, programming, design, development, reflection, code standards, bug proofing, bug-proofing, testing, snippets, macros, agile methods, splash screen, threading |  |
Search | search, keyword search, Google, Google Search | |
HowTo: Precisely determine the size of text drawn by a Graphics object in Visual Basic .NET | Graphics, DrawString, GraphicsPath, draw text, draw string, text, text size, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw text stretched to fit a rectangle precisely in Visual Basic .NET | stretch text, Graphics, DrawString, GraphicsPath, draw text, draw string, text, text size, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Convert a number into words in Visual Basic .NET | convert number, number, words, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillion |  |
HowTo: Convert a dollar value into words in Visual Basic .NET | convert number, convert dollars, dollar, dollar value, cents, number, words, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillion |  |
HowTo: Keep a form on top of all others in Visual Basic .NET | top most, topmost, on top, ontop, Form, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use VBA to generate code to reproduce basic calcualtions on an Excel worksheet | VBA, generate code, calcualtion, Excel, worksheet |  |
HowTo: Build a big survey form in a scrolling panel at run time in Visual Basic 2005 | survey, scroll, scrolling panel, Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use Visual Basic compatibility functions to quickly read and write an array of integers in a file in Visual Basic 2005 | FreeFile, FileOpen, FileGet, FilePut, Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use a BinaryReader and BinaryWriter in loops to read and write an array of integers in a file in Visual Basic 2005 | BinaryReader, BinaryWriter, Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use a BinaryReader and BinaryWriter in loops to read and write an array of integers in a file in Visual Basic 2005 | BinaryReader, BinaryWriter, Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Trim leading and trailing non-printing ASCII characters from a string in Visual Basic .NET | trim, ltrim, rtrim, TrimWhitespace, LTrimWhitespace, RTrimWhitespace, non-printing, ASCII, carriage return, linefeed, line feed |  |
HowTo: Find a smallest rectangle that bounds a set of points in Visual Basic .NET | bounding rectangle, calipers, VB .NET, Visual Basic .NET |  |
HowTo: Find a smallest rectangle that bounds a set of points in Visual Basic 6 | bounding rectangle, calipers, VB 6, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Find a smallest rectangle that bounds a set of points in Visual Basic 2005 | bounding rectangle, calipers, VB 2005, Visual Basic 2005 |  |
HowTo: Trim leading and trailing non-printing ASCII characters from a string in Visual Basic 6 | trim, ltrim, rtrim, TrimWhitespace, LTrimWhitespace, RTrimWhitespace, non-printing, ASCII, carriage return, linefeed, line feed |  |
What's New in .NET Framework 3.0 | .NET Framework 3.0, .NET Framework, changes, what's new, | |
HowTo: Change the way a DataGridView control navigates when the user presses the Enter key in Visual Basic 2005 | DataGridView, Enter, Return, navigate, focus, cell, row, column, Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Color the current row in a DataGridView control in Visual Basic 2005 | DataGridView, color row, current row, row, column, Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Detect changes to the editing text when the user changes a DataGridView's data in Visual Basic 2005 | DataGridView, edit, edit cell, TextChanged, Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Remove the current row from a DataGridView control in Visual Basic 2005 | DataGridView, remove row, delete row, Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Change the color of a DataGridView control's editing control in Visual Basic 2005 | DataGridView, edit, edit cell, color, cell color, Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Color a column header in a DataGridView in Visual Basic 2005 | color header, header, DataGridView, VB 2005, database |  |
HowTo: Color a DataGridView control's cells dynamically as their data changes in Visual Basic 2005 | color cell, dynamic, DataGridView, VB 2005, database |  |
HowTo: Color specific cells in a DataGridView control in Visual Basic 2005 | color cells, DataGridView, VB 2005, database |  |
HowTo: Calculate escalating royalties | escalating royalties, royalties, calculate, percent, FormatCurrency, GetPercent |  |
HowTo: Calculate escalating royalties in Visual Basic .NET | escalating royalties, royalties, calculate, percent, FormatCurrency, GetPercent, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Add numbered lists and special bullets to the RichTextBox control in Visual Basic .NET | RTF, RichTextBox, Rich Text, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 4) in VB .NET | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 3) in VB .NET | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 2) in VB .NET | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 1) in VB .NET | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 5) in Visual Basic .NET | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 2) in Visual Basic 6 | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 1) in Visual Basic 6 | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image |  |
HowTo: Make CAPTCHA images (version 3) in Visual Basic 6 | CAPTCHA, Turing test, image, image processing, distort image |  |
HowTo: Add numbered lists and special bullets to the RichTextBox control in Visual Basic 6 | RTF, RichTextBox, Rich Text, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to make a quiz score histogram in Excel | Excel, Office, score, quiz, histogram, VBA |  |
HowTo: Make an OwnerDraw tooltip that displays an image in Visual Basic 2005 | OwnerDraw tooltip, tooltip, image, picture, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Bug: Watch for floating point errors | floating point errors, single, double, overflow, underflow, Visual Basic 6, VB 6, VB.NET, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Use FTP to upload and download files in Visual Basic 2005 | FTP, upload, download, transfer, transfer files, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Preview and print a core sample report with Visual Basic 2005 | print, preview, core sample, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Preview and print a core sample report using custom fill patterns with Visual Basic 2005 | print, preview, core sample, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Find the range of used cells in an Excel worksheet | UsedRange, used range, used cells, Excel, VBA |  |
DevX Articles by Rod Stephens | DevX Articles, DevX, Rod Stephens, articles, tips, tricks | |
HowTo: Set the initial size and window state of a PrintPreviewDialog in Visual Basic .NET | PrintPreviewDialog, WindowState, dialog, dialog size, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Convert text into a binary format and vice versa in Visual Basic 6 | binary, ASCII, shirts, joke, format, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Convert text into a binary format and vice versa in Visual Basic .NET | binary, ASCII, shirts, joke, format, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make an addition and subtraction quiz for younger kids in Visual Basic 6 | math, mathematics, flash cards, quiz, addition, subtraction, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make an addition and subtraction quiz for younger kids in Visual Basic .NET | math, mathematics, flash cards, quiz, addition, subtraction, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Save and restore toolbar configuration when a program starts and stops | toolbar, SaveToolbar, RestoreToolbar, configuration |  |
Expert One-on-One Visual Basic 2005 Design and Development: Updates | Visual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, programming, design, development, reflection, code standards, bug proofing, bug-proofing, testing, snippets, macros, agile methods, splash screen, threading |  |
Phong Shading and Reflections | Phong shading, reflection, ray tracing, Visual Basic, VB.NET, Camil Moujaber | |
HowTo: Save and restore ListBox items when a program stops and starts in Visual Basic 6 | ListBox, save, restore, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Easily print grid-like data in Visual Basic .NET | grid, print, print grid, data, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Save and restore ListBox items when a program stops and starts in Visual Basic .NET | ListBox, save, restore, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw samples of hatch patterns in Visual Basic 6 | FillStyle, hatch, hatch pattern, Visual Basic, graphics |  |
HowTo: Control serialization and deserialization with attributes in Visual Basic .NET | setrialize, deserialize, serialization, XmlSerializer, attributes, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Serialize and deserialize objects in Visual Basic .NET | setrialize, deserialize, serialization, XmlSerializer, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Set or clear all check boxes in a CheckedListBox in Visual Basic .NET | CheckedListBox, set check boxes, clear check boxes, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a bouncing ball animation in VB .NET | bouncing ball, animation, animate, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Highlight the TextBox that has focus by changing its BackColor | highlight, focus, GotFocus, LostFocus, TextBox |  |
What's New in Vista | Vista, operating systems, changes, what's new, | |
What's New: Vista and .NET Framework 3.0 | Vista, .NET Framework, .NET Framework 3.0, changes, what's new, | |
Review: Code Craft by Pete Goodliffe | code craft, writing solid code, programming techniques, book review, development, project management | |
Books: Must Read | books, software engineering, project management, software development, error handling, bugs, bug-proofing, advanced programming, tips, tricks, algorithms, sorting, searching, data structures, user interfaces, UI, design, creativity, thinking, thought, humor |  |
Expert One-on-One Visual Basic 2005 Design and Development: Source Code | Visual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, programming, design, development, reflection, code standards, bug proofing, bug-proofing, testing, snippets, macros, agile methods, splash screen, threading |  |
Expert One-on-One Visual Basic 2005 Design and Development: Table of Contents | Visual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, programming, design, development, reflection, code standards, bug proofing, bug-proofing, testing, snippets, macros, agile methods, splash screen, threading |  |
HowTo: Get the computer's total and available physical and virtual memory in Visual Basic 2005 | physical memory, virtual memory Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Make stable appointment assignments based on customer preferences in Visual Basic .NET | stable, appointment, assignment, preference, Stable Marriage, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make stable appointment assignments based on customer preferences | stable, appointment, assignment, preference, Stable Marriage |  |
HowTo: Convert between UTC time and local time | UTC time, local time, convert time |  |
Tip: Internationalization | internationalization, localization, locale | |
Tip: Debug at design time with in the same project in Visual Basic .NET | debug, design time, VB.NET | |
HowTo: Replace unprintable characters with spaces in Visual Basic .NET | character, ASCII, replace, regular expressions, regex, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Select a particular property in a PropertyGrid control in Visual Basic .NET | PropertyGrid, property grid, select property, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Select a particular property in a PropertyGrid control concisely in Visual Basic .NET | PropertyGrid, property grid, select property, VB.NET |  |
Tip: What is XAML? | XAML, .NET Framework 3.0 | |
Tip: Dir$ returns a non-blank path for "CON" even if it doesn't exist | Dir, Dir$, CON, directory |  |
HowTo: Draw a radar graph in Visual Basic .NET | radar graph, graph, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a radar graph in Visual Basic 6 | radar graph, graph |  |
HowTo: Determine whether a polygon is convex in Visual Basic .NET | polygon, convex, concave, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find the orientation of a polygon (clockwise or counterclockwise) in Visual Basic .NET | polygon, orientation, clockwise, counterclockwise, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Break a polygon into triangles in Visual Basic .NET | triangulate, triangle, polygon, geometry, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Calculate a polygon's area in Visual Basic .NET | polygon, area, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find a polygon's centroid (center of mass) in Visual Basic .NET | polygon, centroid, center of mass, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Compare floating point numbers safely in Visual Basic .NET | Single, Double, compare, floating point, float, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a pie chart from an array of values in Visual Basic .NET | pie chart, pie slice, wedge, circle, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a pie chart from an array of values | pie chart, pie slice, wedge, circle |  |
HowTo: Use Visual Basic to make an Excel chart | Office, Eexcel, workbook, worksheet, chart |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to make a chart in Excel easily | Excel, Office, chart, VBA |  |
HowTo: Compare floating point numbers safely | Single, Double, compare, floating point, float |  |
HowTo: Determine whether the system has Internet Explorer configured to use a proxy in Visual Basic 6 | proxy, IE, Internet Explorer, Registry, key |  |
HowTo: Make a browser that prevents the user from viewing the URL in Visual Basic .NET | browser, URL, restricted browser, hide URL, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Determine whether the system has Internet Explorer configured to use a proxy in Visual Basic .NET | proxy, IE, Internet Explorer, Registry, key, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Learn the number of CPUs on the system in Visual Basic 2005 | CPU usage, CPU load, PerformanceCounter, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Learn the number of CPUs on the system | CPUs, number CPUs, CPU, processors |  |
HowTo: Make a standard DLL | DLL, ActiveX DLL |  |
HowTo: Use DrawToBitmap to capture an image of a form in Visual Basic 2005 | DrawToBitmap, form image, capture form image, VB 2005, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Prevent the user from closing a UserForm by clicking the X button | UserForm, close, X button, disable X button, VBA, Excel |  |
HowTo: Monitor CPU usage in Visual Basic .NET | CPU usage, CPU load, PerformanceCounter, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Align and color cells in a FlexGrid control | FlexGrid, align, cell, color |  |
HowTo: Read Unicode text from a file in Visual Basic .NET | Unicode, text, file, StreamReader, OpenText, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Let the user move a polygon's points with grab handles, snapping the points to a visible grid | polygon, snap to, grid, draw, drag, snapto |  |
HowTo: Use MAPI to send email to a list of students with VBA in Excel | MAPI, mail, email, sendmail, students, Excel, VBA |  |
HowTo: Use the SetProp, GetProp, and RemoveProp API functions to associate a value with a window handle (hWnd) | SetProp, GetProp, RemoveProp, hWnd |  |
HowTo: Open text file by using CreateText, AppendText, and OpenText in Visual Basic .NET | CreateText, AppendText, OpenText, Exists, open file, read file, StreamWriter, StreamReader, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Verify a username and password in a database in Visual Basic .NET | password, user name, user id, verify passwoord, database, ADO.NET, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Set tabs in a RichTextBox in Visual Basic .NET | RichTextBox, tabs, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Ping an IP address in Visual Basic 6 | ping, ping IP address, IP address, IcmpSendEcho |  |
HowTo: Use sockets to convert an IP address to a host name or vice versa in Visual Basic 6 | sockets, convert IP address, convert host name, IP address |  |
HowTo: Remove all Label controls from a form at run time in Visual Basic .NET | remove controls, remove labels, label control, form, unload, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use a FileInfo object to resolve relative path names in Visual Basic .NET | relative path, resolve relative path, FileInfo, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Ping a host by name in Visual Basic 6 | sockets, convert IP address, convert host name, IP address, ping, ping IP address, IcmpSendEcho |  |
HowTo: Send email from VBA code by using MAPI | MAPI, email, Excel, VBA, send mail |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to add a numbered worksheet to an Excel workbook | VBA, Microsoft Office, Excel |  |
HowTo: Draw rainbow shaded text in Visual Basic .NET | color, rainbow, text, string, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Unload an application's forms in reverse order of creation | close, unload, form |  |
HowTo: Unload an application's forms in reverse order of creation, stopping if any don't unload | close, unload, form |  |
HowTo: Unload an application's forms in reverse order of creation, skipping any that don't unload | close, unload, form |  |
HowTo: Draw text that is clipped to a graphics path in Visual Basic .NET | text, path, clip |  |
Tip: Protect files when the operating system crashes | crash, Windows, blue screen of death, operating system, files, shutdown | |
Tip: Turn hexadecimal display on and off in the Command (Immediate), Watch, and other debugging windows in Visual Basic .NET | Command Window, Watch Window, Immediate Window, hexadecimal, debug, debugging | |
HowTo: Find the shortest distance between two line segments | segment, distance, geometry |  |
HowTo: Draw text that sits horizontally but with a baseline that follows a curve | text, curve, wave, wavy |  |
HowTo: Print the values in a ListView control across multiple pages | ListView, print, multipage, multi-page |  |
HowTo: Use transformations to draw an animated atom in Visual Basic .NET | animation, atom, animated atom, transformation, ellipse, rotated ellipse, rotation, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a background with a rotating color gradient in Visual Basic .NET | color gradient, moving gradient, rotating gradient, animation, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Simulate Alt-Tab in Visual Basic 6 | Alt-Tab, simulate, Visual Basic 6, keyboard, keybd_event |  |
HowTo: Use transformations to draw an animated atom in Visual Basic 6 | animation, atom, animated atom, transformation, ellipse, rotated ellipse, rotation, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Use transformations to draw a rotated ellipse in Visual Basic 6 | transformation, ellipse, rotated ellipse, rotation, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Extract comments from a Visual Basic 6 file in Visual Basic 6 | extract comments, comments, Visual Basic 6, Attribute, code |  |
HowTo: Write functions to determine whether a string starts or ends with a substring in Visual Basic 6 | StartsWith, EndsWith, substring |  |
HowTo: Simulate a mouse movement and click the mouse in Visual Basic 2005 | VB2005, Visual Basic 2005, mouse move, click, mouse_event, API |  |
HowTo: Simulate drawing with the mouse in Visual Basic 2005 | VB2005, Visual Basic 2005, mouse move, click, OnMouseDown, OnMouseMove, OnMouseUp |  |
Discussion: Will You Move to .NET? | NET, DOT NET | |
HowTo: Load a ListView control from an XML file in Visual Basic 6 | ListView, load, XML, Visual Basic 6 |  |
HowTo: Load a ListView control from an XML file in Visual Basic .NET | ListView, load, XML, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Create fonts easily by using the Font constructor that uses a prototype in Visual Basic .NET | Font, create font, font prototype, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Create fonts easily and interactively by using the Font constructor that uses a prototype in Visual Basic .NET | Font, create font, font prototype, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw samples of the available dash caps in Visual Basic .NET | DashCap, dash, dash caps, GetValues, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a background with a moving color gradient in Visual Basic .NET | color gradient, moving gradient, animation, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Easily list the values defined by an Enum in Visual Basic .NET | Enum, list values, enumerated values, GetValues, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Fill text with a moving color gradient in Visual Basic .NET | text, color gradient, moving gradient, animation, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a background grid on a form in Visual Basic 2005 | background grid, grid, form, BackgroundImage, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to add and remove comments in Excel cells | VBA, Excel, comment, remark |  |
HowTo: Find the convex hull of a set of points in Visual Basic 2005 | convex hull, geometry, points, bounding polygon, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to make buttons that jump to the first row beginning with specific letters | VBA, Excel, hyperlink, letter, index |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to make hyperlinks that jump to the first row beginning with specific letters | VBA, Excel, hyperlink, letter, index |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to scroll an Excel worksheet's pane to a particular column | Excel, scroll, column, worksheet, workbook |  |
HowTo: Make a generic serializable dictionary class and save and restore objects in it in Visual Basic 2005 | serializable dictionary, Dictionary, serialization, serialize, generics, Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Make a generic serializable dictionary class in Visual Basic 2005 | serializable dictionary, Dictionary, serialization, serialize, generics, Visual Basic 2005, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Read command line parameters in VB 2005 | command line, commandline, command line parameters, parameters, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Use VBA to switch a Word table's rows and columns | Word, table, row, column, switch, VBA | |
HowTo: Make a DataGridView control use a DataTable built at run time in Visual Basic 2005 | DataGridView, DataTable, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Download the NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day and use it for wallpaper | wallpaper, desktop, SystemParametersInfo, APOTD, NASA, Astronomy Picture of the Day |  |
HowTo: Make a DataGridView control that has its own data source loaded at run time in Visual Basic 2005 | DataGridView, DataTable, VB 2005 |  |
HowTo: Convert Outlook emails into Word documents | em, ail, Word, Microsoft Word, Outlook Express, Outlook |  |
HowTo: Use GetCurrencyFormat to format a currency value using locale defaults or custom formatting | format currency, GetCurrencyFormat, locale |  |
HowTo: Use the FormatCurrency function in Visual Basic 6 | FormatCurrency, format currency |  |
HowTo: Use GetNumberFormat to format a number using locale defaults or custom formatting | format number, GetNumberFormat, locale |  |
HowTo: Use the FormatNumber function in Visual Basic 6 | FormatNumber, format number |  |
HowTo: Use the FormatCurrency function in Visual Basic .NET | FormatCurrency, format currency, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the FormatNumber function in Visual Basic .NET | FormatNumber, format number, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the FormatDateTime function in Visual Basic .NET | FormatDateTime, format date, format time, format datetime, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the FormatPercent function in Visual Basic .NET | FormatPercent, format percentage, format percent, percent, percentage, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw certain cells in a DataGrid with different colors in Visual Basic .NET | DataGrid, color, cell, colored cell, cutoff, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the FormatDateTime function in Visual Basic 6 | FormatDateTime, format date, format time, format datetime |  |
HowTo: Use the FormatPercent function in Visual Basic 6 | FormatPercent, format percent |  |
HowTo: Draw rotated text centered at a point in Visual Basic 6 | rotate text, center text, CreateFont |  |
HowTo: Dynamically load controls into a "control array" in VB .NET | control, control array, load control, AddHandler, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Record and play back mouse movements | mouse, move, mouse_event, API |  |
HowTo: Move the mouse to a particular position and click it | mouse, click, move, mouse_event, API |  |
HowTo: Provide design time support for a custom control in Visual Basic .NET | custom control, design time, support, icon, smart tag, properties, dropdown, editor, UITypeEditor, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Verify that the user entered a date in an InputBox | InputBox, validate, verify, date |  |
Tutorial: Twos Complement Numbers | twos-complement, ones-complement, number | |
Bug: SplitContainer control properties cause errors | SplitContainer splitter, splitter control, VB.NET, VB 2005 | |
HowTo: Make a Visual Basic .NET library that returns a picture to a Visual Basic 6 program | library, VB.NET, VB 6, Visual Basic 6, picture, DLL |  |
HowTo: Draw and order simple objects (rectangle, circle, etc.) and let the user click them | drawing, object, rectangle, circle, order, to top, to bottom |  |
HowTo: Let the user browse for a folder in Visual Basic .NET | browse, browse for folder, SHBrowseForFolder, API, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Position a popup form on a particular area on its parent form in Visual Basic .NET | popup, form, position, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Tell whether the Shift key is pressed during a mouse click in Visual Basic .NET | mouse, MouseClick, Shift, click, mouse click, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display samples of the SystemFonts in Visual Basic .NET | SystemFonts, system fonts, font, VB.NET |  |
Visual Basic 2005 Programmer's Reference | Visual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, programming | |
HowTo: Fill an ellipse with a color gradient | ellipse, color, color gradient, LinearGradientBrush, fill, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Slowly fill a circle with color from bottom to top in Visual Basic .NET | circle, ellipse, fill circle, fill ellipse, VB.NET, animation |  |
HowTo: Detect when the user scrolls a ListView control | ListView, scroll, detect |  |
HowTo: Use a checked ListBox | ListBox, checked, checked list, checked ListBox |  |
HowTo: Display a context menu when the user right-clicks on a ListView control's column headers | ListView, context menu, popup menu, right-click, right button, API, |  |
HowTo: Generate a file giving the dimensions of the JPEG files in a directory | picture, JPEG, dimensions, size |  |
HowTo: Make a tristate checkbox | tristate, tri-state, checkbox |  |
HowTo: Add a horizontal scrollbar to a ListBox in Visual Basic .NET | ListBox, scroll, scrollbar, scroll bar, horizontal scroll bar, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Add a horizontal scrollbar to a ListBox if it is needed in Visual Basic .NET | ListBox, scroll, scrollbar, scroll bar, horizontal scroll bar, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Define tabs in a ListBox in Visual Basic .NET | tab, ListBox, set tabs, defined tabs, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Define tabs in a ListBox in Visual Basic .NET | tab, ListBox, set tabs, defined tabs, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Set an environment variable | environment variable, SetEnvironmentVariable, environ |  |
HowTo: See if a control is in a control array | control, control array, index |  |
HowTo: Localize control resources at run time in VB .NET | locale, internationalization, globalization, CultureInfo, runtime |  |
HowTo: Localize control resources at run time by reloading the form in VB .NET | locale, internationalization, globalization, CultureInfo, runtime |  |
HowTo: Localize control resources at run time by reopening the form in VB .NET | locale, internationalization, globalization, CultureInfo, runtime |  |
HowTo: Select items in a ListBox in code in Visual Basic .NET | ListBox, select, SelectedItem, SelectedIndex, SetSelected, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use buttons to slide a ListBox's multiple selection up or down in Visual Basic .NET | ListBox, select, selection, SelectedItem, SelectedIndex, SetSelected, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use buttons to slide a ListBox's selection up or down in Visual Basic .NET | ListBox, select, selection, SelectedItem, SelectedIndex, SetSelected, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Run a DOS application and capture its output in VB .NET | DOS, stdout, stderr, standard output, standard error, standard out, run, VB.NET |  |
Talk: Three Cool Namespaces | regex, regular expression, XML, serialie, serialization, crypto, cryptography, hash, hashing, encrypt, decrypt, encryption, decryption | |
HowTo: Start and stop another program | start application, stop application, API, WM_CLOSE, SendMessage |  |
HowTo: Toolkits by Dale Thorn | toolkit, btrieve, text | |
HowTo: Compose four pictures into a single picture and save the result into a file | compose, composition, picture, PictureBox, PaintPicture |  |
HowTo: Convert the text the user is typing in a TextBox to Proper Case in Visual Basic .NET | TextBox, convert, proper case, StrConv, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Compose four pictures into a single picture and save the result into a file in Visual Basic .NET | TextBox, convert, proper case, StrConv, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Convert the text the user is typing in a TextBox to Proper Case | TextBox, convert, proper case, StrConv |  |
HowTo: Use the RtlMoveMemory API function to copy part of a two-dimensional array into a one-dimensional array in Visual Basic .NET | RtlMoveMemory, copy memory, CopyMemory, MoveMemory, array, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Use the RtlMoveMemory API function to copy part of a two-dimensional array into a one-dimensional array in Visual Basic .NET | RtlMoveMemory, copy memory, CopyMemory, MoveMemory, array, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Perform label setting shortest path calculations in Visual Basic .NET | shortest path, shortest path tree, label settings, algorithms, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Pad strings on the left or right in Visual Basic .NET | pad string, PadLeft, PadRight, String, format string, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Perform a sequence of timed actions without multi-threading | action, timed, timer, event |  |
HowTo: Format the columns displayed by a DataTable in a DataGrid control in Visual Basic .NET | DataTable, column, format, align, alignment, DataGrid, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display a caption for a DataTable in a DataGrid in Visual Basic .NET | DataTable, caption, DataGrid, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Let the user check items in a grid in Excel VBA | Excel, VBA, grid, editable, FlexGrid |  |
HowTo: Display a form with an editable grid in Excel VBA | Excel, VBA, grid, editable, FlexGrid |  |
HowTo: Use checkmark images to let the user check items in a grid in Excel VBA | Excel, VBA, grid, editable, FlexGrid |  |
HowTo: Animate a series of images stored in a PictureClip control and display blocking and non-blocking message boxes | PictureClip, animate, animation, Timer, blobk, MessageBox, MsgBox |  |
HowTo: Convert a string into bytes and vice versa | convert, string, bytes, unicode |  |
HowTo: Display vertical and horizontal lines as a crosshair in C# | C#, csharp, c sharp, VB .NET, crosshair |  |
HowTo: Convert a .rtf or .txt file into a .doc file | document, word, rtf, txt, doc, convert file |  |
Tip: Register and Unregister ActiveX EXEs | ActiveX, ActiveX EXE, exe, register, unregister | |
Tip: Debug Access VBA Code | email, Access, VBA, macro, macros code, breakpoint | |
Tip: Use Orca to Remove a .NET Installation Project's "Everyone" and "Just Me" Options | Orca, VB.NET, installation, installation kit, installation package, everyone, just me | |
HowTo: Print a FlexGrid control's data across multiple pages vertically and horizontally | FlexGrid, print, grid, multi-page, multiple pages |  |
HowTo: URL decode a string | URL, encode, decode, code, string |  |
HowTo: Display predefined system pens in Visual Basic .NET | pen, system pen, SystemPens, drawing, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display join styles in Visual Basic .NET | join styles, LineJoin, line, drawing, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display predefined system colors in Visual Basic .NET | color, system color, SystemColors, drawing, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display predefined system brushes in Visual Basic .NET | brush, system brush, SystemBrushes, drawing, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display predefined system icons in Visual Basic .NET | icon, system icon, SystemIcons, drawing, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the Internet Transfer Control to download a file from the Web | Internet Transfer Control, inet, download, ftp |  |
HowTo: Upload files to keep files on a Web server synchronized with files in a directory in Visual Basic 6 | upload, synchronize, Web server |  |
HowTo: Download files to keep files on a Web server synchronized with files in a directory in Visual Basic 6 | upload, synchronize, Web server |  |
HowTo: Use the Internet Transfer Control to upload a file to the Web | Internet Transfer Control, inet, upload, ftp |  |
Karen Watterson's Weekly Destinations and Diversions (D & D) | Karen Watterson, Didja Know, links, diversion, weekly | |
HowTo: Use regular expressions to replace characters within parts of a string surrounded by quotes in Visual Basic 6 | regular expression, regex, regexp, replace |  |
HowTo: Use Split to replace characters within parts of a string surrounded by quotes in Visual Basic 6 | replace, Split, regular expression |  |
HowTo: Make a Panel control that raises a Scroll event in Visual Basic .NET | scroll, Panel, AutoScroll, scroll event, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Set a form's client area size in Visual Basic .NET | size, client area, ClientSize, form, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use regular expressions to replace characters within parts of a string surrounded by quotes in Visual Basic .NET | regular expression, regex, regexp, replace, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Synchronize two scrolling Panel controls in Visual Basic .NET | scroll, Panel, AutoScroll, scroll event, synchronize, VB.NET |  |
Ready-to-Run Visual Basic Graphics Programming: Updates | graphics, drawing, printing, image processing, ray tracing, animation, curve fitting |  |
HowTo: Make a series of color samples | color, color sample, pick color |  |
HowTo: Sort objects by making a class implement the IComparable interface in Visual Basic .NET | compare, IComparable, sort, sortable, Array.Sort, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Sort objects by different key fields by building a comparer class in Visual Basic .NET | comparer, IComparer, sort, sortable, Array.Sort, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a program shrink to the system tray when the user clicks the close button in Visual Basic .NET | system try, tray, shrink, hide, close, NotifyIcon, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Let the user resize a form that has no title bar or borders in Visual Basic .NET | resize form, title bar, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, SendMessage, DefWndProc, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a scrolled window that contains several other controls | scrolled window, scrolling, scroll bars |  |
HowTo: Make a scrolled window that doesn't resize with the form | scrolled window, scrolling, scroll bars |  |
HowTo: Make a game where you shoot a cannon past black holes | game, cannon, black holes, animation |  |
HowTo: Make a silly program that tracks the mouse's current position with a pair of eyes in Visual Basic .NET | eyes, mouse, mouse cursor, current position, track, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Convert almost white pixels to white | pixels, color, convert, color conversion |  |
HowTo: Let the user move a form that has no title bar or borders in Visual Basic .NET | move form, title bar, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, SendMessage, DefWndProc, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Get the selected text from a frame within a WebBrowser control by using the control's methods | WebBrowser, browser, internet, text, selected text, frame, frameset, frames |  |
HowTo: Convert between Rectangle and RectangleF variables quickly in Visual Basic .NET | Rectangle, RectangleF, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a regular polygon in Visual Basic .NET | polygon, regular polygon, draw, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Change a form's font in Visual Basic .NET | font, change font, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a five-pointed star in Visual Basic .NET | star, five-pointed star, draw, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Fill a polygon with a PathGradientBrush in Visual Basic .NET | path gradient, gradient, PathGradientBrush, fill, draw, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a component that has a collection property in Visual Basic .NET | component, collection, collection property, VB .NET, TypeConverter, type converter |  |
HowTo: Morph from one image to another in Visual Basic .NET | image processing, morhp, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a spline "by hand" in VB .NET | smooth curve, spline, cardinal spline, Bezier curve, tension, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Warp images in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, image processing, warp, fish eye, twist, wave, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the URLDownloadToFile API function to download a file from a URL into a file | URLDownloadToFile, download, file, Internet |  |
HowTo: Make a TypeConverter for a collection in Visual Basic .NET | TypeConverter, type converter, PropertyGrid, Properties window, collection, property, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Apply filters to Outlook Express in Visual Basic 6 | Outlook Express, filter, email |  |
HowTo: Make a type converter in Visual Basic .NET | TypeConverter, type converter, PropertyGrid, Properties window, property, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Print text on an odd piece of paper | print, paper, unusual paper |  |
HowTo: Copy all of the text from a WebBrowser control | copy text, clipboard, WebBrowser, Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C |  |
HowTo: List the files in a directory that match a pattern in VB .NET | directory, list, files, list files, pattern, search, file search |  |
HowTo: Get all text or the selected text from a WebBrowser control by using the control's methods | WebBrowser, browser, internet, text, selected text |  |
HowTo: List the files in a directory's subtree that match a pattern in VB .NET | directory, subdirectory, list, files, list files, pattern, search, file search |  |
HowTo: Display samples of the colors defined in VBRUN.SystemColorConstants | color, system colors, VBRUN, SystemColorConstants |  |
HowTo: See if a directory exists in VB .NET | directory exists, directory, exists |  |
HowTo: See if a file exists in VB .NET | file exists, file, exists |  |
Who is Rod Stephens? | Rod Stephens, author | |
HowTo: See if a table exists in a DAO database by using an On Error statement | DAO, database, table, table exists |  |
HowTo: Make a scrolled window that the user can drag with the mouse (as Adobe Acrobat Reader does) | scrolled window, drag, drag window, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Acrobat Reader, Acrobat |   |
HowTo: Tip: Use LCase$ and UCase$ instead of the CharLower and CharUpper API functions | CharLower, CharUpper, case, LCase, UCase |  |
HowTo: Use Image and ImageList controls to animate a series of images | Image, ImageList, animate |  |
HowTo: Make a ColorRadioButton control that changes color when checked and unchecked in VB .NET | RadioButton, ColorRadioButton, control, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use an ImageList control to animate a series of images in VB .NET | ImageList, animate, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Chop a large file of tab-delimited data into manageable pieces in VB .NET | ADO, database, insert, quotes |  |
HowTo: Use ADO to insert records into a database when fields contain quotes | ADO, database, insert, quotes |  |
HowTo: Capture the image of a Web page | Web page, image, capture, Internet Explorer |  |
HowTo: Get the local and invariate date and time formats in VB .NET | date, time, format, invariate, local, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Rotate text around a center in VB .NET | text, rotate, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw the Barnsley's Fern fractal | Barnsley's Fern, fractal, iterated functions, iterated function system |  |
HowTo: Make a simple standard dialog in VB .NET | Barnsley's Fern, fractal, iterated functions, iterated function system, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw the Barnsley's Fern fractal in VB .NET | Barnsley's Fern, fractal, iterated functions, iterated function system, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a fractal Pickover strange attractor using an incremental color scheme in VB.NET | Barnsley's Fern, fractal, iterated functions, iterated function system, VB.NET |  |
Tip: Comment Long Sections of Code By Using Conditional Compilation | comment, conditional compilation | |
HowTo: Open a text file in the system's default text editor | editor, default editor, system editor, text file |  |
HowTo: See if a table exists in a DAO database | DAO, database, table, table exists |  |
HowTo: Open a text file in the system's default text editor | editor, default editor, system editor, text file |  |
HowTo: Make a swirl | swirl |  |
HowTo: Make a curlicue fractal in Visual Basic .NET | curlicue, fractal, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a curlicue fractal | curlicue, fractal |  |
HowTo: Make a swirl in Visual Basic .NET | swirl, VB.NET |  |
Karen Watterson's Archived Destinations and Diversions (D & D) | Karen Watterson, Didja Know, links, diversion, archive | |
HowTo: Use a TabControl with owner-drawn tabs in Visual Basic .NET | TabControl, OwnerDraw, owner drawn, tab, control, DrawMode, OwnerDrawFixed, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw strange attractors (fractals) in Visual Basic .NET | strange attractor, fractal, equation, graphics, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw strange attractors (fractals) | strange attractor, fractal, equation, graphics |  |
HowTo: Find the points where a line intersects a circle | graphics, line, circle, intersection |  |
HowTo: Get the current user's name in Visual Basic .NET | user name, username, GetUserName, current user, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Detect when the system performs a Windows XP fast user switch Visual Basic .NET | fast user switch, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find the points where a line intersects a circle in Visual Basic .NET | graphics, line, circle, intersection |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^3 - 3^Z to draw fractals in Visual Basic .NET | Newton's method, non-polynomial function, root, function, fractal, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Use a .NET system DLL in a Visual Basic 6 program | VB .NET, DLL, System DLL, WebClient, downloadFile |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^2 - 2^Z to draw fractals in Visual Basic .NET | Newton's method, non-polynomial function, root, function, fractal, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^2 - 2^Z to draw fractals in Visual Basic 6 | Newton's method, non-polynomial function, root, function, fractal |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^n - 1 to draw fractals in Visual Basic 6 | Newton's method, polynomial, root, function, fractal |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method to find the roots of an equation | Newton's method, equation, root, zero |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^3 - 3^Z to draw fractals in Visual Basic 6 | Newton's method, non-polynomial function, root, function, fractal |  |
HowTo: Make an extender provider that automatically displays status messages when controls receive the focus in VB .NET | VB .NET, extender provider, status, StatusBar, focus |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method to find the roots of an equation in Visual Basic .NET | Newton's method, equation, root, zero |  |
HowTo: Make an extender provider that automatically displays status messages when the mouse is over controls in VB .NET | VB .NET, extender provider, status, StatusBar, hover |  |
HowTo: Use Newton's method on the equation Z^n - 1 to draw fractals in Visual Basic .NET | Newton's method, polynomial, root, function, fractal, VB .NET |  |
Ready-to-Run Visual Basic Code Library: Updates | Visual Basic, tips, tricks, examples |  |
HowTo: Solve a system of equations with Gaussian elimination in VB .NET | solve, equations, system of equations, Gaussian elimination, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Prevent the user from dragging icons in a ListView | ListView, drag, drag items, subclass |  |
HowTo: Draw an interesting curved Truchet Tiling | Truchet Tiling, curve, draw, graphics, tile, tiling |  |
HowTo: Solve a system of equations with Gaussian elimination | solve, equations, system of equations, Gaussian elimination |  |
HowTo: Draw an interesting colored curved Truchet Tiling | Truchet Tiling, curve, draw, graphics, tile, tiling |  |
HowTo: Draw an interesting curved Truchet Tiling in Visual Basic .NET | Truchet Tiling, curve, draw, graphics, tile, tiling, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use an ImageAttributes object to display an image's red, green, and blue components in Visual Basic .NET | color, color components, ImageAttributes, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Compare the speeds of Trim$(s) and s.Trim() in VB .NET | trim, Trim$, VB.NET, string |  |
HowTo: Use an ImageAttributes object to swap the red, green, and blue components of an image in Visual Basic .NET | color, color components, ImageAttributes, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Write a DLL in Visual Basic .NET that saves images in different formats (GIF, JPG, etc.) and call it from Visual Basic 6 | VB .NET, VB 6, Visual Basic 6, DLL, save image, GIF, JPG, JPEG |  |
HowTo: Use a INSERT INTO statement in ADO to copy data from one table into two existing tables | ADO, data, database, INSERT, INSERT INTO, copy data |  |
HowTo: Use an ImageAttributes object to adjust an image's brightness in Visual Basic .NET | color, color components, brightness, ColorMatrix, ImageAttributes, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Use a SELECT INTO statement in ADO to copy data from one table into two new tables | ADO, data, database, SELECT, SELECT INTO, copy data |  |
HowTo: Use an ImageAttributes object to gamma correct an image in Visual Basic .NET | color, color components, gamm, gamm correction, ColorMatrix, ImageAttributes, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Write Split and Join functions for VB 5 | Split, Join, VB5 |  |
HowTo: Use interface inheritance by using the Implements keyword | interface inheritance, Implements, subclass, derived class |  |
HowTo: Generate HTML versions of all of a Word document's tables | HTML, Word, Microsoft Word, table |  |
HowTo: Make a lookup cache using ADO.NET in Visual Basic .NET | ADO.NET, cache, lookup, lookup table, table |  |
HowTo: Scroll a PropertyGrid control to make a particular property visible in Visual Basic .NET | PropertyGrid, scroll, property |  |
HowTo: Make a lookup cache from a DAO database | DAO, cache, lookup, lookup table, table |  |
HowTo: Make a kaleidoscope program | kaleidoscope, drawing, art |  |
HowTo: Read properties from a DAO recordset | DAO, recordset, property |  |
HowTo: Make a kaleidoscope program in Visual Basic .NET | kaleidoscope, drawing, art |  |
HowTo: Make a labeled line "symbiote" to help users draw rubberband lines in VB .NET | labeled line symbiote, rubberband line, draw, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a line "symbiote" to help users draw rubberband lines in VB .NET | line symbiote, rubberband line, draw, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a warped path in VB .NET | path, GraphicsPath, warp, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a filled polygon | polygon, fill, filled polygon |  |
HowTo: Make a line "symbiote" to help users draw rubberband lines | line symbiote, rubberband line, draw |  |
HowTo: Make a line "symbiote" to help users draw labeled rubberband lines | labeled line symbiote, rubberband line, draw |  |
HowTo: Draw a filled polygon in VB .NET | polygon, fill, filled polygon, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use multiple file versions | file version |  |
HowTo: Calculate the XOR of two images | XOR, image, PaintPicture, image processing |  |
HowTo: Draw a three-dimensional histogram with VB .NET | histogram, bar chart, graph, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a color wheel in VB .NET | histogram, bar chart, graph, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Overlay Rich Text on a picture in Windows XP | Rich Text, RTF, RichTextBox, overlay, picture |  |
HowTo: Find the convex hull of a set of points | convex hull, geometry, points, bounding polygon |   |
HowTo: Draw "stars" inside regular polygons | star, polygon |  |
HowTo: Draw "stars" inside regular polygons in VB .NET | star, polygon, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a simple histogram in VB .NET | histogram, graph, bar chart, bar graph |  |
HowTo: Draw text centered at a position | text, center text, font |  |
HowTo: Draw text centered at a position in VB .NET | text, center text, font |  |
HowTo: Make a TextBox control that does not display a context menu in VB .NET | TextBox, context menu, popup menu |  |
HowTo: Launch the system's default browser in VB .NET | browser, default browser, launch program, start program |  |
HowTo: Find nodes with a particular tag name in an XML file with VB .NET | XML, VB.NET, find node |  |
HowTo: Use a VBA macro to number non-blank paragraphs in Word | ctrl-A, control-A, select text |  |
HowTo: Let the user press Ctrl-A to select all of the text in a TextBox | ctrl-A, control-A, select text |  |
HowTo: Let the user press Ctrl-A to select all of the text in a TextBox in VB .NET | ctrl-A, control-A, select text |  |
Microsoft Office Programming: A Guide for Experienced Developers | Office, Microsoft Office, programming, Office automation |  |
HowTo: Compare two images to find differences greater than a threshold value in VB .NET | image, bitmap, VB.NET, compare, difference, imagediff |  |
HowTo: Parse a hexadecimal string in VB .NET by using Integer.Parse. | parse, hex, hexadecimal, VB.NET, Integer.Parse |  |
HowTo: Use VBA code to display a Word document's built in document properties | Word, VBA, properties, document properties |   |
HowTo: Use VBA macros to accept revisions in a Word document between two dates | code, format, Word, VBA |   |
HowTo: Use VBA macros to format text in Word to look like code | code, format, Word, VBA |   |
HowTo: Set an application's Task Manager icon | icon, application icon, task manager |  |
HowTo: Convert values between decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary in VB .NET | convert, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, binary, base, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Capture an image of a MSChart control | MSChart, chart, control, image |  |
HowTo: Make a game where you control a cannon ball's angle and speed to try to hit a house in VB .NET | cannon, simulation, gravity, animation |  |
HowTo: Get disk information including serial number in VB .NET | disk, serial number, GetVolumeInformation, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a game where you control a cannon ball's angle and speed to try to hit a house | cannon, simulation, gravity, animation |  |
HowTo: Convert an Access database to Access2002 | Access, Office, Microsoft Office, MS Office, convert |  |
HowTo: Draw an image with gradient alpha (opacity) values in VB .NET | image processing, alpha, gradient, opacity, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Make translucent text suitable for image watermarking in VB .NET | watermark, image, translucent, transparent, opacity, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Generate a schedule for a round robin tournament in VB .NET | round robin, tournament, schedule |  |
HowTo: Remap a color in an image in VB .NET | image processing, remap color, color, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Generate a schedule for pool play on a single court with fairly distributed rests | pool, schedule |  |
HowTo: Load new Frame controls and their contained controls | Frame, control array, load |  |
HowTo: Make an image fade from one picture to another and back in VB .NET | image processing, alpha, opacity, fade, animation, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Make a loop that times out after a certain period | timeout, loop |  |
HowTo: Draw an image with gradient alpha (opacity) values in VB .NET | image processing, alpha, gradient, opacity, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Use code that allows the user to abort, retry, or ignore when an error occurs | error, error handling, abort, try, ignore |  |
HowTo: Generate a schedule for a round robin tournament | round robin, tournament, schedule |  |
HowTo: Use VBA to compare two Ranges in Excel and highlight the cells that are different | Excel, Range, compare |  |
HowTo: Make and show metafiles in VB.NET | metafile, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use ADOX to get and set the description of a column in an Access database | ADOX, ADO, column description, Access |  |
Prototyping With Visual Basic: Related Articles | software engineering, software development, prototyping, project management |  |
HowTo: Provide print preview | print, print preview |  |
HowTo: Provide print preview with different scales | print, print preview, scale |  |
HowTo: Sort data and remove duplicates | quicksort, sort, duplicates, remove duplicates, unique |  |
HowTo: Use ADO to add and drop columns from a database | database, data, ADO |  |
HowTo: Use ADOX to add and drop columns from a database | database, data, ADO, ADOX |  |
HowTo: Use standard formatting strings to format Doubles in VB .NET | format, format specifier, string, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use a composite format specifier in VB .NET | format, format specifier, string, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use standard formatting strings to format Dates in VB .NET | format, format specifier, string, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use custom formatting strings to format Dates in VB .NET | format, format specifier, string, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use custom formatting strings to format Doubles in VB .NET | format, format specifier, string, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Let the user drag and drop text to a specific position in a TextBox | drag, drop, drag and drop, TextBox |  |
HowTo: Let the user drag and drop text to a specific position in a TextBox in VB .NET | drag, drop, drag and drop, TextBox |  |
HowTo: Make a DataTable at run time without a database and bind it to a DataGrid in VB .NET | |  |
HowTo: Display a status bar showing the steps in a long task | StatusBar, steps, stages, progress, ProgressBar |  |
HowTo: Generate code for standard property procedures | property procedure, get, set, replace, token |  |
HowTo: Make and use custom attributes in VB .NET | attribute, custom attribute |  |
HowTo: Generate code for standard property procedures in VB .NET | property procedure, get, set, replace, token |  |
HowTo: Draw a rubberband rectangle with and without double buffering in VB .NET | |  |
HowTo: Fit a PictureBox to its non-transparent pixels in VB .NET | shaped picture, PictureBox, region |   |
HowTo: Draw a smooth closed curve | smooth curve, smooth closed curve, spline, cardinal spline, Bezier curve, tension |   |
HowTo: Keep track of the foreground application in VB .NET | foreground application, foreground window, GetForegroundWindow |  |
HowTo: Draw a smooth curve | smooth curve, spline, cardinal spline, Bezier curve, tension |   |
HowTo: Draw a Bezier curve | Bezier curve, spline, smooth, curve |   |
HowTo: Draw a smooth closed curve by hand in VB .NET | smooth curve, smooth closed curve, spline, cardinal spline, Bezier curve, tension |   |
HowTo: Draw a Bezier curve by hand in VB .NET | Bezier curve, spline, smooth, curve |   |
HowTo: Draw a smooth curve by hand in VB .NET | smooth curve, spline, cardinal spline, Bezier curve, tension |   |
HowTo: Make a DataSet at run time without using any design time controls in VB .NET | DataSet, runtime, database, ADO.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw an hypotrochoid (and hypocycloid) in VB .NET | hypotrochoid, hypocycloid, curve |  |
HowTo: Keep track of the foreground application | foreground application, foreground window, GetForegroundWindow |  |
HowTo: Draw an epitrochoid (and epicycloid) in VB .NET | epitrochoid, epicycloid, curve |  |
HowTo: Use DAO to make a database lookup table | DAO, database, lookup, table |  |
HowTo: Determine when the user closes the main menu | menu, main menu, close, subclass, WindowProc |  |
HowTo: Determine whether a point is inside a polygon | polygon, point, inside, contains |   |
HowTo: Update a DataSet that doesn't have primary keys in VB .NET | DataGrid, DataTable, bind, ADO.NET, data, database, primary key |  |
HowTo: Bind a DataGrid to a DataTable at run time in VB .NET | DataGrid, DataTable, bind, ADO.NET, data, database |  |
HowTo: Define a relationship between two tables in a DataSet in VB .NET | DataGrid, DataTable, bind, ADO.NET, data, database, relationship |  |
HowTo: Display parent and child records in two DataGrid controls in VB .NET | DataGrid, DataTable, bind, ADO.NET, data, database, relationship, parent/child, master/detail |  |
HowTo: Bind a DataGrid to a DataTable with read-only columns in VB .NET | DataGrid, DataTable, bind, ADO.NET, data, database, read only |  |
HowTo: Use DAO to copy the values in matching fields from one table to another | DAO, database, field, match, copy, record |  |
HowTo: Use DAO to copy records from one table to another, remapping source and destination fields | DAO, database, field, match, copy, record, map |  |
HowTo: Bind a DataGrid to a DataSet at run time in VB .NET | ADO.NET, database, DataGrid, DataSet, bind |  |
HowTo: Use DAO to compare tables in two Access databases | DAO, database, compare, DB, Access, tables |  |
HowTo: Let the user pick multiple files in VB .NET | file, open file, select file, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Use DAO to compare two Access databases' structure | DAO, database, compare, DB, Access |  |
HowTo: Let the user pick multiple files | file, open file, select file |  |
HowTo: Make an ExtenderProvider to validate TextBoxes by using a regular expression in VB .NET | Regex, regular expression, ExtenderProvider, validation, validate |  |
HowTo: Shell a program with a specific startup directory | Shell, run, startup directory, start in |  |
HowTo: Display the program's current directory | CurDir, show directory, display directory, current directory |  |
HowTo: Draw a butterfly curve | graphics, curve, butterfly, butterfly curve |  |
HowTo: Draw a butterfly curve in VB .NET | graphics, curve, butterfly, butterfly curve, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a chrysanthemum curve | graphics, curve, chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum curve |  |
HowTo: Draw a chrysanthemum curve in VB .NET | graphics, curve, chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum curve, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find the difference between two images in VB .NET | image, bitmap, VB.NET, compare, difference, imagediff |  |
HowTo: Compare two images to find differences | image, bitmap, compare, difference, imagediff |  |
HowTo: Make functions that calculate the minimum and maximum of their parameters | Min, Max, minimum, maximum |  |
HowTo: Find the difference between two images | image, bitmap, compare, difference, imagediff |  |
HowTo: Compare two images to find differences in VB .NET | image, bitmap, VB.NET, compare, difference, imagediff |  |
HowTo: Print a long series of paragraphs in different fonts, breaking across pages in VB .NET | print, preview, text, long text, print preview, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: List and create instances of the shape types defined in an assembly in VB .NET | assembly, type, data type, reflection, invoke, shapes, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: List the types defined in an assembly in VB .NET | assembly, type, data type, reflection, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Use a WebClient object to download the data at a URI in VB .NET | WebClient, URL, URI, download, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: List the assemblies referenced by an assembly in VB .NET | assembly, reference, reflection, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: List and create instances of the types defined in an assembly in VB .NET | assembly, type, data type, reflection, invoke, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Make a class that manages arrays retrieved by calling Recordset.GetRows | Recordset, GetRows, array |  |
HowTo: Display the full name of an assembly in VB .NET | assembly, full name, FullName, reflection, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a centered circle whenever the user resizes a form in VB .NET | VB.NET, circle, center, resize, Paint, GDI+ |  |
HowTo: Use the Invalidate method to draw a centered circle whenever the user resizes a form in VB .NET | VB.NET, circle, center, resize, Paint, GDI+ |  |
Tip: VB 6 Coding Style | coding style, code style, rules | |
HowTo: Use a scroll bar to let the user scroll a picture vertically | scroll bar, VScrollBar, vertical, vertical scroll bar, scroll |  |
HowTo: Connect an ADO Recordset to an XML file located at a URL | ADO, Recordset, XML, URL, Web, data, Access |  |
HowTo: Save an ADO Recordset's data into an XML file | ADO, Recordset, XML, URL, Web, data, Access |  |
HowTo: Get information about a window and its children | window information, children, GetWindow, SendMessage, GetClassName |  |
HowTo: Find the text displayed by a Window's descendant given its hierarchical window path | window, hWnd, FindWindow, class, window class, path, window path |  |
HowTo: Get information about a Window's child hierarchy from its hWnd | window, hWnd, FindWindow, class, window class |  |
HowTo: See what URL Internet Explorer is displaying | Internet Explorer, IE, address, URL |  |
HowTo: Write an InStrRev function for VB 5 | InStrRev, VB5, Visual Basic 5 |  |
HowTo: Position tab stops while drawing text in VB .NET | tabs, VB .NET, drawing, layout rectangle, StringFormat |  |
HowTo: Set tabs in a TextBox in VB .NET | TextBox, tabs, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Remove hyperlinks from a Word file in VB .NET | Word, Microsoft Word, Office, Microsoft Office, hyperlink, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Remove personal information from a Word file in VB .NET | Word, Microsoft Word, Office, Microsoft Office, personal information, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Read, write, and delete document variables in a Word document in VB .NET | Word, Microsoft Word, Office, Microsoft Office, variable, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Remove hyperlinks from a Word file | Word, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Office, hyperlink |  |
HowTo: Remove personal information from a Word file | Word, Microsoft Word, Office, Microsoft Office, personal information |  |
HowTo: Read, write, and delete document variables in a Word document | Word, Microsoft Word, Office, Microsoft Office, variable |  |
HowTo: Change a thread's priority | thread, priority | |
HowTo: Copy corresponding fields from one table to another in an Access database | Access, field, table, copy |  |
HowTo: Count the lines of code in a Visual Basic 5/6 project | count lines, project, forms, modules, subs, subroutines, functions |  |
HowTo: Count the lines of code in Visual Basic 5/6 projects within a directory hierarchy | count lines, project, forms, modules, subs, subroutines, functions |  |
HowTo: Store and retrieve an image in an Access database | Access, image, picture, memo |  |
HowTo: Use the OpenFileDialog control's RestoreDirectory property in VB .NET | Access, image, picture, memo |  |
HowTo: Bind a CurrencyManager to objects in a collection and use it for navigation in VB .NET | CurrencyManager, binding, data binding, VB.NET, DataBinding |  |
HowTo: Bind controls' properties to each other in VB .NET | binding, data binding, VB.NET, DataBinding, properties, property |  |
HowTo: Use ADOX to get lots of information about an Access database | ADOX, information, database, Access |  |
HowTo: Use DAO to compact an Access database | DAO, compact, database, Access |  |
HowTo: Use a bound DataGrid in VB.NET | DataGrid, binding, bind, bound, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use IIF in a SQL SELECT statement to make a DataReport display a warning if a value is too low in VB.NET | DataReport, VB.NET, IIF, warning, CrystalReportViewer, CrystalReport, CrystalReports |  |
HowTo: Use IIF in a SQL SELECT statement to display a warning if a value is too low in VB.NET | DataGrid, binding, bind, bound, VB.NET, IIF, warning |  |
HowTo: Display query results in a bound grid control | database, bound controls, grid |   |
HowTo: Use IIF in a SQL SELECT statement to make a DataReport display a warning if a value is too low | IIF, SQL, SELECT, database, warning, DataReport |  |
HowTo: Use IIF in a SQL SELECT statement to display a warning if a value is too low | IIF, SQL, SELECT, database, warning |  |
HowTo: Use DAO to copy data from a CSV file into an Access database | DAO, CSV, Access, delimited, database, data, SELECT |  |
HowTo: Make a PictureBox control that has a bindable FileName property in VB .NET | bind, data, bindable, PictureBox, NamedPicture |  |
HowTo: Deter an SQL injection attack | SQL injection, attack, hacker, data, safe |  |
HowTo: Bind a collection of objects to a DataGrid in VB .NET | DataGrid, bind, data binding, collection |  |
HowTo: Bind a collection of objects to a DataGrid and let it sort on the columns in VB .NET | DataGrid, bind, data binding, collection, sort, IEditableObject, IBindingList |  |
HowTo: Kill another application given its name | kill, stop, halt, end, SendMessage |  |
HowTo: Terminate a process immediately in VB.NET | terminate, end, halt, stop, kill, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Terminate a process immediately | terminate, end, halt, stop, kill |  |
Tip: .NET Empty Arrays | VB.NET, array, empty array, ReDim | |
HowTo: Use DAO to search for a string in database table and field names | database, search, table, field, DAO |  |
HowTo: Draw a bar-style meter on a PictureBox | meter, bar, PictureBox |   |
HowTo: Display the data in a DataSet by using as DataGrid control in VB .NET | DataSet, DataGrid, VB.NET, data, database, ADO.NET |   |
HowTo: Create records that have an AutoNumber field and find out what the newly created field value is in VB .NET | DataSet, VB.NET, data, database, ADO.NET, AutoNumber, Auto Number, AutoIncrement |   |
HowTo: Create a foreign key constraint between two DataTables in VB .NET | DataSet, VB.NET, data, database, ADO.NET, foreign key, constraint |   |
HowTo: Remove system menu items from another program | system menu, remove menu, remove system menu, other program, RemoveMenus, DeleteMenu, FindWindow |  |
HowTo: Use a VB .NET assembly from Visual Basic 6 | VB6, Visual Basic 6, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET, DLL, assembly | |
Tip: Icon Hell | icon, crash, missing icons, icon crash, Windows Explorer, Internet Explorer | |
HowTo: Use DAO to make an Excel report on an Access database's structure | Access, database, DAO, Excel, index, relation, table |  |
HowTo: Use ADO.NET to make an Excel report on an Access database's structure in VB.NET | Access, database, ADO.NET, Excel, index, relation, table, VB.NET |  |
Tip: Database Programming With MSDE | database programming, ADO, MSDE, Access, SQL Server | |
Tip: Using XP Search Companion | XP Search Companion, XP, Search Companion, search, find, find files | |
HowTo: Use a Visual Basic 6 DLL from VB .NET | VB6, Visual Basic 6, VB.NET, Visual Basic .NET, DLL |  |
HowTo: Use a Word server to print Word files in VB .NET | Office, Word, print, PrintOut, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Animate a moving picture in VB .NET | animate, animation, multimedia |  |
HowTo: Make a moveable analog clock with a shaped form in VB .NET | analog, clock, time, position, lower right, rotated text, move, move form |  |
HowTo: Make a transparent moveable analog clock in VB .NET | analog, clock, time, position, lower right, rotated text, transparent, move, move form |  |
HowTo: Use DAO to list database properties and their values | DAO, database, property, database property, database properties |  |
HowTo: Use FSO to create a FileInspector application that displays information about files | FSO, File System Object, file inspector, file, file attributes, file times, modification time, access time, creation time |  |
HowTo: Use DAO to set, get, and delete database properties | DAO, database, property, database property, database properties |  |
HowTo: Use a Word server to print Word files | Office, Word, print, PrintOut |  |
HowTo: Add files to the Recent Documents list and clear the list | Recent Documents, Recent Documents list |  |
HowTo: Call Word to spell check from Visual Basic .NET | Office, Word, spell, spellcheck, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Add files to the Recent Documents list and clear the list in Visual Basic .NET | Office, Word, spell, spellcheck, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display the Windows About dialog | About dialog, Windows |  |
HowTo: Use DAO to display a database's structure in a TreeView control | database, DAO, structure, TreeView |  |
HowTo: Compare different methods for using DAO to find records | database, DAO, index, key, Seek, FindFirst |  |
HowTo: Make a very cool JavaScript clock | clock, JavaScript | |
HowTo: Make an analog clock with a shaped form in VB .NET | analog, clock, time, position, lower right, rotated text |  |
Tip: Specify the Compare argument when using Split, Filter, Replace, Join, or InstrRev in VBA 6 | Compare, Split, Filter, Replace, Join, InstrRev, VBA | |
HowTo: Use a FilgraphManager to play a WAV file | FilgraphManager, WAV, audio, media |  |
HowTo: Make an analog clock with a shaped form | analog, clock, shaped form, time, move form |  |
HowTo: Expand ComboBox choices while typing, version 2 | ComboBox, combo, expand, autoexpand |  |
HowTo: Load a picture so it doesn't lock the picture file in VB .NET | load picture, Bitmap, lock, lock file, sharing, file sharing |  |
HowTo: Make a console window clear the console window in VB .NET | console application, console window, clear, console, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw on an MDI parent's background in VB .NET | MDI, MDI parent, background, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Change the color of an MDI parent form's background in VB .NET | MDI, MDI parent, background, background image, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Tile an MDI parent's background with an image in VB .NET | MDI, MDI parent, background, background image, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Execute a console program and capture its output | console program, capture output, stdout, execute |  |
HowTo: Give a ListView control flat headers | ListView, header, flat header |  |
HowTo: Format dates and draw an analog clock | format date, clock, analog clock |  |
HowTo: Quickly read and write a binary file to and from an array | binary data, array, read, write, file |  |
HowTo: Format a TimeSpan in days, hours, minutes, and seconds in VB.NET | TimeSpan, VB.NET, format |  |
HowTo: Grab part of the desktop image from a tray icon in VB .NET | desktop, grab pixels, image, background, VB.NET, NotifyIcon, ContextMenu |  |
HowTo: Grab part of the desktop image in VB .NET | desktop, grab pixels, image, background, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use a System Tray icon in VB.NET | System tray, tray icon, VB.NET, NotifyIcon, ContextMenu |  |
HowTo: Embed bitmap, text, and other resource files in a compiled application and use them in VB .NET | embed, embedded resource, resource, bitmap |  |
HowTo: Make a tray icon that grabs an image of part of the desktop and saves it to the clipboard and/or a JPEG file on the desktop | desktop image, background, JPEG, JPG, try, system tray, clipboard |  |
HowTo: Grab an image of part of the desktop and save it in a JPEG file on the desktop | desktop image, background, JPEG, JPG |  |
HowTo: Put text with a color background in menus | menu, font, colored menu, ModifyMenu |  |
HowTo: Make a tray icon that grabs an image of part of the desktop and saves it in a JPEG file on the desktop | desktop image, background, JPEG, JPG, try, system tray |  |
HowTo: Use menus with custom fonts | menu, font, WndProc, subclassing |  |
HowTo: Get drive information (type of drive, whether a floppy is present, etc.) in a structured format | disk, drive, drive information, serial number, volume name, file system type, FAT32, FAT, removable, loaded |  |
HowTo: Give PictureBoxes different border styles (raised, sunken, etc.) in VB .NET | PictureBox, border style, raised, sunken, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Format a BIG number of bytes in KB, MB, GB, TB, etc. in VB .NET | format, bytes, KB, MB, GB, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Format a number of bytes in KB, MB, and GB by using StrFormatByteSize in VB .NET | format, bytes, KB, MB, GB, StrFormatByteSize, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Evaluate mathematical expressions using code in VB .NET | mathematical expression, expression, evaluate, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Format a BIG number of bytes in KB, MB, GB, TB, etc. by using an array of postfixes in VB .NET | format, bytes, KB, MB, GB, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Format a number of bytes in KB, MB, and GB by using StrFormatByteSize | format, bytes, KB, MB, GB, StrFormatByteSize |  |
HowTo: Format a BIG number of bytes in KB, MB, GB, TB, etc. | format, bytes, KB, MB, GB |  |
HowTo: Format a BIG number of bytes in KB, MB, GB, TB, etc. by using an array of postfixes | format, bytes, KB, MB, GB |  |
HowTo: Give PictureBoxes different border styles (raised, sunken, etc.) | PictureBox, border style, raised, sunken |  |
HowTo: Make a TextBox that allows only digits in VB.NET | TextBox, lower case, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a TextBox convert letters to lowercase in VB.NET | TextBox, lowercase, lower case, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a TextBox convert letters to upper case in VB.NET | TextBox, lower case, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Get drive information (type of drive, whether a floppy is present, etc.) | disk, drive, drive information, serial number, volume name, file system type, FAT32, FAT, removable, loaded |  |
HowTo: Track the mouse's movement and display its position in a tooltip-like window | mouse, cursor, movement, track mouse |  |
HowTo: Add nodes to a TreeView control when the user expands a node | TreeView, expanding, collapsing, node |  |
HowTo: Disable certain key combinations such as Alt-Tab | disable keys, key combinations, Alt-Tab |  |
HowTo: Overlay one picture on another | overlay, mask, picture, foreground, background |  |
HowTo: Save and restore a popup menu's selected choice when a program starts and stops | SaveSetting, GetSetting, popup, Registry |  |
HowTo: Make multiple controls share the same event handler in VB .NET | Handles, event handler, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a "control array" component in VB .NET | control array, component, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: List all the permutations of a set of numbers | permute, permutation, combinatorics |  |
HowTo: Use the ReadOnly attribute in VB .NET | ReadOnly, attribute, VB.NET, property |  |
HowTo: Use the RefreshProperties attribute in VB .NET | RefreshProperties, attribute, VB.NET, property |  |
HowTo: Use the DebuggerHidden attribute in VB .NET | DebuggerHidden, attribute, VB.NET, property |  |
HowTo: Use the Obsolete attribute in VB .NET | Obsolete, attribute, VB.NET, property |  |
HowTo: Use the DebuggerStepThrough attribute in VB .NET | DebuggerStepThrough, attribute, VB.NET, property |  |
HowTo: Use the ParenthesizePropertyName attribute in VB .NET | ParenthesizePropertyName, attribute, VB.NET, property |  |
HowTo: Reparent controls from one form to another | reparent, reparent control |  |
HowTo: Use a new WindowProc and SetWindowLong to make a TextBox accept only digits | TextBox, only digits, numeric field, SetWindowLong, WindowProc, subclassing |  |
HowTo: Number the files in a directory | rename files, number files |  |
HowTo: Convert colors that are mostly red, green, or blue into a new color | mostly color, color, SetDIBits, GetDIBits |  |
HowTo: Rename the files in a directory | rename files |  |
HowTo: Use the Conditional attribute to make a method non-callable in VB.NET | ReDim, array |  |
HowTo: Redimension multiple arrays in a single statement in VB.NET | ReDim, array |  |
HowTo: Center a form above another form | center form |  |
HowTo: Select random files from a set of directories to build a MP3 player mix | mp3, mix, random, random files, browse, SaveSetting, GetSetting, DeleteSetting |  |
HowTo: Select random files from a set of directories to build a MP3 player mix in VB.NET | mp3, mix, random, random files, browse, SaveSetting, GetSetting, DeleteSetting |  |
HowTo: Add and remove buttons from a scrolled button area | button, add, remove, scroll |  |
HowTo: Save and load data when a program starts and stops by using a text file | save, load, control |  |
HowTo: Let the user grab part of the screen | grab screen, capture screen |  |
HowTo: Search for files matching a pattern and show their sizes and total size | file, size, search, pattern |  |
Talk: What's New in VB 2005 | VSA, Visual Studio for Applications | |
HowTo: Build an Access database and a table with records using DAO | build database, DB, DAO, make table, Access |   |
HowTo: Experiment with shapes, colors, and fill styles | shape, FillColor, BackColor, border color |  |
HowTo: Parse tags that look sort of like XML | tags, parse, XML |  |
HowTo: Toggle a disabled option button by using a label | option button, OptionButton, toggle |  |
HowTo: Use the DefaultProperty attribute in VB .NET | DefaultProperty, DefaultPropertyAttribute, attribute, VB.NET, property |  |
HowTo: Use the Localizable attribute in VB .NET | Localizable, LocalizableAttribute, attribute, VB.NET, property |  |
HowTo: Get a property's attribute value in VB .NET | attribute, VB.NET, property |  |
HowTo: Use the Description attribute in VB .NET | Description, DescriptionAttribute, attribute, VB.NET, property |  |
HowTo: Use the DefaultValue attribute in VB .NET | DefaultValue, DefaultValueAttribute, attribute, VB.NET, property |  |
HowTo: Use the MergableProperty attribute in VB .NET | MergableProperty, MergablePropertyAttribute, attribute, VB.NET, property |  |
HowTo: Use the Browsable attribute in VB .NET | browsable, BrowsableAttribute, attribute, VB.NET, property |  |
HowTo: Make and use a custom attribute in VB .NET | attribute, custom attribute, GetCustomAttribute, CustomAttribute |  |
HowTo: Use the Category attribute in VB .NET | Category, CategoryAttribute, attribute, VB.NET, property |  |
HowTo: Use the DefaultEvent attribute in VB .NET | DefaultEvent, DefaultEventAttribute, attribute, VB.NET, property |  |
HowTo: Create a class with a parameterized property | class, property, parameter |  |
HowTo: Build a custom file selection dialog | dialog, common dialog, file selection dialog |  |
HowTo: Create an ActiveX control with a parameterized property | ActiveX, property, parameter |  |
HowTo: Determine what FRM, BAS, OCX, and CLS files a project file references | VBP, files |  |
HowTo: Print text one line at a time to a line printer | line printer, print, |  |
HowTo: Round a value to a specified number of digits in VB .NET | round, round off, digits |  |
HowTo: List the values defined by an Enum in VB .NET | Enum, reflection |  |
HowTo: Let the user select and Zip files individually | Zip, WinZip, files, compress, archive |  |
HowTo: Draw a fractal Pickover strange attractor | fractal, Pickover, Pickover attractor, strange attractor |   |
HowTo: Draw a fractal Mandelbrot set in VB.NET | fractal, Mandelbrot, Mandelbrot set |   |
HowTo: Draw a fractal Hilbert curve in VB.NET | fractal, Hilbert curve |   |
HowTo: Draw a fractal binary tree in VB.NET | fractal, binary tree, tree |   |
HowTo: Draw a fractal Pickover strange attractor in VB.NET | fractal, Pickover, Pickover attractor, strange attractor |   |
HowTo: Make a financial calculator | financial calculator, mortgage, present value, future value |  |
HowTo: Draw a fractal Hilbert curve | fractal, Hilbert curve |   |
HowTo: Draw a fractal binary tree | fractal, binary tree, tree |   |
HowTo: Draw a fractal Mandelbrot set | fractal, Mandelbrot, Mandelbrot set |   |
HowTo: Draw a Sierpinski gasket (fractal) in VB.NET | Sierpinski gasket, fractal, random, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a Sierpinski gasket (fractal) | Sierpinski gasket, fractal, random |  |
HowTo: Draw a non-triangular Sierpinski gasket (fractal) in VB.NET | Sierpinski gasket, fractal, random, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a non-triangular Sierpinski gasket (fractal) | Sierpinski gasket, fractal, random |  |
HowTo: See if a screen saver is running | screen saver, SystemParametersInfo |  |
HowTo: Make a button that shows its borders only when the mouse is over it by using capture | button, mouse, border, capture |  |
HowTo: Draw simulated snow | snow, screen saver |  |
HowTo: Use winsock to make a simple chat program | winsock, chat, IPC |  |
HowTo: Pause and resume a thread in VB.NET | thread, multi-threading, SyncLock, asynchronous, threading, pause, resume, suspend |  |
HowTo: Run Threads with different priorities in VB.NET | thread, multi-threading, SyncLock, asynchronous, threading, priority |  |
HowTo: Start multiple threads in VB.NET | thread, multi-threading, SyncLock, asynchronous, threading |  |
HowTo: Let a Thread call a form's methods in VB.NET | thread, multi-threading, SyncLock, asynchronous, threading, Invoke, InvokeRequired |  |
HowTo: Find the first day of the week on this computer in VB.NET | WeekDayName, internationalization, first day of the week, locale, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Set the MonthCalendar control's FirstDay property correctly for this computer in VB.NET | WeekDayName, internationalization, first day of the week, locale, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw text filled with text | filled text, outline text, text, CreateFont, SetWindowRgn, region |   |
HowTo: Draw text in XOR mode and with other raster operations | XOR, text, raster operations, raster ops |  |
Discussion: Visual Studio 2005, Beta Testing for the Vision Impaired | Visual Studio 2005, VS 2005, Vision Impaired | |
HowTo: Associate a file extension with an executable | associate, extension, executable, application |  |
HowTo: Find the first day of the week on this computer | WeekDayName, internationalization, first day of the week, locale |  |
HowTo: Set the Calendar control's FirstDay property correctly for this computer | WeekDayName, internationalization, first day of the week, locale |  |
HowTo: Allow quick upgrades of pictures in an application | picture, upgrade, deploy, deployment |  |
HowTo: Make a scroll bar's thumb proportional to the number of visible items | ScrollBar, thumb |  |
HowTo: List the HatchStyle values defined by VB .NET | Enum, reflection, HatchStyle |  |
HowTo: Use the WeakReference class in VB .NET | WeakReference, garbage collection, garbage collector, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Show the current screen saver | screen saver, INI, INI file, get INI value, Windows directory, get Windows directory |  |
HowTo: Get or set the current screen saver | screen saver, INI, INI file, get INI value, Windows directory, get Windows directory |  |
HowTo: List the values defined by an arbitrary Enum in VB .NET | Enum, reflection |  |
HowTo: List the values defined by an arbitrary Enum in VB .NET | Enum, reflection |  |
Tutorial: Steganography (Hidden in Plain Sight) | steganography, cryptography, code |  |
HowTo: Evaluate mathematical expressions using the MS Script control | mathematical expression, expression, evaluate, parse, Script control |  |
HowTo: Graph a user-entered function by using the MS Script control | graph, equation, scale, user-entered function, mathematical expression, expression, evaluate, parse, Script control |  |
HowTo: Graph a user-entered function by parsing the function | graph, equation, scale, user-entered function, parse |  |
HowTo: Use transformations to draw angled text in VB .NET | font, angled text, VB.NET, transformation, Graphics |  |
HowTo: Draw transformed text in VB .NET | transform, transformation, text, font, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw untransformed text at a transformed location in VB .NET | transform, transformation, text, font, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw text that is rotated but otherwise untransformed at a transformed location in VB .NET | transform, transformation, text, font, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Set a scaling transformation on a Graphics object and map mouse positions back into world coordinates in VB .NET | VB.NET, scale, scalemode, scalex, scaley, graph, transform, transformation, invert, inverse |  |
HowTo: Let the user decide which ToolBar buttons are visible in VB .NET | ToolBar, customize, customization, configure, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Save and restore toolbar configuration when a program starts and stops in VB .NET | ToolBar, customize, customization, configure, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Add hidden buttons to a toolbar | toolbar, SaveToolbar, RestoreToolbar, configuration, hidden buttons |  |
HowTo: Generate random colors in Visual Basic 6 | color, random color, RGB, QBColor |  |
HowTo: Demonstrate the Graphics object's drawing methods in VB .NET | draw, drawing, DrawLine, DrawLines, DrawPath, DrawEllipse, DrawPie, DrawRectangle, DrawRectangles, DrawArc, DrawPolygon, DrawString, DrawBezier, DrawBeziers, DrawClosedCurve, DrawCurve, DrawImage |  |
HowTo: Display samples of fonts in VB .NET | font, bold, underscore, underline, strikeout, strikethru, strikethrough, italic, InstalledFontCollection, installed fonts, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Demonstrate the Graphics object's filling methods in VB .NET | fill, filling, fill area, FillPath, FillPie, FillPolygon, FillRectangle, FillRectangles, FillClosedCurve, FillEllipse |  |
HowTo: Generate random colors in VB .NET | color, random color, QBColor, FromArgb, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find the distance between a point and a line segment | distance, point-to-line, line-to-line, point, line |  |
HowTo: Determine whether two line segments intersect | line segment, line, intersect |  |
HowTo: See if the user clicked on a Line control | distance, point-to-line, line-to-line, point, line, Line control, click |  |
HowTo: Draw a continuous graph that starts and stops in VB .NET | VB .NET, graph, graphing |  |
HowTo: Draw a continuous graph in a separate thread in VB .NET | VB .NET, graph, graphing, thread, threading |  |
HowTo: Make a form that appears semi-transparent | semi-transparent, translucent, form |  |
HowTo: Make a transparent analog clock | click, SetWindowRgn, transparent, analog |  |
HowTo: Display weekly database data with the calendar control | calendar, weekly, database |  |
HowTo: Hide and then grab the desktop image after a delay | desktop image, background, delay |  |
HowTo: Load resources from another Assembly in VB .NET | resources, Assembly, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Play an audio file with the Media Player control in VB .NET | audio, Media Player, Media Player control, VB .NET, multimedia |  |
HowTo: Make a button quiver frantically | button, quiver, move |  |
Bug: Trouble with WinXP SP2 | WinXP, SP2, Windows XP | |
HowTo: Stretch a PictureBox image to fit the control | stretch, image, resize |  |
HowTo: Display a child form over a topmost parent form | stretch, image, resize |  |
HowTo: Create and invoke a stored procedure in an Access database | stored procedure, Access, database, |  |
HowTo: Use an array of StdPicture objects to hold images without using a control | StdPicture, picture, image |  |
HowTo: Use a status bar | StatusBar, status bar, Panel, Panels |  |
HowTo: Convert text to proper case using StrConv | StrConv, proper case |  |
HowTo: Draw lines that are filled with a hatch pattern in VB .NET | Brush, Pen, HatchBrush, drawing, DrawHatchLine |   |
HowTo: Use a LinearGradientBrush with and without gamma correction in VB .NET | LinearGradientBrush, GammaCorrection, gamma correction, color, drawing, blend |   |
HowTo: Draw lines on top of a gradient Brush in VB .NET | Brush, Pen, PathGradientBrush |   |
HowTo: Make a LinearGradientBrush that blends three colors in VB .NET | LinearGradientBrush, ColorBlend, color, drawing, blend |   |
HowTo: Draw lines with standard start and end caps in VB .NET | line caps, start cap, end cap, StartCap, EndCap |   |
HowTo: Draw lines with custom start and end caps in VB .NET | line caps, start cap, end cap, StartCap, EndCap |   |
HowTo: Draw lines that lie along a color gradient in VB .NET | Brush, Pen, LinearGradientBrush, color, blend, drawing, DrawGradientLine |   |
Talk: VSA Scripting in .NET | VSA, Visual Studio for Applications | |
HowTo: Encrypt and decrypt a file using a DES algorithm in VB .NET | NetBIOS, name, NetBIOS name, computer name, host name |  |
HowTo: Get the computer's DNS name in VB .NET | DNS, name, computer name, host name |  |
HowTo: Get the computer's NetBIOS name in VB .NET | NetBIOS, name, NetBIOS name, computer name, host name |  |
HowTo: Display a picture at different scales by using PaintPicture | resize, PaintPicture, bitmap, scale |  |
HowTo: Count the records in a Recordset two ways and compare their speeds | records, count records, ADO |  |
HowTo: Set formatting for a RichTextBox control all at once | RTF, Rich Text format, RichTextBox, RichText |  |
HowTo: Display an optional tip of the day when a program starts | totd, tip of the day, tip-of-the-day |  |
HowTo: Make a strange reflection of a button | button, strange, stupid code trick |  |
HowTo: Print a rounded rectangle | rounded rectangle, print, RoundRect |  |
HowTo: Draw a rounded rectangle | rounded rectangle, RoundRect |  |
HowTo: See how many items are in the recycle bin and delete them | recycle bin, wastebasket, waste basket |  |
HowTo: Sort an array using custom sorting orders in VB .NET | sort, compare, comparer, IComparer, sort order, order |  |
HowTo: Get the operating system version in VB .NET | OS, OS version, operating system, operating system version |  |
HowTo: Let the user name a form to display | form, display, InputBox, show form |  |
VB 6 Easter Egg | VB 6 Easter Egg, VB 6, Easter Egg | |
HowTo: Set another application's caption | caption, title, SendMessage, application title |  |
HowTo: Find a Visual Basic 6 "Easter Egg" | Visual Basic 6, VB6, Easter Egg |  |
HowTo: Determine how many records were inserted by an INSERT ... SELECT statement | ADO, data, database, Access, INSERT, INSERT SELECT, SELECT, records, INSERT INTO ... SELECT |  |
HowTo: Restrict a form's minimum and maximum width and height | file times, last access time, file creation time, lastmodified time |  |
HowTo: Use a custom mouse icon at run time | mouse icon, mouse pointer, pointer, MousePointer |  |
HowTo: Let the user select an irregular area and copy it to the clipboard | select, area, polygon, irregular area, clipboard |  |
Books: Other Visual Basic Books | books, Visual Basic books, Visual Basic, serial communications, API, database, SQL Server, objects, object-oriented programming, animation, multimedia, object-oriented development, client/server programming, multi-tier, three-tier, Visual InterDev, VBScript, user interface design, application design, tips, tricks |  |
HowTo: Read ID3 Tags in mp3 files | MP3, ID3, tags |  |
HowTo: Print an Excel worksheet displayed in an OLE container object | OLE, print, Excel, OLE container |  |
HowTo: Process files dragged onto a form | OLE, drag and drop, drop |  |
HowTo: Read all of the values in an INI file | INI file, INI, initialization file |  |
HowTo: Grab the desktop image after a delay | desktop image, background, delay |  |
HowTo: Grab the desktop image after a delay in VB .NET | desktop image, background, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Sort an array with the mergesort algorithm | mergesort, sort, array, CopyMemory, RtlMoveMemory, MoveMemory |   |
HowTo: Grab the desktop image in VB .NET | desktop image, background, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Print a form's decorated image in VB.NET | print screen, screen capture, form image, print form image |  |
HowTo: Save a form's decorated image into a bitmap file in VB.NET | print screen, screen capture, form image, save form image |  |
HowTo: Make a property page for an ActiveX control | ActiveX control, ActiveX, property page |  |
HowTo: Make a RichTextBox print WYSIWYG text | RTF, rich text, rich text box, RichTextBox, WYSIWYG, print, printing |  |
HowTo: Combine the contents of two RichTextBoxes, preserving their formatting | RTF, rich text, rich text box, RichTextBox, combine, join |  |
HowTo: Separate an RTF file into paragraphs in separate Rich Text Box controls | RTF, rich text, rich text box, RichTextBox, paragraphs |  |
HowTo: Display a progress bar inside a status bar on an MDI form | ProgressBar, progress bar, StatusBar, status bar, MDI |  |
HowTo: Find the user's profile path | profile path, GetUserName, GetWindowsDirectory |  |
HowTo: Save or print a form's image with or without decoration in VB .NET | print screen, screen capture, form image, print form image, save form image |  |
HowTo: Copy memory quickly using MemCopy (RtlMoveMemory) in VB .NET | RtlMoveMemory, copy memory, MemCopy, CopyMemory, array, memory |  |
HowTo: Print a form's image in VB.NET | print screen, screen capture, form image, print form image |  |
HowTo: Save a form's image into a bitmap file in VB.NET | print screen, screen capture, form image, save form image |  |
HowTo: Make an ExtenderProvider that adds images and different fonts to MenuItems in VB .NET | ExtenderProvider, integer range, range, validation, validate |  |
HowTo: Explore the Mandelbrot set in VB .NET | Mandelbrot, VB.NET |   |
HowTo: Build a formatted XML document in memory by using an XmlTextWriter in VB .NET | XML, VB.NET, format XML, formatted XML |   |
HowTo: Hide a message inside a picture (steganography) | steganography, hidden message, code |   |
HowTo: Open the Windows Start menu by using SendMessage | Start menu, open Start menu, SendMessage |  |
HowTo: Create a splash screen | splash screen |   |
HowTo: Rotate Line controls | Line control |  |
HowTo: Make a program's main form slide over its splash screen | splash screen, slide over |  |
HowTo: Build a formatted XML file by using a DOMDocument object | XML, DOMDocument, formatted |  |
HowTo: Add formatting to an XML file by using a DOMDocument object | XML, DOMDocument, formatted |   |
HowTo: Build an XML file by using a DOMDocument object | XML, DOMDocument |   |
HowTo: Open the Windows Start menu | Start menu, open Start menu |  |
Books: Recommended | books, recommended books, algorithms, sorting, searching, data structures, artificial intelligence, AI, Blondie24, genetic algorithms, games, mathematics, puzzles, cryptography, cipher, codes, numerical algorithms, software engineering, software development, project management, advanced programming, tips, tricks, graphics, drawing, printing, fractals, chaos theory, programming languages, languages, World Wide Web, HTML, user interfaces, UI, design, writing, science, astronomy |  |
Books: Reader Reviews | books, reviews, software engineering, project management, software development, Visual Basic, style guide, database, SQL, SQL Server, graphics, drawing, printing, algorithms, sorting, searching, data structures, API, C++, perl, VB.NET, Visual Basic.NET, beta, ADO.NET |  |
Books: Other Recreational Reading | recreational reading |  |
Books: Terry Pratchett | Terry Pratchett, Discworld, humor, fantasy |  |
Books: Magazines | books, magazines, periodicals | |
Books: Humor | books, humor, Dilbert, cartoons, Fox Trot, other, kids books, Sandra Boynton, music, silly, Artemis Fowl, Eoin Colfer |  |
HowTo: Change a form's locale resources at run time in VB .NET | locale, internationalization, globalization, ComponentResourceManager |  |
HowTo: Localize control resources in VB .NET | locale, internationalization, globalization, CultureInfo |  |
HowTo: Let the user search a recordset using a ComboBox | ComboBox, database, ADO, Recordset, search |  |
HowTo: Split a file into pieces and reassemble it | split file, break file |  |
HowTo: Split a long text file | file split, long file |  |
HowTo: Add a watermark to an image | watermark, image, image processing |  |
HowTo: Draw animated shapes with transparent backgrounds stored in PictureBoxes | image processing, animation, animate, image, SetWindowRgn, GetDIBits, SetDIBits, GetBitmapPixels |  |
HowTo: See if a file exists | file, exists |  |
HowTo: Split a multiline string into pieces in VB 6 | split, multi-line, multiline, parse |  |
HowTo: Draw animated shapes with transparent backgrounds | image processing, animation, animate, image, SetWindowRgn, GetDIBits, SetDIBits, GetBitmapPixels |  |
HowTo: Randomize a 2-dimensional array | array, random, randomize, 2-dimensional array |  |
HowTo: Randomize a list | randomize, shuffle |   |
HowTo: Find regular expression matches in a string | regular expression, string, parsing, parse, replace, RegExp |  |
HowTo: Use regular expressions to replace text in a string | regular expression, string, parsing, parse, replace, RegExp |  |
HowTo: Use regular expressions | regular expression, string, parsing, parse |  |
HowTo: Use regular expressions to replace text in the lines in a string | regular expression, string, parsing, parse, replace, RegExp |  |
HowTo: Add a watermark to an image in VB .NET | watermark, image, image processing |  |
HowTo: Find regular expression matches in a string in VB .NET | regular expression, string, parsing, parse |  |
HowTo: Use regular expressions to replace text in a string in VB .NET | regular expression, string, parsing, parse, replace |  |
HowTo: Use regular expressions in VB .NET | regular expression, string, parsing, parse |  |
HowTo: Use regular expressions to replace text in the lines in a string in VB .NET | regular expression, string, parsing, parse, replace |  |
Tutorial: Introduction to ExtenderProviders in VB .NET | ExtenderProvider | |
HowTo: Make an ExtenderProvider to validate TextBoxes containing integers within a range in VB .NET | ExtenderProvider, integer range, range, validation, validate |  |
HowTo: Make an ExtenderProvider to validate required fields in VB .NET | ExtenderProvider, required, validation, validate |  |
HowTo: Make an ExtenderProvider to validate TextBoxes by using the LIKE statement in VB .NET | LIKE, ExtenderProvider, validation, validate |  |
HowTo: Make an indexed property in VB .NET | property, indexed property, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Print pages in portrait and landscape orientations in VB .NET | print, landscape, portrait, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use a FileSystemObject to copy a folder hierarchy | FileSystemObject, File System Object, FSO, CopyFolder, copy folder, folder, hierarchy, copy directory |  |
HowTo: Encode and decode special HTML characters by using XML documents | HTML, code, encode, XML, DomDocument |  |
HowTo: Use a password protected phone database with DAO | DAO, password, database, password protected database |  |
HowTo: Determine whether an array of strings contains an item in a clever way | array contains, array, contains |  |
HowTo: Use the TabStrip control with frames | TabStrip, Frame |  |
HowTo: Copy files in a directory that match a pattern using Dir and FileCopy | Dir, FileCopy, pattern, copy, files |  |
HowTo: List shell windows | shell windows |   |
HowTo: Fit a PictureBox to its non-transparent pixels | shaped picture, PictureBox, region, SetWindowRgn |   |
HowTo: Make a ComplexNumber class | complex, complex number |   |
HowTo: Make a ComplexNumber class in VB .NET | complex, complex number |   |
HowTo: Make a Fraction class | fraction, numerator, denominator |   |
HowTo: Make a Fraction class in VB .NET | fraction, numerator, denominator, VB.NET |   |
HowTo: Use a PictureBox's Image property to implement AutoRedraw in VB .NET | VB .NET, AutoRedraw, PictureBox, Image, Bitmap |  |
HowTo: Make a file containing a list of numbers in two ways in VB .NET. | array, file, I/O, IO, StreamWriter, StringBuilder |  |
HowTo: Read a file containing a list of numbers into an array in two ways in VB .NET. | array, file, I/O, IO, StreamWriter, StringBuilder |  |
HowTo: Generate a random QBColor value in VB .NET | VB .NET, QBColor, random, random color |  |
HowTo: Use the common dialog control to select a file | common dialog, select file, pick file |  |
HowTo: Display the big and small icons associated with a file | icon, large icon, small icon |  |
HowTo: Animate a picture moving | animate, animation, BitBlt |  |
HowTo: Let the user drag a toolbar between a form's edges | toolbar, drag, dock |  |
HowTo: Play a MIDI audio file by using DirectX in VB .NET | MIDI, DirectX, Audio, multimedia, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Start and stop a MIDI audio file by using DirectX in VB .NET | MIDI, DirectX, Audio, multimedia, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Play a MIDI file continuously by using the MCI control | MIDI, audio, MCI, multimedia |  |
HowTo: Play a .wav audio file using the MCI API | MCI, sound, wave, waveaudio |  |
HowTo: Calculate the number of days in a month using DateSerial | day, month, date |  |
HowTo: Map coloring | map coloring, color, region, 4-color, four-color |  |
HowTo: Initialize the controls on a new MDI child form by copying them from an existing form | MDI, MDI child, initialize |  |
HowTo: Play a MIDI file by using the MCI control | MIDI, audio, MCI, multimedia |  |
HowTo: Make an HTML image map | image map, map, HTML |  |
HowTo: Prompt the user for a serial number the first time the program runs | serial number, password, one time, one-time |  |
HowTo: Let the user draw an area and fill it with a image using a TextureBrush in VB .NET | TextureBrush, image, VB.NET, brush, fill, fill area |  |
HowTo: Let the user draw a Bezier curve in VB .NET | Bezier, Bezier curve, curve, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display the available hatch styles in VB .NET | HatchStyle, hatch style, VB.NET, brush |  |
HowTo: Display the available dash styles in VB .NET | DashStyle, dash style, VB.NET, pen |  |
HowTo: Display the standard linear gradient styles in VB .NET | LinearGradientMode, linear gradient, gradient, VB.NET, brush |  |
Discussion: How To Become An Expert Programmer | expert, programmer, skill | |
HowTo: Load and sort a CSV file by using ADO | CSV, sort, ADO, database, data |  |
HowTo: Open a password-protected Access database with ADO | ADO, database, data, password, Access |  |
HowTo: Encode and decode text to and from the BinHex and Base64 encodings | encode, decode, binhex, hex, base64, base 64 |  |
HowTo: Sort a list using quicksort in VB .NET | sorting, quicksort, algorithms |  |
HowTo: Sort a list using quicksort and remove duplicates in VB .NET | sorting, quicksort, algorithms, duplicates, remove duplicates |  |
HowTo: Remove the context menu that appears when the user right clicks on a TextBox | context menu, popup menu, TextBox |  |
HowTo: Remove several TextBox context menus | context menu, popup menu, TextBox |  |
HowTo: Copy, cut, and paste pieces of a picture | copy, cut, paste, Clipboard, image, picture, piece, section, area, region |  |
HowTo: Define a program's queries in text files | data, database, query, configuration |  |
HowTo: Find the equation of a quadratic curve passing through three points | quadratic curve, quadratic equation, curve, points |  |
HowTo: Make an ActiveX control that controls picture transitions | picture, PictureBox, transition, image |  |
HowTo: Display tips in a rounded popup form | form, help, tip, rounded rectangle, region, SetWindowRgn |  |
HowTo: Sort records in a file on disk | quicksort, sort, disk |  |
HowTo: Position a popup form below a TextBox | popup, position, ClientToScreen, ShowWindow, SetWindowPos |  |
Discussion: Visual Studio 2005 | Visual Studio 2005, VS 2005, Whidbey | |
HowTo: Use the FileSystemWatcher class to process files placed in a directory in VB .NET | FileSystemWatcher, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display a Web page in a new Internet Explorer browser window | IE, Internet Explorer, Web, browser |  |
HowTo: Use SendMessage to make an editor where a single instance handles all requests | one instance, instance, SendMessage |  |
HowTo: Programmitcally activate an MDI child form | MDI, child form, activate, MDIForm |  |
HowTo: Use DDE to make a single instance of a program handle all requests | one instance, instance, DDE |  |
HowTo: Make sure only one instance of a program can run at one time on a computer | one instance, instance, DDE |  |
HowTo: Use DDE to make an editor where a single instance handles all requests | one instance, instance, DDE |  |
HowTo: Make ActiveX button controls that display different pictures when up or down | ActiveX control, button, picture |  |
HowTo: Give a form a skin | skin, ActiveX control, button, picture |  |
HowTo: Create a new ActiveX button using Controls.Add and respond all of its events | button, Controls.Add, event |  |
HowTo: Preview and print the contents of the WebBrowser control | WebBrowser, print, print preview, preview |  |
HowTo: Make a main form send data to subforms by using events | Form, subform, secondary form, data |  |
HowTo: Get low-level drive information (model, firmware, serial number, etc.) by using SMART | disk, drive, drive information, serial number, disk model, firm ware, cylinders, heads, sectors, tracks |  |
HowTo: See what word is under the mouse in a RichTextBox and look it up in a list of known words | RichTextBox, TextBox, word, mouse, cursor |  |
HowTo: Resolve relative paths in VB.NET | path, special folders, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Left- or right-align text in VB.NET | align, align text, format, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Get the paths to special folders in VB.NET | path, special folders, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display information about the computer's logical drives in VB.NET | drive, drives, list drives, logical drives, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: List the computer's logical drives in VB.NET | drive, drives, list drives, logical drives, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Enumerate registry keys, subkeys, and values | Regsitry, System Registry, key, subkey |  |
HowTo: Set the system's colors (window background, highlight, text, etc.) | system color, color |  |
HowTo: Make a main form send data to subforms | Form, subform, secondary form, data |  |
HowTo: Double-click to strike a line in a RichTextBox | RichTextBox, RTF, font, strikethrough, strike through |  |
HowTo: Enumerate the subkeys for a registry key | Regsitry, System Registry, key, subkey |  |
HowTo: Make a form that contains other forms in a PictureBox | Form, subform, SetParent |  |
HowTo: Draw mathematical equations with super scripts on a form | equation, superscript, math |  |
HowTo: Get the system bitmaps for minimizing, restoring, ComboBox arrows, etc. | bitmap, image, system bitmap, system image |  |
HowTo: Get size information from a GIF or JPG file without loading the whole picture | GIF, size, image size, GIF size |  |
HowTo: Get subkeys from any part of the registry | Regsitry, System Registry, key, subkey |  |
HowTo: Use VSA to let the user execute scripts in Visual Basic .NET | VSA, Visual Studio for Applications, script, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display the Microsoft System Information application | system information |  |
HowTo: Set the system cursor | system cursor, cursor |  |
HowTo: Present a tip-of-the-day | totd, tip of the day, tip-of-the-day |  |
HowTo: Learn about the system font | system font, font |  |
HowTo: Manage hourglass cursors | cursor, hourglass, wait |  |
HowTo: Get the Windows and System directories | system directory, windows directory |  |
HowTo: Make a timer fire each time the clock ticks off a minute | timer, clock, minute |  |
HowTo: Print multiline text at a specific location on a form or printer by using the ScaleLeft property | print, multiline, ScaleLeft, align, printer |  |
HowTo: Make a control with an object property and display it with a special property editor in VB .NET | VB .NET, property, control, property editor, custom property editor |  |
HowTo: Make a bouncing ball screen saver with VB .NET | VB.NET, screen saver, commandline, command line, parameters |  |
HowTo: Make a slide show screen saver in VB .NET | VB.NET, screen saver, commandline, command line, parameters |  |
HowTo: Display a form in the system tray with no other icon | system tray, icon, taskbar |  |
HowTo: Make a "formless" program with a system tray icon | system tray, icon, taskbar, formless |  |
HowTo: Draw text using different fonts for each character | text, font, random font |  |
HowTo: Start another program using Shell and wait until it finishes | Shell, start, execute, wait, finish |  |
HowTo: Display the word under the mouse in a RichTextBox inside a Tooltip | RichTextBox, TextBox, word, mouse, cursor |  |
HowTo: Draw lines of text with random colors | color, text, random colors |  |
Review: Palm OS Development Environments | Palm OS, PDA, development environments |  |
Tutorial: Microsoft Office Automation | Office, Microsoft Office, automation, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access | |
HowTo: Make a form resize in increments of 50 pixels in VB .NET | application icon, icon, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Change a TreeView control's background color | TreeView, background, background color, backcolor |  |
HowTo: Replace occurrences of a string in another (like VB6's Replace function) | replace, find |  |
HowTo: Set a scaling transformation on a Graphics object in VB .NET | VB.NET, scale, scalemode, scalex, scaley, graph |  |
HowTo: Use the TabStrip control | TabStrip |  |
Bug: Access uses # to delimit dates while SQL Server uses quotes | SQL, Access, database, date |  |
HowTo: Make a form with a fixed aspect ratio in VB .NET | application icon, icon, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Compare the speeds of using class objects, derived class objects, and generic Objects in VB .NET | speed, performance, class, derived class, interface, Overrides, Shadows |  |
HowTo: Make a form with a fixed height in VB .NET | application icon, icon, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Create new controls using Controls.Add | Controls.Add, controls, create controls |  |
HowTo: Make a multi-line tooltip | tooltip, multiline tooltip, multi-line tooltip |  |
HowTo: Load a 32-bit icon into a picture | icon, 32-bit, load icon, LoadPicture |  |
HowTo: Search a directory hierarhcy and list the files' names, creation dates, and sizes by using the File System Object | directory hierarhcy, file names, File System Object, FSO, creation date, FileSystemObject |  |
HowTo: Print a drawing centered on the printer in VB .NET | print, preview, center, print preview, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Print a drawing that is centered and stretched to fit the page in VB .NET | print, preview, center, stretch, fit, print preview, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Make an ActiveX control that allows the user to enter only valid integer within a certain range | field, integer, data validation, validation |  |
HowTo: Move forms together | move forms, subclass, API, WindowProc |  |
HowTo: See if a string is a Byte, Integer, or Long value | integer, byte, long, data validation, validation |  |
HowTo: Print and display print previews in VB .NET | print, preview, print preview, VB .NET |  |
Tip: The Incredible Shrinking Application | tips, memory, RAM | |
HowTo: Add nodes to a TreeView control at run time, and let the user drag and drop TreeView nodes | TreeView, AddNode, drag and drop |  |
HowTo: Use validation events in VB .NET | validate, validation, Validating, Validated |  |
HowTo: Select a TreeView subtree when the user selects a node in VB .NET | VB.NET, TreeView, subtree, select |  |
HowTo: Make thumbnails and index HTML pages for a directory | thumbnails, Web, HTML |  |
HowTo: Spin an image in VB .NET using DrawImage | spin, rotate, image, VB.NET, graphics |  |
HowTo: Use alpha blending to overlay translucent text in VB .NET | alpha blend, overlay, translucent, transparent, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use ADOData controls to and a DataGrid control to display master/detail data | master/detail, master, detail, ADOData control, DataGrid |  |
HowTo: Make menus display pictures in VB .NET | OwnerDraw, menu, custom menu, picture |  |
HowTo: Make an ActiveX DLL or EXE | ActiveX DLL, ActiveX EXE |  |
HowTo: List display modes | display modes, color resolution, resolution, display size |  |
HowTo: Load an ActiveX control at run time | Controls.Add, new control, ActiveX |  |
HowTo: List the words contained in a Word document | words, list words, Word, Word document, Office, automation |  |
HowTo: Align a form's Help menu on the right side of the menu bar | align help menu, justify help menu, help menu |  |
Talk: Confessions of a Control Freak | custom controls, controls, UserControl | |
HowTo: Pixelate areas on an image in VB .NET | pixelate, pixellate |  |
HowTo: Make a ticker tape display | ticker, scrolling text |  |
HowTo: Display a tip in a status bar when the mouse moves over a toolbar button | ToolBar, StatusBar, ToolTip |  |
HowTo: Make an ActiveX control that sort of looks and acts like a title bar | title bar, titlebar, caption, ActiveX control, ActiveX |  |
HowTo: Color HTML tags in a RichTextBox | RichTextBox, Rich Text, RTF, HTML, color tags, tag |  |
HowTo: See if a COM port is in use | COM port, communications |  |
HowTo: Draw text using an extra tall font | font, CreateFont, tall font, stretched font, text |  |
HowTo: Display a shaded title bar | title bar, titlebar, caption |  |
HowTo: Set the margins for a TextBox | TextBox, margin |  |
HowTo: Display a message when the user opens a menu item | menu, status |  |
HowTo: Make a resizable PictureBox | resizable PictureBox, PictureBox |  |
HowTo: Map a network drive | map drive, network, network drive, drive |  |
HowTo: Make a resizable toolbox inside a form | toolbox, resizable toolbox, PictureBox |  |
HowTo: Make an owner drawn menu using non-standard fonts and items that are bold, underlined, and italic. | owner draw menus, custom menus, bold, underline, italic |  |
HowTo: Make an owner drawn menu with bitmaps | owner draw menus, custom menus, bitmap, bold, underline, italic |  |
HowTo: Display the SystemColors in Visual Basic .NET | SystemColors |  |
HowTo: Tell whether a Variant variable is Empty | Variant, Empty, variable |  |
HowTo: Make a console application that checks for palindromes | console, stdin, stdout, stderr |  |
HowTo: Use DDE to print PDF files | DDE, PDF, Adobe Acrobat, Acrobat |  |
HowTo: Start another program using Shell and get its task ID | Shell, start, execute, task ID |  |
HowTo: Execute VB Script code at run time | VBScript, script |  |
HowTo: Make a console application | console, stdin, stdout, stderr |  |
HowTo: Edit icons | icon, edit icon | |
Tutorial: Introduction to MCI | MCI, Multi-Media Control Interface, multimedia, audio, video |  |
HowTo: Copy data from an Access database into an Excel spreadsheet | ADO, Access, Excel, database |  |
HowTo: Let the user add and remove dots (or potentially other annotation) to a map | map, annotate, dot |  |
HowTo: Calculate arctangents in all four quadrants | arctan, Atn, atan, arc tangent, math |  |
HowTo: Make a decimal/hex/binary lookup table for the numbers 0 through 255 | decimal, hex, binary, lookup, hexadecimal |  |
HowTo: Detect when the user presses arrow keys (could be used for a game) | arrow keys, detect keys, keys |  |
HowTo: Build a simple logging class | log, logging, log file |  |
HowTo: Build a calculate with an interesting skin-like appearance | calculator, skin, SetWindowRgn |  |
HowTo: Overlay one image on another with a transparent color by using PSet | PSet, overlay, transparent |  |
HowTo: Move the mouse programmatically | mouse, move mouse |  |
HowTo: Use the TypeLib routine Invokehook to find a control's name and invoke a routine | TypeLib, InvokeHook, get name |  |
HowTo: Build a calculator with a European flavor | calculator, euro, pound |  |
HowTo: Combine values from two RTF text boxes preserving their formatting properties | RTF, Rich Text Box, RichTextBox |  |
HowTo: Make an icon editor by using the ImageList control's ExtractIcon method | icon, edit icon, ImageList, ExtractIcon |  |
HowTo: Graph a parametric function (X(t), Y(t)) | graph, parametric, curve, variable |  |
HowTo: Determine the keyboard's locale | locale, language, internationalization |  |
HowTo: Draw a smooth curve that passes through several points in VB.NET | curve, DrawCurve, smooth curve, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw polygons in VB.NET | polygon, DrawPolygon, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw rectangles, ellipses, lines, arcs, pie slices, and text in VB.NET | rectangle, ellipse, line, arc, pie, pie slice, DrawRectangle, DrawEllipse, DrawLine, DrawArc, DrawPie, DrawString, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use antialiasing to draw and fill smooth curves in VB.NET | antialias, alias, text, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use antialiasing to draw smooth text in VB.NET | antialias, alias, text, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use antialiasing to resize images smoothly in VB.NET | antialias, alias, image, resize, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Draw a smooth closed curve that passes through several points and returns to its start in VB.NET | curve, DrawClosedCurve, smooth curve, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make an MDI child form that displays only the system close button and no system menu | MDI, MDI child, close button, system menu, remove system menu |  |
HowTo: Print a form's Labels and TextBoxes | PrintForm, print form, Label, TextBox |  |
HowTo: Validate a user name/password in a database | password, cryptography, database |  |
HowTo: Implement standard File and Help menu commands | menus, standard menus, editor |  |
HowTo: Shutdown Windows | ExitWindows, shutdown, reboot |  |
HowTo: Verify the user's Windows password | password, cryptography, Windows password |  |
HowTo: Use the PolyPolyline API function to draw lots of lines quickly | polyline, PolyPolyline, graphics |  |
HowTo: Give a program a simple one-time password | password, cryptography, one-time password |  |
HowTo: Print a centered image of a form in Landscape mode | PrintForm, print form |  |
HowTo: Save and restore a ComboBox's values from a file | ComboBox, save, restore, load data |  |
HowTo: Make a program start another program by using the Shell command and wait until it finishes | Shell, run, execute, wait |  |
HowTo: Make a program start another program by using the Shell command | Shell, run, execute |  |
HowTo: Make a form shaped using text and a PictureBox | CreateFont, SetWindowRgn, region, text-shaped form, shaped form, outlined text |  |
HowTo: Make a tabbed wizard in VB .NET | wizard, tabbed wizard |  |
HowTo: Make buttons that repeatedly modify a value when you hold them down | button, repeat button |  |
HowTo: Transform a Graphics object to map an area in world coordinates to device coordinates in VB .NET | transform, Graphics object, Graphics, world coordinates, device coordinates |  |
HowTo: Display rotated text on top of a PictureBox | rotated text, rotated font, CreateFont, PictureBox |  |
HowTo: Graph a parametric function (X(t), Y(t)) in VB .NET | graph, parametric, parametric equations, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a wizard that uses buttons for navigation in VB .NET | wizard, button wizard |  |
HowTo: Provide an MRU list in VB .NET | MRU, MRU list, VB.NET, most recently used file list |  |
HowTo: See if the mouse is moving even when it is not over the program | mouse, cursor, CursorPos |  |
HowTo: Make a geography game | map, flood game, FloodFill |  |
HowTo: Let the user move controls | control, move control |  |
HowTo: Change a form's icon at run time in VB .NET | icon, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Set an application's icon in VB .NET | application icon, icon, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Display the standard cursors in VB .NET | icon, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Use API functions to change a ProgressBar's foreground and background colors | ProgressBar, foreground, background, ForeColor, BackColor |  |
HowTo: Make moving graphs drawn in PictureBoxes | PictureBox, graph, animation |  |
HowTo: Make an MDI application with an MRU list | MRU, most recently used files, MRU list, MDI |  |
Report: Visual Basic World Tour (Whidbey) | VS 2005, Whidbey, Visual Basic World Tour, Visual Studio 2005 | |
HowTo: Restrict a form so the user can only move it vertically | form, move, vertical |  |
HowTo: See if the network is connected using RAS | RAS, network, connected, connection |  |
HowTo: See what URL Netscape is displaying | Netscape, URL, browser |  |
HowTo: See if the system is connected to the network using the registry | RAS, network, connected, connection |  |
HowTo: Place progress indicators above a StatusBar control | StatusBar, ProgressBar, animation, progress indicator, working |  |
HowTo: Make an MRU list | MRU, most recently used files, MRU list |  |
HowTo: Find combinations of mathematical symbols that make an equation true | combination, symbol, mathematics, equation |  |
HowTo: See if the system is connected to the network using API functions | RAS, network, connected, connection |  |
HowTo: Use CallByName to set property values by name | CallbyName, property |  |
HowTo: Use CallByName to get property values by name | CallbyName, property |  |
HowTo: Demonstrate many useful techniques including backward and forward compatibility | compatibility, forward compatibility, backward compatibility, drawing, file, serialization, MRU list |  |
HowTo: Shell WinZip to zip and unzip files | Shell, ShellExecute, Zip, UnZip, archive, compress, extract |  |
HowTo: Zip all of the subdirectories within a directory | Zip, WinZip, compress, directory, subdirectory |  |
HowTo: Demonstrate the visible and invisible natures of forms | form, invisible, hidden |  |
HowTo: Grab a specific part of the desktop image | desktop, grab pixels, image, background |  |
HowTo: Use Windows messages to read the choices in a ListBox control | ListBox, API, items |  |
HowTo: Graph a parametric function (X(t), Y(t)) on a PictureBox | graph, parametric, parametric equations, PictureBox |  |
HowTo: Display an appropriate popup menu when the user right clicks on a TreeView node in VB .NET | TreeView, popup menu, context menu |  |
HowTo: Change a TreeView control's tooltip when the mouse moves over different nodes in VB .NET | TreeView, tooltip, TreeView tooltip, ToolTipText |  |
HowTo: Convert a picture to blue scale in three ways in VB .NET | blue scale, picture, VB .NET, image processing |  |
HowTo: Load a TreeView control from a CSV file in VB .NET | TreeView, CSV |  |
HowTo: Load a TreeView from a text file with tabs denoting indentation in VB .NET | TreeView, text file, load |  |
HowTo: Load a TreeView control from an XML file in VB .NET | TreeView, XML |  |
Microsoft Office Programming: Source Code | Office, Microsoft Office, programming, Office automation |  |
Microsoft Office Programming: Table of Contents | Office, Microsoft Office, programming, Office automation |  |
Microsoft Office Programming: Addendum | Office, Microsoft Office, programming, Office automation |  |
HowTo: Use the GetDIBits and SetDIBits API functions to convert a picture to gray scale | GetDIBits, SetDIBits, gray scale, picture |  |
HowTo: Use the GetDIBits and SetDIBits API functions to convert a picture to blue scale in three ways | GetDIBits, SetDIBits, blue scale, picture |  |
HowTo: Use VC++ to create a DLL file and use its functions in Visual Basic 6 | VC++, VCC, DLL, C++ |  |
HowTo: Show memory usage while creating and removing windowed and windowless ActiveX controls | memory usage, memory, GlobalMemoryStatus, windowless, ActiveX, ActiveX control |  |
HowTo: Find the Windows directory without using the API | Windows directory, Windows, WinDir |  |
HowTo: Get the Windows directory from the environment | Windows directory, Windows, WinDir, Environ, environment |  |
HowTo: Make substitutions in a WMF file | WMF, Windows Metafile |  |
HowTo: Use TreeView and ListView controls together | TreeView, ListView |  |
HowTo: Change a TreeView control's tooltip when the mouse moves over different nodes | TreeView, tooltip, TreeView tooltip, ToolTipText |  |
HowTo: Edit, save, and load TreeView data | TreeView, edit TreeView, TreeView editor |  |
HowTo: Display an appropriate popup menu when the user right clicks on a TreeView node | TreeView, popup menu, context menu |  |
HowTo: Display a directory structure in a TreeView controls, and save and restore the hierarchy in a file | TreeView, directory, directory hierarchy |  |
HowTo: Uninstall a program | uninstall, deinstall, uninstallation |  |
HowTo: Draw stretched, squeezed, and rotated text | font, text, CreateFont, stretch, squeeze, rotate, stretched, squeezed, rotated |  |
HowTo: Stretch a picture to fill a PictureBox | stretch, picture, squeeze, resize |  |
HowTo: Resize controls to fit when a form resizes | stretch, controls, resize, stretch controls |  |
HowTo: Interactively change a font's height, width, weight, and font name | font, text, CreateFont |  |
HowTo: Change controls faster by preventing window updates | LockWindowUpdate, modify control, change control |  |
HowTo: Make a mask image for a picture with a "transparent" color | mask, transparent image, transparent color |  |
HowTo: Manipulate image pixels very quickly using LockBits wrapped in a class in VB .NET | image, pixel, image processing, unmanaged array, LockBits, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Manipulate image pixels very quickly using LockBits in VB .NET | image, pixel, image processing, unmanaged array, LockBits, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Create program groups and items in program groups | program group, group, folder, item |  |
HowTo: Manipulate multiple images' pixels very quickly using LockBits wrapped in a class in VB .NET | image, pixel, image processing, unmanaged array, LockBits, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Save and restore FlexGrid data in a file when a program starts and stops | FlexGrid, save, restore |  |
HowTo: Make an animated lottery number generator | lotto, random number, animation |  |
HowTo: Lock the computer and trap the mouse so the user cannot move it outside of the form | lock computer, screen saver, mouse, trap mouse |  |
HowTo: Lock the computer so the user cannot use other programs | lock computer, screen saver |  |
HowTo: Make an 8-bit device independent bitmap (DIB) from scratch | DIB, CreateDIBitmap, bitmap, image |  |
HowTo: Use the LoadImage API function to antialias an image and save the result into a file | antialias, anti-alias, anti alias, alias, LoadImage, resize, LoadPicture, SavePicture |  |
HowTo: Delete a registry key and its subkeys | registry, delete keys, keys |  |
HowTo: Make a picture box with a hole in it | PictureBox, shape, region, SetWindowRgn, shaped PictureBox |  |
HowTo: Prevent a form from moving by using subclassing | no move, prevent move |  |
HowTo: Make a shaped form scroll across the desktop | scroll, banner, shaped form, desktop, CreateFont, SetWindowRgn, region, text-shaped form |  |
HowTo: Make a scrolling banner run across the desktop | scrolling, banner, desktop |  |
HowTo: Validate a credit card number | credit card, Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover, EnRoute, JCB, Diners Club, Carte Blanche |  |
HowTo: Resize a picture using PaintPicture and save it into a bitmap file | resize, PaintPicture, bitmap |   |
HowTo: Save and restore data on the Clipboard in multiple formats in VB .NET | Clipboard, multiple formats, formats, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Drag and drop data in multiple formats in VB .NET | drag and drop, formats, multiple formats, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Copy objects to and from the Clipboard in VB .NET | Clipboard, object, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Drag and drop objects in VB .NET | drag and drop, object, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display a Web page in the system's default browser | Web page, launch, browser, default browser |  |
HowTo: Hide the caret in a TextBox | TextBox, caret, hide caret, cursor |  |
HowTo: Add new tabs and controls to a TabStrip | Controls.Add, new control, new tab, TabStrip |  |
HowTo: Make a form that can be maximized and minimized but not resized arbitrarily | resize, no resize, prevent resize |  |
HowTo: Remove the Minimize and Maximize buttons from a form's system menu | minimize, maximize, system menu |  |
HowTo: Create a new button using Controls.Add and respond to its click event | button, Controls.Add, event |  |
HowTo: Create a new control using Load and put it in a Frame | Controls.Add, new control, Frame |  |
HowTo: Time different methods for testing whether a string is blank to see which is fastest | time, speed, performance, string |  |
HowTo: Make a program that has no forms but that uses API timers | Timer, Timer control, time, speed, performance |  |
HowTo: Use API functions to create a timer that can wait as long as 23 days between events | Timer, Timer control, time, speed, performance |  |
HowTo: Make a program with no forms that uses API timers and Sleep | Timer, Timer control, time, speed, performance |  |
HowTo: Make a monitor that displays a value using a vertical bar gauge that seems to float above other applications in VB .NET | gauge, bar, bar gauge, floating bar gauge, TransparencyKey, monitor, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Position a form in the lower right corner accounting for the task bar in VB .NET | position form, taskbar, lower right, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a monitor that displays a value using a vertical gauge in VB .NET | gauge, bar, monitor, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use reflection to list the properties provided by the SystemInformation object in VB .NET | SystemInformation, system information, reflection, VB.NET, computer name, user name |  |
HowTo: Use reflection to list an object's events and their descriptions in VB .NET | reflection, event, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use reflection to list an object's properties and their values in VB .NET | reflection, property, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use reflection to list an object's methods and their descriptions in VB .NET | reflection, method, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a monitor that displays a value using a vertical bar gauge in VB .NET | gauge, bar, bar gauge, monitor, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display multiple popups depending on whether Ctrl or Shift is pressed | popup menu, popup, context menu, PopupMenu, Ctrl, Shift |  |
HowTo: Make a popup menu | popup menu, popup, context menu, PopupMenu |  |
HowTo: This editor lets you build, save, and restore a collection of points | point, load, edit, save |  |
HowTo: Load a TreeView control from a text file, let the user edit it, and save it into a text file in VB 6 | TreeView, load, save, edit |  |
HowTo: Make a monitor that displays a value using a vertical bar gauge | gauge, bar, monitor |  |
HowTo: Make a monitor that displays a value using a vertical gauge | gauge, bar, monitor |  |
HowTo: Make a monitor that displays a value using bars floating over the desktop | gauge, bar, monitor, SetWindowRgn, region |  |
HowTo: Use the toolbar control | toolbar, form |  |
Talk: RSS | RSS, Really Simple Syndication | |
HowTo: Draw a 2D or 3D border in VB .NET | border, draw border, 3D, three-dimensional, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Make a custom gauge control with a toolbox bitmap in VB .NET | gauge, control, custom control, VB .NET, UserControl |  |
HowTo: Resize an image with antialiasing using GetDIBits and SetDIBits | antialias, anti-alias, anti alias, alias, GetDIBits, SetDIBits, resize |  |
HowTo: Make a standard dialog | dialog, standard dialog |  |
HowTo: Make a Common Dialog start in its last location | Common Cialog, dialog, open file, save file |  |
HowTo: Let the user graphically select a range of hours | time, hours, select hours |  |
HowTo: Let the user select a font | font, CommonDialog, ShowFont, select font |  |
HowTo: Collate emails holding survey entries | collate, collate email, survey, email |  |
HowTo: Extract email from Outlook Express | Outlook Express, email, automation, extract email |  |
HowTo: Count the number of Mondays in a month | Monday, month, count Mondays |  |
HowTo: Load a TreeView from a text file with tabs denoting indentation | TreeView, text file, load |  |
HowTo: Make a form that displays the desktop image below itself so it looks transparent | form, transparent, desktop |  |
HowTo: Give a window a toolbar style title bar | form, toolbar, titlebar, SetWindowLong |  |
HowTo: Read tokens from a delimited string | token, delimited string, string |  |
HowTo: Load a ListBox from a database query in VB .NET | database, VB.NET, ListBox, load |  |
HowTo: Reset a DataGrid control when the data to which it is bound changes in VB .NET | DataGrid, database, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Execute a parameterized query in VB .NET | database, VB.NET, parameter, parameterized query, query |  |
HowTo: Use database transactions in VB .NET | transaction, database, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Allow the user to edit some but not all nodes in a TreeView control in VB .NET | TreeView, VB.NET, edit label, edit node |  |
HowTo: Bind a ComboBox to a database lookup table in VB .NET | database, ADO.NET, VB .NET, bound controls, data binding, ComboBox, lookup table |  |
HowTo: Bind simple controls to a database in VB .NET | database, ADO.NET, VB .NET, bound controls, data binding |  |
HowTo: Open a database in the project's main directory during development in VB .NET | database, ADO.NET, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Navigate a database with bound controls in VB .NET | navigate, database, bound control, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Let the user interact with an MSChart control | MSChart, graph, database, chart, interactive |  |
HowTo: Copy an image of an MSChart's graph into a PictureBox | MSChart, graph, database, chart, copy, PictureBox |  |
HowTo: Use MSChart to graph data in a text file | MSChart, graph, data file, chart |  |
HowTo: Graph XY plots using MSChart | MSChart, plot, XY plot, graph, equation, chart |  |
HowTo: Use MSChart to plot two curves with unrelated X values | MSChart, graph, database, chart |  |
HowTo: Start another program inside your MDI form | Shell, start, execute, MDI, reparent, SetParent |  |
HowTo: Graph an equation Y = F(X) using MSChart | MSChart, graph, equation, chart |  |
HowTo: List the words contained in a text file | words, list words, text file, file |  |
HowTo: Graph data in a database using MSChart | MSChart, graph, database, chart |  |
HowTo: Copy memory extremely quickly | RtlMoveMemory, copy memory, MemCopy, CopyMemory, array, memory |  |
HowTo: Display a form's events | form, event, load |  |
HowTo: Determine whether the program is running in the IDE or as a compiled executable by using Debug.Print | run mode, IDE, executable, Debug.Print |  |
HowTo: Let the user scroll a picture using arrow keys | scrolled window, scroll, arrow keys |  |
HowTo: Make an ActiveX control that automatically scrolls text | scroll text, text scroller, ActiveX, control |  |
HowTo: Search for files matching a pattern by using API functions | find files, pattern, API, file size |  |
HowTo: Draw a rotated ellipse | ellipse, rotate |  |
HowTo: Search for files matching a pattern by using the Dir commmand | find files, pattern, Dir |  |
HowTo: Determine whether the program is running in the IDE or as a compiled executable by using Debug.Assert | run mode, IDE, executable, Debug.Assert |  |
HowTo: Make a ListView control sort using all of its columns in VB .NET | ListView, sort, all columns, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make an MDI application replace MDI container menus with child menus in VB .NET | MDI, Multiple Document Interface, mergereplace, menus, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make an MDI application in VB .NET | MDI, Multiple Document Interface, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make an MDI application combine MDI container menus with child menus in VB .NET | MDI, Multiple Document Interface, mergereplace, menus, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make a shortcut key with no menu item in VB .NET | shortcut, menu, hidden, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Easily make ListView rows programmatically in VB .NET | ListView, rows, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Easily make ListView column headers programmatically in VB .NET | ListView, columns, column headers, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make the columns fit the data in a ListView control in VB .NET | ListView, column width, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the color selection dialog with custom colors in VB .NET | color, select color, pick color, color selection, color selection dialog, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the color selection dialog in VB .NET | color, select color, pick color, color selection, color selection dialog, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Display multi-column menus and popups | menu, multi-column menu, column |  |
HowTo: Create a form without a title bar | form, title bar, caption, no title |  |
HowTo: Use the RtlMoveMemory (CopyMemory) API function to copy memory from a 2-D array to a 1-D array | RtlMoveMemory, copy memory, CopyMemory, array, memory |  |
HowTo: Put bitmaps in menus | menu, picture, bitmap, image |  |
HowTo: Let the user move a polygon's points with grab handles, snapping the points to a grid | polygon, snap to, grid, draw, drag |   |
HowTo: Let the user modify a polygon with grab handles in VB .NET | polygon, grab handles, draw, drag |   |
HowTo: Draw a positioning grid and snap line segments to its points in VB .NET | snap to, grid, draw, drag |   |
HowTo: Let the user move a polygon's points with grab handles, snapping the points to a grid in VB .NET | polygon, grab handles, snap to, grid, draw, drag |   |
HowTo: Let the user modify a polygon with grab handles | polygon, drag, grab handles |  |
HowTo: Draw a positioning grid and snap line segments to its points | snap to, grid, draw, drag |   |
HowTo: Let the user select an irregular area and overlay it on another picture in VB .NET | region, path, area, select, overlay, copy, VB.NET |   |
HowTo: Let the user select an irregular area and copy it to and from the clipboard in VB .NET | region, path, area, select, overlay, copy, VB.NET, transparent, clipboard |   |
HowTo: Drag and drop using VB .NET | drag and drop, drag, drop, VB.NET, AllowDrop |   |
HowTo: Use system colors (active border, etc.) and respond when the system's colors change in VB .NET | color, system color, ActiveBorder, InactiveBorder, ActiveCaption |   |
HowTo: Get information about the program's title, description, copyright, version, etc. in VB .NET | title, description, version, copyright, trademark, company, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Find an application using its title and maximize it | maximize, application, SendMessage, BringWindowToTop |  |
HowTo: Overlay an image on another using a simple mask | overlay, mask, picture, foreground, background |  |
HowTo: Build master/detail records using an auto-incremented key | master/detail, master, detail, autoincrement, auto-increment, autonumber, auto-number |  |
HowTo: Find all ways to pick N out of M items | choose, combinatorics, combinations |   |
HowTo: Use Data controls to display master/detail data | master/detail, master, detail, data control |  |
HowTo: Pixellate an image | pixellate, image, DIB, GetDIBits, SetDIBits |  |
HowTo: Pixellate a rectangular area in an image | pixellate, image, DIB, GetDIBits, SetDIBits |  |
HowTo: Read and write INI files | INI file, initialization file, registry |  |
HowTo: Compare the speed of using Dim versus Dim As New | Dim, Dim As New, As New, declaration, performance |  |
HowTo: Track the cursor position in a RichTextBox | RichTextBox, cursor position, character position, line number |  |
Tip: Install fonts | install font, font | |
BUG: Watch for hidden subitems in the ListView control | ListView, subitem, hidden item, hidden subitem |  |
HowTo: Make a dialog that stretches controls on the bottom and right to take advantage of its full size using the Dock property in VB .NET | stretch, Dock, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Make a dialog that stretches controls on the bottom and right to take advantage of its full size in VB .NET | stretch, Anchor, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Make a dialog that stretches controls on the right to take advantage of its full size in VB .NET | stretch, Anchor, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Let a routine take optional parameters without a default value | optional, optional parameters |  |
HowTo: Use the ParamArray keyword to make a routine that takes a variable number of arguments | ParamArray |  |
HowTo: Use optional parameters with default values | optional, optional parameters, default |  |
HowTo: See if your computer is connected to the network. | network, connection, connected, Internet |  |
HowTo: Draw and drag shapes | shape, ellipse, rectangle, circle, drag, barrel, disk |  |
HowTo: Keep an MDI form on top of other programs | form, top, on top, topmost, ontop |  |
HowTo: Keep a form on top of another form, but not on top of all forms | on top, topmost |  |
HowTo: Open and close the CD drive | CD ROM, CD drive, open drive, open CD |  |
HowTo: Find the area in which you should place things in a GroupBox in VB .NET | DisplayRectangle, ClientRectangle, GroupBox |  |
HowTo: Set a control's Region to shape the control in VB .NET | region, window region, shape, shaped control |  |
HowTo: Use a control's ContextMenu property to display a context menu in VB .NET | ContextMenu, context menu, dropdown menu, popup menu |  |
HowTo: Reparent a control in VB .NET | reparent, set parent, parent |  |
Tip: Use code regions to simplify VB .NET code | VB .NET, region, code region, code, simplify | |
HowTo: Use a scrolled window in VB .NET | scrolled window, scroll bars |  |
HowTo: Use dropdowns in a toolbar in VB .NET | toolbar, ComboBox, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Use buttons in a toolbar control in VB .NET | toolbar, button, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Track the ListBox item under the mouse | ListBox, mouse, over |  |
HowTo: Keep track of the last control to have the focus | last control, focus |  |
HowTo: Use the ListView control | ListView, ImageList |  |
HowTo: List a form's menu items | menu, list menus |  |
HowTo: Load an array from a file in three ways | array, load array, file, Input |  |
HowTo: Display popup menus when the user right clicks over a ListView on or off of an item | ListView, popup, context menu |  |
HowTo: Display data from a database in a ListView control | ListView, database, ADO |  |
HowTo: List top-level tasks | tasks, list tasks, top-level tasks |  |
HowTo: Dynamically create controls at runtime using Load | control, load, control array |  |
Bug: DAO sometimes finishes MoveFirst and MoveLast asynchronously | DAO, MoveFirst, MoveLast, asynchronous | |
HowTo: List the tables in a database by using DAO | database, table, list tables, DAO |  |
HowTo: Limit the text in TextBoxes and ComboBoxes | TextBox, ComboBox, limit text |  |
HowTo: List the ODBC system DSNs | DSN, ODBC, database |  |
HowTo: Get the computer's name | computer name, GetComputerName |  |
Amy | | |
Ken | | |
HowTo: Let the user type a prefix string to select an item in a ListBox in VB .NET | ListBox, select item |  |
HowTo: Make an ActiveX control that asynchronously downloads images directly into a PictureBox | picture, PictureBox, download |  |
HowTo: Play a WAV file repeatedly by using a Timer | sound, WAV, WaveAudio, MMC, continuous |  |
HowTo: Prevent the user from resizing another program | menu, resize, minimize, maximize |  |
HowTo: Play a sound while displaying a progress bar | sound, WAV, WaveAudio, MMC, ellapsed time |  |
HowTo: Use a ProgressBar to give the status of a long task | progress bar, ProgressBar, long task, status |  |
HowTo: Use a ProgressBar with a long task without timer | progress bar, ProgressBar, long task, status |  |
HowTo: Display a progress bar while copying a file | progress bar, copy file |  |
HowTo: Play a sound while displaying ellapsed time | sound, WAV, WaveAudio, MMC, ellapsed time |  |
HowTo: Play a WAV file repeatedly by using a For loop | sound, WAV, WaveAudio, MMC, continuous |  |
HowTo: Start a process using Shell and get its hWnd | Shell, PID, hWnd, start program |  |
HowTo: Play a WAV file asynchronously | sound, WAV, WaveAudio, MMC, asynchronously |  |
HowTo: Play an MPEG file using ActiveMovie | MPG, MPEG, video, play, ActiveMovie |  |
HowTo: Play an AVI animation inside your program by using the Animation control | AVI, video, play, Animation, Animation control |  |
HowTo: Play an AVI video | AVI, video, play, MMC, multimedia control |  |
HowTo: Play a WAV file by using an MMC control | sound, WAV, WaveAudio, MMC |  |
HowTo: Use the GetVersionExA API function to get the operating system version | GetVersionExA, OS version, operating system version |  |
HowTo: Let the user pick a new interface for all forms immediately | user interface, customize |  |
HowTo: Let the user pick a new interface for all forms when they are activated | user interface, customize |  |
HowTo: Add (non-working) menu items to another application | menu, other program |  |
HowTo: Use the SysInfo control to get the operating system version | SysInfo, OS version, operating system version |  |
HowTo: See which part of a picture the mouse is over | picture, map, mouse over |  |
Colorado Pictures | Colorado pictures, mountains, flowers | |
HowTo: Make an ActiveX control that asynchronously downloads images directly into a PictureBox | picture, PictureBox, download |  |
HowTo: Use API capture functions to make a button that changes its caption when the mouse moves over it | button, caption, mouse over |  |
HowTo: Display a message when the mouse is over a button | button, message, mouse over |  |
HowTo: Click on ListView columns to order a list | ListView, sort, column |  |
HowTo: Allow the user to enter "super user" mode by entering a password | super user, password |  |
HowTo: Make a timer wait a long time between events | timer, long timer, wait |  |
HowTo: Draw Mandelbrot sets | Mandelbrot, fractal, chaos |  |
HowTo: Create menus flexibly at run time | menu |  |
HowTo: Make a program compile and run another program | compile, run, make and run |  |
HowTo: Magnify the area under the mouse | mouse, magnify |  |
HowTo: Right justify a single line TextBox | text, alignment, right justify |  |
HowTo: Allow the user to start and stop a long process | long process, start, stop |  |
HowTo: Create a custom collection that supports For Each | custom collection, For Each, enumerate, enumerator, NewEnum |  |
HowTo: Let the user control a long process, displaying ellapsed time | long process, start, stop |  |
HowTo: Print the values in a ListView control | ListView, print |  |
Comments on: Top 10 Reasons to Upgrade to Visual Basic .NET | VB .NET, DOTNET |  |
Custom Control Library: Sample Text | custom controls, ActiveX controls |  |
Custom Control Library: Table of Contents | custom controls, ActiveX controls |  |
Custom Control Library: Tiled Picture | custom controls, ActiveX controls |  |
Custom Control Library: Updates | custom controls, ActiveX controls |  |
HowTo: Permanently delete files dragged onto this program | kill, delete, remove, files, command-line parameters, drag and drop |  |
HowTo: Draw a hypotrochoid | hypotrochoid, curve |   |
HowTo: Draw a Bowditch curve (or Curve of Lissajous) | Bowditch, Lissajous, curve |   |
HowTo: Graph a lemniscate curve in polar coordinates | graph, polar coordinates, lemniscate |  |
HowTo: Draw a epitrochoid | epitrochoid, curve |   |
HowTo: Graph a limacon curve in polar coordinates | graph, polar coordinates, limacon |  |
HowTo: See if a form of a given type is loaded | form loaded, form type |  |
HowTo: Provide a login form in VB .NET | form, login form, password form |  |
HowTo: Load internationalization data from a resource file with a single string table | database, internationalization, language, resource file |  |
HowTo: Load internationalization data from a resource file with multiple string tables | database, internationalization, language, resource file |  |
HowTo: Load internationalization strings from a database | database, internationalization, language |  |
HowTo: Find the brightness centroid of an image | centroid, brightness, image |  |
HowTo: Draw contour plots (level curves) for an ellipsoid | contour, level curve, plot, ellipsoid |   |
HowTo: Import data in columns into a database | database, data, column, column data |  |
HowTo: See if a form with a given name is loaded | form loaded, form type |  |
HowTo: Graph a curve in polar coordinates | graph, polar coordinates |  |
HowTo: Use Windows messages to read the choices in a ListBox control | API, ListBox, get choices |  |
HowTo: Apply image filters to a picture | filter, image processing, GetDIBits, SetDIBits, pixels, RGB |   |
Tip: Use Yahoo and Google resources | resources, Yahoo, Google | |
HowTo: Draw an eight-way symmetric picture | symmetry, symmetric picture |  |
HowTo: Use the API to let the user select a color | color, pick color, select color |  |
HowTo: Draw random non-overlapping rectangles without using API functions | drawing, rectangle, random |  |
HowTo: Draw random non-overlapping rectangles | drawing, rectangle, random |  |
HowTo: Let the user select multiple files with the Common Dialog Control and parse them using Split | files, multiple files, CommonDialog |  |
HowTo: Use a database to build Web pages using different templates | database, ADO, Web, HTML, template |  |
HowTo: Modify mailto links to reduce spam | spam, mailto, mail, email, link |  |
HowTo: Draw contour plots (level curves) for a function with known derivatives in VB .NET | contour, level curve, plot |  |
HowTo: Compare the speeds of Choose and Select Case | Choose, Select Case, performance |  |
HowTo: Compare the speeds of Choose and Select Case in VB .NET | Choose, Select Case, VB.NET, performance |  |
HowTo: Draw simple objects (rectangle, circle, etc.) using a single class and let the user click them | drawing, object, rectangle, circle |  |
HowTo: Play an embedded sound file | VB.NET, audio, MIDI, WAV, sound, embedded sound files |  |
HowTo: See if a date string is valid using regional date settings | date string, validate, validation, regional, international |  |
HowTo: Copy data from an Access database into an Excel spreadsheet using a SQL SELECT statement | ADO, Access, Excel, database |  |
HowTo: Evaluate mathematical expressions using Excel's Evaluate function | replace, character, remove, unwanted |  |
HowTo: Make a cursor file with a hotspot | cursor, hotspot |  |
HowTo: Manually import a delimited text file into a database | database, import, delimited file |  |
HowTo: Use an ImageCombo control | ImageCombo |  |
HowTo: Make classes faster using Implements | Implements, classes, interface |  |
HowTo: Make a CommandButton process clicks and spaces but not carriage returns | CommandButton, button, carriage return |  |
HowTo: Use the TypeLib Information library to get a control's properties | TypeLib, control name, TLI, InvokeHook |  |
HowTo: View the hexadecimal content of a file | hex, hexadecimal, file, hexview |  |
HowTo: Highlight a control when the mouse is over it | control, highlight |  |
HowTo: Compare the speeds of IIf and If Then statements | IIf, If Then, speed, performance |  |
HowTo: Make a class that raises an event | event, raise event, RaiseEvent |  |
HowTo: Compare the speeds of TextBox, RichTextBox, and the MS Forms 2.0 TextBox | TextBox, speed, performance, RichTextBox, MS Forms 2.0 |  |
HowTo: List top-level windows on the system | window, top-level window, system |  |
HowTo: Find the first and last used row and column in an Excel spreadsheet | Excel, bounds, row, column |  |
HowTo: Make a class that monitors events raised by an object (including a control) | events, monitor events, watch events |  |
HowTo: Make an ActiveX control that display standard system images (min, max, restore, help, scroll arrows, etc.) | frame, draw frame, buttons, help, close, min, max, restore, scroll |  |
HowTo: Use a DataGrid in VB.NET | VB.NET, NET, DataGrid, ADO.NET |   |
HowTo: Use standard system images (min, max, restore, help, scroll arrows, etc.) to make a button | frame, draw frame, buttons, help, close, min, max, restore, scroll |  |
HowTo: Start an email message in your default mail program | email, mail, Outlook, Netscape |  |
HowTo: Make an HTML page showing an Access database's structure | ADO, database, structure, schema, OpenSchema |  |
HowTo: Make a button that grows when the mouse is over it | button, grow, label |  |
HowTo: Hide and show the mouse pointer | hide mouse pointer, show mouse pointer, ShowCursor |  |
HowTo: Hatch a region with a non-standard hatch size | hatch region, fill |  |
HowTo: Quickly copy UDT records from a file into an array | UDT, user-defined type, file |  |
HowTo: Make an ActiveX control that highlights itself when the mouse is over it | ActiveX control, highlight |  |
HowTo: Display a GIF with a transparent background without flashing | GIF, display GIF, flash |  |
HowTo: Make an ActiveX control that highlights itself when the mouse is over it using WindowFromPointXY | ActiveX control, highlight, WindowFromPointXY |  |
HowTo: Download a file from the Web | download file, get file, Web, Internet |  |
HowTo: Let the user draw lines and move their end points by using grab handles | line, end point, drag, drawing |  |
HowTo: Set the WebBrowser control's contents explicitly | WebBrowser, HTMLDocument, navigate |  |
HowTo: Let the user move a line's end points with grab handles | line, end point, drag, drawing |  |
HowTo: Display a nice graphical error form when the program catches an error | error handling, bug proofing, error report, error log |  |
HowTo: Fill a ComboBox with a list of countries | country, countries |  |
HowTo: Create an ActiveX control with a menu bar | ActiveX control, menu, menu bar |  |
HowTo: Recursively find the last occurrance of a substring without using InStrRev | InStrRev, last occurrance |  |
HowTo: Use a Select Case statement to display multiple instances of a form given its name | form, form name, show form |  |
HowTo: Use a command objects to display multiple instances of a form given its name | form, form name, show form |  |
HowTo: Use a collection to display one instance of a form given its name | form, form name, show form |  |
HowTo: Keep track of what's on the clipboard | clipboard, clip board, copy, cut paste |  |
HowTo: Find the program associated with a file extension | associated program, extension, default program |  |
HowTo: Capture an image of a form in a PictureBox | capture form image, PrintForm |  |
HowTo: Get the pitch (fixed or variable) of each font available on the system | font, font pitch, fixed width, variable width |  |
HowTo: Get the caption of the window that currently has focus | focus window, caption, title |  |
HowTo: Get a control's image | control image, clipboard, PrintForm |  |
HowTo: Iteratively find the last occurrance of a substring without using InStrRev | InStrRev, last occurrance |  |
HowTo: Create an ActiveX control with a menu bar | ActiveX control, menu, menu bar |  |
HowTo: Use the CommonDialog control to select a color | CommonDialog, color, get color, select color, ShowColor |  |
HowTo: Create an ActiveX control with a popupmenu | ActiveX control, popup menu, context menu |  |
HowTo: Draw standard system buttons (min, max, restore, help, scroll arrows, etc.) | frame, draw frame, buttons, help, close, min, max, restore, scroll |  |
Tip: Learn when a Web page was last modified | modified, last modified, Web page, JavaScript | |
HowTo: Convert numbers between Roman and Arabic | Roman numerals, Arabic numerals |  |
HowTo: Compare times to load sorted ListBoxes different ways | ListBox |  |
HowTo: Use GetDateFormat to format a date value using locale defaults or custom formatting | format currency, GetCurrencyFormat, locale |  |
HowTo: Use GetTimeFormat to format a time value using locale defaults or custom formatting | format time, GetCurrencyFormat, locale |  |
HowTo: Display FlexGrid data in an HTML table | FlexGrid, sort, grid, HTML, Web |  |
HowTo: Sort the columns in an MSFlexGrid control | FlexGrid, sort, grid |  |
HowTo: Print a FlexGrid control's data | FlexGrid, print, grid |  |
HowTo: Sort the columns in an MSFlexGrid control by using a Data control | FlexGrid, sort, grid, Data control |  |
HowTo: Make an ActiveX control that fills its parent form when the form resizes | ActiveX control, resize, parent |  |
HowTo: Make a VB program fetch results from an ASP or ASPX page | ASP, ASPX, active server pages, Web, browser, fetch |  |
HowTo: Make an ActiveX control that resizes itself when its parent form resizes | ActiveX control, resize, parent |  |
HowTo: Quickly locate an item in a ListBox that begins with a certain substring | ListBox, find, SendMessage |  |
HowTo: Transfer files from one computer to another using Winsock | file transfer, winsock |  |
HowTo: Draw simple objects (rectangle, circle, etc.) and let the user click them | drawing, object, rectangle, circle |  |
HowTo: See if a window is running in three ways | find window, AppActivate, FindWindow, EnumWindows |  |
HowTo: Get a file's creation, last access, and last modification times using FSO | file times, modification time, access time, creation time |  |
HowTo: Fill the screen with a form and center the controls it contains | full screen form, center controls |  |
HowTo: Get information about the window under the mouse | window information, mouse |  |
HowTo: Search for files of specific types in a directory that contain a string and replace the string | find, search, replace |  |
HowTo: Search a file hierarchy for .doc files containing a string | find, search, Microsoft Word, .doc |  |
HowTo: Start the Windows Find application | find, search |  |
HowTo: Search files matching a pattern below a directory for a string | find, search |  |
HowTo: Set the computer's time using the NIST atomic clock | time, clock, NIST, atomic clock |  |
HowTo: Make a TextBox convert text into UPPER CASE or lower case | TextBox, upper case, lower case, uppercase, lowercase |  |
HowTo: Use a database with a Data control | Data control, database |  |
HowTo: Convert VB6 projects to VB5 projects easily | VB6 to VB5, convert, version |  |
HowTo: Get information about all of a control's properties | control property, property information, TypeLib |  |
HowTo: Implement multi-level Undo and Redo commands | undo, redo |  |
HowTo: Refresh a DataReport | DataReport, refresh |  |
HowTo: Display the text of a Web document without using Internet controls | Internet, URL, Web page |  |
HowTo: Use nested user-defined types (UDTs) | UDT, user-defined type, nested |  |
HowTo: Update ComboBox choices when the user enters a new choice | ComboBox, update ComboBox, update choices |  |
HowTo: Build a DataReport using a program-created Recordset | DataReport, Recordset |  |
HowTo: Get a file's creation, last access, and last write times | file, creation, access, write |  |
HowTo: Build a hierarchical DataReport using a program-created Recordset | hierarchical DataReport, Recordset |  |
HowTo: Get the icons associated with a file type | icon, file type icon |  |
HowTo: Execute a line of code stored in a string | execute line, VBA, vba6.dll, vba5.dll, vba332.dll |  |
HowTo: Edit data in a FlexGrid control | FlexGrid, edit FlexGrid |  |
HowTo: Eject a ZIP tape | zip, eject zip, eject tape |  |
HowTo: Perform field- and form-level validations | field, form, validation |  |
HowTo: Make a form act modal when it is not | form, modal, fake modal, dialog |  |
HowTo: Draw a rubberband circle | rubberband, circle, user drawing |  |
HowTo: Create a DSN in code using an ActiveX DLL | DSN, database, ActiveX DLL |  |
HowTo: Draw a bar gauge | bar gauge |  |
HowTo: Let the user drag items from one position to another in a TreeView | TreeView, drag and drop |  |
HowTo: Drag and drop onto ActiveX controls | ActiveX control, drag and drop |  |
HowTo: Let the user select and edit a database table in a DBGrid control | DBGrid, edit database, edit table |  |
HowTo: Make an annoying button game | game, button, move, annoying, dumb |  |
HowTo: Draw a color gradient | color gradient, background |  |
HowTo: Make a bar gauge ActiveX control | bar gauge, ActiveX control |  |
HowTo: Create a DSN in code | DSN, database |  |
HowTo: Display the value of a specific environment variable | environment variable, specific environment variable |  |
HowTo: Use a Visual Basic DLL file in an Excel spreadsheet | DLL, Excel |  |
HowTo: Display the ellapsed time after a long operation | ellapsed time, Timer |  |
HowTo: Extract the large and small icons stored in an EXE or DLL file | extract icons |  |
HowTo: Experiment with extended window styles | extended window styles, window style |  |
HowTo: Get information about running windows | enumerate windows, EnumWindows, window information |  |
HowTo: Make an elliptical ActiveX picture control | elliptical control, ActiveX control, picture control |  |
HowTo: Display all of a program's environment variables | environment variables |  |
HowTo: Export a database file into a text file using DAO | database, export, text file, data |  |
HowTo: Change a popup menu's items at run time | popup, dynamic popup, context menu, dynamic context menu |  |
HowTo: Dynamically create and remove menu items at run time | menu, dynamic menu |  |
HowTo: Display the ellapsed time after a long operation using DateDiff | DateDiff, ellapsed time |  |
HowTo: Get internationalization information from the registry | internationalization, registry |  |
HowTo: Enable or disable all of the controls inside a Frame | frame, enable, disable, controls |  |
HowTo: Get internationalization information using GetLocaleInfo | internationalization, GetLocaleInfo |  |
HowTo: Make a window appear modal when it is not | form, modal, fake modal |  |
HowTo: Get a computer's IP address from its name | IP address, internet address |  |
HowTo: Grab the desktop image | desktop image, background |  |
HowTo: Draw a simple graph | graph, plot |  |
HowTo: Make an auto-completion ImageCombo ActiveX control | auto-complete, ImageCombo custom control, ActiveX control |  |
HowTo: Grab text and other window information from another application | grab text, application, window information |  |
HowTo: Write a report in PDF format | PDF, Adobe, report |  |
HowTo: Convert text into the Currency data type (or other types) | CCur, convert, currency |  |
HowTo: Convert decimal values into binary and vice versa | decimal, binary, conversion, convert |  |
HowTo: Use the Data control with a password protected Access 2000 database | Data control, Access, password, DAO |  |
HowTo: Display a small drag icon with text in it | drag and drop, icon, text icon |  |
HowTo: Let the user drag controls to new positions and save the positions between runs | drag control, move control |  |
HowTo: Make an ActiveX DLL server | ActiveX, DLL, server, library |  |
HowTo: Track the text insertion position as the user types | TextBox, cursor position, character position, line number |  |
HowTo: Keep track of the number of MDI child forms | MDI, subforms |  |
HowTo: Total the values in a specific field in a comma-separated value (CSV) file | CSV, comma-separated value, total, fields |  |
HowTo: Use ADO to read a database's structure | database, structure, TreeView, DataGrid, schema |  |
HowTo: Let the user drag a control to a new position | drag control, move control |  |
HowTo: Relate TextBox cursor position to character and line number | TextBox, cursor position, character position, line number |  |
HowTo: Let the user select an area using a rubberband box and place a new control there | rubber band, rubberband, rectangle, user drawing |  |
HowTo: Count the records in a database table | database, table, count records |  |
HowTo: Display one field with a DBCombo control but update another when the user changes the value | DBCombo, update field |  |
HowTo: Populate ListBoxes from three related Access tables and display TreeView data when records are selected | database, TreeView, master/detail |  |
HowTo: Use the DataGrid control to display master/detail relationships | master/detail, DataGrid, database |  |
HowTo: Compare the speeds of different calculations | calculation, multiplication, division, speed, time, performance |  |
HowTo: Let the user select database records using a ComboBox | ComboBox, database records, select |  |
HowTo: Combine fields in a SELECT statement | database, SELECT statement, combine |  |
HowTo: Connect a DataReport to an ADO Recordset | DataReport, ADO, Recordset |  |
HowTo: See where two lines intersect | line, intersect |  |
Contest: Making a Splash | splash screen, startup, contest | |
HowTo: Draw a simple histogram | histogram, graph |  |
HowTo: Make a program close itself if it has been inactive for too long | inactive, security, close |  |
HowTo: Use the Internet Transfer Control's Execute method and GetChunk to download a file | Inet, Internet Transfer Control, GetChunk, download |  |
HowTo: Use the DBGrid control's BeforeUpdate event | DBGrid, BeforeUpdate, validation |  |
HowTo: Make a database with a password and then open it with DAO | database, password |  |
HowTo: Use an unbound DBGrid control | DBGrid, unbound, unbound data |  |
HowTo: Use a TabStrip to manage multiple DBGrid controls | DBGrid, tab |  |
HowTo: Use code to select rows and columns in a DBGrid control | DbGrid, select row, select column |  |
HowTo: Use a DBList control | database, DBList |  |
HowTo: Use DAO to add records to a database | database, DAO, add record, insert record |  |
HowTo: Print data from a database | database, print |  |
HowTo: Save and display images in a database using a PictureBox | database, image, picture, PictureBox |  |
HowTo: Display images with file names stored in a database | database, image, picture, filename, file name |  |
HowTo: Save and restore pictures in a database using ADO with AppendChunk and GetChunk | database, AppendChunk, GetChunk |  |
HowTo: Build an HTML table from a database | database, HTML |  |
HowTo: Use a bound DBGrid control | DBGrid, bound DBGrid |  |
HowTo: Use ADOX to create a database | database, ADOX, create database |  |
HowTo: Use DAO to create and delete tables | DAO, database, table, CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE |  |
HowTo: Make an elliptical clock with numerals aligned with the ellipse | position, lower right, analog, clock, numerals, time, move form |  |
HowTo: Get long file names for command line arguments | command line argument, file name, long file name |  |
HowTo: Use the CoolBar control | CoolBar, toolbar |  |
HowTo: Read bytes from a specific part of a file | file, binary, file position, bytes |  |
HowTo: Get long file names and paths for command line arguments | command line argument, file name, long file name, long path name |  |
HowTo: Use the CoolBar control with various controls | CoolBar, toolbar |  |
HowTo: Make a form cover the entire screen including the taskbar area | cover screen, whole screen, entire screen, taskbar |  |
HowTo: Make a popup menu look like a ComboBox | popup, menu, ComboBox, dropmenu |  |
HowTo: Use DAO and SQL to create and drop database tables | SQL, DROP TABLE, CREATE TABLE |  |
HowTo: List non-directory files modified between two dates | file, modified, date, between, FileDateTime |  |
HowTo: Disable the close X in a form's upper right corner | form, close, unload |  |
HowTo: Show a form without activating it | form, activate, show |  |
HowTo: Find the Windows directory and system drive | windows directory, system drive |  |
HowTo: See if a date string is valid | date string, validate, validation |  |
HowTo: Record a program's usage | usage |  |
HowTo: Make a form with a transparent background | transparent background, glass form, region, SetWindowRgn |  |
HowTo: Get the path to special folders such as the Favorites, Cookies, and StartUp | special folder, special path, favorites, cookies, startup |  |
Bug Alert: | API, declare, declaration, VB .NET, bug, bug alert | |
HowTo: Display system colors, their Hex values, and their RGB equivalents | system color, palette, RGB |  |
HowTo: List information on the system's drives | drives, disks, information |  |
HowTo: Execute an ad hoc query using ADO and display the results in a grid | database, ado, query, SQL, ad hoc query |  |
HowTo: Get the computer's registered owner and company from Windows 98 | Windows 98, register, registration, owner, company |  |
HowTo: Use a bitmap for an icon | bitmap, icon, image |  |
HowTo: Display a "construction zone" dialog for unimplemented features | under construction, construction zone, unimplemented feature |  |
HowTo: Get the computer's registered owner and company from Windows NT | Windows NT, register, registration, owner, company |  |
HowTo: Let the user specify fields to select from a database using ADO | database, ado, query, SQL, ad hoc query, connectionless |  |
HowTo: Draw an arc using the AngleArc API function in Windows NT | arc, angle, API |  |
HowTo: Load a bitmap and save it as an icon | bitmap, icon, image |  |
HowTo: Find palindromic dates | dates, palindromic dates, palindrome, puzzle |  |
HowTo: Read the cards displayed by FreeCell | FreeCell, cards, keybd_event, screen capture |  |
HowTo: Draw playing card images using cards32.dll | cards, playing cards, card games, games |  |
HowTo: Make a Tic-Tac-Toe game | tic-tac-toe, game, naughts and crosses |   |
HowTo: Make a REALLY annoying flashing password screen | password, flash, game |  |
HowTo: Make a simple dice rolling game | dice, roll, game, die |  |
HowTo: Make an annoying game that moves the cursor | game, annoy, annoying, SetCursorPos |  |
HowTo: Apply image filters to a picture in VB .NET | filter, image processing, pixels |  |
HowTo: Make a program display a control panel | control panel, applet |  |
HowTo: Make a slide show screen saver (PictureSaver) | screen saver, commandline, command line, parameters, slide show, PictureSaver |  |
HowTo: Format a disk | format disk, format |  |
HowTo: Change between long and short file names | file name, long file name, short file name, DOS name |  |
HowTo: Run a DOS batch file passing it a parameter | DOS, batch file, command file |  |
HowTo: Make two Visual Basic program exchange data using DDE | DDE, data exchange |  |
HowTo: Find the first CD drive letter | cd drive, drive, cd-rom |  |
HowTo: Convert a .doc file into a .rtf or .txt file | document, word, rtf, txt, doc, convert file |  |
HowTo: Use the MSComm control to dial a phone number | phone, modem, dial, dialer |  |
HowTo: Fill an irregular area with the FloodFill API function | flood, floodfill |   |
HowTo: Draw a circle through three points | circle, points, draw circle |  |
HowTo: Clear the Debug/Intermediate window programmatically in VB 4 or VB 5 | debug window, immediate window, clear |  |
HowTo: Navigate the WebBrowser control in VB .NET | WebBrowser, navigate, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Set the WebBrowser control's contents explicitly in VB .NET | WebBrowser, HTMLDocument, navigate, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Enumerate the records in a Windows metafile (WMF) or enhanced metafile (EMF) in VB .NET | metafile, WMF, EMF, VB.NET, enumerate |  |
HowTo: Measure a process's user, privileged, and total time in VB .NET | user time, privileged time, total time, ellapsed time |  |
HowTo: VBUG UK 2003 Talk: VB .NET and XML | XML, serialize, deserialize, serialization | |
HowTo: VBUG UK 2003 Talk: GDI+ | GDI, GDI+, graphics, drawing | |
HowTo: VBUG UK 2003 Talk: Algorithms in VB .NET | algorithms, shortest path, collection, HashTable, lists | |
HowTo: Fill areas "manually" using VB code | fill, floodfill |  |
HowTo: Work with scrollbars in VB .NET | ScrollBar, VB.NET, LargeChange |  |
HowTo: Change display mode | change display mode, color resolution, resolution, change display size |  |
HowTo: View and change the system's display mode | display mode, pixels, color depth |  |
HowTo: Clear a List control when the user clicks the list but not on any item | ListBox, clear list, click off list |  |
HowTo: Generate unordered combinations of 5 numbers out of a bigger set | combinations, combinatorics, sequences |  |
HowTo: Build a random ASCII text file for testing data transfer rates | ASCII, random, data file, test file |  |
HowTo: Make interesting graphical button effects | button, effects |  |
HowTo: Cascade Internet Explorer windows on the desktop | cascade, internet explorer, arrange windows, desktop |  |
HowTo: Clear the list of programs in the Start menu's Run command | run command, start menu, clear, command |  |
HowTo: Get the system's color depth and screen size in pixels | color depth, pits per pixel, screen size |  |
HowTo: Get and set file names copied to the clipboard by Windows Explorer | Windows Explorer, clipboard, files, file names |  |
HowTo: Copy array data into a FlexGrid control | FlexGrid, array, data |  |
HowTo: Get and set another application's placement | application, position, placement, move, size |  |
HowTo: Display checkboxes in an MSFlexGrid control | check box, CheckBox, grid |  |
HowTo: Confine the cursor within a form's client area | confine, cursor, clip, client area |  |
HowTo: Display chemical symbols in a RichTextBox or on a form | symbol, chemical symbol, superscript, subscript |  |
HowTo: Erase a 1.44MB floppy disk so it cannot be recovered | floppy, erase, disk, clean |  |
HowTo: Make a checkbox list | check box, CheckBox, list, check list |  |
HowTo: See if the modem is connected | modem, connected, disconnected |  |
HowTo: Make a grid of checks without using CheckBox controls | check box, CheckBox, grid |  |
HowTo: Create a vertical splitter (paned window) using only VB | splitter, paned window, sash |  |
HowTo: Make a Wizard using tabs | wizard, tabs, steps |  |
HowTo: Make a Wizard using Prev/Next buttons | wizard, previous, next, steps |  |
Rant: VB .NET is less object-oriented than VB 6 | VB 7, VB .NET, VB 6, OOP, object-oriented programming | |
HowTo: Access controls by their names as text strings | control, controls, name |  |
HowTo: Create a four-way vertical and horizontal splitter (paned window) using only VB | splitter, paned window, sash |  |
Bug: For Each loop in VB .NET doesn't end with variable equal to Nothing | bug, loop, for each, ForEach, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Give an MDIForm a resizing background picture | MDI, background, draw, MDIForm |  |
HowTo: Disable Ctl-Alt-Del | ctl-alt-del, disable |  |
HowTo: Create a horizontal splitter (paned window) using only VB | splitter, paned window, sash |  |
HowTo: Calculate Pi using several series | pi, calculate, series, Euler, Gregory's Formula, Gregory's Series, Machin's Formula |  |
HowTo: Manage a 2-dimensional control array | control array, two-dimensional, 2D |  |
HowTo: Make a rotated bound ActiveX label control | bound control, data, data control, ActiveX, label, rotate |  |
HowTo: Copy a file with the Windows "copy file" animation | copy file, animation |  |
HowTo: Make a rotated bound ActiveX label control | bound control, data, data control, ActiveX, label, rotate |  |
HowTo: Darken an image using Point and PSet (shows how to perform simple image processing) | darken, brightness, darkness, Point, PSet |  |
HowTo: Copy the selected text in another application | copy text, clipboard |  |
HowTo: Build an ActiveX control that is bound to a Data control | bound control, data, data control, ActiveX, label |  |
HowTo: Find an ActiveX control's bounds in the parent that contains it | ActiveX control, bounds, Extender |  |
HowTo: Color HTML tags in a RichTextBox | color tags, HTML |  |
HowTo: Center an image, shrinking it to fit if necessary | center image, image, bitmap, picture, shrink, PaintPicture |  |
HowTo: Let the user browse through a folder view to select a directory | directory, browse, folder view |  |
HowTo: Copy the selected text from a WebBrowser control | copy text, clipboard, WebBrowser |  |
HowTo: Simulate Alt-PrintScrn to capture an image of a window in the clipboard | Alt-Prnt, print screen, clipboard, screen capture |  |
HowTo: Simulate Alt-PrintScrn to save a form's image into a bitmap file | Alt-Prnt, print screen, clipboard, screen capture, form image |  |
HowTo: Bind controls to an Access 2000 database using the ADO Data Control (ADODC) | bound control, database, data, ADO, ADODC |  |
HowTo: Save JPEG files with different levels of compression in VB .NET | JPEG, compress, compression, optimization |  |
HowTo: Draw a simple graph with Visual Basic alone | graph, equation |  |
HowTo: Graph a user-entered function by using Excel | graph, equation, scale, user-entered function, Excel |  |
HowTo: Let the user scroll through a very long graph | graph, long graph, scroll |  |
HowTo: Load data from a database and graph it | graph, data, database |  |
HowTo: Graph a parameterized function X(t), Y(t) | graph, function, parameterized function |  |
HowTo: Graph a function with parameters entered by the user using a convenient scale | graph, equation, scale |  |
Tip: Working with VB .NET and VB .NET 2003 | VB.NET, VB.NET 2003 | |
HowTo: Draw a continuous graph similiar to perfmon | graph, continuous graph, scroll, perfmon |  |
HowTo: Draw a continuous graph similiar to perfmon in VB .NET | graph, continuous graph, scroll, perfmon |  |
Talk: Fun With GDI+ | GDI+, graphics, drawing, VB .NET, Visual Basic .NET, Visual Studio .NET | |
HowTo: Manage MDI children using a toolbar | MDI, background, draw, MDIForm, child |  |
HowTo: Tile an MDIForm's background | MDI, MDIForm, background, tile |  |
HowTo: Manage menus in an MDI application, approach 2 | MDI, background, draw, MDIForm, child menus |  |
HowTo: Manage menus in an MDI application, approach 1 | MDI, background, draw, MDIForm, child menus |  |
HowTo: Give MDI child forms different toolbars | MDI, MDIForm, toolbar |  |
HowTo: Create a metafile | metafile, CreateMetaFile, drawing |  |
HowTo: Draw on an MDI parent form's background | MDI, background, draw, MDIForm |  |
HowTo: Drag items from one position in a list to another | list, drag, drag and drop |  |
HowTo: Let the user moves items from one FlexGrid control to another | FlexGrid, move items, drag drop |  |
HowTo: Use a small map window to let the user view a larger picture | map, map window, drag, key, scrollbars, thumbnail |  |
HowTo: Drag items from one position in a list to another displaying textual icons | list, drag, drag and drop, text icon |  |
HowTo: Search for values in a FlexGrid control and sort it by columns | FlexGrid, search, sort |  |
HowTo: Add an About dialog to the system menu and create menus at run time | About dialog, menu, custom menu, system menu |  |
HowTo: Color FlexGrid entries greater than a certain value | FlexGrid, cell, color |  |
HowTo: Allow the user to customize a toolbar | toolbar, customization |  |
HowTo: Bug: Problem installing IIS and VS .NET 2003 | bug, problem, IIS, Internet Information Server, VS .NET | |
HowTo: Overlay one image on another with alpha blending in VB .NET | alpha, alpha blending, transparent, translucent, semi-transparent |  |
HowTo: Use a solid brush and a wide pen in VB .NET | brush, fill, solid brush, solidbrush, pen, wide pen, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use a TextureBrush in VB .NET | brush, texturebrush, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use stock pens and brushes in VB .NET | pen, brush, stock, stock pen, stock brush, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make parts of a form transparent in VB .NET | form, transparent, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Save a picture into a file in VB .NET | PathGradientBrush, VB.NET, offset, center |  |
HowTo: Fill an area with a PathGradientBrush in VB .NET, using an offset center | PathGradientBrush, VB.NET, offset, center |  |
HowTo: Fill an area with a PathGradientBrush in VB .NET | PathGradientBrush, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Overlay one picture on another using MakeTransparent in VB .NET | overlay, transparent, PaintPicture, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Load a picture from a file in VB .NET | load picture, loadpicture, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Fill text with a LinearGradientBrush in VB .NET | filled text, lineargradientbrush, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use DrawImage to map the corners of an image into a parallelogram in VB .NET | DrawImage, copy picture, PaintPicture, VB.NET, map corners |  |
HowTo: Draw a closed curve in VB .NET, filled with a hatch pattern and outlined with a custom dash pattern | hatched, closedcurve, closed curve, hatch, dash, dashed line, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Convert an image to GrayScale one pixel at a time in VB .NET | grayscale, pixel-by-pixel, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Change a form's opacity in VB .NET | form, Opacity, transparent, translucent, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use DrawImage to map the corners of an image into a parallelogram in VB .NET, reflecting the image | DrawImage, copy picture, PaintPicture, VB.NET, map corners |  |
HowTo: Draw a hatched ellipse in VB .NET | ellipse, circle, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Copy one picture onto a location in another in VB .NET | DrawImage, copy picture, PaintPicture, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Copy part of an image onto another part of the image in VB .NET | DrawImage, copy picture, PaintPicture, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Print a multi-page picture | print, big picture, large picture |  |
HowTo: Remove lines containing a target string from a file | delete, remove, text file, line |  |
HowTo: Convert R, G, and B values into Visual Basic and Web hex colors | Web colors, Web palette, RGB, hex, hexadecimal |  |
HowTo: Draw dashed lines with thickness greater than 1 | dashed line, draw, dash |  |
HowTo: Get the Windows operating system version | Windows version, version, operating system |  |
HowTo: See how long Windows has been running | Windows, time, run time |  |
HowTo: Get the user's name | username, user name, GetUserName |  |
HowTo: Create an elliptical form | form, shape, region, SetWindowRgn, shaped form, ellipse, elliptical |  |
HowTo: See if the left mouse button is up or down even outside this program | mouse, up, down |  |
HowTo: Brighten or darken a picture | picture, brighten, darken, brightness, image |   |
HowTo: Make a ComboBox's dropdown area wide enough for its choices, allowing for ScaleMode | ComboBox, ComboBox width |  |
HowTo: Draw contour plots (level curves) for a function with known derivatives | contour, level curve, plot |   |
HowTo: Draw a simple log graph | graph, draw, log, log graph |  |
HowTo: Convert a number into words | number, words, hundred, thousand, million |  |
HowTo: Make a picture-shaped form in VB .NET | picture-shaped form, shaped form, transparent, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Make buttons display the picture under them | button, picture, tile |  |
HowTo: Convert a number into words, version 2 | number, words, hundred, thousand, million |  |
HowTo: Find the system's color depth (bits per pixel) | color, color depth, bits per pixel, bpp |  |
HowTo: Use Windows messages to read the choices in a ComboBox | ComboBox, list choices |  |
HowTo: Use a text file to initialize a ComboBox connected with a ListBox | ComboBox, ListBox, initialize, load |  |
HowTo: Change the width of a ComboBox's dropdown area | ComboBox, ComboBox width |  |
HowTo: Expand ComboBox choices while typing | ComboBox, combo, expand, autoexpand |  |
HowTo: Execute commands in a console window | console window, DOS window |  |
HowTo: Determine when a ComboBox is about to drop down | ComboBox, down event, dropdown event |  |
HowTo: Encipher text | cipher, encrypt, decipher, decrypt, encryption, decryption, |  |
HowTo: Save and restore FlexGrid column widths | FlexGrid, column width |  |
HowTo: Make a ComboBox's dropdown area wide enough for its choices | ComboBox, ComboBox width |  |
HowTo: Build a calculator | calculator |  |
HowTo: Change the height of a ComboBox's dropdown area | ComboBox, ComboBox height |  |
HowTo: Hide a program from Ctrl-Alt-Del (Windows 95) | ctrl-alt-del, control-alt-delete, kill |  |
HowTo: Capture video from a video device such as a Webcam with VB .NET | video, capture, Webcam. VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Capture video from a video device such as a Webcam | video, capture, Webcam |  |
HowTo: Create a vertical splitter using only VB | splitter, vertical, paned window, sash |  |
HowTo: Make a palette of colors for Web use | Web colors, Web palette |  |
HowTo: Display disk volume information | disk information, volume information, disk space, free space |  |
HowTo: Quickly view animated GIF files | animated GIF, GIF, view, viewer |  |
HowTo: Make a windowless clock control with a transparent background | clock, windowless, analog, transparent |  |
HowTo: List the links available at a URL | links, URL, Web |  |
HowTo: Make a Web browser that can only view certain URLs | Web browser, restrict, URL |  |
HowTo: Print a string on the printer with word wrap | print, printer, word wrap, TextWidth |  |
HowTo: Move a file into the wastebasket | wastebasket, recycle bin, delete |  |
HowTo: Make a form filled with holes | form, shape, region, SetWindowRgn, shaped form, holes, swiss cheese |  |
HowTo: Change a window's style (border, title bar, control box, etc.) at run time | window style, border, title bar, control box |  |
HowTo: Get file version information | file, version information |  |
HowTo: Empty the wastebasket | wastebasket, recycle bin, empty, delete |  |
HowTo: Make a form with an elliptical hole in it | form, shape, region, SetWindowRgn, shaped form |  |
HowTo: Copy a directory, its subdirectories, and the files it holds | copy directory, hierarchy, xcopy |  |
HowTo: Compute the greatest common divisor, least common multiple, and Bezout equality of two numbers | LCM, GCD, Bezout, least common multiple, greatest common divisor |  |
HowTo: Display "balloon" help when the mouse is over a button | balloon, help, popup |  |
HowTo: Convert a number into binary, decimal, hex, and octal | decimal, octal, hex, hexadecimal, binary |  |
HowTo: Make copy, cut, and paste menus for a WebBrowser control | WebBrowser, menu, copy, cut, paste |  |
HowTo: Change the desktop wallpaper | wallpaper, desktop, SystemParametersInfo |   |
HowTo: Use the API Pie function to draw pie slices | pie, pie slice |  |
HowTo: Clip lines to the boundary of a text string | clip, clipping, text, lines, path |  |
HowTo: Draw a circle using Line statements | circle, drawing, line |  |
HowTo: Animate a series of bitmaps stored in an ImageList | animation, bitmap, animate, multimedia |  |
HowTo: Make a beep with a non-standard frequency and duration | beep, tone, sound, frequency |  |
HowTo: Animate a series of bitmaps stored in in PictureBoxes | animation, bitmap, animate, multimedia |  |
HowTo: Use the Ellipse API function | ellipse, API, circle |  |
HowTo: Get a window's image using its hWnd in VB .NET | window, image, picture, hWnd, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Use the LoadImage API function to antialias an image and copy the result into an Image control | antialias, anti-alias, anti alias, alias, LoadImage, resize |  |
HowTo: Create a bitmap in memory and draw on it | memory bitmap, bitmap, CreateCompatibleDC, CreateCompatibleBitmap |  |
HowTo: Create a bitmap in memory, draw on it, and save the result in a bitmap file | memory bitmap, bitmap, CreateCompatibleDC, CreateCompatibleBitmap, pixels, save bitmap |  |
HowTo: Create a bitmap in memory and draw on its individual pixels | memory bitmap, bitmap, CreateCompatibleDC, CreateCompatibleBitmap, pixels |  |
HowTo: Create a bitmap in memory and draw on it using a type structure | memory bitmap, bitmap, CreateCompatibleDC, CreateCompatibleBitmap, CreateFont, TextOut |  |
HowTo: Create a bitmap in memory and draw text on it | memory bitmap, bitmap, CreateCompatibleDC, CreateCompatibleBitmap, CreateFont, TextOut |  |
HowTo: The let user drag an image in VB .NET | image, drag, transparent |  |
HowTo: Use BitBlt, StretchBlt, and PaintPicture and compare their speeds | BitBlt, StretchBlt, PaintPicture, performance, copy picture |  |
HowTo: Animate a bouncing ball on a blank background | bouncing ball, animation, blank background |  |
HowTo: Give a form a popup menu | popup menu, context menu, right click |  |
HowTo: Change the TextBox cursor blink rate | caret, cursor, blink rate, blink speed |  |
HowTo: Verify that JPG files are smaller and slower than BMP files | JPG, BMP, JPEG, GIF, bitmap, image, size, speed |  |
HowTo: Animate a bouncing ball on a background | bouncing ball, animation, background |  |
HowTo: Animate a complex moving object | overlay, moving object, moving picture, transparent picture |  |
HowTo: Make a scribble application with VB .NET | VB.NET, drawing, scribble |  |
HowTo: Load an image and save it in a different image format (GIF, JPG, TIFF, etc.) in VB .NET | image, VB.NET, type, BMP, bitmap, GIF, JPG, JPEG, TIF, TIFF, PNG, EMF, WMF, ICO, icon, Exif |  |
HowTo: Use Access data to make a Word table | Access, Word, table, VBA | |
Wiley Discount | discount, books, Wiley | |
Tip: Backup Outlook Express rules | email, Outlook Express, rules, filters, spam | |
HowTo: Show a project's product information set in Project\Properties\Make | version, copyright, minor, major, project properties, make |  |
Tip: Fix broken desktop icons | icons, broken icons, desktop | |
Tutorial: ASCII Codes | ASCII, codes, characters | |
Tip: Use shortcut keys to manage windows and the desktop | shortcut, keys, accelerators, windows | |
Tip: File System Object | File System Object, file, directory, dir | |
Rant: Why we are still waiting for Visual Basic Version 7 | VB 7, VB .NET | |
HowTo: Draw an arrowhead on a line | arrow, arrowhead, line, draw |  |
HowTo: Draw arcs with arrow heads | arrow, arrowhead, line, draw, arc |  |
HowTo: Let the user interactively draw lines with arrow heads | arrow, arrowhead, line, draw |  |
HowTo: Delete a directory and everything it contains using the File System Object | File System Object, file, directory, dir |  |
HowTo: Get a sorted list of files in a directory using the File System Object (FSO) and Quicksort | directory, dir, sorted, quicksort, File System Object, FSO |  |
HowTo: Get a sorted list of files in a directory using Dir and Quicksort | directory, dir, sorted, quicksort |  |
HowTo: Resize an image in VB .NET | resize, image, VB.NET, graphics |  |
HowTo: Let the user drag points to warp an image in VB .NET using DrawImage | warp, drag, rotate, image, VB.NET, graphics |  |
HowTo: Flip an image and/or rotate it by a multiple of 90 degrees in VB .NET | rotate, flip, image, VB.NET, graphics |  |
HowTo: Rotate an image in VB .NET using DrawImage | rotate, image, VB.NET, graphics |  |
HowTo: Warp an image in VB .NET using DrawImage | warp, rotate, image, VB.NET, graphics |  |
HowTo: Retrieve stock prices from the Web | stock, quotes, prices, Web, Inet control, Internet Transfer control, download |  |
HowTo: Retrieve stock prices from the Web, example | stock, quotes, prices, Web, Inet control, Internet Transfer control, download |  |
Tip: Dell offers cheap computer recycling and donation | recycling, recycle, donate, donation | |
HowTo: Get a printer's DRIVER_INFO_2 information | printer, driver, driver information, DRIVER_INFO_2 |  |
HowTo: Set tabs in a ListBox to make items line up nicely | ListBox, tab, tabs, columns |  |
HowTo: Make a FlexGrid's columns fit its data | FlexGrid, fit, autofit, ColWidth |  |
HowTo: Format a fraction in Word | Word, Office, fraction, format | |
HowTo: Safely manage control arrays with missing elements | control array, safe |  |
HowTo: Make a simple scribble application | scribble, draw |  |
HowTo: Make a scribble application using classes | scribble, draw, classes |  |
HowTo: See which word in a RichTextBox the user clicked | RichTextBox, scroll, line, print, preview, click |  |
HowTo: Draw rotated text | rotate, text, CreateFont |  |
HowTo: Rotate a picture 90 degrees | rotate, image, picture, rotation, GetBitmapBits, SetBitmapBits |  |
HowTo: Position a specific line at the top of a RichTextBox without flicker | RichTextBox, scroll, line |  |
HowTo: Show a print preview for a RichTextBox that uses multiple fonts | RichTextBox, scroll, line, print, preview |  |
HowTo: Convert RTF text into HTML | RichTextBox, RTF, Rich Text, HTML |  |
HowTo: Remove an item from the middle of an array quickly | array, remove, delete, CopyMemory, MemCopy, RtlMoveMemory |  |
HowTo: Draw rotated text in VB .NET | rotate, text, CreateFont, font, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Rotate a picture 90 degrees in VB .NET | rotate, image, picture, rotation, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Get the index of the first line visible in a RichTextBox | RichTextBox, scroll, line |  |
HowTo: List installed printers in VB .NET | printers, installed printers, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Create a Recordset and attach it to a DBCombo control | DBCombo, Recordset, bound column, ADO, database | |
HowTo: Find the angle between two line segments using the Law of Cosines | angle, line segments, law of cosines, arccosine, Acos |  |
HowTo: Find the angle between two line segments | angle, line segments |   |
HowTo: Convert between units of distance (meter, fathom, mile, etc.) | convert, units, meter, mile, foot, fathom, centimeter |  |
HowTo: Enable or disable all controls on a form | control, enable, disable |  |
HowTo: Enable or disable a group of controls | control, enable, disable, EnableControls |  |
HowTo: Make a form with a rectangular hole in it | form, shape, region, SetWindowRgn, shaped form |  |
HowTo: Display the HTML code at a URL | Web page, WebBrowser, browser, HTML |  |
HowTo: Display a Web document in a Visual Basic application | Web page, WebBrowser, browser |  |
HowTo: URL encode a string | URL, encode, code, string |  |
HowTo: Break text into lines and prefix them for mailing | mail, prefix, reply |  |
HowTo: Tile a form with an image | form, tile, background |  |
HowTo: Display a menu when the mouse is near the top of the form | menu, hide, show, top |  |
HowTo: Use a Recordset to copy data from an Access database into an Excel workbook | ADO, Access, Excel, database |  |
HowTo: Compare the items in two sorted arrays | compare, arrays, sorted |  |
HowTo: Dynamically create controls at runtime using Load and place them in a scrolled window | Load, dynamic control, runtime |  |
HowTo: Dynamically create controls at runtime using Controls.Add and place them in a scrolled window | Load, dynamic control, runtime, Controls.Add |  |
HowTo: Paste a picture into a RichTextBox | RichTextBox, rich text, rtf, paste, picture |  |
HowTo: Position text rotated 90 degrees | position text, rotate, |  |
HowTo: Make OwnerDraw menu items in VB .NET | OwnerDraw, menu, custom menu |  |
HowTo: Add pictures to a popup menu | popup, menu, picture, bitmap, image |  |
HowTo: Easily add bitmaps to menus | menu, picture, bitmap, image |  |
HowTo: Make a text-shaped PictureBox | text-shaped picture box, SetWindowRgn, region, shape, PictureBox |  |
HowTo: Make a shaped button in VB .NET | shape, polygon, button, SetWindowRgn, region, shaped button, VB .NET |  |
HowTo: Draw hollow text | hollow text, text, path |  |
HowTo: Make a shaped button | shape, polygon, button, SetWindowRgn, region, shaped button |  |
HowTo: Copy data from an Excel spreadsheet into an Access database | ADO, Access, Excel, database |  |
HowTo: Calculate the number of years, months, days, etc. between two dates | dates, age, DateDiff |  |
HowTo: Start another program using Shell | Shell, start, execute |  |
HowTo: Invert the colors in an image using VB .NET | VB .NET, graphics, image, grayscale, image processing |  |
HowTo: Convert an image to grayscale using VB .NET | VB .NET, graphics, image, grayscale, image processing |  |
HowTo: Validate phone numbers, zip codes, and Canadian postal codes | validate, validation, phone number, Zip code, Canadian postal codes, postal code, Canada |  |
HowTo: Read fixed-length records from a file | fixed-length, fixed length, record, random access, file |  |
HowTo: Make a program do something special the first time it runs | one time task, startup, first time |  |
HowTo: Calculate Nth root of a number | root, power, Sqr |  |
HowTo: Stop a ScrollBar from blinking | ScrollBar, scroll bar, blink |  |
HowTo: Programmatically select a tab in a TabStrip | tab, tab strip, tabstrip, select tab |  |
HowTo: Convert HTML colors to and from Visual Basic colors | Web color, HTML color, color, VB color |  |
HowTo: Make an expandable dialog with More and Less buttons | dialog, more, less, expandable, detail |  |
HowTo: List available printers and select one | printer, select printer, list printers |  |
HowTo: Find ordinal extensions (as in 1st, 2nd, 143rd, etc.) | ordinal extension, 1st, 2nd, 3rd |  |
HowTo: Compare the speed of passing variables ByRef and ByVal | ByVal, ByRef, speed, performance |  |
HowTo: Set the drawing origin in a PictureBox | origin, drawing, ScaleMode |  |
Quick Question: .NET Declarations | quick question, quiz | |
HowTo: Get and set a single database value in VB .NET | VB .NET, database, update, get, set |  |
HowTo: Run the Langton's Ant simulation | Langton's Ant, simulation, computability |  |
HowTo: Replace unwanted characters in a string | replace, character, remove, unwanted |  |
HowTo: Replace unwanted characters in a string using Replace | replace, character, remove, unwanted |  |
HowTo: Install a hotkey that minimizes the window with the focus | hotkey, minimize, focus window, accelerator, install hotkey, RegisterHotKey |  |
HowTo: Know when the user clicks on any control on a form | form, click, control |  |
HowTo: See why a form is closing | close, unload, QueryUnload, UnloadMode, closing |  |
HowTo: Measure elapsed time in VB .NET | VB.NET, elapsed time, time, timer function, seconds |  |
HowTo: Measure elapsed time | elapsed time, time, timer function, seconds |  |
HowTo: See how much disk space is used and free using GetDiskFreeSpaceEx | GetDiskFreeSpaceEx, GetDiskFreeSpace, disk space, free, used, precent |  |
HowTo: Get a directory's size (not including subdirectories) | DirSize, directory size |  |
HowTo: Install and deinstall hotkeys | hotkey, accelerator, install hotkey, RegisterHotKey |  |
Quick Question: Switch | quick question, quiz, Switch | |
Quick Question: Choose | quick question, quiz, Choose | |
HowTo: Give an ActiveX control a caption property that is also its default | default, caption, ActiveX, property |  |
HowTo: Give an ActiveX control a default property | default, ActiveX, property |  |
HowTo: Give an ActiveX control a caption property | caption, ActiveX, property |  |
HowTo: Read a CSV file into a ragged array of Variants | CSV, comma-separated value, file, data, array, ragged array, irregular array |  |
HowTo: Make a TextBox allow only letters and numbers | TextBox, letters, numbers, field, validate, context menu, popup |  |
HowTo: Register a product for a particular system | product, register, serial number, disk, system, shareware |  |
HowTo: Use the ShellExecute API function to execute a file, launch the Find utility, and perform default actions | ShellExecute, start, execute, find, open, default action |  |
HowTo: Make a bouncing ball screen saver | screen saver, commandline, command line, parameters, bounce |  |
HowTo: Start the system's screen saver | screen saver, start |  |
HowTo: Subclass to see when a control is about to become visible or invisible | control, visible, invisible, hide, event, subclass |  |
HowTo: Use the Subclasser class to subclass many windows at once | subclass, class, Subclasser |  |
HowTo: Get disk drive information in VB .NET using the FileSystemObject | disk, drive, list |  |
HowTo: List the system's disk drives in VB .NET using GetLogicalDrives | disk, drive, list |  |
HowTo: Let the user minimize, maximize, and restore a form, but not resize it in VB .NET | subclass, WindowProc, messages, VB.NET, NET, resize, minimize, maximize |  |
HowTo: Subclass to read Windows messages in VB .NET | subclass, WindowProc, messages, VB.NET, NET |  |
Tutorial: Subclassing | subclassing, WindowProc, event processing | |
HowTo: Shrink a form to a title bar and restore it when the user clicks on the caption | form, shrink, restore, minimize |  |
HowTo: Know when a form is moving and when it finishes moving | moving, move, finished moving |  |
HowTo: Redraw a form once when it has finished resizing | resize, finished, done |  |
HowTo: Let the user minimize, maximize, and restore a form, but not resize it | resize, minimize, maximize |  |
HowTo: Get system memory information | memory, system memory, resources |  |
HowTo: Put a form in the lower right corner accounting for the task bar | position form, taskbar, lower right |  |
HowTo: Get disk information including serial number | disk, serial number, GetVolumeInformation |  |
HowTo: Restore a form to the position it had when it was last run | form, position, GetWindowPlacement, SetWindowPlacement |  |
HowTo: Open Word and go to a bookmark in VB .NET | Office, Word, bookmark |  |
HowTo: Open Word and go to a bookmark | Office, Word, bookmark |  |
HowTo: Remove pictures from a Word document | Word, picture, shape, InlineShape, remove, graphic |  |
HowTo: Remove pictures from a Word document using VB.NET | VB.NET, NET, Word, picture, shape, InlineShape, remove, graphic |  |
HowTo: Call Word to spell check from Visual Basic | Office, Word, spell, spellcheck |  |
HowTo: Translate a Word file into a text file | Office, Word, translate, text file |  |
HowTo: Open Word files and add footers giving their file names | Office, Word, footer |  |
HowTo: Paste a picture into a Word file | Office, Word, picture, paste |  |
HowTo: Load a CSV (comma-separated value) file into an Excel spreadsheet "manually" | CSV, Excel, spreadsheet, comma-separated value |  |
HowTo: Load a CSV (comma-separated value) file in Excel and save it as an Excel spreadsheet | CSV, Excel, spreadsheet, comma-separated value |  |
HowTo: Use Visual Basic to write an Excel spreadsheet | Office, Eexcel, workbook, worksheet |  |
HowTo: Evaluate mathematical expressions using Excel | Office, Eexcel, expression, evaluate |  |
HowTo: Make a progress bar using only VB's intrinsic controls | progress bar, status bar, progress, status |  |
Tutorial: HTML Character Codes | HTML, codes, character codes | |
HowTo: Save and restore Rich Text File data | Rich Text, RichTextBox, text, file |  |
HowTo: Set a form's size in inches | form, size, inches |  |
HowTo: Place a form along an edge of the screen using the SysInfo control | form, screen, edge, SysInfo |  |
HowTo: Make a form stick to the edge of the screen | form, screen, edge, subclassing, stick |  |
HowTo: Center a form taking the taskbar into account | center form, taskbar |  |
HowTo: Call a subroutine by name in VB6 | subroutine, routine, VB6, CallByName |  |
HowTo: Place non-rotated letters along an elliptical path | text, ellipse, path |  |
HowTo: Print text that follows a curve | print, text, curve, rotate |  |
HowTo: Print rotated text using TextOut | print, rotate, text |  |
HowTo: Display a form using its name | form, display, form name |  |
HowTo: Flush mouse events | mouse events, ignore events, events, disable |  |
HowTo: Ignore events during a long process by disabling the form | ignore events, events, disable |  |
HowTo: Arrange MDI child forms | MDI, child form, subform |  |
HowTo: Calculate sines and cosines in degrees | since, cosine, trig, trigonometry |  |
HowTo: Print rotated text on the printer using PaintPicture | print, rotate, text, PaintPicture |  |
HowTo: Add a horizontal scroll bar to a ListBox | ListBox, scroll, hscroll, scrollbar, horizontal |  |
Visual Basic .NET Database Programming: Updates | ADO.NET, VB.NET, database programming |  |
HowTo: Draw pie slices and see which the user clicks in VB .NET | pie slice, wedge, circle, click |  |
HowTo: Draw pie slices in VB .NET | pie slice, wedge, circle |  |
HowTo: Draw pie slices | pie slice, wedge, circle |   |
HowTo: Draw pie slices and see which the user clicks | pie slice, wedge, circle, click |   |
HowTo: Make a random choice using the PickOne function | pick one, PickOne, random |  |
HowTo: Round a number to the nearest integer or truncate it | round off, truncate |  |
HowTo: Round a number to a multiple of some number | round off, digits, multiple |  |
HowTo: Let the user select, move, or resize an area using a Shape control | rubberband, rectangle, user drawing, ellipse |  |
HowTo: Find a window using its title and minimize, maximize, or restore it | find window, findwindow, API, minimize, maximize, restore, SetWindowPlacement |  |
HowTo: Find a window using GetWindow and minimize, maximize, or restore it | find window, GetWindow, API, minimize, maximize, restore, SetWindowPlacement, GetWindowTextLength, GetWindowText, window text |  |
HowTo: Find a window given part of its title and move it to the foreground | find window, foreground, partial title |  |
HowTo: Make a program display a control panel applet | control panel, applet |  |
HowTo: Display the standard icons used by MsgBox (exclamation, information, etc.) with LoadImage | icon, standard icon, MsgBox, exclamation, information, question, critical, winlogo, API, LoadImage |  |
HowTo: Display the standard icons used by MsgBox (exclamation, information, etc.) with LoadIcon | icon, standard icon, MsgBox, exclamation, information, question, critical, winlogo, API, LoadIcon |  |
HowTo: Upload and download files using FTP | FTP, upload, download |  |
HowTo: Create an icon file containing both 32x32 and 16x16 pixel icons | application, icon, graphics, 32x32, 16x16 |  |
HowTo: Send mail using MAPI (Mail API) | MAPI, mail, email, sendmail |  |
HowTo: Draw a font at different sizes in VB .NET | .NET, VB.NET, font, text, size, font size |  |
HowTo: Make two lists pick corresponding selections in VB .NET | .NET, VB.NET, ListBox, select, pick, corresponding |  |
HowTo: Make a full-featured icon editor with different color modes, hot spots, cut and paste, etc. | application, icon, graphics, 32x32 |  |
HowTo: Change a Frame control's background color | Frame, control, BackColor, background, color |  |
HowTo: Quickly load an array with values in VB4 | array, load, values, data |  |
HowTo: Quickly load an array with values in VB3 | array, load, values, data |  |
HowTo: Convert a date string with known format into a Date | date, format, convert |  |
HowTo: Calculate the number of days in a month | days, month, calendar |  |
HowTo: Read and write encrypted files using Xor | cryptography, Xor, file, encrypt, decrypt, code, decode, cipher, decipher |   |
HowTo: Let the user drag a vertical line side to side | drag, line, sash, rubberband |  |
HowTo: List screen and printer fonts | font, text, printer, screen |  |
HowTo: Show samples of the fonts available on the system | font, text |  |
HowTo: Draw a font at different sizes | font, text, size |  |
HowTo: Make two lists pick corresponding selections | ListBox, select, pick, corresponding |  |
HowTo: List a VB .NET program's command-line arguments | list, command line, command, arguments, .NET, VB.NET, CmdArgs, Sub Main, Function Main |  |
HowTo: Determine if the program is running in the IDE or an executable. | IDE, executable, run, running |  |
HowTo: Let the user resize an image with the mouse | resize, image, mouse |  |
HowTo: Easily add filters to a CommonDialog control | CommonDialog, filters |  |
HowTo: Use GetAttr to get a file's attributes | GetAttr, function, file, attributes |  |
How To: Display a transparent image with sound stored in the executable | graphics, animation, api, sound, wav, mid, MCI, mciSendString, user control |  |
HowTo: Position a form under the mouse | position, form, mouse |  |
HowTo: Allow only one instance of a program | instance, program |  |
HowTo: Display the number of times a program has run and its last run time | display, times run, last time |  |
HowTo: Turn CapsLock on and off | CapsLock, Caps Lock |  |
HowTo: Change display resolution in Windows XP | change display mode, resolution, change display size |  |
HowTo: Strip out extra tabs, CrLf and multiple spaces | clean, string |  |
HowTo: Save and load values from a file using Input and Write | save, load, values, file |  |
HowTo: Print the contents of the WebBrowser control | WebBrowser, print |  |
HowTo: Create a temporary file | create, temp, tmp, temporary, file |  |
HowTo: Determine where the user clicked on a form | form, click, position |  |
HowTo: See if a file exists and get the time it was last modified | file, exists, time, modified |  |
HowTo: List a program's command-line arguments | list, command line, command, arguments |  |
HowTo: Copy and paste images to the Clipboard | clipboard, copy, paste, image |  |
HowTo: Compare the speeds of Integers and Longs | Integer, Long, data type, speed, performance |  |
HowTo: Remove files from a Web server | Web, file, remove, URL, server, FTP |  |
HowTo: See which FlexGrid rows the user has selected | FlexGrid, selected, rows |  |
HowTo: Display a matrix in a FlexGrid control | FlexGrid, matrix |  |
HowTo: Find the default executable for a file | default, associated, executable, file |  |
HowTo: Track the caret's row and column in a TextBox | TextBox, track, caret |  |
HowTo: See when a TextBox is displaying its last line | TextBox, display, last line, sendmessage |  |
HowTo: Set tabs in a TextBox | TextBox, tabs, set |  |
HowTo: Open a file and read it all quickly | file, read |  |
HowTo: See which option button is selected using Select Case | Select Case, option, control, select |  |
HowTo: See if the floppy drive is empty | floppy, drive, empty |  |
HowTo: Treat return as a tab | return, tab |  |
HowTo: Center an image on a form | center, image, form |  |
HowTo: Display a different tip for each cell in a FlexGrid control | FlexGrid, cell, tip |  |
HowTo: Make a dockable toolbar | dockable, ToolBar |  |
HowTo: Make a countdown program | countdown, program |  |
HowTo: Get the program's current drive and directory | current, drive, directory |  |
HowTo: Find the total disk space used by a directory and its subdirectories | size, disk space, directory, subdirectories |  |
HowTo: Make a VB6 function return an array | function, array, return, VB6 |  |
HowTo: Make a FlexGrid's selected rows more distinctive | distinctive, FlexGrid, rows |  |
HowTo: Hide the cursor on a form | hide, form, cursor, mouse |  |
HowTo: Make roaches crawl over your screen | graphics, animation, roach, cockroach, desktop, transparent |  |
HowTo: Load a ListBox from a text file in VB .NET, skipping blank lines | VB.NET, NET, ListBox, text file, load, initialize, blank lines, blanks |  |
HowTo: Load a ListBox from a text file in VB .NET | VB.NET, NET, ListBox, text file, load, initialize |  |
HowTo: Create a unique constraint on data in VB.NET | VB.NET, NET, DataGrid, ADO.NET, unique, constraint |   |
HowTo: Make a dynamic ComboBox that saves the user's selections | ComboBox, dynamic |  |
HowTo: Load a ListBox using the lines in a file using Split | additem, ListBox, line, file, Split |  |
HowTo: Load a ListBox using the lines in a file | additem, ListBox, line, file |  |
HowTo: Make a button's caption bold when the mouse moves over it | button, caption, font, bold, mouse |  |
HowTo: Display an animated mouse cursor | animated, cursor, ani |  |
HowTo: Display a warning when a disk is too full | full, disk, warning |  |
HowTo: See if a control exists | control, exists |  |
HowTo: Send an Outlook Express attachment | Outlook Express, email, e-mail, attachment, ShellExecute, FindWindow |  |
HowTo: See if a string contains only digits or only letters | string, numeric, alpha, digits, letters |  |
HowTo: List all of a directory's subdirectories | list, directory, subdirectories |  |
Tip: Google Operators | google, search, operator | |
HowTo: Break a RGB color into its red, green, and blue components | RGB, color, components, separate |  |
HowTo: Make ladybugs wander around your desktop | graphics, animation, ladybugs, desktop, transparent |  |
HowTo: See if a file exists four ways | file, exists |  |
HowTo: Make a form keep the same aspect ratio when it resizes | form, aspect ratio, size, resize |  |
HowTo: See if a string is an integer | string, integer |  |
HowTo: Convert a character to and from its ASCII code | ASCII, value, character |  |
HowTo: Copy multi-line text into a ListBox using Split | ListBox, copy, additem, text, TextBox |  |
HowTo: Copy multi-line text into a ListBox | ListBox, copy, additem, text, TextBox |  |
HowTo: Dial the computer's modem | modem, dial, phone, MSComm |  |
HowTo: Upload files to a Web site and provide email confirmation | FTP, E-mail, email, WinZip, zip, Shell |  |
Prototyping With Visual Basic | software engineering, software development, prototyping, project management |  |
Discussion: What VB Versions Do You Use? | VB6, NET, DOT NET, VB3, VB5, VB4, VB 3, VB 4, VB 5, VB 6, version | |
HowTo: See what word is under the mouse in a RichTextBox | RichTextBox, TextBox, word, mouse, cursor |  |
HowTo: Work with random access records in a file | random access, file, open |  |
HowTo: Make a TextBox automatically capitalize input in VB .NET | NET, uppercase, upper case, lowercase, lower case, capitalize, TextBox, input |  |
HowTo: Make a program run at startup | startup, boot, login, logon, start, run, execute |  |
HowTo: Use the Clipboard to copy and paste text | Clipboard, copy, paste, text |  |
HowTo: Find a string within a TextBox | find string, find text, find, search, TextBox |  |
HowTo: Display a 10 line scrolling log using Split and Join | log, limit, scroll |  |
HowTo: Display a 10 line scrolling log | log, limit, scroll |  |
HowTo: Make a button with colored text using a CheckBox | CheckBox, command button, CommandButton, button, colored text |  |
HowTo: Make a button with colored text | command button, CommandButton, button, caption, colored text |  |
HowTo: Scroll a TextBox to show new text | scroll, scroll text, TextBox |  |
HowTo: Keep a form on top of others | form, top, on top, topmost, ontop |  |
HowTo: Initialize a ComboBox using values from a TextBox | ListItem, list, ComboBox, TextBox, add |  |
HowTo: Make a TextBox automatically capitalize input | uppercase, upper case, capitalize, TextBox, input |  |
HowTo: Make a TextBox automatically capitalize input using the API | uppercase, upper case, capitalize, TextBox, input |  |
HowTo: Initialize a ComboBox using values from a TextBox with the Split command | ListItem, list, ComboBox, TextBox, add, Split |  |
Tutorial: Using Floating Point Numbers | floating point, single, double, number | |
HowTo: Invoke a function by name using CallByName | CallByName, execute, invoke, call, function, subroutine |  |
HowTo: Use a DBCombo control | DBCombo, database, data |  |
HowTo: Use a FlexGrid control as a list holding pictures and text | FlexGrid, grid, list, picture |  |
HowTo: Use ComboBoxes and TextBoxes to let the user edit grid values | grid, edit, ComboBox, Textbox |  |
HowTo: Load ComboBox and ListBox controls from a database using ADO | ComboBox, ListBox, load, initialize, ADO, database, data |  |
HowTo: Save and restore all form control settings in the registry | SaveSetting, GetSetting, form settings |  |
HowTo: Read the links on a Web page | Web, URL, link, WebBrowser |  |
HowTo: Save and restore arrays of settings in the registry in two ways | SaveSetting, GetSetting, setting, array, registry |  |
HowTo: Use the LoadImage API function to antialias an image | antialias, anti-alias, anti alias, alias, LoadImage, resize |  |
HowTo: Trigger an event at 5, 10, 15, ... minutes after the hour. | alarm, hourly |  |
HowTo: Add a command to Autoexec.bat | autoexec.bat, batch files, startup |  |
HowTo: Tell when an application is activated or deactivated | activate, deactivate, subclass |  |
HowTo: Draw ellipses by specifying their bounding boxes | ellipse, bound, box, bounding box |  |
HowTo: Make an elliptical color gradient | ellipse, elliptical, gradient, color |  |
HowTo: Fill a polygon with a color gradient | polygon, gradient text, SetWindowRgn, region |  |
HowTo: Make a rotating polygonal shaped form | form, shape, polygon, rotate, spin, SetWindowRgn, region, shaped form |  |
HowTo: Make a polygonal shaped form | form, shape, polygon, SetWindowRgn, region, shaped form |  |
HowTo: Make selected text blink in a PictureBox | blink, text, PictureBox, color, flash |  |
HowTo: Make a label blink | blink, label, color, flash |  |
HowTo: Use Zlib and DIBs to save and restore compressed pictures in a database without using temporary files | DIB, picture, image, database, SetDIBits, GetDIBits, Zlib, compress |  |
HowTo: Use DIBs to save and restore pictures in a database without using temporary files | DIB, picture, image, database, SetDIBits, GetDIBits |  |
HowTo: Iterate over the items in an array of unknown dimension | iterate, array, dimension, multi-dimensional, unknown, For Each, loop |  |
HowTo: Programmatically move the mouse and simulate a click | mouse, click, move, simulate |  |
HowTo: Rotate the points in a polygon | rotate, polygon, point |   |
HowTo: Use the PolyPolygon API function to quickly draw a series of polygons | polygon, draw |   |
HowTo: Use the Polygon API function to quickly draw a polygon | polygon, draw |   |
HowTo: Shape a form to fit a picture | shape form, picture, transparent, region |   |
HowTo: Tile a polygon with a picture | picture, tile, polygon, region |   |
HowTo: Draw a polygon filled with a picture | region, path, polygon, picture |   |
HowTo: Draw a polygon filled with text | text, region, path, polygon |   |
HowTo: Draw text filled with a picture | text, region, path, picture |   |
HowTo: Print a PictureBox and any controls that are on top of or inside it | PictureBox, print, keybd_event, fit to printer |   |
HowTo: Save and restore a form's size and position when the program starts and stops | SaveSetting, GetSetting, registry, position, size, persist, persistence, save, retore, Form_Load, Form_Unload |  |
HowTo: Find a window from a partial title and move it to the upper left corner of the screen | find window, retrieve window, lost window, move window |  |
HowTo: Make an analog clock with numerals positioned at the lower right corner of the screen | position, lower right, analog, clock, numerals, time, move form |  |
HowTo: Draw outlined text without using the API | outline, text, API |  |
HowTo: Draw lines on a picture and erase them | picture, SavePicture, erase, Cls |   |
HowTo: Draw text on a picture and save the results into a file | text, picture, SavePicture |   |
HowTo: Convert text into proper case, version 2 | TextBox, case, proper case, propercase, StrConv |  |
HowTo: Quickly view graphic files scaled to fit the form | viewer, graphic files, view files, utilities, scale, fit |  |
Tutorial: Screen Scraping | screen scraping, mainframe, AS400, legacy systems | |
Tutorial: Size Forms to Fit the Screen | sizing, resizing, forms, fit screen |   |
Tutorial: Blocking Events | events, blocking | |
Tutorial: Map Coloring | map coloring, four color, map, five color | |
Tutorial: Dynamic Databases | database, dynamic, price |  |
Tutorial: Drawing Platonic Solids | Platonic solids, polyhedron, polytope, solid, tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron, hexahedron |  |
Discussion: VB6 or VB .NET? | VB6, NET, DOT NET | |
Tip: Getting started with Visual Basic | getting started, beginner, Visual Basic | |
HowTo: Convert text into proper case | TextBox, case, proper case, propercase, StrConv |  |
Tip: Download compression programs | compression, archive, zip, WinZip, WinRAR | |
HowTo: Open WinZip on a Zip file | Zip, WinZip, unzip, pkzip |  |
HowTo: Draw text centered on a picture | PictureBox, text, center, picture |  |
HowTo: Print a centered picture as large as possible without distortion | PictureBox, picture, print, center, aspect ratio |   |
HowTo: Print a picture centered | PictureBox, picture, print |  |
HowTo: Print a picture | PictureBox, picture, print |  |
HowTo: Display an animated GIF file | GIF, animated, animation |  |
HowTo: Rotate text in a Caption | text, rotate, Caption |  |
HowTo: Generate random text | code, random text |  |
Contest: DFA | DFA, deterministic finite automaton | |
HowTo: Draw text that shades letter by letter from one color to another | text, shade, color gradient |  |
HowTo: Make a label display a shadow safely when the mouse is over it | label, shadow, mouse, GetCursorPos, ScreenToClient |  |
HowTo: Make a label display a shadow simply when the mouse is over it | label, shadow, mouse |  |
HowTo: Display a Label control with a shadow | label, shadow |  |
HowTo: Persist text in the Registry | registry, text, save, restore |  |
HowTo: Draw text with a shadow | draw text, label, shadow |  |
HowTo: Quickly view graphic files | viewer, graphic files, view files, utilities |  |
HowTo: Quickly view text files | viewer, text files, view files, utilities |  |
HowTo: Print multiline text at a specific location on a form or printer | print, multiline, preview |  |
HowTo: Replace a TextBox's standard popup menu with a custom menu | TextBox, popup menu, context menu |  |
HowTo: Clear the TextBoxes on a form | TextBox, clear, erase, reset |  |
HowTo: Pass a control array to a subroutine as a parameter | control array, parameter, argument |  |
Advanced Visual Basic Techniques | Visual Basic, tips, tricks, advanced techniques |  |
HowTo: Let the user select all text with Ctrl-A in all TextBoxes | textbox, ctrl-a, control-a, select all |  |
HowTo: Let the user select all text with Ctrl-A | textbox, ctrl-a, control-a, select all |  |
HowTo: Size a RichTextBox to fit its contents | RichTextBox, rich text, rtf, tab, drag, reposition |  |
HowTo: Let the user reposition tabs in a RichTextBox | RichTextBox, rich text, rtf, tab, drag, reposition |  |
HowTo: Use tabs in a RichTextBox | RichTextBox, rich text, rtf, tab |  |
HowTo: Make "checkboxes" in a Rich Text Box | Rich Text, ETF, RichTextBox, checkbox, check, choice |   |
HowTo: Overlay Rich Text on a picture | Rich Text, ETF, RichTextBox, overlay, picture |   |
HowTo: Count the lines in a text file | count lines, text file |  |
Rant: Multithreading: A Kludge for Poor Software Design | multithreading, threading, thread |  |
HowTo: Determine whether a polygon is convex | polygon, convex, concave |   |
HowTo: Find a polygon's centroid (center of mass) | polygon, centroid, center of mass |   |
HowTo: Calculate a polygon's area | polygon, area |   |
HowTo: Find the orientation of a polygon (clockwise or counterclockwise) | polygon, orientation, clockwise, counterclockwise |   |
HowTo: Break a polygon into triangles | triangulate, triangle, polygon, geometry |   |
HowTo: Make a text control that let the program accept or reject changes | TextBox, accept, reject, cancel, preview, PreviewText |   |
HowTo: Find files matching a pattern below a directory that do or don't contain a string | search, match, subdirectory |  |
HowTo: Let a long process run asynchronously without multithreading | long process, multithreading, thread |  |
HowTo: Make a stellate geodesic sphere | graphics, stellate, geodesic, sphere, 3D |   |
HowTo: Import SQL Server data into an Access database | ADO, import, SQL Server |  |
HowTo: Make a geodesic sphere | graphics, geodesic, sphere, 3D |   |
Bug: Valid Access dates may overflow in SQL Server | SQL, SQL Server, Access, database, dates, overflow | |
Quick Question: Dim xxx As New Employee | quick question, quiz | |
PictureSaver | screen saver, PictureSaver |  |
Bug: SQL UNION fails in XP before SP 1 | SQL, UNION, Windows XP, SP 1, Service Pack |  |
HowTo: Invert an RGB color | color, invert, RGB, complement |   |
Quick Question: X \ COL_WID | quick question, quiz | |
HowTo: Write DXF files | DXF, CAD, drawing |  |
Tip: Work safely with Access and SQL Server dates | SQL Server, Access, database, dates, delimiter | |
HowTo: Sort Excel data using more than three columns | Excel, Office, sort |  |
HowTo: Save and use custom color lists | colors, color lists |  |
HowTo: Build a simple image list without an extra OCX | image list, imagelist |  |
HowTo: See if a string contains a minimal piece of another string | substring |  |
HowTo: Let the user select a TrueType font | select font, TrueType, common dialog |  |
HowTo: Use the Zlib compression library to compress and decompress byte arrays | compress, uncompress, decompress, zlib |  |
Quick Question: False * True | quick question, quiz | |
HowTo: Fill a large area one pixel at a time using SetBitmapBits | graphics, SetBitmapBits, GetBitmapBits, pixel |   |
HowTo: Fill a large area one pixel at a time using SetBitmapBits | graphics, SetBitmapBits, GetBitmapBits, pixel |   |
HowTo: Fill a large area one pixel at a time using a Bitmap object in VB.NET | graphics, SetPixel, .NET, pixel |   |
HowTo: Fill a large area one pixel at a time using PSet | graphics, PSet, pixel |   |
HowTo: Read and write an image's pixels using GetDIBits and SetDIBits | GetDIBits, SetDIBits, pixels, RGB |   |
HowTo: Convert RGB values into HLS values and vice versa | RGB, HLS, color, convert |   |
Utility: Ad-aware | Ad-aware, adware, scumware, spyware | |
HowTo: Make standard arrows for buttons | button, arrow, standard arrow, font, Marlett |  |
Quick Question: End of Week | quick question, quiz | |
HowTo: Fill in missing pixels in an image | fill, pixels, missing, interpolation, interpolate |   |
Tip: Enforce Enum case | Enum, case | |
HowTo: Center the mouse over a control | center mouse, mouse, center cursor, cursor |  |
Quick Question: Weekday(Date) Mod 6 | quick question, quiz | |
Quick Question: KeyAscii And 223 | quick question, quiz | |
HowTo: Make the directories in a complete path | directory, path |  |
HowTo: Resize specific controls to take advantage of form size | resize, specific controls, form size |  |
HowTo: Resize controls to fit a resizing form | resize, controls, fit |   |
HowTo: Center the controls on a form | center controls |  |
HowTo: Show a TextBox's vertical and horizontal scrollbars only when they are necessary | scrollbar, scrollbars, show, hide, TextBox |  |
HowTo: Apply a list of replacements in an Excel spreadsheet to a text file | Excel, replace, spreadsheet |  |
HowTo: Show a TextBox's vertical scrollbar only when it is necessary | scrollbar, show, hide, TextBox |  |
HowTo: Recompile an ActiveX DLL without recompiling the main application that uses it | recompile, ActiveX, DLL, compatible |  |
HowTo: Use ShellExecute to send mail using the default mail program | ShellExecute, mail, email, cc, bcc |  |
HowTo: Get an ISO 8601 compliant timestamp | ISO, timestamp, time |  |
HowTo: Evaluate mathematical expressions using code | mathematical expression, expression, evaluate |   |
HowTo: Let the user select a color using the CommonDialog control or red, green, and blue sliders | CommonDialog, color, pick, select, RGB, slider |   |
HowTo: Give an ActiveX class or control an indexed property | ActiveX DLL, ActiveX EXE, ActiveX control, indexed property |  |
HowTo: Left or right pad a string with a character | pad, fill |  |
HowTo: Convert values between decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary | convert, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, binary, base |   |
HowTo: Restrict a TextBox to at most four lines using the KeyPress event | TextBox, restrict, lines, carriage return |  |
HowTo: Restrict a TextBox to at most four lines using the Change event | TextBox, restrict, lines, carriage return |  |
HowTo: Execute ad hoc SQL scripts with ADO | build database, DB, ADO, SQL, ad hoc, query, script |   |
HowTo: Use a database to build a Web page | database, ADO, Web, HTML |   |
Bug: SQL statements must use mm/dd/yyyy date format | SQL, database, date format, mm/dd/yyyy, dd/mm/yyyy |  |
HowTo: Build an Access database and a table with records using ADOX | build database, DB, ADO, ADOX, make table, Access |   |
HowTo: Improve the performance of bubblesort | bubblesort, sorting |  |
HowTo: Make a "semi-modal dialog" that acts modal with respect to a single form in an application | semi-modal, modal, dialog |  |
HowTo: Shutdown or restart Windows using ExitWindowsEx | shutdown, restart |  |
HowTo: Refresh the desktop's icons | desktop icon size, Registry, regedit |  |
HowTo: Set the desktop icon size | desktop icon size, Registry, regedit |  |
HowTo: Get Registry values | Registry, regedit |  |
HowTo: Load a TreeView control from a compressed CSV file | TreeView, CSV, compressed |  |
HowTo: Load a TreeView control from a CSV file | TreeView, CSV |  |
HowTo: Load a TreeView control from an XML file | TreeView, XML |  |
Visual Basic .NET and XML: Updates | XML, extensible markup language, Web Services, DOM, schema, XSL, SQL Server |  |
HowTo: Load a TreeView control from a file using tabs to indicate indentation | TreeView, tab, tabbed file, indentation |  |
HowTo: Keep track of the last control to have the focus | focus |  |
HowTo: Dynamically create OptionButtons at run time using Load | OptionButton, Load, runtime |  |
Bug: DataForm Wizard has trouble with the bit data type | NET, DataForm Wizard, bit data type, CurrencyManager, BindingContext, add new records | |
HowTo: Keep track of the last control to have the focus before a button is pressed | focus, button |  |
HowTo: Start another program inside a PictureBox | Shell, start, execute, reparent, SetParent |  |
HowTo: Start another program inside your MDI form | Shell, start, execute, MDI, reparent, SetParent |  |
HowTo: Size a TextBox to fit its contents | TextBox, size, fit, resize |  |
HowTo: Draw a cycloid using VB .NET | cycloid, curve |   |
HowTo: Draw a cycloid | cycloid, curve |   |
HowTo: Make a text-shaped form in VB .NET | shaped form, text-shaped form, Region |  |
HowTo: Draw text filled with a color gradient in VB .NET | filled text, outline text, text, region, SetClip, FillPath, color, gradient |  |
HowTo: Draw text filled with text in VB .NET | filled text, outline text, text, region, SetClip, FillPath |  |
HowTo: Draw text filled with lines in VB .NET | filled text, outline text, text, region, SetClip, FillPath, DrawLine |  |
HowTo: Draw text filled with lines in VB .NET | filled text, outline text, text, region, SetClip, FillPath, DrawLine |  |
HowTo: Get the screen's current resolution | screen, resolution, size |  |
HowTo: Join tables in two different databases using linked tables | DAO, ADO, join, two databases, multiple databases |  |
HowTo: Join tables in two different databases using an ADO join | ADO, join, two databases, multiple databases |  |
HowTo: Use a DBCombo control bound at design time | DBCombo, DataCombo, ComboBox |  |
HowTo: Use the ImageCombo control | ImageCombo, ImageList, ComboBox |  |
Tip: Retrieve a control's Picture property | picture, retrieve | |
HowTo: Select a range with the Slider control | slider, range |   |
HowTo: Make a "heavyweight" label that can sit on top of a shockwave animation or other controls | label, windowless control, SetWindowRgn, region, lightweight, heavyweight |  |
HowTo: Find a specific entry in a delimited string (VB6) | delimited string, Split, VB6 | |
HowTo: Draw rubberband lines in VB .NET using DrawReversibleLine | rubberband, VB.NET, NET, redraw, AutoRedraw, DrawReversibleLine |  |
HowTo: Make a numeric field using the KeyPress and Change event handlers | TextBox, numeric |  |
HowTo: Make a transparent clock face | transparent, clock, face, SetWindowRgn, CreateRectRgn, CombineRgn, region |  |
HowTo: Make a DLL that contains icons or other pictures | DLL, icon, picture |  |
HowTo: Capture an image of what's displayed on a WebBrowser control | WebBrowser, image, capture, Web page, URL |  |
HowTo: Print and display a Print Preview for a WebBrowser control | print, print preview, WebBrowser, Web page, URL |  |
Tip: Reduce MSN Spam | MSN, hotmail, spam, Microsoft Passport | |
HowTo: Use classes to display data in a ListBox in .NET | VB.NET, NET, ListBox, class |  |
Tip: Use the command line in a DLL | command line, DLL, GetCommandLine | |
HowTo: Draw relationships among nodes | relationships, nodes, XML |   |
HowTo: Make a class that manages arrays retrieved by calling Recordset.GetRows | Recordset, GetRows, array |  |
HowTo: Print barcodes | barcodes |  |
HowTo: Make a collection class | collection class |  |
HowTo: Load data from a text file into ListBoxes | ListBox, text file, INI file |  |
Visual Basic .NET Database Programming: Related Articles | ADO.NET, VB.NET, database programming |  |
HowTo: Move a form using the arrow keys when the user right clicks its border | move form, drag, border, right click |  |
HowTo: Kill Internet Explorer popups | Internet Explorer, popups, ads |  |
HowTo: Make a 3-D solar system model, version 2 | graphics, DirectX, Direct3D, solar system |   |
HowTo: Make a 216 color palette | colors, palette |   |
HowTo: Move a form when the user clicks and drags its border | move form, drag, border |  |
HowTo: Tell when the user clicks on a form's border, or on the minimize, maximize, or close button | click, border, minimize, maximize, close, non-client area |  |
HowTo: Select a ComboBox value based on text the user types | ComboBox, type |  |
HowTo: Use ADO to page through records 10 at a time | ADO, CREATE TABLE, database, page |   |
HowTo: Use ADO to create a database table | ADO, CREATE TABLE, database |   |
HowTo: Enhance the performance of the ExecuteReader method in ADO .NET | SQL Server, database, ExecuteReader, SqlCommand, OleDbCommand, ADO.NET |  |
Tip: Don't download garbage in Outlook Express | email, Outlook Express, rules, filters, spam | |
Tip: Quick URLs with Internet Explorer | quick URLs, Internet Explorer | |
HowTo: Declare jagged arrays in VB .NET | variable, VB .NET, initialization, declaration, array, jagged array | |
HowTo: Declare arrays in VB .NET | variable, VB .NET, initialization, declaration, array | |
HowTo: Declare variables in VB .NET | variable, VB .NET, initialization, declaration | |
HowTo: Let the user move a 1-pixel wide form without a title bar | move form, no title bar, drag form |  |
HowTo: Let the user move a form without a title bar | move form, no title bar, drag form |  |
Tip: Use email with SQL Server | email, SQL Server, database | |
HowTo: Make a numeric field using the KeyPress event handler | numeric field, KeyPress, locked TextBox |   |
Book Review: VB.Net the Product | VB.NET | |
Book Review: VB.Net | book review, VB.NET |  |
HowTo: Search a TreeView control and replace text | TreeView, search, replace |  |
HowTo: Restrict paste in a TextBox's context menu | TextBox, right click, popup, context menu | |
HowTo: Drag nodes from one TreeView control to another | Drag and drop, TreeView |  |
HowTo: Drag items between two ListBoxes | drag and drop, ListBox |  |
HowTo: Build a silly work manager | work manager, desktop, Dilbert, quitting time |   |
HowTo: Make a TextBox accept only digits | TextBox, only digits, numeric field |   |
HowTo: Make a numeric field using locked TextBoxes | numeric field, KeyPress, locked TextBox |   |
Visual Basic .NET and XML: Related Articles | XML, extensible markup language, Web Services, DOM, schema, XSL, SQL Server |  |
HowTo: Make a numeric field | numeric field, KeyPress |  |
HowTo: Shorten links | shorten link | |
HowTo: Improve swap performance | performance, memory, swapping | |
HowTo: Use ADO to display SQL Server tables and records in a TreeView control | ADO, SQL Server, database |   |
HowTo: Let the user draw arcs | arc, circle, Atn, ATan3, arctangent |  |
HowTo: Select newly added items in a ListBox | |  |
HowTo: Copy the lines in a file into a ListBox | |  |
Visual Basic .NET Database Programming: Source Code | ADO.NET, VB.NET, database programming |  |
Visual Basic .NET Database Programming: Table of Contents | ADO.NET, VB.NET, database programming |  |
Visual Basic .NET Database Programming | ADO.NET, VB.NET, database programming |  |
HowTo: Display read-only data from an Access database using ADO.NET | VB.NET, NET, DataGrid, ADO.NET, Access, read-only data |   |
HowTo: Display read-only data from an MSDE or SQL Server database using ADO.NET | VB.NET, NET, DataGrid, ADO.NET, MSDE, SQL Server, read-only data |   |
HowTo: Use compiled-in data with ADO.NET | VB.NET, NET, DataGrid, ADO.NET, inline data, compiled-in data |   |
HowTo: Use ADO to list database tables and their records in a TreeView | ADO, database, tables, records, TreeView |  |
HowTo: Bind TextBoxes to an ADO Recordset at run time | ADO, database, bind, data binding |  |
HowTo: Use ADO to list the tables and fields in a database | ADO, database, tables, fields |  |
HowTo: Scroll tooltips | scroll, tooltips |  |
HowTo: Use ADO to make a database table with default column values | ADO, database, create table, default column value |  |
HowTo: Use ADO to load data into a FlexGrid control | ADO, database, FlexGrid |  |
HowTo: Use ADO's GetRows method to quickly load data into an array | ADO, database, load array, fill array, GetRows |  |
HowTo: Use ADO to populate a ListBox with data values | ADO, database, ListBox, populate, fill |  |
HowTo: Use ADO to get data from a read-only Access database | ADO, Access, database, connect, read-only |  |
HowTo: Use ADO to insert records into a database | ADO, database, insert |  |
HowTo: Open an Oracle database using ADO | ADO, Oracle, database, connect |  |
HowTo: Make changes to the Registry using a .REG file | serialize, deserialize, XML, typelib, type information | |
HowTo: Draw color gradients | color gradients, gradients |  |
HowTo: Serialize and deserialize objects in VB6 | serialize, deserialize, XML, typelib, type information |  |
HowTo: Draw rubberband lines in VB .NET | rubberband, VB.NET, NET, redraw, AutoRedraw |  |
HowTo: Set the selected item in a ListView control | ListView, selected item |  |
HowTo: Disable a TextBox's context menu | TextBox, right click, popup, context menu |  |
HowTo: Disable a ComboBox's context menu | ComboBox, right click, popup, context menu |  |
HowTo: Display data in a DataGrid control and see what cell is selected | DataGrid, cell, select |  |
HowTo: Tell if a ListBox's value changed because of a mouse click or code | ListBox, click or code |  |
HowTo: Set and use multiple bookmarks in the DBGrid control | DBGrid, bookmark |   |
HowTo: Set and use a bookmark in the DBGrid control | DBGrid, bookmark |   |
HowTo: Give a TreeView control option buttons and check boxes | TreeView, option button, check box, OptionButton, CheckBox |   |
HowTo: Use ADO to display database tables and records in a TreeView control | ADO, TreeView, database |  |
HowTo: Shutdown or restart Windows | shutdown, restart | |
HowTo: Draw arrows | arrow, arrowhead, lines |   |
HowTo: Draw a dashed polyline | polyline, dashed, draw |   |
HowTo: Display a secret desktop folder | desktop folder, folder | |
HowTo: Make buttons display the picture that is under them | button, command button, picture |  |
Visual Basic .NET and XML: Source Code | XML, extensible markup language, Web Services, DOM, schema, XSL, SQL Server |  |
Visual Basic .NET and XML: Table of Contents | XML, extensible markup language, Web Services, DOM, schema, XSL, SQL Server |  |
Visual Basic .NET and XML | XML, extensible markup language, Web Services, DOM, schema, XSL, SQL Server |  |
HowTo: Make a scrolled window | scrolled window |   |
HowTo: Fill a PictureBox with a picture preserving its aspect ratio | picture, fit, stretch, aspect ratio, resize |  |
HowTo: Prefix mail text | prefix mail text, email, break lines |  |
HowTo: Calculate PI statistically | PI, random, statistics |  |
HowTo: Let the user move and modify multiple polygons with grab handles | polygons, drag, grab handles, object-oriented design, classes, objects |  |
HowTo: Make a text-shaped form with outlined text | CreateFont, SetWindowRgn, region, text-shaped form, shaped form, outlined text |  |
HowTo: Make a text-shaped form | CreateFont, SetWindowRgn, region, text-shaped form, shaped form |  |
HowTo: Draw text filled with a color gradient | filled text, outline text, text, gradient text, CreateFont, SetWindowRgn, region |  |
HowTo: Draw text filled with lines | filled text, outline text, text, CreateFont, SetWindowRgn, region |  |
Tip: Resolve Invalid Cast exceptions | Invalid Cast exception, VB.NET | |
HowTo Take Advantage of Intellisense | intellisense | |
HowTo: Update last modification and access times (touch) | modification, access, last modification time, last access time, touch, file, update, file times |  |
HowTo: Get and set a file's contents | file, read file, write file |  |
HowTo: Draw a rubberband star | rubberband, star, user drawing |  |
HowTo: Draw a rubberband ellipse | rubberband, ellipse, user drawing |  |
HowTo: Draw a rubberband rectangle | rubberband, rectangle, user drawing |  |
HowTo: Draw a rubberband line | rubberband, line, user drawing |  |
HowTo: Use ADO to convert between various database formats | ADO, database, Jet, Access, dBase, Paradox, Excel, text files, HTML |  |
HowTo: Load an application's form and Task Manager icons from a resource file | icon, application icon, task manager, resource file |  |
HowTo: Make a 3-D solar system model | graphics, DirectX, Direct3D, solar system |   |
HowTo: Use SQL to copy data from an Excel spreadsheet into an Access database | ADO, Access, Excel, database, SQL | |
HowTo: Make a field for the user to enter an IP address | IP address, masked field, validation |  |
HowTo: Tell in what state a Social Security Number was probably issued | load data, lookup data, Social Security Numbers |  |
HowTo: Make a sorted collection class | sorting, algorithms, sorted collection class, SortedCollection class |   |
HowTo: Loop through database records and modify them individually | database, ADO, update, records |  |
HowTo: Shade objects with a color gradient | shade, gradient, color gradient |  |
HowTo: Load data from a database using ADO and display it in a tabbed list | database, ADO, tabs |  |
HowTo: Join two tables in different databases | ADO, ADOX, join, databases |  |
HowTo: See if a printer is a PostScript printer | printer, PostScript |  |
HowTo: Animate without Timers | animation, Timer, Do Loop, multitasking |  |
HowTo: Draw interesting symmetric patterns | symmetry, drawing, patterns |  |
HowTo: Unload a form and clear the variables it contains | forms, unload, clear, variables |  |
Tip: Lost COMCTL32.OCX | tips, lost COMCTL32.OCX, COMCTL32.OCX | |
HowTo: Make an animation that types characters one at a time | animation, typewriter |  |
HowTo: Sort a list using quicksort | sorting, quicksort, algorithms |   |
HowTo: Break code lines at a specified width | strings, code, break code |  |
How To: Find the text before, between, and after two target strings | strings, before, between, after, target |  |
Ready-To-Run Delphi Algorithms: Updates | algorithms, sorting, searching, data structures |  |
Ready-To-Run Delphi Algorithms: Table of Contents | algorithms, sorting, searching, data structures |  |
Ready-to-Run Delphi Algorithms | algorithms, sorting, searching, data structures |  |
Advanced Visual Basic Techniques: Updates | Visual Basic, tips, tricks, advanced techniques |  |
Advanced Visual Basic Techniques: Table of Contents | Visual Basic, tips, tricks, advanced techniques |  |
Ready-To-Run Visual Basic Algorithms: Q & A | algorithms, sorting, searching, data structures |  |
Ready-To-Run Visual Basic Algorithms: Updates | algorithms, sorting, searching, data structures |  |
Bug Proofing Visual Basic: Sample Text | software engineering, software development, bug proofing, error handling, bugs, bug-proofing |  |
Ready-To-Run Visual Basic Algorithms: Table of Contents | algorithms, sorting, searching, data structures |  |
Custom Control Library | custom controls, ActiveX controls |  |
Bug Proofing Visual Basic: Discussion: Performance Tips | software engineering, software development, performance, bug proofing, error handling, bugs, bug-proofing |  |
Ready-to-Run Visual Basic Graphics Programming: What's New in Edition 2 | graphics, drawing, printing, image processing, ray tracing, animation, curve fitting |  |
Ready-to-Run Visual Basic Graphics Programming: Scale Method Bug | graphics, drawing, printing, image processing, ray tracing, animation, curve fitting | |
Ready-to-Run Visual Basic Graphics Programming: Selecting High Color | graphics, drawing, printing, image processing, ray tracing, animation, curve fitting |  |
Ready-to-Run Visual Basic Graphics Programming: High Color | graphics, drawing, printing, image processing, ray tracing, animation, curve fitting |  |
Ready-to-Run Visual Basic Graphics Programming: Table of Contents | graphics, drawing, printing, image processing, ray tracing, animation, curve fitting |  |
Ready-to-Run Visual Basic Graphics Programming | graphics, drawing, printing, image processing, ray tracing, animation, curve fitting |  |
Bug Proofing Visual Basic: Discussion: Rigorous Design | software engineering, software development, design, bug proofing, error handling, bugs, bug-proofing |  |
Bug Proofing Visual Basic: Discussion: Named Arguments | software engineering, software development, bug proofing, error handling, bugs, bug-proofing |  |
Ready-to-Run Visual Basic Graphics Programming: John Stalcup's Methods | graphics, drawing, printing, image processing, ray tracing, animation, curve fitting | |
Bug Proofing Visual Basic: Discussion: "About Face" | software engineering, software development, user interface design, bug proofing, error handling, bugs, bug-proofing |  |
Bug Proofing Visual Basic: Discussion: Naming Conventions | software engineering, software development, bug proofing, error handling, bugs, bug-proofing |  |
Ready-to-Run Visual Basic Code Library: Sample Text | Visual Basic, tips, tricks, examples |  |
Ready-to-Run Visual Basic Code Library: Table of Contents | Visual Basic, tips, tricks, examples |  |
Prototyping With Visual Basic: Example Code | software engineering, software development, prototyping, project management |  |
Ready-to-Run Visual Basic Code Library | Visual Basic, tips, tricks, examples |  |
Bug Proofing Visual Basic: Discussion, Q & A | software engineering, software development, bug proofing, error handling, bugs, bug-proofing |  |
Bug Proofing Visual Basic: Updates | software engineering, software development, bug proofing, error handling, bugs, bug-proofing |  |
Bug Proofing Visual Basic: Source Code | software engineering, software development, bug proofing, error handling, bugs, bug-proofing |  |
Bug Proofing Visual Basic: Comment Templates | software engineering, software development, bug proofing, error handling, bugs, bug-proofing |  |
Bug Proofing Visual Basic: Table of Contents | software engineering, software development, bug proofing, error handling, bugs, bug-proofing |  |
Prototyping With Visual Basic: Table of Contents | software engineering, software development, prototyping, project management |  |
How To: Get a sorted list of the files in a directory | sorting, directory, files, quicksort, Dir |  |
Ready-To-Run Visual Basic Algorithms | algorithms, sorting, searching, data structures |  |
Bug Proofing Visual Basic | software engineering, software development, bug proofing, error handling, bugs, bug-proofing |  |
How To: Play an MP3 audio file | multimedia, MP3, audio, sound |  |
HowTo: Give an ActiveX class or control an indexed property | ActiveX DLL, ActiveX control, indexed property |  |